예제 #1
 void OnDestroy()
     if (Open == false)
         Settings = null;
예제 #2
        public static IEnumerator GetUnravelSettings()
            if (Open)
                throw new Exception("The Texture Unravel Window is already open");
            Settings = new TextureUnravelSettings();
            Open     = true;
            Done     = false;
            UnravelWindow window = (UnravelWindow)GetWindow(typeof(UnravelWindow));


            //return new WaitTillTrue(() => Done);
            yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Done));
예제 #3
        void OnGUI()
            Settings.texture = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture to Unravel", Settings.texture, typeof(Texture2D), false);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Unpacking mode");
            Settings.UnravelMode = (UnravelMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(Settings.UnravelMode);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Path to Sheet File");


            Settings.SheetPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField(Settings.SheetPath);
            if (GUILayout.Button("...", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30)))
                string sheetLocation = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Find the Sheet File to be used", Path.GetTempPath(), "sheet");
                if (sheetLocation != null && sheetLocation != "")
                    Settings.SheetPath = sheetLocation;


            if (GUILayout.Button("Close"))
                Settings = null;
            if (GUILayout.Button("Unravel") && Open)

예제 #4
        static IEnumerator DoSpriteModeUnravelling(TextureUnravelSettings settings)
            string sheetData = File.ReadAllText(settings.SheetPath);
            var    texSheet  = JsonUtility.FromJson <TextureSheet>(sheetData);

            var folder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Select the folder where you want the sprites to be dumped to", "Assets", "");

            if (folder == "")
                yield break;

            folder = PathUtilities.MakePathRelative(new DirectoryInfo("Assets\\..").FullName, folder);
            if (folder == "")
                throw new Exception("The folder specified is not within the Assets Folder");
            var projectFolder = new DirectoryInfo("Assets\\..\\");

            var selectedDir = new DirectoryInfo(folder);
            var relativeDir = PathUtilities.MakePathRelative(projectFolder.FullName, selectedDir.FullName);
            //Debugger.Log("Folder = " + folder);

            List <Texture2D>  spriteTextures = new List <Texture2D>();
            List <SpriteData> sprites        = new List <SpriteData>();

            foreach (var spriteData in ReadTexturesFromSheet(texSheet, settings))

            Texture2D atlas = new Texture2D(texSheet.Width, texSheet.Height);

            atlas.name = texSheet.TextureName + "_orientated";

            var uvCoords = atlas.PackTextures(spriteTextures.ToArray(), 1, Mathf.Max(texSheet.Width, texSheet.Height), false);
            //WeaverLog.Log("Atlas Size = " + atlas.width + " , " + atlas.height);
            var pngData = atlas.EncodeToPNG();

            using (var fileTest = File.Create(selectedDir.FullName + "\\" + atlas.name + ".png"))
                fileTest.Write(pngData, 0, pngData.GetLength(0));
            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relativeDir + "\\" + atlas.name + ".png");

            yield return(null);


            var importer         = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(relativeDir + "\\" + atlas.name + ".png");
            var platformSettings = importer.GetPlatformTextureSettings("DefaultTexturePlatform");

            platformSettings.maxTextureSize = Mathf.Max(texSheet.Width, texSheet.Height);

            float averagePPU = 0f;

            foreach (var sprite in sprites)
                averagePPU += sprite.PixelsPerUnit;
            averagePPU /= sprites.Count;

            importer.spriteImportMode    = SpriteImportMode.Multiple;
            importer.spritePixelsPerUnit = averagePPU;

            List <SpriteMetaData> metas = new List <SpriteMetaData>();

            //foreach (var sprite in sprites)
            for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++)
                var sprite      = sprites[i];
                var uv          = uvCoords[i];
                var textureSize = new Vector2(sprite.Texture.width, sprite.Texture.height);
                //WeaverLog.Log("Sprite Coords for " + sprite.Texture.name + " = " + uvCoords[i]);
                metas.Add(new SpriteMetaData()
                    name      = sprite.Sheet.SpriteName,
                    border    = Vector4.zero,
                    pivot     = new Vector2(sprite.Sheet.Pivot.x, 1 - sprite.Sheet.Pivot.y),
                    alignment = (int)SpriteAlignment.Custom,
                    rect      = new Rect(uv.x * texSheet.Width, uv.y * texSheet.Height, uv.width * texSheet.Width, uv.height * texSheet.Height)
            importer.spritesheet = metas.ToArray();

예제 #5
        static IEnumerator DoTextureModeUnravelling(TextureUnravelSettings settings)
            string sheetData = File.ReadAllText(settings.SheetPath);
            var    sheet     = JsonUtility.FromJson <TextureSheet>(sheetData);

            var folder = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Select the folder where you want to textures to be dumped to", "Assets", "");

            if (folder == "")
                yield break;

            folder = PathUtilities.MakePathRelative(new DirectoryInfo("Assets\\..").FullName, folder);
            if (folder == "")
                throw new Exception("The folder specified is not within the Assets Folder");

            //Debugger.Log("Folder = " + folder);
            var projectFolder = new DirectoryInfo("Assets\\..\\");

            List <SpriteLocation> AddedSprites = new List <SpriteLocation>();

                //for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Sprites.Count; i++)
                foreach (var spriteData in ReadTexturesFromSheet(sheet, settings))

                    /*Progress = i / (float)sheet.Sprites.Count;
                     * var sprite = sheet.Sprites[i];
                     * Vector2 uvOffset = new Vector2(0.001f, 0.001f);
                     * Vector2 PostProcessedBL = Vector2.zero;
                     * Vector2 PostProcessedTR = Vector2.zero;
                     * bool rotated = false;
                     * if (sprite.UVs[0].x == sprite.UVs[1].x && sprite.UVs[2].x == sprite.UVs[3].x)
                     * {
                     *      rotated = true;
                     * }
                     * if (rotated)
                     * {
                     *      PostProcessedBL = sprite.UVs[1];
                     *      PostProcessedTR = sprite.UVs[2];
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *      PostProcessedBL = sprite.UVs[0];
                     *      PostProcessedTR = sprite.UVs[3];
                     * }
                     * int PreBLx = Mathf.RoundToInt((PostProcessedBL.x * settings.texture.width) - uvOffset.x);
                     * int PreTRy = Mathf.RoundToInt(((PostProcessedBL.y) * settings.texture.height) - uvOffset.y);
                     * //float PreTRy = ((-PostProcessedBL.y + 1.0f) * settings.texture.height) - uvOffset.y;
                     * int PreTRx = Mathf.RoundToInt((PostProcessedTR.x * settings.texture.width) + uvOffset.x);
                     * int PreBLy = Mathf.RoundToInt(((PostProcessedTR.y) * settings.texture.height) + uvOffset.y);
                     * int PreWidth = Difference(PreBLx, PreTRx);
                     * int PreHeight = Difference(PreBLy, PreTRy);
                     * Orientation orientation = Orientation.Up;
                     * if (PostProcessedBL.x < PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y < PostProcessedTR.y)
                     * {
                     *      orientation = Orientation.Up;
                     * }
                     * else if (PostProcessedBL.x < PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y > PostProcessedTR.y)
                     * {
                     *      orientation = Orientation.Right;
                     * }
                     * else if (PostProcessedBL.x > PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y > PostProcessedTR.y)
                     * {
                     *      orientation = Orientation.Down;
                     * }
                     * else if (PostProcessedBL.x > PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y < PostProcessedTR.y)
                     * {
                     *      orientation = Orientation.Left;
                     * }
                     * Vector2Int Min = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Min(PreBLx, PreTRx)), Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Min(PreBLy, PreTRy)));
                     * Vector2Int Max = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Max(PreBLx, PreTRx)), Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Max(PreBLy, PreTRy)));
                     * Vector2Int SpriteDimensions = new Vector2Int(Difference(Min.x, Max.x) + 1, Difference(Min.y, Max.y) + 1);
                     * Color[,] colorMatrix = new Color[SpriteDimensions.x, SpriteDimensions.y];
                     * for (int x = Min.x; x <= Max.x; x++)
                     * {
                     *      for (int y = Min.y; y <= Max.y; y++)
                     *      {
                     *              Color reading = settings.texture.GetPixel(x, y);
                     *              colorMatrix[x - Min.x, y - Min.y] = reading;
                     *      }
                     * }
                     * Texture2D texture = null;
                     * switch (orientation)
                     * {
                     *      case Orientation.Up:
                     *              break;
                     *      case Orientation.Right:
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              break;
                     *      case Orientation.Down:
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              break;
                     *      case Orientation.Left:
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                     *              break;
                     *      default:
                     *              break;
                     * }
                     * if (sprite.Flipped)
                     * {
                     *      colorMatrix = HorizontalFlip(colorMatrix);
                     * }
                     * texture = new Texture2D(colorMatrix.GetLength(0), colorMatrix.GetLength(1));
                     * for (int x = 0; x < texture.width; x++)
                     * {
                     *      for (int y = 0; y < texture.height; y++)
                     *      {
                     *              texture.SetPixel(x, y, colorMatrix[x, y]);
                     *      }
                     * }*/
                    var fileName = spriteData.Texture.name;
                    if (fileName == "")
                        fileName = "unknown_" + AddedSprites.Count;

                    var filePath = folder + "/" + fileName + ".png";

                    using (var file = File.Create(filePath))
                        using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(file))
                            var png = spriteData.Texture.EncodeToPNG();

                    AddedSprites.Add(new SpriteLocation()
                        Sprite           = spriteData.Sheet,
                        FileLocation     = filePath,
                        UVWidth          = spriteData.UVDimensions.x,
                        UVHeight         = spriteData.UVDimensions.y,
                        SpriteDimensions = new Vector2Int(spriteData.Texture.width, spriteData.Texture.height)
                Progress = 0.0f;

            yield return(null);

            yield return(null);

                foreach (var sprite in AddedSprites)
                    var importer = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(sprite.FileLocation);

                    TextureImporterSettings importSettings = new TextureImporterSettings();

                    importSettings.spritePixelsPerUnit = sprite.SpriteDimensions.x / sprite.Sprite.WorldSize.x;
                    importSettings.spriteAlignment     = (int)SpriteAlignment.Custom;
                    importSettings.spritePivot         = new Vector2(sprite.Sprite.Pivot.x, 1 - sprite.Sprite.Pivot.y);


            yield return(null);

            yield return(null);

            WeaverLog.Log("<b>Unravel Complete</b>");

            //Debugger.Log("Project Folder = " + projectFolder.FullName);
예제 #6
        static IEnumerable <SpriteData> ReadTexturesFromSheet(TextureSheet sheet, TextureUnravelSettings settings)
            for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Sprites.Count; i++)
                Progress = i / (float)sheet.Sprites.Count;

                var sprite = sheet.Sprites[i];

                Vector2 uvOffset = new Vector2(0.001f, 0.001f);

                Vector2 PostProcessedBL = Vector2.zero;
                Vector2 PostProcessedTR = Vector2.zero;

                bool rotated = false;

                if (sprite.UVs[0].x == sprite.UVs[1].x && sprite.UVs[2].x == sprite.UVs[3].x)
                    rotated = true;

                if (rotated)
                    PostProcessedBL = sprite.UVs[1];
                    PostProcessedTR = sprite.UVs[2];
                    PostProcessedBL = sprite.UVs[0];
                    PostProcessedTR = sprite.UVs[3];

                int PreBLx = Mathf.RoundToInt((PostProcessedBL.x * settings.texture.width) - uvOffset.x);
                int PreTRy = Mathf.RoundToInt(((PostProcessedBL.y) * settings.texture.height) - uvOffset.y);
                //float PreTRy = ((-PostProcessedBL.y + 1.0f) * settings.texture.height) - uvOffset.y;
                int PreTRx = Mathf.RoundToInt((PostProcessedTR.x * settings.texture.width) + uvOffset.x);
                int PreBLy = Mathf.RoundToInt(((PostProcessedTR.y) * settings.texture.height) + uvOffset.y);

                int PreWidth  = Difference(PreBLx, PreTRx);
                int PreHeight = Difference(PreBLy, PreTRy);

                Orientation orientation = Orientation.Up;

                if (PostProcessedBL.x < PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y < PostProcessedTR.y)
                    orientation = Orientation.Up;
                else if (PostProcessedBL.x < PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y > PostProcessedTR.y)
                    orientation = Orientation.Right;
                else if (PostProcessedBL.x > PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y > PostProcessedTR.y)
                    orientation = Orientation.Down;
                else if (PostProcessedBL.x > PostProcessedTR.x && PostProcessedBL.y < PostProcessedTR.y)
                    orientation = Orientation.Left;

                Vector2Int Min = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Min(PreBLx, PreTRx)), Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Min(PreBLy, PreTRy)));

                Vector2Int Max = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Max(PreBLx, PreTRx)), Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Max(PreBLy, PreTRy)));

                Vector2Int SpriteDimensions = new Vector2Int(Difference(Min.x, Max.x) + 1, Difference(Min.y, Max.y) + 1);

                Color[,] colorMatrix = new Color[SpriteDimensions.x, SpriteDimensions.y];

                for (int x = Min.x; x <= Max.x; x++)
                    for (int y = Min.y; y <= Max.y; y++)
                        Color reading = settings.texture.GetPixel(x, y);
                        colorMatrix[x - Min.x, y - Min.y] = reading;

                Texture2D texture = null;
                switch (orientation)
                case Orientation.Up:

                case Orientation.Right:
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);

                case Orientation.Down:
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);

                case Orientation.Left:
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);
                    colorMatrix = RotateLeft(colorMatrix);


                if (sprite.Flipped)
                    colorMatrix = HorizontalFlip(colorMatrix);

                texture      = new Texture2D(colorMatrix.GetLength(0), colorMatrix.GetLength(1));
                texture.name = sprite.SpriteName;
                for (int x = 0; x < texture.width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < texture.height; y++)
                        texture.SetPixel(x, y, colorMatrix[x, y]);

                yield return(new SpriteData()
                    Texture = texture,
                    Sheet = sprite,
                    UVDimensions = new Vector2Int(PreWidth, PreHeight),
                    PixelsPerUnit = texture.width / sprite.WorldSize.x,
                    SpriteCoords = new Rect(Min.x, Min.y, Max.x - Min.x + 1, Max.y - Min.y + 1)

                /*var fileName = sprite.SpriteName;
                 * if (fileName == "")
                 * {
                 *      fileName = "unknown_" + i;
                 * }
                 * var filePath = folder + "/" + fileName + ".png";
                 * using (var file = File.Create(filePath))
                 * {
                 *      using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(file))
                 *      {
                 *              var png = texture.EncodeToPNG();
                 *              writer.Write(png);
                 *      }
                 * }*/
                 * AddedSprites.Add(new SpriteLocation()
                 * {
                 *      Sprite = sprite,
                 *      FileLocation = filePath,
                 *      UVWidth = PreWidth,
                 *      UVHeight = PreHeight,
                 *      SpriteDimensions = new Vector2Int(colorMatrix.GetLength(0), colorMatrix.GetLength(1))
                 * });*/