public string WeaImageUr_ => $"{ImgUrlHolder}.svg"; // public string WeaImageUrl { get { return IuhContainer == null ? "" : string.Format(urf, (ImgUrlHolder.Split('-')[1].Length < 2 ? "0" : "") + ImgUrlHolder.Split('-')[1]); } } public static List <HourWeatherData> GetHourForecast(int max96, bool fromCache, int site = 0) { //max96 = 144; // <== Mar2016. 96; //jun2013: ignore less than max - take max/everything should not be too much longer than just a part. var l = new List <HourWeatherData>(); for (var startHour = DateTime.Now.Hour > 8 ? 8 : DateTime.Now.Hour; startHour < max96; startHour += 8) { var awd8hr = AccuWeatherHData.GetParse8hours(startHour, fromCache, site, out var daysOld); for (var hr = 0; hr < awd8hr.Length; hr++) { l.Add(new HourWeatherData { Time = awd8hr[hr].Time.AddDays(-daysOld), ConditionsDescription = awd8hr[hr].Conditns, ConditionsImageUrl = awd8hr[hr].WeaImageUrl, Temp = awd8hr[hr].TempAsIs, TempFeel = awd8hr[hr].TempFeel }); } } return(l); }
public static AccuWeatherHData[] GetParse8hours_OLD(int startHour, bool fromCache, int site, out int daysOld) { var url = string.Format(urls[site], startHour); var age = TimeSpan.FromTicks(0); var htm = fromCache ? WebScraper.GetHtmlFromCacheOrWeb(url, out age) : WebScraper.GetHtmlFromWeb(url); //= Dbg.Htm; var pos = 0; var stHr = DateTime.Today.AddHours(startHour); var awd = new AccuWeatherHData[8]; daysOld = (int)(DateTime.Today - (DateTime.Now - age).Date).TotalDays; _ = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(@"<th class=""first-col""><span>", "</span>", ref htm, ref pos); for (var hr = 0; hr < 8; hr++) { awd[hr] = new AccuWeatherHData(); _ = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(hr == 0 ? "<br />" : ">", @"</th>", ref htm, ref pos); //string[] hh = new string[] { "12am", "1am", "2am", "3am", "4am", "5am", "6am", "7am", "8am", "9am", "10am", "11am", "12pm", "1pm", "2pm", "3pm", "4pm", "5pm", "6pm", "7pm", "8pm", "9pm", "10pm", "11pm", "12" }; awd[hr].Time = stHr.AddHours(hr); // for (int j = 0; j < hh.Length; j++) if (hh[j] == s) awd[i].Time = stHr.AddHours(j); } pos = htm.IndexOf(@"<th scope=""row"">Forecast</th>", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos < 0) { pos = htm.IndexOf(@"<th>Forecast</th>", StringComparison.Ordinal); } if (pos < 0) { return(awd); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].IuhContainer = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(@"<td class=""", @""">", ref htm, ref pos); awd[i].ImgUrlHolder = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(@"<span", @"""", ref htm, ref pos); awd[i].Conditns = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(@"<span>", @"</span>", ref htm, ref pos); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].TempAsIs = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "°"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].TempFeel = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "°"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].Precipit = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "%"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { skipTd(ref htm, ref pos); var s = WebScrapeHelper.GetStringBetween(@">", "<", ref htm, ref pos); getWind(awd, i, s); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].Humidity = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "%"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].UV_Index = awd[i].Humidity = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "<"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].CloudCvr = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "%"); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { awd[i].DewPoint = getInt(ref htm, ref pos, awd, i, "°"); } //for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) Console.WriteLine(awd[i]); //Debug.Write(htm); return(awd); }
static void doIconActn(AccuWeatherHData awd, HtmlNode tr, int max) { //77 Debug.Write(tr.ChildNodes.Count() > max ? $" x[1]:{(tr.ChildNodes[1]).InnerHtml} : x[{max}]:{(tr.ChildNodes[max]).OuterHtml} " : $" --------------- {tr.ChildNodes.Count()} < {max} --------------- "); var ss = tr.ChildNodes[max].OuterHtml[30..].Split(new[] { '-', '"' });
public static AccuWeatherHData[] GetParse8hours(int startHour, bool fromCache, int site, out int daysOld) { #region 2016 Sep: /*<div class="hourly-table overview-hourly"> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <th> * Thursday * * </th> * <td class="day first-col"> * <div>11am</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>12pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>1pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-15-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>2pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-15-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>3pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>4pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <div>5pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * <td class="day last-col"> * <div>6pm</div> * <div class="icon-weather icon i-7-s"></div> * </td> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <th>Forecast</th> * <td class="day first-col"> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>T-storms</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>T-storms</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * <td class="day last-col"> * <span>Cloudy</span> * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>Temp(°F)</th> * <td class="day first-col"> * <span>80°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>80°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>80°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>81°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>83°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>83°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>83°</span> * </td> * <td class="day last-col"> * <span>82°</span> * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>RealFeel®</th> * <td class="day first-col"> * <span>86°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>85°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>82°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>82°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>86°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>85°</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>84°</span> * </td> * <td class="day last-col"> * <span>82°</span> * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <th>Wind(mph)</th> * <td class="day first-col"> * <span>9 SW</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>9 SW</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>9 WSW</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>10 W</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>11 W</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>12 W</span> * </td> * <td class="day "> * <span>12 WSW</span> * </td> * <td class="day last-col"> * <span>11 W</span> * </td> * </tr> * * </tbody> * </table> * </div> */ #endregion var url = string.Format(urls[site], startHour); var age = TimeSpan.FromTicks(0); var htm = fromCache ? WebScraper.GetHtmlFromCacheOrWeb(url, out age) : WebScraper.GetHtmlFromWeb(url); //= Dbg.Htm; var stHr = DateTime.Today.AddHours(startHour); var awd = new AccuWeatherHData[8]; daysOld = (int)(DateTime.Today - (DateTime.Now - age).Date).TotalDays; for (var hr = 0; hr < 8; hr++) { awd[hr] = new AccuWeatherHData { Time = stHr.AddHours(hr) }; } try { agilityExplorerOne(awd, htm, "//table/thead/tr/td", doIconActn, 3); agilityExplorerAry(awd, htm, "//table/tbody", doRest); // the same as "//tbody" //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table/thead/tr"); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table/thead/div"); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table/thead/tr/div"); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table/thead"); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//thead"); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table/tbody/tr", doExploreActn); //agilityExplorer(htm, "//table", doExploreActn); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message, ">>> " + System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()?.DeclaringType.Name + "." + System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod()?.Name); } return(awd); }