예제 #1
        private void setupLinearFeatureMission(int pathNumber)
            //called from btn_OK_clicked
            //initializes the simuation

            //simulation trajectory start point in pixel coordinates
            Point startPlatformPoint = new Point(FlightLineStartPix.X, FlightLineStartPix.Y);

            this.lblFlightAlt.Visible = false;
            this.lblFlightLines.Visible = false;
            this.lblMissionNumber.Visible = false;

            btnOK.Visible = true;  //dont need this anymore --- reset to visible if we return to a selected mission

            btnBack.Text = "EXIT"; // this is a better name because we exit the realtime mission and return to the mission selection Form
            //note we can exit a mission in the middle of a line and renter the mission at the exited point.

            //get all flightline geometry that is invariant for traveling along this path
            FPGeometry = new FlightPathLineGeometry(pathNumber, LFSum);

            utm = new UTM2Geodetic();

            //initialize the position when in sim mode
            if (simulatedMission)
                //set the position along the semi-infinite line at the start of the first path

                PointD startUTM = new PointD();
                //simulation is initiated 5000m from the start and headed towards the start
                startUTM.X = LFSum.paths[pathNumber].pathUTM[0].X + 2000.0 * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.X + 100.0 * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.Y;
                startUTM.Y = LFSum.paths[pathNumber].pathUTM[0].Y + 2000.0 * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.Y - 100.0 * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.X;

                PointD startGeo = new PointD();
                utm.UTMtoLL(startUTM, LFSum.UTMZone, ref startGeo);

                platFormPosVel.UTMPos.X = startUTM.X;
                platFormPosVel.UTMPos.Y = startUTM.Y;
                platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.X = startGeo.X;
                platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.Y = startGeo.Y;
                //set the altitude at the initial commanded altitude (input in ft)
                platFormPosVel.altitude = LFSum.paths[0].commandedAltAlongPath[0] * 0.3048;

                speed = 51.4;   // 100 knots

                platFormPosVel.velD = 0.0;
                //negative sigh cause velocity towards the start of the path
                platFormPosVel.velE = -speed * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.X;
                platFormPosVel.velN = -speed * FPGeometry.unitAwayFromStartUTM.Y;



            //pre-load the crumbtrail array prior to the start point
            //for (int i = 0; i < numberCrumbTrailPoints; i++) crumbTrail[i] = startPlatformPoint;

            //merged maps combine two along-path maps so the moving map shows all the subtended terrain
            //set up the first mergedMap
            mergedMapBounds = new ImageBounds(); //initialize this using first 2 images

            currentAlongPathMap = 0;
            triggerCountAlongpath = 0;

            mergedMap = new Bitmap(mergedMapMultiplier * mapWidth, mergedMapMultiplier * mapHeight);

            //triggerPointsOnMergedMap saves the camera trigger points along the merged map
            //used to present the crumb trail
            LFSum.paths[pathNumber].triggerPoints = new List<PointD>();
            //tempTriggerPoints = new List<PointD>();
            triggerPointsOnMergedMap = new List<Point>();

            ImageBounds displayImageBounds = generateDisplayMapBounds(pathNumber);
            //generate the first merged map for this path
            generateNewMergedMap(pathNumber, currentAlongPathMap, displayImageBounds);

            //this is hardwired in btn_OK
            deltaT = 0.25;

            //no crumbtrail used for the linear path
            numberCrumbTrailPoints = 5;

            bm3 = new Bitmap(mapWidth, mapHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

예제 #2
        private void prepLinearFeatureBitmapForPaint()
            //called from realTimeAction
            //for the linearFeature --- most of the realtime linearFeature action occurs here
            //realTime action is called in a real-time loop that is in btnOK_click

            //the aircraft position is available from other processes ongoing in the realTimeAction loop
            //all trigger responses from camera (image placed on camera HD) are also handled in realTimeAction
            //but trigger request is handled here.

            //general strategy for mergedMap prep to treat the moving map display
            //A set of fixed-size alongpath maps are available from the mission planning
            //use a rectangle about the aircraft position to determine if we need a new mergedMap
            //a mergedMap is formed from two rectangular alongPathMaps that are centered along the path at regular intervals
            //for each aircraft position, determine a 4mi x 3mi geodetic rectangular around the aircraft wherein we will display a map
            //test to see if this rectangle is fully contained in the next (currentpath+1) alongPathMap
            //if yes, then generate a new mergedMap from currentMap and currentMap + 1

            //define a 4mi x 3mi UTM rectangle about the current aircraft position
            //that is:  +/-2 mi (EW) and +/-1.5mi (NS) about the aircraft location
            //this defines the geospatial rectangle of the map that will be displayed on the Mission Form
            ImageBounds displayImageBounds = generateDisplayMapBounds(pathNumber);
            //we will map this 4X3 mi rectangle about the aircraft location into the display map.

            //must treat the case where the aircraft moves off the alongPathMap sequence!!!
            //test if this displayMap bounds is within the current alongPathMap.
            //if yes, do nothing. if no, is it in the next alongPathMap
            //if yes, then create a new merged map from the current map and the next map
            //if no, then see if the displayMap is in ANY alongPathMap (to handle case where we reenter the alongpathap sequence)
            //if yes, then set the currentMap to this alongPathMap
            //if no, then set the mergedMap to the a static (non-moving) projectMap

            bool aircraftWithinAlongPathMaps = true;

            //test if this aircraft-centric 4X3 mi rectangle is inside the next alongPathMap
            //if yes, then create a new mergedMap using the next alongPathMap
            int lastAlongPathMap = LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds.Count;
            //if (currentAlongPathMap < LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds.Count - 2)
                if (polygonMath.imageBoundAContainedInImageBoundB(displayImageBounds, LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds[currentAlongPathMap]) ||
                    polygonMath.imageBoundAContainedInImageBoundB(displayImageBounds, LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds[lastAlongPathMap-1]))
                    //do nothing -- the currentAlongPath is correct
                    if (!mergedMapAvailable)
                        generateNewMergedMap(pathNumber, currentAlongPathMap, displayImageBounds);
                        mergedMapAvailable = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("creating a new mergedMap when none available for current alongPathMap  " + currentAlongPathMap.ToString());
                else if ( currentAlongPathMap < (LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds.Count - 2) &&   //test for running out of alongPathMaps
                    polygonMath.imageBoundAContainedInImageBoundB(displayImageBounds, LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds[currentAlongPathMap + 1]))

                    //generate a new mergedMap from which we will cut the portion to display on the moving map
                    generateNewMergedMap(pathNumber, currentAlongPathMap, displayImageBounds);
                    mergedMapAvailable = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("create a new MergedMap at " + missionTimerTicks.ToString() + "  currentAlongPathMap= " + currentAlongPathMap.ToString());
                    //test to see if we are in any alongPathMap
                    bool notInAnyAlongPathMap = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds.Count; i++)
                        if (polygonMath.imageBoundAContainedInImageBoundB(displayImageBounds, LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds[i]))
                            currentAlongPathMap = i;

                            //current map in last alongPathMap --- back it up so we can form mergedMap with currentAlongPathMap+1
                            if (currentAlongPathMap == LFSum.paths[pathNumber].imageBounds.Count - 1) currentAlongPathMap--;

                            //generate a new mergedMap from which we will cut the portion to display on the moving map
                            generateNewMergedMap(pathNumber, currentAlongPathMap, displayImageBounds);
                            mergedMapAvailable = true;
                            notInAnyAlongPathMap = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Located a new alongPathMap from searching all maps");

                    if (notInAnyAlongPathMap)  // set the projectMap as a static (non-moving) map

                        aircraftWithinAlongPathMaps = false;
                        mergedMapAvailable = false;

                        //re set the map scaling parameters for the overview projectMap
                        lon2PixMultiplier =  mapWidth /  (LFSum.ProjectImage.eastDeg  - LFSum.ProjectImage.westDeg);
                        lat2PixMultiplier = -mapHeight / (LFSum.ProjectImage.northDeg - LFSum.ProjectImage.southDeg);
                        ib = LFSum.ProjectImage;
                        //lon2PixMultiplier, lat2PixMultiplier, ib -- are used internal to GeoToPix to set the map scaling

                        //get graphics object that allows us to draw onto the static projectMap
                        //from setupLinearMission:   mergedMap = new Bitmap(mergedMapMultiplier * mapWidth, mergedMapMultiplier * mapHeight);
                        Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(bm3);
                        g2.DrawImage(projectImage, 0, 0);  //fixed invariant (non-moving map)

                        //draw the paths onto the projectMap
                        for (int j = 0; j < LFSum.paths.Count; j++)
                            for (int i = 1; i < LFSum.paths[j].pathGeoDeg.Count; i++)
                                Point p1 = GeoToPix(LFSum.paths[j].pathGeoDeg[i - 1]);
                                Point p2 = GeoToPix(LFSum.paths[j].pathGeoDeg[i]);
                                g2.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), p1, p2);

                        //show the semi-infinite line on the project map
                        g2.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Blue, 1), GeoToPix(FPGeometry.semiInfiniteFLstartGeo), GeoToPix(LFSum.paths[pathNumber].pathGeoDeg[0]));

                        //recreate the trigger point locations on this project
                        //Console.WriteLine(" points before  in triggerPointsOnMergedMap = " + triggerPointsOnMergedMap.Count.ToString());
                        foreach (PointD p in LFSum.paths[pathNumber].triggerPoints)  //trigger points stored as geodetic
                            //Console.WriteLine("     " + p.X.ToString() + "   " + p.Y.ToString());

                        //show a circle on the projectMap to locate the aircraft
                        Point acp = GeoToPix(platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos);
                        g2.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Black,2), acp.X, acp.Y, 3, 3) ;


                    //if in no alongPathMap -- set the merged map to the projectMap
            }//end of the test of

            if (aircraftWithinAlongPathMaps)
                Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(mergedMap);

                //show the past image trigger circles as they are taken
                foreach (Point p in triggerPointsOnMergedMap)
                    //draw a circle with diam 6 pixels at each of the trigger points for this mergedMap
                    g1.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red, 1), p.X - 3, p.Y - 3, 6, 6);

                //destination of the portion of the merged map to display on the Mission form (the complete form)
                Point[] destPoints = { new Point(0, 0), new Point(mapWidth, 0), new Point(0, mapHeight) };

                //form rectangle defining the portion of the merged map to display on the Mission Form
                //the merged map has a fixed size and scaling set in setupLinearFeatureMission()
                //GeoToPix scaliong is set up for the merged map
                Point NWdisplayBoundPix = GeoToPix(new PointD(displayImageBounds.westDeg, displayImageBounds.northDeg));  //scaled to the merged map
                Point SEdisplayBoundPix = GeoToPix(new PointD(displayImageBounds.eastDeg, displayImageBounds.southDeg));  //scaled to the merged map

                //rectangle in the mergedMap where we get the 4X3 mi map portion
                Rectangle displayRect = new Rectangle(NWdisplayBoundPix,
                    new Size(SEdisplayBoundPix.X - NWdisplayBoundPix.X, SEdisplayBoundPix.Y - NWdisplayBoundPix.Y));

                //graphics object for the Mission Form that will be displayed in the Paint event
                //bm3 is 640 X 480
                Graphics g3 = Graphics.FromImage(bm3);

                //place the 4mi X 3 mi portion of the merged map onto the Mission Form
                g3.DrawImage(mergedMap, destPoints, displayRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                //show the stick aircraft in the center of the Mission Form

                //Console.WriteLine(" miss distance (m) = " + (100.0 * FPGeometry.LOSRate * LFSum.plannedRabbitDistanceAhead / FPGeometry.velMag).ToString() );
                drawStickPlane(ref g3,
                    (int)(100.0 * FPGeometry.LOSRate * (LFSum.plannedRabbitDistanceAhead / FPGeometry.velMag)),
                    (int)(FPGeometry.headingToPath * Rad2Deg) );



                //heading-to-path is +pi to -pi
                //only allow photos if the heading-to-path is +/- 30 deg -- tolerance as in the polygon mission
                //TGO is computed only if we are with a tolerance distance from the flight line
                //if heading-to-path in tolerance and distanceAlongPath < 0 then TGO = -distanceAlongPath / velMag
                //if distance to next path start is < pathLength, TGO = distanceToNextPathStart / velMag
                //if (heading-to-path in tolerance and distanceAlongPath > 0

                //trigger management while within the path endpoints
                if (FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath > triggerCountAlongpath * LFSum.photocenterSpacing &&
                    FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath < FPGeometry.pathlengthMeters )
                    //send a request to the mbed to fire the trigger
                    //the image is snapped about 0.23 seconds after this request

                    LFSum.paths[pathNumber].triggerPoints.Add(new PointD(platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.X, platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.Y));

                    //add this trigger point to the mergedMap display

                    //offset = 0 -- no longer used
                    //missionNumber = -1 for the path coverage tso missionNumber no in photocenter label
                    kmlTriggerWriter.writePhotoCenterRec(-1, pathNumber, 0, triggerCountAlongpath, platFormPosVel);

                    Console.WriteLine("snap a picture " + missionTimerTicks.ToString() + "   " + triggerCountAlongpath.ToString());

                    TGO = (FPGeometry.pathlengthMeters - FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath) / FPGeometry.velMag;

                    //write the kml file for the trigger

                if (FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath < 0)
                    TGO = -FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath / FPGeometry.velMag;
                if (inTurnAroundForLinearFeature) TGO = missionTimerTicks / 1000.0 - TimeFromExitingLastPath;

                //detect the end of this path and transition to the next path
                double pathSwitchExtension = 0.0;  ///extends the switch just for the simulation
                if (simulatedMission) pathSwitchExtension = 2000.0;
                if (FPGeometry.distanceFromStartAlongPath > (FPGeometry.pathlengthMeters + pathSwitchExtension) && !inTurnAroundForLinearFeature)
                    //fire one last trigger at the exct of the flight line

                    //set the exit tie for the TGO computation
                    TimeFromExitingLastPath = 0;

                    //increment the path counter

                    //detect the last path
                    if (pathNumber >= LFSum.paths.Count)
                        pathNumber = LFSum.paths.Count - 1;
                        lastPathHasBeenFlown = true;

                    currentAlongPathMap = 0;
                    mergedMapAvailable = false;
                    triggerCountAlongpath = 0;

                    Console.WriteLine(" switched path :  " + pathNumber.ToString());

                    if (simulatedMission)  //end of the line turn management
                        //turn the aircraft around ...
                        inTurnAroundForLinearFeature = true;        //logic flag declaring in the turn
                        nextPathInitialHeading = FPGeometry.heading + Math.PI;    //store the desired heading along the nextPath
                        double maxBank = 45.0;                      //max bank in the turn -- enables a fast turn
                        double turnRadiusAtMaxBank = speed * speed / (9.806 * Math.Tan(maxBank * Deg2Rad)); // turn radius at the max bank
                        gammaDotInTurn = speed / turnRadiusAtMaxBank;  //turn rotation rate at the max bank for coordinated turn

                        //compute the turn direction to the startpoint of next path
                        //compute vector from the startPoint of next Path to the current platform
                        //UTM.X = Easting and UTM.Y = Northing  -- vector direction towards the platform
                        PointD vec = new PointD(
                            LFSum.paths[pathNumber].pathUTM[0].X - platFormPosVel.UTMPos.X,
                            LFSum.paths[pathNumber].pathUTM[0].Y - platFormPosVel.UTMPos.Y);

                        //form cross-product of velocity and above vector. X is to the north & Y to the east for below cross product
                        turnDirection = platFormPosVel.velN * vec.X - platFormPosVel.velE * vec.Y;

                        //if crossProduct is positive (Z-axis pointed down) -- turn to the right (CW)
                        gammaDotInTurn = Math.Sign(turnDirection) * gammaDotInTurn;

                    //note:  the path is reversed in the mission plan
                    //even paths (0, 2, 4, 6) are start-to-end relative to the plan input path
                    FPGeometry = new FlightPathLineGeometry(pathNumber, LFSum);

                    //clear and reset the trigger file so it can be refilled this path
                    LFSum.paths[pathNumber].triggerPoints = new List<PointD>();

            }  //end of test for within alongPathMaps

            if (!inTurnAroundForLinearFeature)

            //if sim -- update the sim -- done regardless of the map status
            if (simulatedMission)
                //this is a classic proportional navigation guidance law -- LOS rate is computed in FLGeometry
                //the ProNav gain below is 3.0 .....
                double gammaDot = 0.0;
                if (inTurnAroundForLinearFeature)

                    heading = Math.Atan2(platFormPosVel.velE, platFormPosVel.velN);
                    gammaDot = gammaDotInTurn;
                    //find sine and cosine of the angle between the current heading and desired heading
                    double sin = Math.Cos(heading) * Math.Sin(nextPathInitialHeading) - Math.Sin(heading) * Math.Cos(nextPathInitialHeading);
                    double cos = Math.Cos(heading) * Math.Cos(nextPathInitialHeading) + Math.Sin(heading) * Math.Sin(nextPathInitialHeading);
                    //transition out of the turn when we have turned so that we have crossed the desired heading
                    if (cos > 0 && Math.Sign(turnDirection)*sin < 0) inTurnAroundForLinearFeature = false;
                    gammaDot = 3.0 * FPGeometry.LOSRate;

                //user inputs a "X" to toggle the autosteering ....
                //use can use the right and left arrow keys to steer the plane in heading
                if (useAutoSteering && !lastPathHasBeenFlown)
                        FPGeometry.heading += gammaDot * deltaT;

                platFormPosVel.velE = speed * Math.Sin(FPGeometry.heading);
                platFormPosVel.velN = speed * Math.Cos(FPGeometry.heading);
                platFormPosVel.velD = speed * Math.Sin(simulationPitch);

                platFormPosVel.UTMPos.X += platFormPosVel.velE * deltaT;
                platFormPosVel.UTMPos.Y += platFormPosVel.velN * deltaT;
                platFormPosVel.altitude -= platFormPosVel.velD * deltaT;

                //platform position is delivered back the Display preparation in Geodetic
                //because thats what the GICS will give us
                utm.UTMtoLL(platFormPosVel.UTMPos.Y, platFormPosVel.UTMPos.X, LFSum.UTMZone, ref platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.Y, ref platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.X);
            else  // the position and velocity state are provided by the GPS data
                platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.X = posVel_.GeodeticPos.X;
                platFormPosVel.GeodeticPos.Y = posVel_.GeodeticPos.Y;
                platFormPosVel.altitude = posVel_.altitude;
                platFormPosVel.velN = posVel_.velN;
                platFormPosVel.velE = posVel_.velE;
                platFormPosVel.velD = posVel_.velD;
                speed = Math.Sqrt(platFormPosVel.velN * platFormPosVel.velN + platFormPosVel.velE * platFormPosVel.velE);