예제 #1
        //public int CheckStatus(Slcr request) {
        //    int Result = -1;
        //    try
        //    {
        //        using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
        //        {
        //            string strSql = "";
        //            if ( ! string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.BookingNo))
        //            {
        //                 strSql = "Select count(*) From slcr1 Where BookingNo='" + request.BookingNo + "'";
        //            }
        //            Result = db.Scalar<int>(strSql);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch { throw; }
        //    return Result;


        public List <Slcr1> Get_slcr1(Slcr request)
            List <Slcr1> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("TMS"))
                    string strWhere = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.BookingNo))
                        strWhere = "Where BookingNo='" + request.BookingNo + "'";
                    var strSQL = "select sum(ReceiptAmt) as ReceiptAmt,BookingNo from  slcr1 " + strWhere + "group by BookingNo";
                    Result = db.Select <Slcr1>(strSQL);
            catch { throw; }
예제 #2
        public int Complete_Slcr1(Slcr request)
            int    Result   = -1;
            string NextNo   = "";
            int    intMonth = 0;

            request.ChequeAmt = 0;
                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    var strSQL = "SELECT " +
                                 " case " +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '1' then(select  Mth01NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '2' then(select  Mth02NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '3' then(select  Mth03NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '4' then(select  Mth04NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '5' then(select  Mth05NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '6' then(select  Mth06NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '7' then(select  Mth07NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '8' then(select  Mth08NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "    when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '9' then(select  Mth09NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '10' then(select  Mth10NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '11' then(select  Mth11NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '12' then(select  Mth12NextNo from sanm2 where TrxNo = (Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate())))" +
                                 "end as 'NextNo' ";
                    NextNo = db.Scalar <string>(strSQL);
                    NextNo = CheckUpdateFieldLength(NextNo);

                    if (NextNo.Length > 0)
                            new Slcr1
                            ReceiptNo   = "RE" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + NextNo,
                            JobNo       = request.JobNo,
                            BookingNo   = request.BookingNo,
                            BookingLine = null,
                            Remark      = null,
                            ReceiptType = "Payment",
                            CashAmt     = request.CashAmt,
                            ChequeAmt   = request.ChequeAmt,
                            ReceiptAmt  = request.CashAmt + request.ChequeAmt,
                            ReceiptDate = DateTime.Now,
                            ChequeDate  = null,
                            UpdateBy    = request.UpdateBy,
                            CollectBy   = request.CollectBy,
                        Result = 0;

                        strSQL = "SELECT " +
                                 " case " +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '1' then  1" +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '2' then 2 " +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '3' then 3 " +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '4' then 4 " +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '5' then 5 " +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '6' then 6 " +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '7' then 7 " +
                                 "  when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '8' then 8 " +
                                 "    when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '9' then 9 " +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '10' then 10 " +
                                 "     when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '11' then 11 " +
                                 " when MONTH(GETDATE()) = '12' then 12" +
                                 " end as 'NextNo' ";
                        intMonth = db.Scalar <int>(strSQL);

                        if (intMonth == 1)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth01NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 2)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth02NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 3)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth03NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 4)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth04NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 5)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth05NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        if (intMonth == 6)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth06NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 7)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth07NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 8)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth08NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        if (intMonth == 9)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth09NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 10)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth10NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 11)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth11NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");
                        else if (intMonth == 12)
                            db.Update("sanm2", " Mth12NextNo = '" + NextNo + "'", "trxno =(Select TrxNo From Sanm1 Where NumberType = 'Slcr') and YEAR = (select year(getdate()))");

                        Result = db.Update <Csbk1>(
                            DepositAmt = Convert.ToDecimal(0),
                            PaidAmt    = Convert.ToDecimal(request.CashAmt + request.ChequeAmt)
                            p => p.BookingNo == request.BookingNo
            catch { throw; }