private void Get_Staff() { RecordSet rs = new RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,CRD_NO from TBLEMPLOYEE where VAC_BT is null OR VAC_BT=0", PublicFunction.C_con); EMP_ID = new ArrayList(); CRD_NO = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { EMP_ID.Add(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID")); CRD_NO.Add(rs.record(i, "CRD_NO")); } }
private void Normal(string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal) { UpdateItem("LAT_MN", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); UpdateItem("LAT_TM", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal); UpdateItem("EAR_MN", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); UpdateItem("EAR_TM", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal); UpdateItem("ABS_MN", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); UpdateItem("ABS_TM", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal); UpdateItem("OTR_HR", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); UpdateItem("ATT_DY", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal, 4); UpdateItem("NIG_DY", EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal, 4); }
public static bool SqlExists(SqlConnection sqlCon, string table, string where) { string sql = "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM " + table + (where == "" ? "" : " WHERE " + where) + ") SELECT 1 ELSE SELECT 0"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, sqlCon); if (rs.record(0, 0) == "1") { return(true); } return(false); }
public static double Shift_WorkHour(string EMP_ID, DateTime dt) { string sql = "SELECT ISNULL(SUM(dbo.fnHourToFloat(WRK_HR)), 0)" + " FROM TBLDETAILSROSTER s" + " WHERE s.TYP_ID IN ('ATT_HR', 'NIG_HR') AND EXISTS" + " (SELECT 1 FROM TBLMONTHSHIFT d WHERE d.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND YYY_MM='" + dt.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'" + " AND s.SHI_ID=DAY_" + dt.Day.ToString("00") + ")"; RecordSet rstmp = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); return(T_String.IsNullTo00(rstmp.record(0, 0))); }
public int[] GetShiftTimeArray(string SHI_ID) { RecordSet rsS = new RecordSet("SELECT *FROM TBLDETAILSROSTER WHERE SHI_ID='" + SHI_ID + "' AND (TYP_ID='ATT_HR' OR TYP_ID='NIG_HR') ORDER BY SEQ_NO", PublicFunction.C_con); int[] arr = new int[rsS.rows * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < rsS.rows; i++) { int timeIn = int.Parse(rsS.record(i, "ONN_TM") + ""); int timeOut = int.Parse(rsS.record(i, "OFF_TM") + ""); int preOut = (i > 0 ? arr[i * 2 - 1] : 0); arr[i * 2] = (timeIn >= preOut ? timeIn : timeIn + 2400); arr[i * 2 + 1] = (timeOut >= arr[i * 2] ? timeOut : timeOut + 2400); } return(arr); }
public void Transfer() { //vat = T_String.GetMax("MAX(SEQ_NO)", "FILC10A"); Stop = false; table = "TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE_" + "UserLoginTemp"; //--Neu chuyen tiep --> string sql; if (numTransfered == 0) { sql = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name=N'" + table + "' AND type='U') Drop Table [" + table + "]"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, PublicFunction.C_con, 180); PublicFunction.Copy_Table("TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE", table, PublicFunction.C_con); } //<-- Set = new RecordSet("Select * from TBLATTSYSSETTING", PublicFunction.C_con); rsType = new RecordSet("Select TYP_ID,ROU_DR from TBLTYPESHIFT", PublicFunction.C_con); CheckFieldName(); DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; //sql = "Select a.EMP_ID,a.EMP_I1,EMP_NM,DEP_ID,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),VAC_DT,111) VAC_DT," // + "CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),INH_DT,111) INH_DT,CRD_NO from FILB01A a Left JOIN FILB01AC b on a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID where " // + crtCondition1.GetWhere("a", false) + " and ATT_BT=1 and (VAC_DT is null or VAC_DT>='" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') and INH_DT is not null"; sql = "Select a.EMP_ID,a.EMP_I1,EMP_NM,DEP_ID, null VAC_DT," + "CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),INH_DT,111) INH_DT,CRD_NO from TBLEMPLOYEE a" + " where " + crtCondition1.GetWhere("a", false) + " and INH_DT is not null"; rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); //tm.Text = "00:00:00"; s = 0; p = 0; h = 0; //timer1.Enabled = true; //timer1.Start(); process(); }
public static string GetDataFromSQL(string FieldName, string from, string where, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con) { string sql = ""; sql = "select " + FieldName + " from " + from; if (where != "") { sql = sql + " where " + where; } RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, con); if (rs.rows > 0) { return(rs.record(0, 0)); } else { return(null); } }
private void CalATTFOR(RecordSet rs, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal) { for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { if (rs.record(i, "DATA_TP") == "bit") { UpdateItemCount(rs.record(i, "COL_NM"), EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, sal); } else { if (rs.record(i, "GIO_BT") == "True") { UpdateItem(rs.record(i, "COL_NM"), EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); } else { UpdateItem(rs.record(i, "COL_NM"), EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, false, sal); } } } }
public static int DT_GetDays(DateTime dt1, DateTime dt2, string EMP_ID) { int tam = 0; DateTime d1 = dt1; //DateTime d2=dt2; //while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))<=T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) while (d1 <= dt2) { // string sql="EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and YYY_MM=N'"+d1.ToString("yyyyMM")+"'"; // if(GetDataFromSQL("DAY_"+d1.ToString("dd"),"FILC03A",sql)!="00") // tam++; // d1=d1.AddDays(1); //NhuY (2013/01/08): Tru phep dua vao ca string sql = "SELECT 1 FROM TBLMONTHSHIFT WHERE EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND YYY_MM='" + d1.ToString("yyyyMM") + "' AND DAY_" + d1.ToString("dd") + " !='00'" + " AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TBLDETAILSROSTER WHERE TBLDETAILSROSTER.SHI_ID=TBLMONTHSHIFT.DAY_" + d1.ToString("dd") + " AND (TYP_ID='ATT_HR' OR TYP_ID='NIG_HR'))"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows > 0) { tam++; } else { //Nếu ko tồn tại thì tính ko dựa vào ca (trừ ra ngày chủ nhật) if (!T_String.SqlExists(PublicFunction.C_con, "TBLMONTHSHIFT", "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND YYY_MM='" + d1.ToString("yyyyMM") + "'") && d1.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday) { tam++; } } d1 = d1.AddDays(1); } return(tam); }
private int HolidayOfMonth(string startDate, SqlConnection con) { int dem = 0; DateTime ngaybatdau = DateTime.Parse(startDate); DateTime ngayketthuc = dt2; while (T_String.IsNullTo0(ngaybatdau.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(ngayketthuc.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))// tung Ngay { RecordSet rs = new RecordSet("Select h" + ngaybatdau.Day + " from TBLHOLIDAY where YYY_YY=N'" + ngaybatdau.Year + "' and MMM_MM=" + ngaybatdau.Month, con); if (rs.rows <= 0) { return(0); } if (rs.record(0, "h" + ngaybatdau.Day) == "True") { dem++; } ngaybatdau = ngaybatdau.AddDays(1); } return(dem); }
private void process() { string sql = ""; SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.connectionString + ";TimeOut=100"); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; int ngay = 0; while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))// tung Ngay { ngay++; d1 = d1.AddDays(1); } // sua theo ngay nghi d1 = dt1; d2 = dt2; int row = rs.rows; CardDataHelper ta = new CardDataHelper(); ta.table = this.table; ta.NoneReader = NONE_READER; ta.err = err; ta.Set = Set; ta.rsTypeShift = rsTypeShift; int i = numTransfered; try { //cmd_Stop.Enabled = true; sql = "DELETE FROM [" + table + "] WHERE EMP_ID='" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "'"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); for (i = numTransfered; i < row; i++) // Tung Nhan Vien { //if (Stop) //{ // control1.Enabled = dt1.Enabled = dt2.Enabled = true; // SaveCondition(i); // numTransfered = i; // cmd_Stop.Enabled = cmd_att.Enabled = cmd_close.Enabled = true; // return; //} DateTime INH_DT = DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, "INH_DT") + ""); d1 = dt1; d2 = dt2; if (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(INH_DT.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) { d1 = INH_DT; } int dem = 1; //sql = "SELECT SEQ_NO, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),SEQ_DT,111) SEQ_DT, EMP_ID, EMP_I3, EMP_I4, DEP_I1, DEP_I2" // + " FROM FILB03A WHERE (SEQ_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") // + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "') ORDER BY SEQ_DT ASC"; // doi bo phan sql = "SELECT '0' SEQ_NO, null SEQ_DT, null EMP_ID, null EMP_I3, null EMP_I4, null DEP_I1, null DEP_I2 where 1=0"; RecordSet rs1 = new RecordSet(sql, con1); int mm = 0; // sua theo ngay nghi int VAC = 0; if (rs.record(i, "VAC_DT") + "" != "") { VAC = T_String.IsNullTo0(DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, "VAC_DT") + "").ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } //NhuY: sua xoa nghi viec if (VAC != 0 && VAC <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) { d2 = DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, "VAC_DT") + "").AddDays(-1); sql = "Delete from TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE where ATT_DT>='" + rs.record(i, "VAC_DT") + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "'"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { err += ex.Message; } } //NhuY. while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))// tung Ngay { //c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM") + " - " + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); int m; for (m = mm; m < rs1.rows; m++) { if (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) < T_String.IsNullTo0(DateTime.Parse(rs1.record(m, "SEQ_DT")).ToString("yyyyMMdd"))) { break; } } mm = m; //NhuY bỏ // sql="Update FILC01A set YSD_BT=0 where EMP_ID=N'"+rs.record(i,"EMP_ID")+"' and CRD_DT='"+d1.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"'"; // // try // { // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con1,60,true); // sql = ""; // } // catch(SqlException ex) // { // err.Text+= ex.Message; // } if (m >= rs1.rows) { ta.AttStaff(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), d1, con1, rs.record(i, "DEP_ID"), rs.record(i, "EMP_I1")); // ko thay doi bo phan } else { ta.AttStaff(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), d1, con1, rs1.record(mm, "DEP_I1"), rs1.record(mm, "EMP_I3")); // thay doi bo phan } d1 = d1.AddDays(1); //pro1.Value = (int)dem * 100 / ngay; dem++; } d1 = dt1; d2 = dt2; dem = 1; //absent to vacate //while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))// tung Ngay //{ // c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM") + " - " + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); // TaAttendance.AbsentToVacate(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), con1, table); // d1 = d1.AddDays(1); // dem++; //} //pro1.Value = 100; //pro2.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / row; //c3.Text = (i + 1) + "/" + row + " - " + pro2.Value + "%"; } //pro2.Value = 100; //Formula(con1); //c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_GetLabel(this.Name, 9); sql = "SET ROWCOUNT 1000 \r\n" + "WHILE 1=1 \r\n" + "BEGIN \r\n" + "DELETE FROM TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [" + table + "] WHERE EMP_ID=TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE.EMP_ID)" + " AND ATT_DT BETWEEN '" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND '" + dt2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND ISNULL(LOC_BT,0)=0 AND ISNULL(LOC_B1,0)=0 \r\n" + " IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 BREAK \r\n" + "END \r\n" + "SET ROWCOUNT 0"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1, 200); //c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_GetLabel(this.Name, 10); sql = "Insert into TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE select * from [" + table + "] a" + " WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE b WHERE b.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID AND b.ATT_DT=a.ATT_DT)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); File.Delete("att.txt"); PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("DROP TABLE [" + table + "]", con1); ////K-TIME //if (PublicFunction.IsKTime("AD")) //{ // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute("DELETE FROM FILC06A WHERE ATT_DT>= '" // + PublicFunction.LockDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'", con1); //} //-- } catch (Exception ex) { err += ex.Message + "\r\nprocess\r\n"; } ////control1.Enabled = dt1.Enabled = dt2.Enabled = true; //if (err.Text != "") //{ // SaveCondition(i); // cmd_Stop.Text = PublicFunction.L_GetLabel(this.Name, 8); // cmd_Stop.Tag = ""; // c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_GetLabel(this.Name, 13); //} //else //{ // cmd_Stop.Enabled = false; // c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1, con1); //} //cmd_att.Enabled = true; //cmd_close.Enabled = true; //timer1.Stop(); //timer1.Enabled = false; con1.Close(); //if (T_String.GetMax("MAX(SEQ_NO)", "FILC10A") > vat) //{ // frmTaAbsentVacate dlg = new frmTaAbsentVacate(); // dlg.Tag = this.Tag; // dlg.ShowDialog(); //} }
private Boolean CheckPhep(string EMP_ID, string LEA_ID, Double xinnghi) { string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from TBLTYPELEAVE where LEA_ID=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows <= 0) { return(false); } double tm = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "DAY_TM")); // Max Times if (tm > 0) { sql = "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and LEA_ID=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; if (LEA_SEQ > 0) { sql += " AND SEQ_NO<>" + LEA_SEQ; } double day = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "TBLLEAVE", sql)); if (day + 1 > tm) { //MessageBox.Show(EMP_ID + " " + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 100) // + tm + ". "); return(false); } } tm = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "DAY_QT")); // Max days if (tm > 0) { sql = "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and LEA_ID=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; if (LEA_SEQ > 0) { sql += " AND SEQ_NO<>" + LEA_SEQ; } double day = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("SUM(DAY_TT)", "TBLLEAVE", sql)); if (day + xinnghi > tm) { //MessageBox.Show(EMP_ID + " " + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 56) // + tm + ". "); return(false); } } tm = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "DAY_MM")); // Max month if (tm > 0) { DateTime d1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, 1); DateTime d2 = new DateTime(dt1.Year, dt1.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt1.Year, dt1.Month)); sql = "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and LEA_ID=N'" + LEA_ID + "' and (STR_DT Between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 00:00' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 23:59')"; if (LEA_SEQ > 0) { sql += " AND SEQ_NO<>" + LEA_SEQ; } double day = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("SUM(DAY_TT)", "TBLLEAVE", sql)); if (day + xinnghi > tm) { //MessageBox.Show(EMP_ID + " " + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 57) // + tm + ". "); return(false); } } tm = T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, "DAY_YY")); // Max Years if (tm > 0) { DateTime d1 = new DateTime(dt1.Year, 1, 1); DateTime d2 = new DateTime(dt1.Year, 12, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dt1.Year, 12)); sql = "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and LEA_ID=N'" + LEA_ID + "' and (STR_DT Between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 00:00' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " 23:59')"; if (LEA_SEQ > 0) { sql += " AND SEQ_NO<>" + LEA_SEQ; } double day = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("SUM(DAY_TT)", "TBLLEAVE", sql)); if (day + xinnghi > tm) { //MessageBox.Show(EMP_ID + " " + PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("msg", 58) // + tm + ". "); return(false); } } return(true); }
private void AttStaffByShift(string EMP_ID, string SHI_ID, DateTime d1, SqlConnection con, string DEP_ID, string EMP_I1, RecordSet rsca) { double MIN = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MIN_HR", "TBLROSTER", "SHI_ID=N'" + SHI_ID + "'", con)); double MAX = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX_HR", "TBLROSTER", "SHI_ID=N'" + SHI_ID + "'", con)); string sql = "Select CRD_TM" + " from TBLCARDDATA a" + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and (CRD_DT='" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'" + " AND CRD_TM>=" + MIN; if (MAX >= MIN && MAX <= 2400) { sql += " and CRD_TM <" + MAX + ")"; } else { sql += " OR CRD_DT='" + d1.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND CRD_TM<" + (MAX > 2400 ? MAX - 2400 : MAX) + ")"; } sql += " AND REA_NO NOT IN ('" + NoneReader + "')" //NhuY 2017-08-05: xét khoảng cách giữa 2 lần quẹt thẻ + " AND NOT EXISTS" + " (SELECT 1 FROM TBLCARDDATA aa WHERE aa.CRD_DT=a.CRD_DT AND aa.CRD_NO=a.CRD_NO AND aa.CRD_TM<>a.CRD_TM" + " AND DATEDIFF(Minute, (DATEADD(Minute, CAST(aa.CRD_TM AS INT) / 100 *60 + CAST(aa.CRD_TM AS INT) % 100, aa.CRD_DT))," + " DATEADD(Minute, CAST(a.CRD_TM AS INT) / 100 *60 + CAST(a.CRD_TM AS INT) % 100, a.CRD_DT))" + " BETWEEN 0 AND " + CRD_MN + " AND REA_NO NOT IN ('" + NoneReader + "'))" + " ORDER BY CRD_DT, (Case When CRD_TM=2400 Then 0 Else CRD_TM End)"; RecordSet rsdata = new RecordSet(sql, con); if (rsca.rows <= 0) { return; } ArrayList Ca = new ArrayList(); ArrayList ATT = new ArrayList(); double maxca = 0; int cadem = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rsca.rows; i++) { Ca.Add(rsca.record(i, "ONN_TM")); Ca.Add(rsca.record(i, "OFF_TM")); double c1 = IsN(rsca.record(i, "ONN_TM")); double c2 = IsN(rsca.record(i, "ONN_TM")); if (cadem == 0 && (rsca.record(i, "TYP_ID") == "ATT_HR" || rsca.record(i, "TYP_ID") == "NIG_HR")) { if (c1 > maxca) { maxca = c1; } else { cadem = 1; } if (c2 > maxca) { maxca = c2; } else { cadem = 1; } } } Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); Ca.Add(0); int dem = 0; // vi tri quet int tg = 0; int count = 0; //so lan quet the int tcqd = 0; double NIG_TM = 0; double OVOT = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("MAX_HR", "FILC02A", "SHI_ID=N'" + SHI_ID + "'", con)); while ((dem < Ca.Count || tg < rsdata.rows) && tg < rsdata.rows) { if (tg == rsdata.rows && rsca.record(0, "NIG_SH") + "" != "True") { break; } int t1 = IsN(rsdata.record(tg, "CRD_TM")); // string DAT_TM=rsdata.record(tg,"DAT_TM"); string DAT_TM = "0"; int t2 = IsN(rsdata.record(tg + 1, "CRD_TM")); int c1 = IsN(Ca[dem] + ""); int c2; if (OVOT != 0 && tcqd > 0 && OVOT < t1) { break; } if (dem + 1 < Ca.Count) { c2 = IsN(Ca[dem + 1] + ""); } else { c2 = IsN(Ca[dem] + ""); } if (t1 == c1 || (dem + 1) == Ca.Count || c1 == 0) // dung thoi gian { //if(rsdata.rows<=tg+1 && (dem%2)==0 && (count%2)==1 && count!=0 && ( t2>c1 || t2==0) ) if ((ATT.Count % 2) != (count % 2)) { ATT.Add(0); dem++; } ATT.Add(t1); NIG_TM = TangQuaDem(EMP_ID, DAT_TM, tcqd, con, t1, NIG_TM, ATT); count++; dem++; tg++; // tg += CardData_MoveNext(rsdata, tg); } else { if (t1 < c1) // < kiem tra thoi gian crd ke tiep [di som] { if ((ATT.Count % 2) != (count % 2)) { ATT.Add(0); dem++; } //ATT.Add(t1); ATT.Add((t1 == 0 ? 2400 : t1)); //NhuY NIG_TM = TangQuaDem(EMP_ID, DAT_TM, tcqd, con, t1, NIG_TM, ATT); count++; dem++; tg++; // tg += CardData_MoveNext(rsdata, tg); } else { if (Math.Abs(t1 - c1) < Math.Abs(t1 - c2)) // dung thoi gian { if (rsdata.rows <= tg + 1) // lan quet the cuoi trong ngay { if ((ATT.Count % 2) != (count % 2)) { ATT.Add(0); dem++; } ATT.Add(t1); NIG_TM = TangQuaDem(EMP_ID, DAT_TM, tcqd, con, t1, NIG_TM, ATT); count++; dem++; tg++; // tg += CardData_MoveNext(rsdata, tg); } else { if ((ATT.Count % 2) != (count % 2)) { ATT.Add(0); dem++; } ATT.Add(t1); NIG_TM = TangQuaDem(EMP_ID, DAT_TM, tcqd, con, t1, NIG_TM, ATT); count++; dem++; tg++; // tg += CardData_MoveNext(rsdata, tg); } } else // kiem tra tg ca ke tiep { if (dem < rsca.rows) { int k = ((int)(dem / 2)); string h = "ONN_BT"; if (dem % 2 != 0) { h = "OFF_BT"; } if (rsca.record(k, h) == "True") { ATT.Add(0); } } dem++; } } } if (rsdata.rows <= tg && tcqd == 0) // tinh qua dem { if ((count % 2) == 1 || cadem == 1) // qua dem { int d = 0, dd = dem; while (d < Ca.Count) { int m1 = IsN(Ca[d] + ""); int m2; if (d + 1 < Ca.Count) { m2 = IsN(Ca[d + 1] + ""); } else { m2 = IsN(Ca[d] + ""); } if (m2 != 0 && m2 < m1) { d++; dd = d; break; } d++; } } } } string values = "", Insert = ""; Insert = "Insert Into [" + table + "](EMP_ID,ATT_DT,DEP_ID,EMP_I1,SHI_ID,NIG_TM," + "ONN_01,OFF_01,ONN_02,OFF_02,ONN_03,OFF_03,ONN_04,OFF_04,ONN_05,OFF_05" + ") Values"; values = "N'" + EMP_ID + "'," + "'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + EMP_I1 + "'," + "N'" + SHI_ID + "','" + NIG_TM + "'"; for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if ((i * 2) - 2 >= ATT.Count) { values += ",0"; } else { values += "," + ATT[(i * 2) - 2]; } if ((i * 2) - 1 >= ATT.Count) { values += ",0"; } else { values += "," + ATT[(i * 2) - 1]; } } sql = Insert + "(" + values + ")"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } catch (SqlException ex) { err += ex.Message + "\r\nAttStaffByShift\r\n"; } //var _rsca = _db.Tbldetailsroster.Where(x => x.ShiId == SHI_ID).ToList(); //var _rsTypeShift = _db.Tbltypeshift.ToList(); AttendanceHelperO tm = new AttendanceHelperO(EMP_ID, d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), con, Ca, ATT, SHI_ID, rsca, Set, rsTypeShift); tm.tb = table; tm.NIG_TM = NIG_TM; //tm.rsType=rsType; tm.UpdateSql(); }
private void UpdateItem(string Item, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, Boolean giophut, RecordSet sal) { UpdateItem(Item, EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, giophut, sal, 2); }
private void UpdateItemCount(string Item, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal) { string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; string sql = "", sql1 = ""; sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [" + Item + "]=(SELECT COUNT(Case When [" + Item + "]=1 Then 1 End)"; sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/" + " where a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0) { sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 3; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); // truoc thay doi luong sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT between '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 4; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); // sau thay doi luong } }
private void CalHoliday(string EMP_ID, string INH_DT, string dt, ArrayList a, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal)// cong gio cong ngay nghi le { if (a.Count == 0) { return; } int m = 0, m1 = 0, m2 = 0; Double dt1 = 0; Double INH = 0; if (INH_DT + "" != "") { INH = T_String.IsNullTo00(DateTime.Parse(INH_DT).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } else { INH = 9999999999; } if (dt + "" != "") { dt1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(DateTime.Parse(dt).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } else { dt1 = 9999999999; } Double dt4 = 0; if (sal.rows > 0) { dt4 = T_String.IsNullTo00(DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT")).ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } RecordSet rsATT; string sql; for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (dt1 <= T_String.IsNullTo00(a[i] + "")) { break; } string s = a[i] + ""; sql = "select * from TBLLEAVE where EMP_ID='" + EMP_ID + "' AND '" + a[i] + "' BETWEEN STR_DT AND END_DT and LEA_ID IN (SELECT LEA_ID FROM TBLTYPELEAVE WHERE HOL_BT=1)"; rsATT = new RecordSet(sql, con); if (rsATT.rows <= 0) { if (INH <= T_String.IsNullTo00(a[i] + "")) { if (SEQ_NO == "2") { if (sal.rows > 0 && sal.rows > 0) { if (dt4 <= T_String.IsNullTo00(a[i] + ""))// sau khi doi luong { m1++; } else // truoc khi doi luong { m2++; } } } m++; } } } if (m <= 0) { return; } m = m * 8; m1 = m1 * 8; m2 = m2 * 8; string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [HOL_TT]=" + m; sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0) { sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [HOL_TT]=" + m2; sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=3"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [HOL_TT]=" + m1; sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=4"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); } }
private void CheckFieldName() { rsTypeShift = new RecordSet("Select * from TBLTYPESHIFT", PublicFunction.C_con); }
public void Formula(string where, string YYY_MM, int SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con1) { //pro1.Value = 0; string sql = "Select * from TBLSALARYFORMULA where "; if (SEQ_NO == 1) { sql += "FST_BT=1"; where += " AND TBLSALARY.SEQ_NO=1"; } else { if (SEQ_NO == 2) { sql += "(LST_BT=1 OR BEF_BT=1 OR AFT_BT=1 OR SUM_BT=1)"; //where += " AND FILD02A.SEQ_NO>1"; } } // if (seq > 0 && SEQ_NO==2) sql += " and isnull(SUM_BT,0)=0"; RecordSet rs2 = new RecordSet(sql + " ORDER BY SEQ_N1", con1); for (int n = 0; n < rs2.rows; n++) { try { //c1.Text = "Formula: " + (n + 1); sql = rs2.record(n, "SQL_DR") + " AND TBLPAYROLL.YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'" + " AND TBLPAYROLL.YYY_MM=TBLMONTHATTENDANCE.YYY_MM AND TBLPAYROLL.SEQ_NO=TBLMONTHATTENDANCE.SEQ_NO AND ISNULL(TBLPAYROLL.LCK_BT,0)=0"; string whereSEQ = " AND TBLPAYROLL.SEQ_NO IN (''"; if (rs2.record(n, "LST_BT") + "" == "True") { whereSEQ += ", 2"; } if (rs2.record(n, "BEF_BT") + "" == "True") { whereSEQ += ", 3"; } if (rs2.record(n, "AFT_BT") + "" == "True") { whereSEQ += ", 4"; } whereSEQ += ")"; sql += whereSEQ; if ((sql.IndexOf("[DayOfMonth()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[SundayOfMonth()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[SaturdayOfMonth()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[HolidayOfMonth()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[CalDate_From()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[CalDate_To()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[CalDate_Month()]") > 0)) { sql = FunSql(sql, YYY_MM, con1); } if ((sql.IndexOf("[DayOfMonth_INH()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[SundayOfMonth_INH()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[HolidayOfMonth_INH()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[AnnLeaveToSalary()]") > 0) || (sql.IndexOf("[VacateDaysNoSUN()]") > 0)) { //Tinh tung nguoi string ss = "Select Distinct a.EMP_ID,EMP_NM,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),INH_DT,111) INH_DT from " + "TBLEMPLOYEE a where " + crtCondition1.GetWhere("a", false); RecordSet rsEmp = new RecordSet(ss, con1); for (int i = 0; i < rsEmp.rows; i++) { ss = sql; ss = FunSqlINH(rsEmp.record(i, "EMP_ID"), rsEmp.record(i, "INH_DT"), ss, YYY_MM, con1); //if (PublicFunction.GPS) ss = ss.Replace("FILC06AA", "FILC06AAS"); sql = sql.Replace("FILF01A", "TBLEMPLOYEE"); sql = sql.Replace("FILD02A", "TBLPAYROLL"); sql = sql.Replace("FILC06AA", "TBLMONTHATTENDANCE"); PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(ss + " AND TBLEMPLOYEE.EMP_ID=N'" + rsEmp.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "'", con1); } } else { sql += where; //if (PublicFunction.GPS) sql = sql.Replace("FILC06AA", "FILC06AAS"); sql = sql.Replace("FILF01A", "TBLEMPLOYEE"); sql = sql.Replace("FILD02A", "TBLPAYROLL"); sql = sql.Replace("FILC06AA", "TBLMONTHATTENDANCE"); PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } if (SEQ_NO == 2 && rs2.record(n, "SUM_BT") == "True") { TinhTong(where, YYY_MM, rs2.record(n, "ITE_NM")); } //pro1.Value = (int)(n + 1) * 100 / rs2.rows; } catch (Exception ex) { err += ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace; //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " " + sql); } } }
public void Cal() { string sql; //cmd_stop.Visible = true; //panel2.Enabled = false; SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.connectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); string dt = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); while (T_String.IsNullTo0(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) <= T_String.IsNullTo0(d2.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))// tung Ngay { string data = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("h" + d1.Day, "TBLHOLIDAY", "YYY_YY=" + d1.Year + " and MMM_MM=" + d1.Month); if (data + "" == "True") { a.Add(d1.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); } d1 = d1.AddDays(1); } d1 = dt1; d2 = dt2; RecordSet sal; sql = "Select TYP_ID from TBLTYPESHIFT"; RecordSet rsshift = new RecordSet(sql, con1); //sql="Select * from " + FILC07A + " where MON_BT=1"; //Func.RecordSet ATTFOR = new Func.RecordSet(sql,PublicFunction.C_con); sql = "SELECT COL_NM, GIO_BT," + " (SELECT FROM sys.columns c INNER JOIN sys.types t ON c.system_type_id=t.system_type_id" + " WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id)='" + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + "' AND<>'sysname' AND DATA_TP" + " FROM " + TBLEXCOLATTENDANCE + " WHERE MON_BT=1"; RecordSet ATTFOR = new RecordSet(sql, con1); sql = "Select a.EMP_ID,EMP_NM,null VAC_DT,a.EMP_I1,a.DEP_ID,CONVERT(nvarchar(10),INH_DT,111) INH_DT from TBLEMPLOYEE a /*Left JOIN FILB01AC b on a.EMP_ID=b.EMP_ID*/ where " + crtCondition1.GetWhere("a", false) + " /*and (VAC_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' or VAC_DT is null or a.VAC_BT=0 or a.VAC_BT is null)*/" + " and INH_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); string sql1 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) // Tung Nhan Vien { if (Stop) { return; } //c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM"); //Ktra lock thang if (T_String.GetDataFromSQL("ISNULL(LOC_B1,0) LOC_B1", TBLMONTHATTENDANCE, "EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' AND SEQ_NO=" + (cb + "" == "1" ? "1" : "2"), con1) != "True") { sql = "Delete from " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'"; if (cb + "" == "1") { sql += " and SEQ_NO=1"; // nua thang } else { sql += " and SEQ_NO in(2,3,4)";// 2 nguyen thang, 3 truoc khi doi luong, 4 sau khi doi luong } PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1, 30, true); // doi bo phan //sql = "SELECT * FROM FILB03A WHERE (SEQ_DT>'" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") // + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "') ORDER BY SEQ_DT ASC"; // doi bo phan sql = "SELECT '' DEP_I1, '' EMP_I3 where 1=0"; RecordSet rs1 = new RecordSet(sql, con1); string DEP_I1, EMP_DW; if (rs1.rows > 0) { DEP_I1 = rs1.record(0, "DEP_I1");// thay doi bo phan EMP_DW = rs1.record(0, "EMP_I3"); } else { DEP_I1 = rs.record(i, "DEP_ID"); EMP_DW = rs.record(i, "EMP_I1"); } // sql = "Insert into " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,DEP_I1,EMP_DW,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + DEP_I1 + "',N'" + EMP_DW + "',"; sql += "N'" + "{User Login}" + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; string sql11 = "Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from TBLSALARY where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' AND ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0" + " AND CHA_DT<>'" + rs.record(i, "INH_DT") + "'"; sal = new RecordSet(sql11, con1); if (cb + "" == "1") { sql1 = sql + "1)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, 60, true); } else { sql1 = sql + "2)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, 60, true); if (sal.rows > 0) { sql = "Insert into " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + "{User Login}" + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT")).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; sal = new RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from TBLSALARY where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0", con1); sql1 = sql + "3)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, 60, true); sql = "Insert into " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + "(EMP_ID,YYY_MM,BLT_NM,BLT_DT,NOT_DR,SEQ_NO) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; sql += "N'" + "{User login}" + "','" + dt + "',"; sql += "N'" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT")).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "~" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "',"; sal = new RecordSet("Select EMP_ID,CHA_DT from TBLSALARY where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and CHA_DT>'" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and ISNULL(DON_AP,0)=0", con1); sql1 = sql + "4)"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con1, 60, true); } } CalShift(rsshift, rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb + "", con1, sal); CalATTFOR(ATTFOR, rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb + "", con1, sal); Normal(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb + "", con1, sal); LEAVE(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb + "", con1, sal); //BonusFined(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), cb + "", con1, sal); CalHoliday(rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"), rs.record(i, "INH_DT"), rs.record(i, "VAC_DT"), a, cb + "", con1, sal); } //pro1.Value = 100; //pro2.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows; //if (sleep > 0) // Thread.Sleep(sleep); } //pro2.Value = 100; //c1.Text = PublicFunction.L_Get_Msg("Staff", 1); //panel2.Enabled = true; //cmd_stop.Visible = false; }
private void CalShift(RecordSet rs, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal) // tinh gio cong { for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) // Tung Nhan Vien { string Item = rs.record(i, "TYP_ID"); UpdateItem(Item, EMP_ID, SEQ_NO, con, true, sal); } }
public void LCB(string EMP_ID, string YYY_MM, int SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con1) { string sql = ""; RecordSet rs; sql = "Select * from TBLSALARY where (DON_AP=0 OR DON_AP is null) and EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' " + " and (CHA_DT>'" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and CHA_DT<='" + dt2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "')"; if (SEQ_NO == 4 || SEQ_NO == 3) // luong thay doi trong thang { if (SEQ_NO == 4) { sql += " ORDER BY CHA_DT desc"; rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); } else { sql = "Select * from TBLSALARY where (DON_AP=0 OR DON_AP is null) and EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' " + " and CHA_DT<='" + dt2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; sql += " ORDER BY CHA_DT desc"; rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); } if (rs.rows < 0) { sql = "Select * from TBLSALARY where (DON_AP=0 OR DON_AP is null) and EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' ORDER BY CHA_DT desc"; rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); } } else { sql = "Select * from TBLSALARY where (DON_AP=0 OR DON_AP is null) and CHA_DT<='" + dt2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' ORDER BY CHA_DT desc"; rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); } sql = "Select * from TBLPAYROLL where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO; RecordSet rs1 = new RecordSet(sql, con1); sql = ""; if (rs.rows <= 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < rs_LCB.rows; i++) { if (T_String.IsNullTo00(rs1.record(0, rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM")) + "") <= 0) { if (sql != "") { sql += ","; } if (SEQ_NO == 3 && rs.rows > 1) { sql += "" + rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM") + "=" + (rs.record(1, rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM")) + "" == "True" ? 1 : T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(1, rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM")) + "")); } else { sql += "" + rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM") + "=" + (rs.record(0, rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM")) + "" == "True" ? 1 : T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(0, rs_LCB.record(i, "COL_NM")) + "")); } } } if (sql != "") { sql = "update TBLPAYROLL set " + sql + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO + " and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' AND ISNULL(LCK_BT,0)=0"; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } }
private void Transfer() { //if (PublicFunction.IsKTime("PF")) // return; //p1.Enabled = false; con1 = new SqlConnection(PublicFunction.connectionString); if (con1.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con1.Open(); } string sql = "", dt = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); //DateTime d2=DateTime.Parse(dt2.Value+""); DateTime d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(dt2); string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); rs_LCB = new RecordSet("Select * from TBLSALARYITEM where BAS_BT=1", con1); //sql = "Delete TBLPAYROLL FROM FILB01AC C WHERE TBLPAYROLL.EMP_ID=C.EMP_ID AND VAC_DT<='" + dt1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'"; //sql = "Delete TBLPAYROLL WHERE YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "'"; //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); sql = "Select EMP_ID,EMP_NM,DEP_ID DEP_I1,EMP_I1 EMP_DW from TBLEMPLOYEE" + " where " + crtCondition1.GetWhere("", false); RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); try { for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { string EMP_ID = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID"); string DEP_ID = rs.record(i, "DEP_I1"), EMP_DW = rs.record(i, "EMP_DW"); //c1.Text = rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + " - " + rs.record(i, "EMP_NM") + " | " + ((i + 1) + "/" + rs.rows); string wh; sql = "Select LCK_BT from TBLPAYROLL "; wh = " where EMP_ID=N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "' and " + "YYY_MM=N'" + dt3.ToString("yyyyMM") + "' and SEQ_NO="; if (r1) { wh += "1"; } else { wh += "2"; } RecordSet rs1 = new RecordSet(sql + wh, con1); if (rs1.rows <= 0 || (rs1.rows > 0 && rs1.record(0, "LCK_BT") != "True")) { sql = "Insert Into TBLPAYROLL(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,EMP_DW,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + EMP_ID + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + EMP_DW + "',N'" + YYY_MM + "',"; if (r1) { sql += "1"; } else { sql += "2"; } sql += ",N'" + "{UserLogin}" + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { err += ex.Message; } } if (!r1) { int seq = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", TBLMONTHATTENDANCE, "EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=3")); if (seq > 0) { sql = "Insert Into TBLPAYROLL(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + dt3.ToString("yyyyMM") + "',3"; sql += ",N'" + "{UserLogin}" + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { err += ex.Message; } } sql = "Insert Into TBLPAYROLL(EMP_ID,DEP_ID,YYY_MM,SEQ_NO,BLT_NM,BLT_DT) values("; sql += "N'" + rs.record(i, "EMP_ID") + "',N'" + DEP_ID + "',N'" + dt3.ToString("yyyyMM") + "',4"; sql += ",N'" + "{UserLogin}" + "','" + dt + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con1); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { err += ex.Message; } } LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 3, con1); LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 4, con1); } LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 2, con1); } else { LCB(EMP_ID, YYY_MM, 1, con1); } } //pro1.Value = (int)(i + 1) * 100 / rs.rows; //if (sleep > 0) // Thread.Sleep(sleep); } } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); err += ex.Message; //p1.Enabled = true; } //pro1.Value = 100; con1.Close(); //p1.Enabled = true; }
public static void Copy_Table(string FromTable, string NewTable, SqlConnection con1) { string sql, st = "", key = ""; string IDTable = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("ID", "sysobjects", "name='" + FromTable + "'"); sql = "SELECT c.colid,, AS datatype,c.length,c.isnullable,c.cdefault,c.prec," + " FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN systypes ty ON c.xtype = ty.xtype WHERE ( <> N'sysname')" + " AND = N'" + IDTable + "' order by colid "; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, con1); for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { if (i != 0) { st += ","; } st += "[" + rs.record(i, "name") + "] "; // ten bang st += rs.record(i, "datatype"); if (S_Right(rs.record(i, "datatype"), 4) == "char" || S_Right(rs.record(i, "datatype"), 6) == "binary") { st += "(" + rs.record(i, "length") + ") "; // chieu dai } if (rs.record(i, "cdefault") + "" != "0") // default { string tam = T_String.GetDataFromSQL("text", "syscomments", "id=" + rs.record(i, "cdefault"), con1); if (tam != "") { st += " Default " + tam; } } if (rs.record(i, "isnullable") + "" == "0") // allow null { st += " not null"; } int count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "sysindexkeys", "indid=1 and id=" + IDTable + " and colid=" + rs.record(i, "colid"), con1) + ""); if (count > 0) { if (key != "") { key += ","; } key += "[" + rs.record(i, "name") + "] "; } } st = "Create Table [" + NewTable + "](" + st; if (key != "") { int count = T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("Count(*)", "sysobjects", "name='" + NewTable + "'", con1)); if (count <= 0) { st += " , CONSTRAINT PK_" + NewTable + " PRIMARY KEY (" + key + "))"; } else { st += " , CONSTRAINT PK1_" + NewTable + " PRIMARY KEY (" + key + "))"; } } else { st += ")"; } SQL_Execute(st, con1, true); }
private void UpdateItem(string Item, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, Boolean giophut, RecordSet sal, int round) { string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; string sql = "", sql1 = ""; sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [" + Item + "]="; if (giophut) { sql += "(Select ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2) "; } else { sql += "(Select ROUND(SUM([" + Item + "])," + round + ") "; } sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /* LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID */" + " where a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT) */and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0) { sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 3; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); // truoc thay doi luong sql1 = sql + " from " + TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and ATT_DT between '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "') where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 4; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql1, con, 60, true); // sau thay doi luong } }
public void AddRawDataToDB(string st1, string filename, SqlConnection con, string SEQ_NO) { string st = st1; string REA_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 3); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 3); string CRD_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 10); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 10); string CRD_DT = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 8); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 8); string CRD_TM = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4); Double TM = T_String.IsNullTo00(PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4)); DateTime dt1 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(-CRD_MN); DateTime dt2 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(CRD_MN); string sql = "", EMP_ID; //Kiem tra neu ma co roi thi ko them nua sql = "Select EMP_ID from TBLCARDDATA where DAT_TM=N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "' and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows <= 0) { // sql="Delete from FILC01A where DAT_TM=N'"+CRD_DT+CRD_TM+"' and CRD_NO=N'"+CRD_NO+"'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (TM == 0000) { CRD_TM = "2400"; TM = 2400; CRD_DT = GetDate(CRD_DT).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); } sql = "(DAT_TM>" + dt1.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + " and DAT_TM<" + dt2.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ") and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COUNT(DAT_TM)", "TBLCARDDATA", sql, con)) <= 0)// thoi cho phep duoc lap lai the { int index = this.CRD_NO.IndexOf(CRD_NO); if (index >= 0) { EMP_ID = this.EMP_ID[index] + ""; } else { EMP_ID = ""; } sql = "Insert into TBLCARDDATA(DAT_TM,EMP_ID,SWI_DT,USR_NM,CRD_DT,CRD_TM,CRD_NO,REA_NO,FIL_NM) values("; sql += "N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "',N'" + EMP_ID + "','" + dt + "',N'" + "{UserID}" + "',"; sql += "'" + CRD_DT + "'," + TM + ","; sql += "N'" + CRD_NO + "',N'" + REA_NO + "',"; sql += "N'" + filename + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ""); err += ex.Message + ""; } } } //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (SEQ_NO == "0") { //lb2.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d1++; //c1.Text = d1 + ""; } else { //lb4.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d2++; //c2.Text = d2 + ""; } } }
private void UpdateItemLeave(string LEA_ID, string EMP_ID, string SEQ_NO, SqlConnection con, RecordSet sal) { string YYY_MM = dt3.ToString("yyyyMM"); DateTime d1 = dt1; DateTime d2 = dt2; string sql = "", sql1, Item; Double t1, t2, t3; Item = "LEA_H1"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; // sql1="EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and ATT_DT between '"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+ // "' and '"+d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"' and LEA_I1=N'"+LEA_ID+"'"; // t1=T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, FILC06A, sql1)); sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I1=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H2"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; // sql1="EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and ATT_DT between '"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+ // "' and '"+d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"' and LEA_I2=N'"+LEA_ID+"'"; // t2=T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, FILC06A, sql1)); sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT) and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I2=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t2 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H3"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; // sql1="EMP_ID=N'"+EMP_ID+"' and ATT_DT between '"+d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+ // "' and '"+d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")+"' and LEA_I3=N'"+LEA_ID+"'"; // t3=T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, FILC06A, sql1)); sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I3=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t3 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); t1 = t1 + t2 + t3; sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [" + "LEA_" + LEA_ID + "]=" + t1.ToString("##0.##"); sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + SEQ_NO; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); if (SEQ_NO == "2" && sal.rows > 0) { Item = "LEA_H1"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I1=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H2"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I2=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t2 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H3"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + d1.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I3=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t3 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); t1 = t1 + t2 + t3; sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [" + "LEA_" + LEA_ID + "]=" + t1.ToString("##0.##"); sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 3; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); //truoc khi thay doi luong Item = "LEA_H1"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I1=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H2"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I2=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t2 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); Item = "LEA_H3"; sql = "ROUND(SUM((FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100)+([" + Item + "]/100-FLOOR([" + Item + "]/100))/0.6)),2)"; sql1 = "a.EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' AND ATT_DT>=INH_DT /*AND (VAC_DT IS NULL OR ATT_DT<VAC_DT)*/ and ATT_DT between '" + DateTime.Parse(sal.record(0, "CHA_DT") + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and '" + d2.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "' and LEA_I3=N'" + LEA_ID + "'"; t3 = T_String.IsNullTo00(T_String.GetDataFromSQL(sql, TBLDETAILSATTENDANCE + " a INNER JOIN TBLEMPLOYEE e ON e.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID /*LEFT JOIN FILB01AC v ON v.EMP_ID=a.EMP_ID*/", sql1)); t1 = t1 + t2 + t3; sql = "Update " + TBLMONTHATTENDANCE + " set [" + "LEA_" + LEA_ID + "]=" + t1.ToString("##0.##"); sql += " where EMP_ID=N'" + EMP_ID + "' and YYY_MM=N'" + YYY_MM + "' and SEQ_NO=" + 4; PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con, 60, true); // sau khi thay doi luong } }