예제 #1
        public void TestReservoirePutWaterZero()
            // Arrange
            int zeroPut = 0;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            // Act
            // Assert
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                CaughtEx = true;
                Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("PutWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when putting amount == 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "PutWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when putting 0 water");
예제 #2
        public void TestReservoireBasicPut()
            // Arrange
            int numAmounts = Rand.Next(5000, 10000), iterations = 0;
            int[] amounts = new int[numAmounts], totals = new int[numAmounts];
            int amount = 0;
            long longTotal = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < numAmounts; a++)
                amount = Rand.Next(1, 30000);
                longTotal += amount;
                if ((longTotal >> 32) > 0)
                    iterations = a;
                amounts[a] = amount;
                totals[a] = (int)longTotal;
            if (iterations == 0)
                iterations = numAmounts;
                amount = Rand.Next(int.MaxValue - totals[totals.Length - 1] + 2, int.MaxValue - 1);
                longTotal += amount;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                // Act

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(totals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + iterations + "]");
                // Act
            // Assert
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                CaughtEx = true;
                Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "PutWater ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("PutWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeThrownOut == " + totals[iterations - 1] + " && put amount == " + amount);
            Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "PutWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeThrownOut == " + totals[iterations - 1] + " && put amount == " + amount);
예제 #3
        public void TestReservoirePutWaterRandomLargeInts()
            // Arrange
            int numIterations = Rand.Next(5000, 10000);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

                // Act
                int randWayBig = Rand.Next(1000000, int.MaxValue - 1);

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(randWayBig, utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "VolumeThrownOut isn't random way big (" + randWayBig + ") when putting random way big (" + randWayBig + ") water [i=" + i + "/" + numIterations + "]");
예제 #4
        public void TestReservoirePutWaterRandomNegatives()
            // Arrange
            int numIterations = Rand.Next(5000, 10000), lowest = int.MinValue + 1;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                CaughtEx = false;
                int minusAmount = Rand.Next(lowest, -2);
                // Act
                // Assert
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                    CaughtEx = true;
                    Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter [i=" + i + "/" + numIterations + "]");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail("PutWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when putting amount == " + minusAmount + " [i=" + i + "/" + numIterations + "]");
                Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "PutWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when putting " + minusAmount + " water [i=" + i + "/" + numIterations + "]");
예제 #5
        public void TestReservoirePutWaterIntMax()
            // Arrange
            int wayBig = int.MaxValue;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(wayBig, utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "VolumeThrownOut isn't int.MaxValue when putting int.MaxValue water");
예제 #6
        public void TestReservoirePutWaterGreaterThanIntMax()
            // Arrange
            int putAmount = 1,
                wayBig = int.MaxValue;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            // Act
            int putVolume = utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut;
            // Assert
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                CaughtEx = true;
                Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("PutWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeThrownOut == " + putVolume + " && put amount == " + wayBig);
            Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "PutWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeThrownOut == " + putVolume + " && put amount == " + wayBig);
예제 #7
        public void TestReservoireGetThenPutWater()
            // Arrange
            int numAmounts = Rand.Next(5000, 10000), getIterations = 0, putIterations = 0;
            int[] getAmounts = new int[numAmounts], gotTotals = new int[numAmounts],
                  putAmounts = new int[numAmounts], putTotals = new int[numAmounts];
            int getAmount = 0;
            long longGetTotal = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < numAmounts; a++)
                getAmount = Rand.Next(1, 30000);
                longGetTotal += getAmount;
                if ((longGetTotal >> 32) > 0)
                    getIterations = a;
                getAmounts[a] = getAmount;
                gotTotals[a] = (int)longGetTotal;
            if (getIterations == 0)
                getIterations = numAmounts;
                getAmount = Rand.Next(int.MaxValue - gotTotals[gotTotals.Length - 1] + 2, int.MaxValue - 1);
                longGetTotal += getAmount;
            int putAmount = 0;
            long longPutTotal = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < numAmounts; a++)
                putAmount = Rand.Next(1, 30000);
                longPutTotal += putAmount;
                if ((longPutTotal >> 32) > 0)
                    putIterations = a;
                putAmounts[a] = putAmount;
                putTotals[a] = (int)longPutTotal;
            if (putIterations == 0)
                putIterations = numAmounts;
                putAmount = Rand.Next(int.MaxValue - putTotals[putTotals.Length - 1] + 2, int.MaxValue - 1);
                longPutTotal += putAmount;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire();

            int amountGotten = 0;
            int initIterations = Math.Min(getIterations, putIterations);
            int finishIterations = Math.Max(getIterations, putIterations) - initIterations;
            for (int i = 0; i < initIterations; i++)
                // Act
                amountGotten = utReservoire.GetWater(getAmounts[i]);

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(getAmounts[i], amountGotten, "GetWater returned different amount that requested [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
            if (initIterations < getIterations)
                for (int i = initIterations; i < finishIterations; i++)
                    // Act
                    amountGotten = utReservoire.GetWater(getAmounts[i]);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual(getAmounts[i], amountGotten, "GetWater returned different amount that requested [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
            else if (initIterations < putIterations)
                for (int i = initIterations; i < finishIterations; i++)
                    // Act

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
            int noGet = -1;
                // Act
                noGet = utReservoire.GetWater(getAmount);
            // Assert
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                CaughtEx = true;
                Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "GetWater ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter");
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, noGet, "Reservoire GetWater returned value == " + noGet + " even though ArgumentOutOfRangeException was thrown for getting too much water");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("GetWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeUsed == " + gotTotals[getIterations - 1] + " && get amount == " + getAmount);
            Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "GetWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeUsed == " + gotTotals[getIterations - 1] + " && get amount == " + getAmount);

            // Arrange
            CaughtEx = false;

                // Act
            // Assert
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                CaughtEx = true;
                Assert.AreEqual("amount", ex.ParamName, "PutWater ArgumentOutOfRangeException didn't report 'amount' parameter");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("PutWater threw a different Exception (" + ex.GetType().Name + ") instead of ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeThrownOut == " + putTotals[putIterations - 1] + " && put amount == " + putAmount);
            Assert.IsTrue(CaughtEx, "PutWater did not throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when VolumeUsed == " + putTotals[putIterations - 1] + " && put amount == " + putAmount);
예제 #8
        public void TestReservoireCurrentState()
            // Arrange
            int numAmounts = Rand.Next(5000, 10000), getIterations = 0, putIterations = 0;
            int[] getAmounts = new int[numAmounts], gotTotals = new int[numAmounts],
                  putAmounts = new int[numAmounts], putTotals = new int[numAmounts];
            int getAmount = 0;
            long longGetTotal = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < numAmounts; a++)
                getAmount = Rand.Next(1, 30000);
                longGetTotal += getAmount;
                if ((longGetTotal >> 32) > 0)
                    getIterations = a;
                getAmounts[a] = getAmount;
                gotTotals[a] = (int)longGetTotal;
            if (getIterations == 0)
                getIterations = numAmounts;
                getAmount = Rand.Next(int.MaxValue - gotTotals[gotTotals.Length - 1] + 2, int.MaxValue - 1);
                longGetTotal += getAmount;
            int putAmount = 0;
            long longPutTotal = 0;
            for (int a = 0; a < numAmounts; a++)
                putAmount = Rand.Next(1, 30000);
                longPutTotal += putAmount;
                if ((longPutTotal >> 32) > 0)
                    putIterations = a;
                putAmounts[a] = putAmount;
                putTotals[a] = (int)longPutTotal;
            if (putIterations == 0)
                putIterations = numAmounts;
                putAmount = Rand.Next(int.MaxValue - putTotals[putTotals.Length - 1] + 2, int.MaxValue - 1);
                longPutTotal += putAmount;
            Reservoire utReservoire = new Reservoire(), utReservoireFromState = null;
            ReservoireState utStateInitial = null, utState = null;

            // Act
            utStateInitial = utReservoire.CurrentState;
            utReservoireFromState = new Reservoire(utStateInitial);
            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, utStateInitial.VolumeUsed, "CurrentState from empty constructed initial Reservoire VolumeUsed not equal to 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, utStateInitial.VolumeThrownOut, "CurrentState from empty constructed initial Reservoire VolumeThrownOut not equal to 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, utReservoireFromState.VolumeUsed, "ReservoireState constructor from empty constructed initial Reservoire VolumeUsed not equal to 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, utReservoireFromState.VolumeThrownOut, "ReservoireState constructor from empty constructed initial Reservoire VolumeThrownOut not equal to 0");

            // Arrange
            int initIterations = Math.Min(getIterations, putIterations);
            int finishIterations = Math.Max(getIterations, putIterations) - initIterations;
            for (int i = 0; i < initIterations; i++)
                // Arrange
                utState = null;
                utReservoireFromState = null;

                // Act
                utState = utReservoire.CurrentState;
                utReservoireFromState = new Reservoire(utState);

                // Assert
                Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.IsNotNull(utState, "CurrentState returned null [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.IsNotNull(utReservoireFromState, "Constructing a new Reservoire from ReservoireState returned null (should be impossible with new call) [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utReservoireFromState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
                Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utReservoireFromState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + initIterations + ":" + finishIterations + "]");
            if (initIterations < getIterations)
                for (int i = initIterations; i < finishIterations; i++)
                    // Arrange
                    utState = null;
                    utReservoireFromState = null;

                    // Act
                    utState = utReservoire.CurrentState;
                    utReservoireFromState = new Reservoire(utState);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(utState, "CurrentState returned null");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(utReservoireFromState, "Constructing a new Reservoire from ReservoireState returned null (should be impossible with new call)");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utReservoireFromState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utReservoireFromState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
            else if (initIterations < putIterations)
                for (int i = initIterations; i < finishIterations; i++)
                    // Arrange
                    utState = null;
                    utReservoireFromState = null;

                    // Act
                    utState = utReservoire.CurrentState;
                    utReservoireFromState = new Reservoire(utState);

                    // Assert
                    Assert.AreEqual(gotTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(putTotals[i], utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(utState, "CurrentState returned null");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(utReservoireFromState, "Constructing a new Reservoire from ReservoireState returned null (should be impossible with new call)");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeUsed, utReservoireFromState.VolumeUsed, "Current VolumeUsed not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(utReservoire.VolumeThrownOut, utReservoireFromState.VolumeThrownOut, "Current VolumeThrownOut not equal to expected total [i=" + i + "/" + finishIterations + "]");
예제 #9
 public int Empty(Reservoire into)
     int amount = this.CurrentFill;
     this.CurrentFill = 0;
     return amount;