public void Sua_TongTien(PhieuNhap pn) { string sql = "update PhieuNhap set TongTien=@TongTien where MaPhieuNhap=@MaPhieuNhap"; SqlParameter maphieunhap = new SqlParameter("@MaPhieuNhap", pn.MaPhieuNhap); SqlParameter tongtien = new SqlParameter("@TongTien", pn.TongTien); SqlDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, maphieunhap, tongtien); }
public List<PhieuNhap> TimKiem(PhieuNhap pn) { List<PhieuNhap> data = new List<PhieuNhap>(); string sql = "select PhieuNhap_ID,MaPhieuNhap,pn.NhaSX_ID,TenNhaSX,NgayNhap,pn.TongTien" + " from PhieuNhap pn,NhaSX nsx where pn.NhaSX_ID=nsx.NhaSX_ID" + " and (MaPhieuNhap=@MaPhieuNhap or pn.NhaSX_ID=@NhaSX_ID or NgayNhap=@NgayNhap)"; SqlParameter maphieunhap = new SqlParameter("@MaPhieuNhap", pn.MaPhieuNhap); SqlParameter nhasxid = new SqlParameter("@NhaSX_ID", pn.NhaSX_ID); SqlParameter ngaynhap = new SqlParameter("@NgayNhap", pn.NgayNhap); SqlDataReader rd = SqlDatabase.ExecuteQueryWithDataReader(sql, CommandType.Text, maphieunhap, nhasxid, ngaynhap); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { pn = new PhieuNhap() { PhieuNhap_ID = int.Parse(rd[0].ToString()), MaPhieuNhap = rd[1].ToString(), NhaSX_ID = int.Parse(rd[2].ToString()), TenNhaSX = rd[3].ToString(), NgayNhap = DateTime.Parse(rd[4].ToString()), TongTien = float.Parse(rd[5].ToString()) }; data.Add(pn); } } return data; }
public void Them(PhieuNhap pn) { string sql = "insert into PhieuNhap values(@MaPhieuNhap,@NhaSX_ID,@NgayNhap,@TongTien)"; SqlParameter maphieunhap = new SqlParameter("@MaPhieuNhap", pn.MaPhieuNhap); SqlParameter nhasxid = new SqlParameter("@NhaSX_ID", pn.NhaSX_ID); SqlParameter ngaynhap = new SqlParameter("@NgayNhap", pn.NgayNhap); SqlParameter tongtien = new SqlParameter("@TongTien", pn.TongTien); SqlDatabase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, CommandType.Text, maphieunhap, nhasxid, ngaynhap, tongtien); }
public List<PhieuNhap> HienThiPhieuNhap() { List<PhieuNhap> data = new List<PhieuNhap>(); string sql = "select PhieuNhap_ID,MaPhieuNhap,pn.NhaSX_ID,TenNhaSX,NgayNhap,pn.TongTien from PhieuNhap pn,NhaSX nsx where pn.NhaSX_ID=nsx.NhaSX_ID"; SqlDataReader rd = SqlDatabase.ExecuteQueryWithDataReader(sql, CommandType.Text); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { PhieuNhap pn = new PhieuNhap() { PhieuNhap_ID = int.Parse(rd[0].ToString()), MaPhieuNhap = rd[1].ToString(), NhaSX_ID = int.Parse(rd[2].ToString()), TenNhaSX = rd[3].ToString(), NgayNhap = DateTime.Parse(rd[4].ToString()), TongTien = float.Parse(rd[5].ToString()) }; data.Add(pn); } } return data; }
public DataSet ThongTinNhapSP(PhieuNhap pn) { CtPhieuNhapService1 dal = new CtPhieuNhapService1(); string mapn = pn.MaPhieuNhap.ToString(); string sql = ""; bool kt = dal.KiemTraMaPhieuNhap(mapn); if (kt == true) { sql = string.Format("select SP_ID,TenSP,NhaSX_ID from SanPham where NhaSX_ID=@NhaSX_ID" + " and SP_ID not in" + " (select ct_pn.SP_ID from SanPham sp, PhieuNhap pn, CT_PhieuNhap ct_pn" + " where pn.MaPhieuNhap=ct_pn.MaPhieuNhap and ct_pn.SP_ID=sp.SP_ID" + " and ct_pn.MaPhieuNhap='{0}')", mapn); } else { sql = "select SP_ID,TenSP,NhaSX_ID from SanPham where NhaSX_ID=@NhaSX_ID"; } SqlParameter nhasxid = new SqlParameter("@NhaSX_ID", pn.NhaSX_ID); return(SqlDatabase.ExecuteQueryWithDataSet(sql, CommandType.Text, nhasxid)); }
public List <PhieuNhap> HienThiPhieuNhap() { List <PhieuNhap> data = new List <PhieuNhap>(); string sql = "select PhieuNhap_ID,MaPhieuNhap,pn.NhaSX_ID,TenNhaSX,NgayNhap,pn.TongTien from PhieuNhap pn,NhaSX nsx where pn.NhaSX_ID=nsx.NhaSX_ID"; SqlDataReader rd = SqlDatabase.ExecuteQueryWithDataReader(sql, CommandType.Text); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { PhieuNhap pn = new PhieuNhap() { PhieuNhap_ID = int.Parse(rd[0].ToString()), MaPhieuNhap = rd[1].ToString(), NhaSX_ID = int.Parse(rd[2].ToString()), TenNhaSX = rd[3].ToString(), NgayNhap = DateTime.Parse(rd[4].ToString()), TongTien = float.Parse(rd[5].ToString()) }; data.Add(pn); } } return(data); }
public DataSet ThongTinNhapSP(PhieuNhap pn) { CtPhieuNhapService1 dal = new CtPhieuNhapService1(); string mapn = pn.MaPhieuNhap.ToString(); string sql = ""; bool kt = dal.KiemTraMaPhieuNhap(mapn); if (kt == true) { sql = string.Format("select SP_ID,TenSP,NhaSX_ID from SanPham where NhaSX_ID=@NhaSX_ID" + " and SP_ID not in" + " (select ct_pn.SP_ID from SanPham sp, PhieuNhap pn, CT_PhieuNhap ct_pn" + " where pn.MaPhieuNhap=ct_pn.MaPhieuNhap and ct_pn.SP_ID=sp.SP_ID" + " and ct_pn.MaPhieuNhap='{0}')", mapn); } else { sql = "select SP_ID,TenSP,NhaSX_ID from SanPham where NhaSX_ID=@NhaSX_ID"; } SqlParameter nhasxid = new SqlParameter("@NhaSX_ID", pn.NhaSX_ID); return SqlDatabase.ExecuteQueryWithDataSet(sql, CommandType.Text, nhasxid); }