private void SaveUser() { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } // gather data from form UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); user.UserId = 0; user.Role = (UserRole)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserRole), role.SelectedValue); user.StatusId = Int32.Parse(status.SelectedValue); user.OwnerId = PanelSecurity.SelectedUserId; user.IsDemo = chkDemo.Checked; user.IsPeer = false; // account info user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; user.LastName = txtLastName.Text; user.SubscriberNumber = txtSubscriberNumber.Text; user.Email = txtEmail.Text; user.SecondaryEmail = txtSecondaryEmail.Text; user.HtmlMail = ddlMailFormat.SelectedIndex == 1; user.Username = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); // user.Password = userPassword.Password; // contact info user.CompanyName = contact.CompanyName; user.Address = contact.Address; user.City = contact.City; user.Country = contact.Country; user.State = contact.State; user.Zip = contact.Zip; user.PrimaryPhone = contact.PrimaryPhone; user.SecondaryPhone = contact.SecondaryPhone; user.Fax = contact.Fax; user.InstantMessenger = contact.MessengerId; // add a new user List <string> log = new List <string>(); try { //int userId = UsersHelper.AddUser(log, PortalId, user); int userId = PortalUtils.AddUserAccount(log, user, chkAccountLetter.Checked, userPassword.Password); if (userId == BusinessErrorCodes.ERROR_INVALID_USER_NAME) { ShowResultMessage(BusinessErrorCodes.ERROR_INVALID_USER_NAME); return; } if (userId < 0) { ShowResultMessage(userId); return; } // show log records if any if (log.Count > 0) { blLog.Items.Clear(); foreach (string error in log) { blLog.Items.Add(error); } return; } // go to user home Response.Redirect(PortalUtils.GetUserHomePageUrl(userId)); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("USER_ADD_USER", ex); return; } }
public string GetUserHomePageUrl(int userId) { return(PortalUtils.GetUserHomePageUrl(userId)); }
private void BindMenu(MenuItemCollection items, XmlNodeList nodes) { foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { string pageId = null; if (node.Attributes["pageID"] != null) { pageId = node.Attributes["pageID"].Value; } if (!PortalUtils.PageExists(pageId)) { continue; } string url = null; if (node.Attributes["url"] != null) { url = node.Attributes["url"].Value; } string title = null; if (node.Attributes["title"] != null) { title = node.Attributes["title"].Value; } string target = null; if (node.Attributes["target"] != null) { target = node.Attributes["target"].Value; } string resourceGroup = null; if (node.Attributes["resourceGroup"] != null) { resourceGroup = node.Attributes["resourceGroup"].Value; } string quota = null; if (node.Attributes["quota"] != null) { quota = node.Attributes["quota"].Value; } bool disabled = false; if (node.Attributes["disabled"] != null) { disabled = Utils.ParseBool(node.Attributes["disabled"].Value, false); } // get custom page parameters XmlNodeList xmlParameters = node.SelectNodes("Parameters/Add"); List <string> parameters = new List <string>(); foreach (XmlNode xmlParameter in xmlParameters) { parameters.Add(xmlParameter.Attributes["name"].Value + "=" + xmlParameter.Attributes["value"].Value); } // add menu item string pageUrl = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? url : PortalUtils.NavigatePageURL( pageId, PortalUtils.SPACE_ID_PARAM, PanelSecurity.PackageId.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); string pageName = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? title : PortalUtils.GetLocalizedPageName(pageId); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(pageName, "", "", disabled ? null : pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { item.Target = target; } item.Selectable = !disabled; // check groups/quotas bool display = true; if (cntx != null) { display = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceGroup) || cntx.Groups.ContainsKey(resourceGroup)) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(quota) || (cntx.Quotas.ContainsKey(quota) && cntx.Quotas[quota].QuotaAllocatedValue != 0)); } if (display) { // process nested menu items XmlNodeList xmlNestedNodes = node.SelectNodes("MenuItems/MenuItem"); BindMenu(item.ChildItems, xmlNestedNodes); } if (display && !(disabled && item.ChildItems.Count == 0)) { items.Add(item); } } }
public string GetNestedSpacesPageUrl(string parameterName, string parameterValue) { return(NavigatePageURL(PortalUtils.GetNestedSpacesPageId(), PortalUtils.SPACE_ID_PARAM, PanelSecurity.PackageId.ToString(), parameterName + "=" + parameterValue)); }
private void BindMenu(MenuItemCollection items, XmlNodeList nodes) { bool ecUserEnabled = false; bool ecAdminEnabled = PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.EcommerceEnabled; // UserInfo parent = UsersHelper.GetUser(PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.OwnerId); // if (parent != null) { ecUserEnabled = parent.EcommerceEnabled; } foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { string pageId = null; if (node.Attributes["pageID"] != null) { pageId = node.Attributes["pageID"].Value; } if (!PortalUtils.PageExists(pageId)) { continue; } string url = null; if (node.Attributes["url"] != null) { url = node.Attributes["url"].Value; } string title = null; if (node.Attributes["title"] != null) { title = node.Attributes["title"].Value; } string target = null; if (node.Attributes["target"] != null) { target = node.Attributes["target"].Value; } string roles = null; if (node.Attributes["roles"] != null) { roles = node.Attributes["roles"].Value; } string selectedUserContext = null; if (node.Attributes["selectedUserContext"] != null) { selectedUserContext = node.Attributes["selectedUserContext"].Value; } // get custom page parameters XmlNodeList xmlParameters = node.SelectNodes("Parameters/Add"); List <string> parameters = new List <string>(); foreach (XmlNode xmlParameter in xmlParameters) { parameters.Add(xmlParameter.Attributes["name"].Value + "=" + xmlParameter.Attributes["value"].Value); } bool display = true; // set user role visibility second if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedUserContext)) { display = false; string[] arrRoles = selectedUserContext.Split(','); string userRole = PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.Role.ToString(); foreach (string role in arrRoles) { if (String.Compare(userRole, role, true) == 0) { display = true; break; } } } if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roles)) & display) { display = false; string[] arrRoles = roles.Split(','); string userRole = PanelSecurity.LoggedUser.Role.ToString(); foreach (string role in arrRoles) { if (String.Compare(userRole, role, true) == 0) { display = true; break; } } } // set ecommerce user visibility first if (display && node.Attributes["ecuser"] != null) { display = ecUserEnabled; } // set ecommerce admin visibility third if (display && node.Attributes["ecadmin"] != null) { display = ecAdminEnabled; } //Audit Log functionality is disabled when user is in Demo mode if ((pageId == "AuditLog") && (PanelSecurity.SelectedUser.IsDemo)) { display = false; } // add menu item if (display) { string pageUrl = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? url : PortalUtils.NavigatePageURL( pageId, PortalUtils.USER_ID_PARAM, PanelSecurity.SelectedUserId.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); string pageName = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? title : PortalUtils.GetLocalizedPageName(pageId); MenuItem item = new MenuItem(pageName, "", "", pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { item.Target = target; } items.Add(item); // process nested menu items XmlNodeList xmlNestedNodes = node.SelectNodes("MenuItems/MenuItem"); BindMenu(item.ChildItems, xmlNestedNodes); } } }
public string GetSpaceHomePageUrl(int spaceId) { return(PortalUtils.GetSpaceHomePageUrl(spaceId)); }
private void BindCountries() { PortalUtils.LoadCountriesDropDownList(lstCountries, null); lstCountries.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(GetSharedLocalizedString("ListItem.NotSpecified"), "")); }
private void SaveUser() { if (Page.IsValid) { // gather data from form UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); user.UserId = PanelSecurity.SelectedUserId; user.Role = (UserRole)Enum.Parse(typeof(UserRole), role.SelectedValue); user.IsDemo = chkDemo.Checked; user.Status = ViewState[UserStatusConst] != null ? (UserStatus)ViewState[UserStatusConst]: UserStatus.Active; // user.EcommerceEnabled = chkEcommerceEnbl.Checked; user.LoginStatusId = loginStatus.SelectedIndex; // account info user.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; user.LastName = txtLastName.Text; user.SubscriberNumber = txtSubscriberNumber.Text; user.Email = txtEmail.Text; user.SecondaryEmail = txtSecondaryEmail.Text; user.HtmlMail = ddlMailFormat.SelectedIndex == 1; // contact info user.CompanyName = contact.CompanyName; user.Address = contact.Address; user.City = contact.City; user.Country = contact.Country; user.State = contact.State; user.Zip = contact.Zip; user.PrimaryPhone = contact.PrimaryPhone; user.SecondaryPhone = contact.SecondaryPhone; user.Fax = contact.Fax; user.InstantMessenger = contact.MessengerId; // update existing user try { int result = PortalUtils.UpdateUserAccount(/*TaskID, */ user); //int result = ES.Services.Users.UpdateUserTaskAsynchronously(TaskID, user); AsyncTaskID = TaskID; if (result.Equals(-102)) { if (user.RoleId.Equals(3)) { ShowResultMessage(result); return; } } else { if (result < 0) { ShowResultMessage(result); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("USER_UPDATE_USER", ex); return; } // return back to the list RedirectAccountHomePage(); } }
protected string GetNavigateDiskspaceDetails(int packageId) { return(PortalUtils.NavigatePageURL("DiskspaceReport", PortalUtils.SPACE_ID_PARAM, packageId.ToString(), "ctl=edit", "moduleDefId=DiskspaceReport")); }