private static async Task WriteToCache(VirtualFile self) { await using var ms = new MemoryStream(); self.ToIndexedVirtualFile().Write(ms); ms.Position = 0; await InsertIntoVFSCache(self.Hash, ms); }
public static async Task <VirtualFile> Analyze(Context context, VirtualFile parent, IExtractedFile extractedFile, IPath relPath, int depth = 0) { var hash = await extractedFile.HashAsync(); if (!context.UseExtendedHashes && FileExtractor.MightBeArchive(relPath.FileName.Extension)) { var result = await TryGetContentsFromServer(hash); if (result != null) { Utils.Log($"Downloaded VFS data for {relPath.FileName}"); return(ConvertFromIndexedFile(context, result, relPath, parent, extractedFile)); } } if (TryGetFromCache(context, parent, relPath, extractedFile, hash, out var vself)) { return(vself); } var self = new VirtualFile { Context = context, Name = relPath, Parent = parent, Size = extractedFile.Size, LastModified = extractedFile.LastModifiedUtc.AsUnixTime(), LastAnalyzed = DateTime.Now.AsUnixTime(), Hash = hash }; self.FillFullPath(depth); if (context.UseExtendedHashes) { self.ExtendedHashes = await ExtendedHashes.FromFile(extractedFile); } if (!await extractedFile.CanExtract()) { return(self); } try { await using var extracted = await extractedFile.ExtractAll(context.Queue); var list = await extracted .PMap(context.Queue, file => Analyze(context, self, file.Value, file.Key, depth + 1)); self.Children = list.ToImmutableList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Log($"Error while examining the contents of {relPath.FileName}"); throw; } await using var ms = new MemoryStream(); self.ToIndexedVirtualFile().ToJson(ms); _vfsCache.Put(self.Hash.ToArray(), ms.ToArray()); return(self); }
public static async Task <VirtualFile> Analyze(Context context, VirtualFile parent, IStreamFactory extractedFile, IPath relPath, int depth = 0) { Hash hash = default; if (extractedFile is NativeFileStreamFactory) { hash = await((AbsolutePath)extractedFile.Name).FileHashCachedAsync(); } else { await using var hstream = await extractedFile.GetStream(); hash = await hstream.xxHashAsync(); } if (TryGetFromCache(context, parent, relPath, extractedFile, hash, out var vself)) { return(vself); } await using var stream = await extractedFile.GetStream(); var sig = await FileExtractor2.ArchiveSigs.MatchesAsync(stream); stream.Position = 0; var self = new VirtualFile { Context = context, Name = relPath, Parent = parent, Size = stream.Length, LastModified = extractedFile.LastModifiedUtc.AsUnixTime(), LastAnalyzed = DateTime.Now.AsUnixTime(), Hash = hash }; self.FillFullPath(depth); if (context.UseExtendedHashes) { self.ExtendedHashes = await ExtendedHashes.FromStream(stream); } // Can't extract, so return if (!sig.HasValue || !FileExtractor2.ExtractableExtensions.Contains(relPath.FileName.Extension)) { return(self); } try { var list = await FileExtractor2.GatheringExtract(context.Queue, extractedFile, _ => true, async (path, sfactory) => await Analyze(context, self, sfactory, path, depth + 1)); self.Children = list.Values.ToImmutableList(); } catch (EndOfStreamException) { return(self); } catch (Exception) { Utils.Log($"Error while examining the contents of {relPath.FileName}"); throw; } await using var ms = new MemoryStream(); self.ToIndexedVirtualFile().Write(ms); _vfsCache.Put(self.Hash.ToArray(), ms.ToArray()); return(self); }