private DateTime GetDateTime(string st, string time) { try { string st1 = st; int y = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.S_Left(st1, 4)); st1 = PublicFunction.S_Right(st1, st1.Length - 4); int MM = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.S_Left(st1, 2)); st1 = PublicFunction.S_Right(st1, st1.Length - 2); int d = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.S_Left(st1, 2)); int HH = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.S_Left(time, 2)); int mm = T_String.IsNullTo0(PublicFunction.S_Right(time, 2)); DateTime dt = new DateTime(y, MM, d, HH, mm, 0, 0); return(dt); } catch (Exception) { return(new DateTime(1, 1, 1)); } }
public double Round(double data, int SEQ, int ROU) { double gio = IsD(PublicFunction.S_Left(PublicFunction.S_Right("00" + data + "", 4), 2)); double phut = IsD(PublicFunction.S_Right("00" + data + "", 2)); if (phut == 0) { return(data); } int tm1 = 0, tm = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= SEQ; i++) { tm = (int)((60 / SEQ) * i); tm1 = (int)tm - ROU; if (phut <= tm && phut >= tm1) { if (tm == 60) { tm = 0; gio++; } return(IsD(gio + "" + tm.ToString("00"))); } tm = (int)((60 / SEQ) * (i - 1)); if (phut < tm1 && phut > tm) { if (tm == 60) { tm = 0; gio++; } return(IsD(gio + "" + tm.ToString("00"))); } } return(data); }
public void AddRawDataToDB(string st1, string filename, SqlConnection con, string SEQ_NO) { string st = st1; string REA_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 3); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 3); string CRD_NO = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 10); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 10); string CRD_DT = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 8); st = PublicFunction.S_Right(st, st.Length - 8); string CRD_TM = PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4); Double TM = T_String.IsNullTo00(PublicFunction.S_Left(st, 4)); DateTime dt1 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(-CRD_MN); DateTime dt2 = GetDateTime(CRD_DT, CRD_TM).AddMinutes(CRD_MN); string sql = "", EMP_ID; //Kiem tra neu ma co roi thi ko them nua sql = "Select EMP_ID from TBLCARDDATA where DAT_TM=N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "' and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); if (rs.rows <= 0) { // sql="Delete from FILC01A where DAT_TM=N'"+CRD_DT+CRD_TM+"' and CRD_NO=N'"+CRD_NO+"'"; // PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (TM == 0000) { CRD_TM = "2400"; TM = 2400; CRD_DT = GetDate(CRD_DT).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); } sql = "(DAT_TM>" + dt1.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + " and DAT_TM<" + dt2.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ") and CRD_NO=N'" + CRD_NO + "'"; if (T_String.IsNullTo0(T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COUNT(DAT_TM)", "TBLCARDDATA", sql, con)) <= 0)// thoi cho phep duoc lap lai the { int index = this.CRD_NO.IndexOf(CRD_NO); if (index >= 0) { EMP_ID = this.EMP_ID[index] + ""; } else { EMP_ID = ""; } sql = "Insert into TBLCARDDATA(DAT_TM,EMP_ID,SWI_DT,USR_NM,CRD_DT,CRD_TM,CRD_NO,REA_NO,FIL_NM) values("; sql += "N'" + CRD_DT + CRD_TM + "',N'" + EMP_ID + "','" + dt + "',N'" + "{UserID}" + "',"; sql += "'" + CRD_DT + "'," + TM + ","; sql += "N'" + CRD_NO + "',N'" + REA_NO + "',"; sql += "N'" + filename + "')"; try { PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql, con); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number != 2627) { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ""); err += ex.Message + ""; } } } //PublicFunction.SQL_Execute(sql,con); if (SEQ_NO == "0") { //lb2.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d1++; //c1.Text = d1 + ""; } else { //lb4.Items.Add(CRD_NO + " " + CRD_DT + " " + CRD_TM); d2++; //c2.Text = d2 + ""; } } }
public void Round() { //NhuY (2011/10/25): Neu thiet lap "ko lam tron gio lam" -> chi ko lam tron gio lam, con tang ca thi lam tron for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count; i++) { if (SYS_SETTING_ATT.ROU_NO != "True" || Name[i] + "" != "ATT_HR" && Name[i] + "" != "NIG_HR") { int SEQ = IsN(PublicFunction.S_Left(rsTypeShift[i].RouDr, 2)); int ROU = IsN(PublicFunction.S_Right(rsTypeShift[i].RouDr, 2)); if (SEQ != 0) { Data[i] = Round(IsD(Data[i] + ""), SEQ, ROU); } } } // //if (thaisan.rows > 0)// thai san //{ // int index = Name.IndexOf("ATT_HR"); // Double hr = T_String.IsNullTo00(Data[index] + ""); // Double hr1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(thaisan.record(0, "WRK_OT") + ""); // Double gp = 0; // gp = T_String.CongTG(gp, OTR_HR); // if (hr > 0) // { // if (CON_MAN == 0 || T_String.CongTG(hr, gp) >= CON_MAN) // { // hr = hr + 100; // hr1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(thaisan.record(0, "WRK_OT") + ""); // hr1 = T_String.TruTG(hr1, gp); // if (hr > hr1 && hr1 > 0) // { // Data[index] = hr1; // hr = hr - hr1; // index = Name.IndexOf("OTT_HR"); // Data[index] = T_String.IsNullTo00(Data[index] + "") + hr; // } // else // { // Data[index] = hr; // } // } // else // giothaisan = 0; // } // else // { // index = Name.IndexOf("NIG_HR"); // hr = T_String.IsNullTo00(Data[index] + ""); // if (CON_MAN == 0 || T_String.CongTG(hr, gp) >= CON_MAN) // { // if (hr > 0) // { // hr = hr + 100; // hr1 = T_String.IsNullTo00(thaisan.record(0, "WRK_OT") + ""); // hr1 = T_String.TruTG(hr1, gp); // if (hr > hr1 && hr1 > 0) // { // Data[index] = hr1; // hr = hr - hr1; // //index=Name.IndexOf("NIG_OT"); // index = Name.IndexOf("OVO_HR"); // Data[index] = T_String.IsNullTo00(Data[index] + "") + hr; // } // else // { // Data[index] = hr; // } // } // } // else // giothaisan = 0; // } // if (thaisan.record(0, "OTT_BT") + "" != "True") // { // for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count; i++) // { // if (Name[i] + "" != "ATT_HR" && Name[i] + "" != "NIG_HR") // Data[i] = 0; // else // { // if (Name[i] + "" == "ATT_HR") // { // if (IsD(Data[i]) > ATT_MAX) // Data[i] = ATT_MAX; // } // else // if (IsD(Data[i]) > NIG_MAX) // Data[i] = NIG_MAX; // } // } // } //} }