예제 #1
        public static List<LightSource> GetLocalLightSources(double xPos, double yPos, Stage stage, View view)
            List<LightSource> returnLights = new List<LightSource>();
            foreach (LightSource light in stage.GetLights(view))
                //if the light is brighter than, or as bright as it is far away
                if (light.GetPosition().Distance(new Point(xPos, yPos)) <= light.range)
                    //it is a "local" light source, add it to the return list

            return returnLights;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Layer for user interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachingView">The game view that the interface layer is attached to.</param>
        /// <param name="rectLayerPos">The position and size of the layer.</param>
        public GuiLayer(String layerName, View attachingView, Rectangle rectLayerPos)
            this.id = "GUILayer" + GuiLayer.lastid;
            this.name = layerName;
            this.attachedView = attachingView;

            //add this layer to the list of all layers in the game
            //if there isn't currently an active GUILayer, make this one the active one

            this.BackgroundOpacity = 0.0;
            this.ForegroundOpacity = 1.0;
            this.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;
예제 #3
        public override bool Visible(View view)
            //if there are any entities that completely obscure the tile, return false

            // If it's not IN the view, return false
            if (this.GetPosition().x > view.GetSize().width / Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width ||
                this.GetPosition().y > view.GetSize().height / Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height)
                return false;

            //if the tile is colored differently than the stage's background color
            if (Stage.CurrentStage.AmbientLightLevel.Match(this.GetLightLevel()) == false)
                return true;

            if (this.GetSprite() != null)
                return true;

            if (this.GetParentStage().GetBackgroundSprite(view) != null)
                return true;

            return false;
예제 #4
        // For headless servers and whatnot.
        public static void MinimalInitialize()
            Game.Clock = new MultiThreaded_Clock();

            Surface.Initialize(new Null_Renderer());
            //set up the primary view
            View playerOneView = new View(LightingStyle.Tiles);
            Game.Clock.IntervalExecute(Game.StandardIntervalCalculations, .2);
예제 #5
        public static void Init()
            Game.Clock = new DOM_Clock();

            //I must be script#'ing wrong. This won't fire here.
            // Set up the local player
            Player LocalPlayer = new Player();
            //Surface.Initialize(new DOM_Renderer());
            //Surface.Initialize(new Canvas_Renderer());
            Game.Renderer = new Canvas_Renderer();
            SoundSystem = new HTML5_Audio();
            //set up the primary view
            // Remember to initialize the renderer first!
            View playerOneView = new View(LightingStyle.Tiles);
            playerOneView.SetArea(new Rectangle(0, 0, Renderer.GetSize().width, Renderer.GetSize().height));

            //notificationLayer = new GuiLayer(playerOneView, new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));
            notificationLayer = playerOneView.AddLayer("NotificationLayer", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));
            notificationLayer.SetSize(522, 60);

            //create two gui elements on the layer:
            //an image on the left
            GuiElement notifIcon = notificationLayer.AddGUIElement("");
            notifIcon.SetPosition(12, 0);
            //and sender on the right
            GuiElement notifSender = notificationLayer.AddGUIElement("");
            notifSender.SetPosition(58, 0);
            notifSender.SetSize(474, 12);
            //and the sender's handle, if applicable
            GuiElement notifSenderHandle = notificationLayer.AddGUIElement("");
            notifSenderHandle.SetPosition(80, 0);
            notifSenderHandle.SetSize(474, 12);
            //and the text on the right
            GuiElement notifText = notificationLayer.AddGUIElement("");
            notifText.SetPosition(58, 18);
            notifText.SetSize(474, 40);

            //clockRenderguy = Game.Clock.AddRender(Game.Renderer.RenderUpdate);
            //clockRenderguy = Game.Clock.AddRender(Game.Renderer.Render);

            //reposition the notification layer after a few seconds
            string notif_repos = Clock.AddRender(reposition_notification_layeer);
            Clock.delayRender(notif_repos, 2);

            Clock.IntervalExecute(Game.StandardIntervalCalculations, .2);
            Game.Paused = false;
예제 #6
 public virtual bool Visible(View view)
     return this.visible;
예제 #7
 public void SetBackgroundSprite(Sprite sprite, View view)
     this.backgroundSprites[view] = sprite;
예제 #8
        public List<GameEntity> GetVisibleTiles(View viewer)
            if (viewer.TilesVisible == false) return new List<GameEntity>();

            Debug.Watch("StageTiles", this.stageTiles.Count + "");
            List<GameEntity> resultList = new List<GameEntity>();

            foreach (Tile tile in this.stageTiles)
                if (tile.Visible(viewer) == true)

            return resultList;
예제 #9
        //return a list of all of the tiles which are visible according to the restrictions of the passed View
        public List<GameEntity> GetVisibleEntities(View viewer)
            List<GameEntity> resultList = new List<GameEntity>();
            if (viewer.EntitiesVisible == false) return resultList;

            foreach (TerrainCollider terCol in this.terrainColliders)
                if (terCol.Visible(viewer) == true)
            foreach (GameEntity ent in this.stageEntities)
                //need to check if the GameEntity is visible
                if (ent.Visible(viewer) == true)
            foreach (LivingGameEntity lent in this.livingEntities)
                if (lent.Visible(viewer) == true)

            return resultList;
예제 #10
        public List<Tile> GetTiles(bool visible = false, View view = null)
            Debug.Watch("StageTiles", this.stageTiles.Count + "");

            // If we're filtering invisible tiles (visible parameter is true), then we need to process that filter.
            if (visible == true && view != null)
                List<Tile> resultList = new List<Tile>();

                foreach (Tile tile in this.stageTiles)
                    if (tile.Visible(view) == true)

                return resultList;
            // Otherwise, we can just return the list as-is.
                return this.stageTiles;
예제 #11
        public List<LightSource> GetLights(View view)
            if (view.LightsVisible == false) return new List<LightSource>();

            return this.stageLights;
예제 #12
        public Sprite GetBackgroundSprite(View view)
            if (this.backgroundSprites.ContainsKey(view))
                return this.backgroundSprites[view];

            return null;
예제 #13
 public void CalculateLights(View view)
     for(int i = 0; i < this.GetLights(view).Count; i++)
     //foreach (LightSource light in this.GetLights())
         LightSource light = this.GetLights(view)[i];
         if (light != null)
예제 #14
        public void RenderLightSource(LightSource light, View view)
            HtmlElement gentlement = elementsByGameObjectId[light.GetId()].As<HtmlElement>();
            //if it's not rendered, render it
            if (gentlement == null)
                Debug.log("Rendering light " + light.GetId());
                gentlement = document.createElement("div").As<HtmlElement>();
                this.AddClass(gentlement, "Entity LightSource");
                this.AddClass(gentlement, light.GetType().Name);
                foreach (string style in light.GetCustomStyles())
                    this.AddClass(gentlement, style);
                if (light.GetType().Name == "Lightstone")
                    gentlement.style.background = Gradient.LightStone(light.GetColor());
                    gentlement.style.background = Gradient.ToString(light.GetColor());

                elementsByGameObjectId[light.GetId()] = gentlement;

            //if (this.gameEntitiesToUpdate.Contains(light.GetId()))

            Dimension tileSize = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize();

            //the light's x and y are its center
            //the size of the div should be the diameter of the light, or twice its range
            //the visual element needs to shift -x and -y with each -range to remain 'centered' on the light's actual x and y

            //the amount to shift the position by
            int posShift = (int) light.GetRange() / 2;

            gentlement.style.left = ((light.GetPosition().x - posShift) * tileSize.width) + "px";
            gentlement.style.top = ((light.GetPosition().y - posShift) * tileSize.height) + "px";

            gentlement.style.width = (light.GetRange() * tileSize.width) + "px";
            gentlement.style.height = (light.GetRange() * tileSize.height) + "px";

            if (light.Visible(view) == true)
                gentlement.style.display = "inline";
                gentlement.style.display = "none";

            int lightLeftInGameUnits = (int)light.GetPosition().x - posShift;
            int lightRightInGameUnits = (int)(lightLeftInGameUnits + light.GetRange());
            int lightTopInGameUnits = (int)light.GetPosition().y - posShift;
            int lightBottomInGameUnits = (int)(lightTopInGameUnits + light.GetRange());

            //make the tiles below the light partially transparent. because. just go with me on this.
            for (int tileX = lightLeftInGameUnits; tileX < lightRightInGameUnits; tileX++)
                //Debug.Watch("TileX at ", tileX.ToString());
                for (int tileY = lightTopInGameUnits; tileY < lightBottomInGameUnits; tileY++)
                    tileX = JsMath.ceil(tileX);
                    tileY = JsMath.ceil(tileY);

                    //only get tiles within the radius of the light, don't catch edges
                    //if (new Point(tileX, tileY).Distance(lightMid) > light.GetRange() / 2)
                    Point positionOfTheTileWeAreLookingAt = new Point(tileX, tileY);
                    Point centerOfTheLight = light.GetPosition();
                    //double lightRadius = light.GetRange() / 2;
                    int lightRadius = JsMath.floor(light.GetRange() / 2);
                    int distance = (int) positionOfTheTileWeAreLookingAt.Distance(centerOfTheLight);
                    //if(distance <= lightRadius)
                    //if (positionOfTheTileWeAreLookingAt.Distance(centerOfTheLight) <= lightRadius)
                    if (new Point(tileX, tileY).Distance(light.GetPosition()) > light.GetRange() / 2)
                        Tile affectedTile = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileAt(tileX, tileY);
                        if (affectedTile != null)
예제 #15
        //!Need to add better support for custom styles
        public void RenderGameEntity(GameEntity gent, View view)
            HtmlElement gentlement = null;
            if (elementsByGameObjectId.ContainsKey(gent.GetId()))
                gentlement = elementsByGameObjectId[gent.GetId()].As<HtmlElement>();

            //if it's not rendered, render it
            if (gentlement == null)
                gentlement = document.createElement("div").As<HtmlElement>();
                gentlement.id = gent.GetId();
                //later, we may want to add iterating through base types to get their type name and add it...
                this.AddClass(gentlement, "Entity");
                this.AddClass(gentlement, gent.GetType().Name);
                foreach (string style in gent.GetCustomStyles())
                    this.AddClass(gentlement, style);
                if (gent.GetSprite() != null && gent.GetSprite().ScaleToSize == true)
                    gentlement.style.backgroundSize = gent.GetSprite().Size.width + "px " + gent.GetSprite().Size.height + "px ";

                elementsByGameObjectId[gent.GetId()] = gentlement;

            if (gent.GetTypeName() == "Tile")
                Color tileCol = gent.As<Tile>().GetLightLevel();
                gentlement.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + tileCol.red + ", " + tileCol.green + ", " + tileCol.blue + ");";
                if (gent.GetSize().width != Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width || gent.GetSize().height != Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height)
                    gentlement.style.width = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width + "px";
                    gentlement.style.height = Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height + "px";

                //reposition the element based on game position
                gentlement.style.left = (gent.GetPosition().x * Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().width) + "px";
                gentlement.style.top = ((Stage.CurrentStage.Height - gent.GetPosition().y - gent.Height)
                    * Stage.CurrentStage.GetTileSize().height) + "px";
                gentlement.style.opacity = gent.GetOpacity().ToString();


            //if the entity doesn't have a sprite, we're done with all rendering for now
            if (gent.GetSprite() == null)
                gentlement.style.border = "1px dashed blue";

            //call the sprite's animate function
            //it will return the id of the frame that the sprite and its animation are currently on
            string frameId = gent.GetSprite().Animate();
            Debug.Watch("Animation count", gent.GetSprite().GetCurrentAnimation().animationCount.ToString(), true);

            //if that result is different from the value we have stored as this GameEntity's current display frame,
            if (frameId != gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame)
                //update this thing's CSS to the new frame
                //jQueryObject GameEntityDiv = jQuery.FromElement(GameEntityDiv);
                this.RemoveClass(gentlement, gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame);
                this.AddClass(gentlement, frameId);
                derp = gentlement.className;
                //and update our current frameid
                gent.GetSprite().CurrentRenderFrame = frameId;

                gentlement.style.width = gent.GetSprite().Size.width + "px";
                gentlement.style.height = gent.GetSprite().Size.height + "px";