예제 #1
        // Name: PlayOneRound()
        // Params: a BinSearchTree object
        // Returns: none
        // Purpose: plays one round of 20Qs by asking if the person the user is thinking of has a specific characteristic,
        // then tries to guess the person after narrowing down the characteristics using LearnsNew()
        public void PlayOneRound(BinSearchTree bst)
            // start at the root
            Node temp = bst.Root;

            // while we're not at a leaf node
            while (temp.YesPtr != null && temp.NoPtr != null)
                // ask the node's question and get the answer
                Console.Write("Is this person " + temp.Question + "? ");
                answer = Console.ReadLine();

                // based on the answer, follow either Y/N pointer
                if (answer.ToUpper() == "Y")
                    temp = temp.YesPtr;

                    temp = temp.NoPtr;

            // program tries to guess the person
            Console.Write("Is it " + temp.Question + "? ");
            answer = Console.ReadLine();

            // if the guess is correct, the program wins
            if (answer.ToUpper() == "Y")
                Console.WriteLine("Hurray! I win!");
            // else the program asks who it was and how to tell the difference