public WallpaperMain() { icon = new NotifyIcon { Text = "WallQuotePaper", Icon = Properties.Resources.TrayIcon, Visible = true }; icon.ContextMenuStrip = MakeMenu(); Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged; SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += OnPowerChange; data = new WallpaperData(); random = new Random(); maker = new WallpaperMaker(this, data); minuteTimer = new Timer(); minuteTimer.Tick += minuteTimerTick; minuteTimer.Interval = 1000 * 60; minuteTimer.Enabled = true; refreshTimer = new Timer(); refreshTimer.Tick += refreshTimerTick; refreshTimer.Interval = 1000 * 60 * 15; refreshTimer.Enabled = true; UpdateIcon(); NextWallpaper(); }
public WallpaperMaker(WallpaperMain wallQuotePaper, WallpaperData wallpaperData) { this.wallQuotePaper = wallQuotePaper; data = wallpaperData; //Settings quoteFont = new Font("DejaVu Sans Mono", 40); //(itemFont is set in Make) titleFont = new Font("DejaVu Sans Mono", 21); fill = Brushes.White; outline = Brushes.Black; outlineSize = 1; quoteOutlineSize = 2; //Get the screen dimensions of the main screen and make the corresponding bitmap Rectangle screenSize = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds; bitmap = new Bitmap(screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height); gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); //Setup for text gr.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; gr.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High; //gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; gr.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit; gr.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; }
public WallpaperDataEdit(WallpaperMain main, WallpaperData data) { this.main = main; = data; Text = "Edit items"; ClientSize = new Size(10 + 310 * (2 + data.numberOfTodos), 574); //TODO: make todo, deadlines and appointments equal todoTitles = new TextBox[data.numberOfTodos]; todoBodies = new TextBox[data.numberOfTodos]; for (int i = 0; i < data.numberOfTodos; i++) { todoTitles[i] = new TextBox { Size = new Size(300, 22), Text = data.todoTitles[i], Location = new Point(10 + 310*i, 10) }; Controls.Add(todoTitles[i]); todoBodies[i] = new TextBox { Multiline = true, Size = new Size(300, 500), Text = data.GetTodoBlock(i), Location = new Point(10 + 310 * i, 37) }; Controls.Add(todoBodies[i]); } Label deadlinesTitle = new Label { Location = new Point(10 + 310*data.numberOfTodos, 10), Text = "Deadlines" }; Controls.Add(deadlinesTitle); Label appointmentsTitle = new Label { Location = new Point(10 + 310*(data.numberOfTodos + 1), 10), Text = "Appointments" }; Controls.Add(appointmentsTitle); //TODO: Change from textbox to something better? deadlinesBody = new TextBox { Multiline = true, Text = data.GetDeadlineEditBlock(), Size = new Size(300, 500), Location = new Point(10 + 310*data.numberOfTodos, 37) }; Controls.Add(deadlinesBody); appointmentsBody = new TextBox { Multiline = true, Text = data.GetAppointmentEditBlock(), Size = new Size(300, 500), Location = new Point(10 + 310*(data.numberOfTodos + 1), 37) }; Controls.Add(appointmentsBody); Button saveButton = new Button {Text = "Save"}; saveButton.Click += SaveButton_Click; saveButton.Size = new Size(100, 22); saveButton.Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - 230, ClientSize.Height - 32); Controls.Add(saveButton); Button saveExitButton = new Button { Text = "Save and exit" }; saveExitButton.Click += SaveExitButton_Click; saveExitButton.Size = new Size(100, 22); saveExitButton.Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - 110, ClientSize.Height - 32); Controls.Add(saveExitButton); Show(); }