protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { List<Matricula> lstMatri = new List<Matricula>(); if (Session["Matri"] != null) { lstMatri = ((List<Matricula>)Session["Matri"]); } string codigo=GridMatricula.DataKeys[Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)].Value.ToString(); Matricula MatriculaEncontrada = lstMatri.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Codigo == Convert.ToInt32(codigo)); if (e.CommandName == "Editar") { txtCodigo.Text = MatriculaEncontrada.Codigo.ToString(); txtNombre.Text = MatriculaEncontrada.NombreEstud; txtValor.Text = MatriculaEncontrada.Valor.ToString(); } if (e.CommandName == "Eliminar") { lstMatri.Remove(MatriculaEncontrada); //int indice = lstFactu.IndexOf(factuEncontrada); //lstFactu.RemoveAt(indice); } GridMatricula.DataSource = lstMatri; GridMatricula.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Codigo" }; GridMatricula.DataBind(); }
public static string[] PrepareUserKeywords(string SampleKeywordsText) { List<string> Keywords = new List<string>(); try { int i=0; string[] splitter = { ".", " ", ":", ",", ";", "'", "\"", "(", ")" }; string[] UserWords = SampleKeywordsText.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); SetWords(); foreach (string uWord in UserWords) { foreach (string word in words) { if (word.Contains("-") && i<UserWords.Length-1 ) { int k=i+1; if (word.ToLower() == uWord.ToLower()+"-"+UserWords[k].ToLower()) { Keywords.Add(word); break; } } else { if (word.ToLower() == uWord.ToLower()) { Keywords.Add(word); break; } } } i++; } } catch (Exception es) { } List<string> newWords = new List<string>(); foreach (string temp in Keywords) { if (newWords.Contains(temp)) { } else { newWords.Add(temp); } } words = new List<string>(); StreamReader read = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Words.txt")); string lineRead = read.ReadLine(); while (lineRead != null) { words.Add(lineRead); try { lineRead = read.ReadLine(); } catch (NullReferenceException ec) { break; } } read.Close(); read.Dispose(); foreach (string word in words) { if (newWords.Contains(word)) { newWords.Remove(word); } } return newWords.ToArray(); }
//searches for classes that are available this quarter that student meets requirements for protected List<string> QtrClassSearch() { List<string> currentClasses = new List<string>(); List<string> needed = new List<string>(); List<int> reqList = new List<int>(); int count; if (date[1] == 3 || date[1] == 4) count = SummerN; else count = QtrN; //if you still need intro courses, you can't take any else if (introNeeded) { reqList = new List<int>(introReqID); reqList.Sort(); foreach (int ReqID in reqList) { //gets classes offered that have met prereqs needed = ClassesOffered(ReqID); while (count > 0 && needed.Count() > 0 && ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] > 0) { string course = needed[0]; needed.Remove(course); ReqIDClassesNeeded[ReqID].Remove(course); if (!studentHistory.Contains(course) && !currentClasses.Contains(course)) { ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] = ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] - 1; count = count - 1; currentClasses.Add(course); } } } if (checkIntro()) introNeeded = false; } //searches for main courses else { reqList = new List<int>(mainReqID); reqList.Sort(); foreach (int ReqID in reqList) { //gets classes offered that have met prereqs needed = ClassesOffered(ReqID); while (count > 0 && needed.Count() > 0 && ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] > 0) { string course = needed[0]; needed.Remove(course); ReqIDClassesNeeded[ReqID].Remove(course); //if(course == "GAM 690") resultsBox.Items.Add(new ListItem("Looking at " + course + "in qtrSearch", course)); if (!studentHistory.Contains(course) && !currentClasses.Contains(course)) { ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] = ReqIDNumberNeeded[ReqID] - 1; count = count - 1; currentClasses.Add(course); } } } } //adds classes to studenthistory foreach (string cl in currentClasses) { studentHistory.Add(cl); } return currentClasses; }