protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { // TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects). _context.Dispose(); } // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below. // TODO: set large fields to null. _context = null; _repositories = null; disposedValue = true; } }
public static List <Site> GetSites(bool empty, bool full, out bool success, out string exceptionString) { try { using (WarehouseContext db = new WarehouseContext()) { success = true; exceptionString = null; return(db.sites.Where(e => (empty || !e.empty) && (full || e.capacity != 0)).ToList()); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLogger.Instance.LogException(e.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow); success = false; exceptionString = e.ToString(); return(null); } }
public static List <Hangar> GetHangars(string siteId, bool empty, bool full, out bool success, out string exceptionString) { try { using (WarehouseContext db = new WarehouseContext()) { success = true; exceptionString = null; return(db.hangars.Where(e => e.site_id == siteId && (empty || e.fullness != 0) && (full || e.capacity != e.fullness)).ToList()); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLogger.Instance.LogException(e.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow); success = false; exceptionString = e.ToString(); return(null); } }
public static Hangar GetHangar(string id, out bool exist, out bool success, out string exceptionString) { try { using (WarehouseContext db = new WarehouseContext()) { exist = db.hangars.Any(e => == id); success = true; exceptionString = null; return(db.hangars.FirstOrDefault(e => == id)); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLogger.Instance.LogException(e.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow); exist = success = false; exceptionString = e.ToString(); return(null); } }
public UnitOfWork() { _context = new WarehouseContext(); _context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true; _repositories = new Dictionary <Type, IRepository>(); }
public async Task Initialize(WarehouseContext dbContext) { Random rand = new Random(); if (!dbContext.DeliveryMethods.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.DeliveryMethods.AddAsync(new Models.DeliveryMethod { Name = GetRandomString(100) }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.Manufacturers.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.Manufacturers.AddAsync(new Models.Manufacturer { Name = GetRandomString(50) }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.ProductTypes.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.ProductTypes.AddAsync(new Models.ProductType { Name = GetRandomString(50), Description = GetRandomString(150), Features = GetRandomString(150) }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.Products.Any()) { var productTypes = dbContext.ProductTypes.ToList(); var manufacturers = dbContext.Manufacturers.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < _operationalTableSize; i++) { var productType = productTypes.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.ProductTypes.Count() - 1)); var manufacturer = manufacturers.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Manufacturers.Count() - 1)); await dbContext.Products.AddAsync(new Models.Product { Name = GetRandomString(50), StorageConditions = GetRandomString(150), Packaging = GetRandomString(100), ExpiryDate = GetRandomDate(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), DateTime.Now), Price = rand.Next(200, 3000), ProductType = productType, ProductTypeId = productType.Id, Manufacturer = manufacturer, ManufacturerId = manufacturer.Id }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.Customers.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.Customers.AddAsync(new Models.Customer { Name = GetRandomString(50), Address = GetRandomString(100), Phone = rand.Next(1000000, 9999999) }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.Employees.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.Employees.AddAsync(new Models.Employee { Name = GetRandomString(50), }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.Suppliers.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < _referenceTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.Suppliers.AddAsync(new Models.Supplier { Name = GetRandomString(50), Address = GetRandomString(100), Phone = rand.Next(1000000, 9999999) }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.SupplierProducts.Any()) { var deliveryMethods = dbContext.DeliveryMethods.ToList(); var employees = dbContext.Employees.ToList(); var products = dbContext.Products.ToList(); var suppliers = dbContext.Suppliers.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < _operationalTableSize; i++) { await dbContext.SupplierProducts.AddAsync(new Models.SupplierProduct { ReceiptDate = GetRandomDate(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), DateTime.Now), Quantity = rand.Next(1, 500), Price = rand.Next(1, 1000), ProductId = products.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Products.Count() - 1)).Id, SupplierId = suppliers.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Suppliers.Count() - 1)).Id, EmployeeId = employees.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Employees.Count() - 1)).Id, DeliveryMethodId = deliveryMethods.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.DeliveryMethods.Count() - 1)).Id }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); if (!dbContext.CustomerProducts.Any()) { var deliveryMethods = dbContext.DeliveryMethods.ToList(); var employees = dbContext.Employees.ToList(); var products = dbContext.Products.ToList(); var customers = dbContext.Customers.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < _operationalTableSize; i++) { var orderDate = GetRandomDate(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), new DateTime(2020, 1, 1)); await dbContext.CustomerProducts.AddAsync(new Models.CustomerProduct { OrderDate = orderDate, DepartureDate = orderDate.AddMonths(rand.Next(0, 9)).AddDays(rand.Next(0, 28)), Quantity = rand.Next(1, 500), Price = rand.Next(1, 1000), ProductId = products.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Products.Count() - 1)).Id, CustomerId = customers.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Customers.Count() - 1)).Id, EmployeeId = employees.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.Employees.Count() - 1)).Id, DeliveryMethodId = deliveryMethods.ElementAt(rand.Next(dbContext.DeliveryMethods.Count() - 1)).Id }); } } await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }