private void SetProviderProperties(KeyValueBunch props) { // txtUsername.Text = props[PayPalProSettings.USERNAME]; // chkLiveMode.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(props[PayPalProSettings.LIVE_MODE], false); }
public void Order() { int rootServiceId = Utils.ParseInt(ServiceSettings[ROOT_SERVICE_ID], 0); // each add-on should have root service id assigned if (rootServiceId < 0) { throw new Exception( "Incorrect add-on settings. Root Service ID couldn't be found please review logs and correct this issue." ); } // get root service settings KeyValueBunch rootSettings = ServiceController.GetServiceSettings( ServiceInfo.SpaceId, rootServiceId ); // failed to load root service settings if (rootSettings == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to load root service settings."); } // add package add-on PackageAddonInfo addon = new PackageAddonInfo(); // load Package ID int packageId = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(rootSettings[PACKAGE_ID], out packageId)) { throw new Exception("Couldn't parse parent service settings: PackageID property. Parent Service ID: " + rootServiceId); } // load Plan ID int hostingAddon = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(ServiceSettings[HOSTING_ADDON], out hostingAddon)) { throw new Exception("Couldn't parse service settings: HostingAddon property. Service ID: " + ServiceInfo.ServiceId); } addon.PackageId = packageId; addon.PlanId = hostingAddon; addon.Quantity = 1; addon.StatusId = (int)PackageStatus.Active; addon.PurchaseDate = DateTime.UtcNow; PackageResult result = PackageController.AddPackageAddon(addon); // failed to create package add-on if (result.Result < 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to add package add-on. Status code: " + result.Result); } // save service settings PackageAddonID = result.Result.ToString(); }
private void SetProviderSettings(KeyValueBunch props) { // set business txtBusiness.Text = props[PayPalStdSettings.BUSINESS]; // set live mode chkLiveMode.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(props[PayPalStdSettings.LIVE_MODE], false); }
public static KeyValueBunch FillSettingsBunch(IDataReader reader, string keyNameColumn, string keyValueColumn) { KeyValueBunch bunch = null; try { bunch = new KeyValueBunch(); while (reader.Read()) { bunch[(String)reader[keyNameColumn]] = (String)reader[keyValueColumn]; } } catch { bunch = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return(bunch); }
public static T FillSettingsBunch <T>(IDataReader reader, string keyNameColumn, string keyValueColumn) { Type type = typeof(T); KeyValueBunch bunch = (KeyValueBunch)Activator.CreateInstance(type); try { while (reader.Read()) { bunch[(String)reader[keyNameColumn]] = (String)reader[keyValueColumn]; } } catch { bunch = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return((T)Convert.ChangeType(bunch, typeof(T))); }
public static KeyValueBunch FillControlsBunch(IDataReader reader) { KeyValueBunch bunch = null; try { bunch = new KeyValueBunch(); while (reader.Read()) { bunch[(String)reader["ControlKey"]] = (String)reader["ControlSrc"]; } } catch { bunch = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return(bunch); }
public static KeyValueBunch FillProperties(IDataReader reader) { KeyValueBunch settings = null; try { settings = new KeyValueBunch(); while (reader.Read()) { string name = (string)reader["PropertyName"]; string value = (string)reader["PropertyValue"]; // settings[name] = value; } } catch { settings = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return(settings); }
public static KeyValueBunch FillSettings(IDataReader reader) { KeyValueBunch settings = null; try { settings = new KeyValueBunch(); while (reader.Read()) { settings[(string)reader["SettingName"]] = (string)reader["SettingValue"]; } } catch { settings = null; } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } return(settings); }
private void SetProviderProperties(KeyValueBunch props) { // txtTranNumberFormat.Text = props[OffPaymentSettings.TRANSACTION_NUMBER_FORMAT]; // chkAutoApprove.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(props[OffPaymentSettings.AUTO_APPROVE], false); }
private KeyValueBunch GetProviderProperties() { KeyValueBunch props = new KeyValueBunch(); // copy payment prefix props[OffPaymentSettings.TRANSACTION_NUMBER_FORMAT] = txtTranNumberFormat.Text.Trim(); // props[OffPaymentSettings.AUTO_APPROVE] = chkAutoApprove.Checked.ToString(); // return props; }
public EnomResult ExecuteCommand(string commandName, KeyValueBunch commandArgs) { AddParam("Command", commandName); // copy attributes foreach (string keyName in commandArgs.GetAllKeys()) { AddParam(keyName, commandArgs[keyName]); } // return(new EnomResult(ExecuteCommand())); }
public static int SetPluginProperties(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props) { string xmlText = String.Empty; string[][] pluginProps = null; SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } if (props != null) { // create system plugin SystemPluginBase pluginObj = GetSystemPluginInstance(userId, pluginId, false); // crypt sensitive data foreach (string keyName in props.GetAllKeys()) { // string keyValue = props[keyName]; // if (pluginObj.SecureSettings != null) { int indexOf = Array.IndexOf(pluginObj.SecureSettings, keyName); // crypt sensitive data if (indexOf > -1) { keyValue = CryptoUtils.Encrypt(keyValue); } } // props[keyName] = keyValue; } // load old properties KeyValueBunch oldProps = GetPluginPropertiesInternal(userId, pluginId, false, pluginObj.SecureSettings); // merge old props with new props foreach (string keyName in props.GetAllKeys()) { // copy oldProps[keyName] = props[keyName]; } // pluginProps = oldProps.KeyValueArray; } // build update xml xmlText = SettingsHelper.ConvertObjectSettings(pluginProps, "properties", "property"); // return(EcommerceProvider.SetPluginProperties(SecurityContext.User.UserId, userId, pluginId, xmlText)); }
private void SetProviderProperties(KeyValueBunch props) { if (!props.IsEmpty) txtSecretWord.EnableDefaultPassword(); txt2COAccount.Text = props[ToCheckoutSettings.ACCOUNT_SID]; // chkLiveMode.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(props[ToCheckoutSettings.LIVE_MODE], false); // chkFixedCart.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(props[ToCheckoutSettings.FIXED_CART], false); // ecUtils.SelectListItem(ddl2CO_Currency, props[ToCheckoutSettings.CURRENCY]); }
private KeyValueBunch GetProviderProperties() { KeyValueBunch props = new KeyValueBunch(); // props[PayPalProSettings.USERNAME] = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); // props[PayPalProSettings.PASSWORD] = txtPassword.Text; // props[PayPalProSettings.SIGNATURE] = txtSignature.Text.Trim(); // props[PayPalProSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveMode.Checked.ToString(); // return props; }
private KeyValueBunch GetProviderSettings() { KeyValueBunch props = new KeyValueBunch(); // copy business props[PayPalStdSettings.BUSINESS] = txtBusiness.Text.Trim(); // copy live mode props[PayPalStdSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveMode.Checked.ToString(); // copy return url props[PayPalStdSettings.RETURN_URL] = EcommerceSettings.AbsoluteAppPath + "/DesktopModules/Ecommerce/Plugins/PayPalStd/PP_Routine.aspx"; // copy cancel return url props[PayPalStdSettings.CANCEL_RETURN_URL] = EcommerceSettings.StorefrontUrl; // return props; }
private void SetPluginProperties(KeyValueBunch settings) { // set demo account chkDemoAccount.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(settings[AuthNetSettings.DEMO_ACCOUNT], false); // set merchant email txtMerchantEmail.Text = settings[AuthNetSettings.MERCHANT_EMAIL]; // set live mode chkLiveModeEnabled.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(settings[AuthNetSettings.LIVE_MODE], false); // set send confirmation chkSendConfirmation.Checked = ecUtils.ParseBoolean(settings[AuthNetSettings.SEND_CONFIRMATION], false); // txtMd5Hash.Text = settings[AuthNetSettings.MD5_HASH]; // txtAccount.Text = settings[AuthNetSettings.USERNAME]; // txtTransKey.Text = settings[AuthNetSettings.TRANSACTION_KEY]; }
private KeyValueBunch GetProviderProperties() { KeyValueBunch props = new KeyValueBunch(); // change secret word only if it was changed if (txtSecretWord.PasswordChanged) props[ToCheckoutSettings.SECRET_WORD] = txtSecretWord.Text.Trim(); // props[ToCheckoutSettings.ACCOUNT_SID] = txt2COAccount.Text.Trim(); // props[ToCheckoutSettings.CURRENCY] = ddl2CO_Currency.SelectedValue; // props[ToCheckoutSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveMode.Checked.ToString(); // props[ToCheckoutSettings.FIXED_CART] = chkFixedCart.Checked.ToString(); // props[ToCheckoutSettings.CONTINUE_SHOPPING_URL] = EcommerceSettings.StorefrontUrl; // return props; }
internal static KeyValueBunch GetPluginPropertiesInternal(int userId, int pluginId, bool skipSensitive, string[] secureSettings) { // load plugin settings KeyValueBunch properties = SettingsHelper.FillProperties(EcommerceProvider.GetPluginProperties( SecurityContext.User.UserId, userId, pluginId)); // cleanup plugin settings if (skipSensitive && secureSettings != null) { // iterate through secure settings foreach (string keyName in secureSettings) { // remove secure setting properties.RemoveKey(keyName); } } // return plugin settings return(properties); }
public static int SendNewInvoiceNotification(Invoice invoice, List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { Contract contract = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContract(invoice.ContractId); ContractAccount account = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContractAccountSettings(invoice.ContractId); Dictionary <int, Service> invoiceServices = ServiceController.GetServicesDictionary(invoiceLines); Hashtable items = new Hashtable(); items["Invoice"] = invoice; items["InvoiceLines"] = invoiceLines; items["InvoiceServices"] = invoiceServices; items["Tax"] = StorehouseController.GetTaxation(contract.ResellerId, invoice.TaxationId); items["Customer"] = account; items["IsEmail"] = "1"; if (extraArgs != null) { items["ExtraArgs"] = extraArgs; } return(SendSystemNotification(StoreSettings.NEW_INVOICE, account, items, "HtmlBody", "TextBody")); }
private KeyValueBunch GetPluginProperties() { KeyValueBunch bunch = new KeyValueBunch(); // // set demo account bunch[AuthNetSettings.DEMO_ACCOUNT] = chkDemoAccount.Checked.ToString(); // set merchant email bunch[AuthNetSettings.MERCHANT_EMAIL] = txtMerchantEmail.Text.Trim(); // set live mode bunch[AuthNetSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveModeEnabled.Checked.ToString(); // set send confirmation bunch[AuthNetSettings.SEND_CONFIRMATION] = chkSendConfirmation.Checked.ToString(); // bunch[AuthNetSettings.MD5_HASH] = txtMd5Hash.Text.Trim(); // bunch[AuthNetSettings.USERNAME] = txtAccount.Text.Trim(); // bunch[AuthNetSettings.TRANSACTION_KEY] = txtTransKey.Text.Trim(); // return bunch; }
public void Order() { int parentId = Convert.ToInt32(ServiceSettings[ROOT_SERVICE_ID]); KeyValueBunch rootSettings = ServiceController.GetServiceSettings( ServiceInfo.SpaceId, parentId ); // check whether the parent service has been provisioned if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rootSettings[PACKAGE_ID])) { throw new Exception( "Unable to provision service because parent service not provisioned yet" ); } int packageId = Utils.ParseInt(rootSettings[PACKAGE_ID], -1); // create remote domain on registrar's side CreateRegistrarDomain(packageId); // create local domain on WebsitePanel's side CreateWebsitePanelDomain(packageId); }
private void BindPlanQuotas(KeyValueBunch quotas) { string[] groupKeys = quotas.GetAllKeys(); // foreach (string groupKey in groupKeys) { // PlaceHolder container = (PlaceHolder)FindControl(groupKey); // if (container != null) container.Visible = true; // Repeater repeater = (Repeater)FindControl(groupKey + "_Quotas"); // if (repeater != null) { // repeater.DataSource = quotas[groupKey].Split(','); // repeater.DataBind(); } } }
/// <remarks/> public void SubmitCustomerOrderAsync(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { this.SubmitCustomerOrderAsync(contractId, orderItems, extraArgs, null); }
/// <remarks/> public void SubmitCustomerOrderAsync(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs, object userState) { if ((this.SubmitCustomerOrderOperationCompleted == null)) { this.SubmitCustomerOrderOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnSubmitCustomerOrderOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("SubmitCustomerOrder", new object[] { contractId, orderItems, extraArgs}, this.SubmitCustomerOrderOperationCompleted, userState); }
public static OrderResult SubmitCustomerOrder(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { // Contract contract = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContract(contractId); // Impersonate ContractSystem.ContractController.ImpersonateAsContractReseller(contract); // OrderResult oResult = new OrderResult(); // check account SecurityResult sResult = StorehouseController.CheckAccountActive(); // if (!sResult.Success) { // oResult.Succeed = false; // oResult.ResultCode = sResult.ResultCode; // return(oResult); } // check order items not empty if (orderItems == null || orderItems.Length == 0) { // oResult.Succeed = false; // oResult.ResultCode = EMPTY_ORDER_ITEMS_CODE; // return(oResult); } // ES.TaskManager.StartTask("Storefront", "SUBMIT_CUSTOMER_ORDER"); // try { string currency = StorehouseController.GetBaseCurrency(contract.ResellerId); // ordered services List <int> orderedSvcs = new List <int>(); // build services to be ordered for (int i = 0; i < orderItems.Length; i++) { // OrderItem orderItem = orderItems[i]; // int orderedSvcId = 0; // orderItem.ParentSvcId = (orderItem.ParentIndex > -1) ? orderedSvcs[orderItem.ParentIndex] : orderItem.ParentSvcId; // load svc type ProductType svcType = StorehouseController.GetProductType(orderItem.TypeId); // IServiceProvisioning controller = (IServiceProvisioning)Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetType(svcType.ProvisioningController)); // add service orderedSvcId = controller.AddServiceInfo(contractId, currency, orderItem); // check service controller result if (orderedSvcId < 1) { // ROLLBACK HERE StorehouseController.BulkServiceDelete(contractId, orderedSvcs.ToArray()); oResult.Succeed = false; oResult.ResultCode = orderedSvcId; return(oResult); // EXIT } // orderedSvcs.Add(orderedSvcId); } // build invoice lines List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines = InvoiceController.CalculateInvoiceLinesForServices(orderedSvcs); // int resultCode = InvoiceController.AddInvoice(contractId, invoiceLines, extraArgs); // ERROR if (resultCode < 1) { // ROLLBACK HERE StorehouseController.BulkServiceDelete(contractId, orderedSvcs.ToArray()); oResult.Succeed = false; oResult.ResultCode = resultCode; return(oResult); } // oResult.OrderInvoice = resultCode; // oResult.Succeed = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // oResult.ResultCode = -1; // oResult.Succeed = false; // ES.TaskManager.WriteError(ex); } finally { // ES.TaskManager.CompleteTask(); } // return(oResult); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult BeginSetPluginProperties(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("SetPluginProperties", new object[] { userId, pluginId, props}, callback, asyncState); }
public static int AddInvoice(string contractId, DateTime created, DateTime dueDate, int taxationId, decimal totalAmount, decimal subTotalAmount, decimal taxAmount, List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { // try { Contract contract = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContract(contractId); // ES.TaskManager.StartTask(SystemTasks.SOURCE_ECOMMERCE, SystemTasks.TASK_ADD_INVOICE); // build xml representation string invoiceLinesXml = BuildAddXmlForInvoiceItems(invoiceLines); // add invoice int result = EcommerceProvider.AddInvoice(contractId, created, dueDate, taxationId, totalAmount, subTotalAmount, taxAmount, invoiceLinesXml, StorehouseController.GetBaseCurrency(contract.ResellerId)); // check error if (result < 1) { return(result); // EXIT } // build invoice number Invoice invoice = GetCustomerInvoiceInternally(result); StoreSettings settings = StorehouseController.GetStoreSettings(contract.ResellerId, StoreSettings.SYSTEM_SETTINGS); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings["InvoiceNumberFormat"])) { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(); options["ID"] = result; invoice.InvoiceNumber = StorehouseController.ApplyStringCustomFormat( settings["InvoiceNumberFormat"], options); } else { invoice.InvoiceNumber = result.ToString(); } // update invoice InvoiceController.UpdateInvoice(invoice.InvoiceId, invoice.InvoiceNumber, invoice.DueDate, invoice.Total, invoice.SubTotal, invoice.TaxationId, invoice.TaxAmount, invoice.Currency); // Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); parameters.Add(SystemTaskParams.PARAM_CONTRACT, contract); parameters.Add(SystemTaskParams.PARAM_INVOICE, invoice); parameters.Add(SystemTaskParams.PARAM_INVOICE_LINES, invoiceLines); parameters.Add(SystemTaskParams.PARAM_EXTRA_ARGS, extraArgs); TaskManager.UpdateParams(parameters); // return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ES.TaskManager.WriteError(ex); } finally { ES.TaskManager.CompleteTask(); } }
/// <remarks/> public void GetCheckoutFormParamsAsync(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options) { this.GetCheckoutFormParamsAsync(contractId, invoiceId, methodName, options, null); }
/// <remarks/> public void GetCheckoutFormParamsAsync(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options, object userState) { if ((this.GetCheckoutFormParamsOperationCompleted == null)) { this.GetCheckoutFormParamsOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnGetCheckoutFormParamsOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("GetCheckoutFormParams", new object[] { contractId, invoiceId, methodName, options}, this.GetCheckoutFormParamsOperationCompleted, userState); }
private void SaveRegistrarSettings() { try { KeyValueBunch props = new KeyValueBunch(); // props[EnomSettings.USERNAME] = txtServiceUsername.Text.Trim(); props[EnomSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveMode.Checked.ToString(); if (txtServicePassword.PasswordChanged) props[EnomSettings.PASSWORD] = txtServicePassword.Text; // set plugins props int result = StorehouseHelper.SetPluginProperties(SupportedPlugin.ENOM, props); if (result < 0) { // ERROR ShowResultMessage(result); return; } // RedirectToBrowsePage(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("SAVE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS", ex); } }
public OrderResult SubmitCustomerOrder(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { return(StorefrontController.SubmitCustomerOrder(contractId, orderItems, extraArgs)); }
public CheckoutFormParams GetCheckoutFormParams(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options) { return(SystemPluginController.GetCheckoutFormParams(contractId, invoiceId, methodName, options)); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult BeginSubmitCustomerOrder(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("SubmitCustomerOrder", new object[] { contractId, orderItems, extraArgs}, callback, asyncState); }
private void SaveRegistrarSettings() { try { // string username = txtServiceUsername.Text.Trim(); string parentId = txtServiceParentId.Text.Trim(); // init KeyValueBunch settings = new KeyValueBunch(); settings[DirectiSettings.USERNAME] = username; settings[DirectiSettings.PARENT_ID] = parentId; // password has been changed if (txtServicePassword.PasswordChanged) settings[DirectiSettings.PASSWORD] = txtServicePassword.Text; // settings[DirectiSettings.LIVE_MODE] = chkLiveMode.Checked.ToString(); settings[DirectiSettings.SECURE_CHANNEL] = chkSecureChannel.Checked.ToString(); int result = StorehouseHelper.SetPluginProperties(SupportedPlugin.DIRECTI, settings); // ERROR if (result < 0) { HostModule.ShowResultMessage(result); return; } // RedirectToBrowsePage(); } catch (Exception ex) { // ERROR ShowErrorMessage("SAVE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS", ex); } }
public OrderResult SubmitCustomerOrder(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { object[] results = this.Invoke("SubmitCustomerOrder", new object[] { contractId, orderItems, extraArgs}); return ((OrderResult)(results[0])); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult BeginGetCheckoutFormParams(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("GetCheckoutFormParams", new object[] { contractId, invoiceId, methodName, options}, callback, asyncState); }
public static int AddInvoice(string contractId, List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { ContractAccount account = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContractAccountSettings(contractId); // read customer tax Taxation tax = GetCustomerTaxation(contractId, account[ContractAccount.COUNTRY], account[ContractAccount.STATE]); int taxationId = (tax == null) ? -1 : tax.TaxationId; // Calculate invoice amounts decimal totalAmount = 0, subTotalAmount = 0, taxAmount = 0; CalculateInvoiceChargeAmounts(tax, invoiceLines, out totalAmount, out subTotalAmount, out taxAmount); // align svcs suspend date int[] svcs = new int[invoiceLines.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < invoiceLines.Count; i++) { svcs[i] = invoiceLines[i].ServiceId; } DateTime sdateAligned = ServiceController.GetSvcsSuspendDateAligned(svcs, DateTime.Now); // StoreSettings settings = StorehouseController.GetStoreSettings(ES.SecurityContext.User.UserId, StoreSettings.SYSTEM_SETTINGS); // get invoice grace period in days int gracePeriod = Common.Utils.Utils.ParseInt(settings["InvoiceGracePeriod"], 0); // if (gracePeriod < 0) { gracePeriod = 0; } // DateTime created = DateTime.Now; DateTime dueDate = sdateAligned.AddDays(gracePeriod); // return(AddInvoice(contractId, created, dueDate, taxationId, totalAmount, subTotalAmount, taxAmount, invoiceLines, extraArgs)); }
public CheckoutFormParams GetCheckoutFormParams(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options) { object[] results = this.Invoke("GetCheckoutFormParams", new object[] { contractId, invoiceId, methodName, options}); return ((CheckoutFormParams)(results[0])); }
public int SetPluginProperties(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props) { return(SystemPluginController.SetPluginProperties(userId, pluginId, props)); }
public static KeyValueBunch GetHostingPlansQuotas(int resellerId, int planId) { KeyValueBunch hpQuotas = new KeyValueBunch(); // ES.SecurityContext.SetThreadPrincipal(resellerId); // ES.HostingPlanContext ctx = ES.PackageController.GetHostingPlanContext(planId); // if (ctx != null) { // ES.QuotaValueInfo[] quotasArray = ctx.QuotasArray; // for (int i = 0; i < ctx.GroupsArray.Length; i++) { // ES.HostingPlanGroupInfo group = ctx.GroupsArray[i]; // if (group.Enabled) { // List <string> planQuota = new List <string>(); // foreach (ES.QuotaValueInfo quota in quotasArray) { // if (quota.QuotaName.StartsWith(group.GroupName)) { // boolean quota if (quota.QuotaTypeId == 1) { // only enabled quotas will be displayed if (quota.QuotaAllocatedValue == 1) { planQuota.Add(quota.QuotaName + "=Enabled"); } } // numeric else { if (quota.QuotaAllocatedValue > 0) { planQuota.Add(quota.QuotaName + "=" + quota.QuotaAllocatedValue); } else if (quota.QuotaAllocatedValue == -1) { planQuota.Add(quota.QuotaName + "=Unlimited"); } } } } // only filled-up groups are allowed to display if (planQuota.Count > 0) { hpQuotas[group.GroupName] = String.Join(",", planQuota.ToArray()); } } } } // return(hpQuotas); }
/// <remarks/> public void SetPluginPropertiesAsync(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props) { this.SetPluginPropertiesAsync(userId, pluginId, props, null); }
public int SetPluginProperties(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props) { object[] results = this.Invoke("SetPluginProperties", new object[] { userId, pluginId, props}); return ((int)(results[0])); }
public static CheckoutFormParams GetCheckoutFormParams(string contractId, int invoiceId, string methodName, KeyValueBunch options) { Contract contractInfo = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContract(contractId); // Impersonate ContractSystem.ContractController.ImpersonateAsContractReseller(contractInfo); // SupportedPlugin pmPlugin = GetResellerPMPlugin(contractInfo.ResellerId, methodName); // if (pmPlugin == null) { throw new Exception("Incorrect payment method has been specified"); } // create instance of plugin IInteractivePaymentGatewayProvider provider = (IInteractivePaymentGatewayProvider) SystemPluginController.GetSystemPluginInstance(contractInfo, pmPlugin, true); // Invoice userInvoice = InvoiceController.GetCustomerInvoiceInternally(invoiceId); // List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines = InvoiceController.GetCustomerInvoiceItems(invoiceId); // load contract account ContractAccount account = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContractAccountSettings(contractId); // build form parameters FormParameters formParams = new FormParameters(); // copy reseller id formParams[FormParameters.CONTRACT] = userInvoice.ContractId; // copy invoice number formParams[FormParameters.INVOICE] = userInvoice.InvoiceId.ToString(); // copy invoice amount formParams[FormParameters.AMOUNT] = userInvoice.Total.ToString("0.00"); // copy invoice tax amount formParams[FormParameters.TAX_AMOUNT] = userInvoice.TaxAmount.ToString("0.00"); // copy invoice currency formParams[FormParameters.CURRENCY] = userInvoice.Currency; // copy first name formParams[FormParameters.FIRST_NAME] = account[ContractAccount.FIRST_NAME]; // copy last name formParams[FormParameters.LAST_NAME] = account[ContractAccount.LAST_NAME]; // copy email formParams[FormParameters.EMAIL] = account[ContractAccount.EMAIL]; // copy address formParams[FormParameters.ADDRESS] = account[ContractAccount.ADDRESS]; // copy country formParams[FormParameters.COUNTRY] = account[ContractAccount.COUNTRY]; // copy phone number formParams[FormParameters.PHONE] = account[ContractAccount.PHONE_NUMBER]; // copy city formParams[FormParameters.CITY] = account[ContractAccount.CITY]; // copy state formParams[FormParameters.STATE] = account[ContractAccount.STATE]; // copy zip formParams[FormParameters.ZIP] = account[ContractAccount.ZIP]; // copy options if any if (options != null) { foreach (string keyName in options.GetAllKeys()) { formParams[keyName] = options[keyName]; } } // return result return(provider.GetCheckoutFormParams(formParams, invoiceLines.ToArray())); }
/// <remarks/> public void SetPluginPropertiesAsync(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props, object userState) { if ((this.SetPluginPropertiesOperationCompleted == null)) { this.SetPluginPropertiesOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnSetPluginPropertiesOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("SetPluginProperties", new object[] { userId, pluginId, props}, this.SetPluginPropertiesOperationCompleted, userState); }