//Method for Selecting hours worked between two given DateTimes. //Selects TimeWorked from EmpTime table between 2 DateTimes, sets double Total to figure out hours worked in that time frame. public void selectOvertime(DateTime i, DateTime o) { TimeIO tio = new TimeIO(); for (int x = 0; x < emps.Count(); x++) { //selectHours for all employees tio.selectHours(emps[x].getId(), i, o); //if employee's hours are greater than 40 and not equal to zero, populate lists if (tio.getTotal() > 40 && tio.getTotal() != 0) { //adds employee ids to empIds list getEmpIds().Add(emps[x].getId()); //add total from TimeIO BO to hours list getHours().Add(tio.getTotal()); } } //Display results for (int x = 0; x < empIds.Count(); x++) { tio.selectHours(empIds[x], i, o); Employee e1 = new Employee(); e1.selectEmp(empIds[x]); Console.WriteLine("Hours worked between " + i + " and " + o + " for Employee " + e1.getFName() + " " + e1.getLName()); Console.WriteLine("Overtime Hours Worked: " + ((int)(hours[x]) - 40) + " Hours and " + ((hours[x] - (int)(hours[x])) * 60) + " minutes."); Console.WriteLine(hours[x] - (int)hours[x] + ""); } }
public void timeSheetSelect(string id) { d1.DBSetup(); d1.cmd = "Select * from EmpTime where EmpId ='" + id + "'"; d1.SqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = d1.cmd; d1.SqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection = d1.SqlDbConection2; try { d1.SqlDbConection2.Open(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr; dr = d1.SqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine(d1.cmd); while (dr.Read()) { TimeIO t1 = new TimeIO(((String)dr.GetValue(1)), (DateTime)dr.GetValue(2), (DateTime)dr.GetValue(3), (String)dr.GetValue(4), (int)dr.GetValue(0), (bool)dr.GetValue(5), (bool)dr.GetValue(7)); getTS().Add(t1); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something happened: " + e); } finally { d1.SqlDbConection2.Close(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Set variables equal to the selected index number from the dropdown lists hin = ddlHoursIn.SelectedIndex; min = ddlMinutesIn.SelectedIndex; hout = ddlHoursOut.SelectedIndex; mout = ddlMinutesOut.SelectedIndex; r = ddlReason.SelectedValue; year = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"); //Try catch the if statement try { /* * Use the employee id session object we got from the login page to * use for the TimeIO constructor. * We use the index number to tell which item is selected, * and we have a filler item for each dropdown list. This means * we have to subtract the index number by 1 to get the proper number * for the hours and minutes. * Create two date time objects for clock in and clock out and run insertTime(). */ if (hin > 0 && min > 0 && hout > 0 && mout > 0) { string id = Session["EmployeeID"].ToString(); hoursIn = hin - 1; minutesIn = min - 1; hoursOut = hout - 1; minutesOut = mout - 1; dtIn = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, hoursIn, minutesIn, 00); dtOut = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, hoursOut, minutesOut, 00); TimeIO t1 = new TimeIO(id, dtIn, dtOut, r, 0, false, false); t1.insertTime(); //Change the visibility of the lables depending on if the user is successful in //inserting a time sheet lblError.Visible = false; lblSuccess.Visible = true; } else { //If the user hasn't selected an item for all dropdown lists //we set the error label visible and success label invisible lblSuccess.Visible = false; lblError.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception) { } finally { //Finally we set the dropdown lists to the default index ddlHoursIn.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlHoursOut.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlMinutesIn.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlMinutesOut.SelectedIndex = 0; ddlReason.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
//Method for Selecting hours worked between two given DateTimes. //Selects TimeWorked from EmpTime table between 2 DateTimes, sets double Total to figure out hours worked in that time frame. public void selectOvertime(DateTime i, DateTime o) { TimeIO tio = new TimeIO(); for (int x = 0; x < emps.Count(); x++) { tio.selectHours(emps[x].getId(), i, o); if (tio.getTotal() > 40 && tio.getTotal() != 0) { getEmpIds().Add(emps[x].getId()); getHours().Add(tio.getTotal()); } } }