예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// // Show the stat of the item selected in the user control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item we want to show</param>
        private void LoadItemsStatsToContent(EnchantedItem item, bool itemCanBeRemoved = false)
            UcStatsItems uc = new UcStatsItems();

            LoadItemToUserControlStats(item, uc, itemCanBeRemoved);
            CCtrlItemStats.Content = uc;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Equip selected item when double click
 /// </summary>
 private void ItemsDataGrid_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
     try {
         UcStatsItems u = (UcStatsItems)CCtrlItemStats.Content;
         EquipItemToBuild(u.BtnEquip, null);
     } catch (Exception) {
         // Catch exception when the UcStatsItem is null
예제 #3
        private void RemoveItemToBuild(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // To access to the selected item we have to get the UcStatsItems that triggered this event
            Button       btn           = (Button)sender;
            Grid         grid          = (Grid)btn.Parent;
            UcStatsItems ucStatsParent = (UcStatsItems)grid.Parent;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// // Create a modal form who contains the stats of the item selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item we want to show</param>
        /// <param name="itemCanBeEquiped">If true, then the button for equiped the item will be showed. Else it will be the button for removing the item that will be showed</param>
        private void CreateModalOfItemStats(EnchantedItem item)
            ModalItemStats modal = new ModalItemStats();
            UcStatsItems   uc    = new UcStatsItems();

            LoadItemToUserControlStats(item, uc);
            modal.CCtrlItemStats.Content = uc;
            // We have to bring the modal form in front after displaying it
            modal.Topmost = true;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to equip the selected item to the build
        /// </summary>
        private void EquipItemToBuild(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // To access to the selected item we have to get the UcStatsItems that triggered this event
            Button       btn           = (Button)sender;
            Grid         grid          = (Grid)btn.Parent;
            UcStatsItems ucStatsParent = (UcStatsItems)grid.Parent;

            if (ucStatsParent.ActualItem.ConditionsRespected)
                ucStatsParent.LblInfo.Content = String.Empty;

                // If it's not a ring, then we can try to equip it directly
                if (ucStatsParent.ActualItem.IdType != Build.ID_RING)
                    if (!ActualBuild.EquipItem(ucStatsParent.ActualItem))
                        // TODO: show error message when the item can't be equiped
                    // else we have to determine if the user want to equip the ring to the left or right hand
                    FrmChooseSideRing frmChooseSideRing = new FrmChooseSideRing(this);
                    if (InsertRingToLeft != null)
                        if (InsertRingToLeft == true)
                ucStatsParent.LblInfo.Content = "Pas assez d'éléments sélectionnées.";
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the item selected with formated stats to the user control for stats
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadItemToUserControlStats(EnchantedItem item, UcStatsItems uc, bool itemCanBeRemoved = false)
            uc.ActualItem            = item;
            uc.LblItemName.Text      = item.Name;
            uc.LblItemLvl.Content    = "Niv." + item.Level;
            uc.LblItemRarity.Content = item.RarityName;
            uc.LblItemType.Content   = item.Type;
            uc.ImgItemPicture.Source = Tools.LoadImage(item.Image);
            uc.ImgItemRarity.Source  = Tools.LoadImage(item.RarityImage);
            uc.BtnEquip.Click       += EquipItemToBuild;
            if (itemCanBeRemoved)
                uc.BtnEquip.Content     = "Modifier";
                uc.BtnRemove.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                uc.BtnRemove.Click     += RemoveItemToBuild;

            // Customize the items of the listbox for each stats in the item loaded
            foreach (Stat stat in item.StatList)
                if (stat.Type == "Coup Critique" || stat.Type == "Parade")
                    stat.Type = "% " + stat.Type.Trim();
                    // When we add the space to the stat we have to trim it first for avoiding multiple space
                    stat.Type = " " + stat.Type.Trim();

                // Create stackpanel for the stats
                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
                sp.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                tb.Text = stat.Value + stat.Type;

                // If the stat correspond to multiplte elements of masteries or resistances,
                // then we must create an new StackPanel with checkbox for each elements
                if (GlobalConstants.IDS_ELEM_ARRAY.Contains(stat.Id))
                    sp             = new StackPanel();
                    sp.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                    // Save the actual item to the tag for recovering his properties later
                    sp.Tag = item;

                    // Define the name of the StackPanel with a string for masteries or resistances
                    // This information will be needed later
                    bool?elemForMasteries = GlobalConstants.IdForMasteriesOrResistances(stat.Id);
                    if (elemForMasteries == true)
                        sp.Name = GlobalConstants.MASTERIES_STRING;
                    else if (elemForMasteries == false)
                        sp.Name = GlobalConstants.RESISTANCES_STRING;
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown id of masteries or resistances for the tag of the stackpanel");
                    // Add the checkbox to the stackpanel
                    int cbxFireIndex  = sp.Children.Add(CreateCheckboxElement(GlobalConstants.FIRE_IMAGE_PATH, sp, stat.Id));
                    int cbxWaterIndex = sp.Children.Add(CreateCheckboxElement(GlobalConstants.WATER_IMAGE_PATH, sp, stat.Id));
                    int cbxEarthIndex = sp.Children.Add(CreateCheckboxElement(GlobalConstants.EARTH_IMAGE_PATH, sp, stat.Id));
                    int cbxAirIndex   = sp.Children.Add(CreateCheckboxElement(GlobalConstants.AIR_IMAGE_PATH, sp, stat.Id));

                    // Check automatically the checkbox if no elements are selected
                    if ((item.FireMastery == 0 && item.WaterMastery == 0 && item.EarthMastery == 0 && item.AirMastery == 0) ||
                        (item.FireResistance == 0 && item.WaterResistance == 0 && item.EarthResistance == 0 && item.AirResistance == 0))
                        int nbElement = GlobalConstants.GetNbOfElementById(stat.Id);
                        for (int i = 0; i < nbElement; i++)
                            CheckBox cbx;
                            switch (DefaultMasteriesOrder.MasteriesOrder[i])
                            case GlobalConstants.Elementary.Fire:
                                cbx           = (CheckBox)sp.Children[cbxFireIndex];
                                cbx.IsChecked = true;
                                CbxItemElement_Click(cbx, null);

                            case GlobalConstants.Elementary.Water:
                                cbx           = (CheckBox)sp.Children[cbxWaterIndex];
                                cbx.IsChecked = true;
                                CbxItemElement_Click(cbx, null);

                            case GlobalConstants.Elementary.Earth:
                                cbx           = (CheckBox)sp.Children[cbxEarthIndex];
                                cbx.IsChecked = true;
                                CbxItemElement_Click(cbx, null);

                            case GlobalConstants.Elementary.Air:
                                cbx           = (CheckBox)sp.Children[cbxAirIndex];
                                cbx.IsChecked = true;
                                CbxItemElement_Click(cbx, null);
