private void pmLoadFormData() { //DataRow dtrBrow = this.gridView1.GetDataRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); this.mstrEditRowID = this.txtQcAppLogin.Tag.ToString(); string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QAppAuthDet", this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where cAppLogin = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { int intRow = 0; foreach (DataRow dtrBudCI in this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QAppAuthDet"].Rows) { DataRow dtrNewRow = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrTemPd].NewRow(); intRow++; dtrNewRow["nRecNo"] = intRow; dtrNewRow["cRowID"] = dtrBudCI["cRowID"].ToString(); //dtrNewRow["cRemark"] = dtrBudCI["cRemark"].ToString().TrimEnd(); dtrNewRow["cSect"] = dtrBudCI["cSect"].ToString(); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { dtrNewRow["cSect"].ToString() }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QSect", "SECT", "select * from EMSECT where cRowID = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { dtrNewRow["cQcSect"] = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QSect"].Rows[0]["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); dtrNewRow["cQnSect"] = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QSect"].Rows[0]["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); } this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrTemPd].Rows.Add(dtrNewRow); } } this.pmLoadOldVar(); }
private bool pmCheckHasUsed(string inRowID, string inCode, ref string ioErrorMsg) { string strErrorMsg = ""; bool bllHasUsed = false; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper2 = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp, inRowID }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QChkUsed", this.mstrRefTable, "select * from Tumbon where cCorp = ? and cAmphur = ? ", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrUsed = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QChkUsed"].Rows[0]; ioErrorMsg = "µÓºÅ : (" + dtrUsed["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd() + ")" + dtrUsed["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); bllHasUsed = true; } objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp, inRowID }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QChkUsed", this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + MapTable.Table.MasterCoor + " where cCorp = ? and cAmphur = ? ", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrUsed = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QChkUsed"].Rows[0]; ioErrorMsg = "ÅÙ¡¤éÒ : (" + dtrUsed["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd() + ")" + dtrUsed["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); bllHasUsed = true; } if (bllHasUsed) { ioErrorMsg = "äÁèÊÒÁÒöź¢éÍÁÙÅä´éà¹×èͧ¨Ò¡ÁÕ¡ÒÃÍéÒ§ÍÔ§¶Ö§ã¹ " + ioErrorMsg; } return(bllHasUsed); }
private void pmLoadFormData() { DataRow dtrBrow = this.gridView1.GetDataRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (dtrBrow != null) { this.mstrEditRowID = dtrBrow["cRowID"].ToString(); string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where cRowID = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrLoadForm = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].Rows[0]; this.txtCode.Text = dtrLoadForm["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName.Text = dtrLoadForm["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName2.Text = dtrLoadForm["cName2"].ToString().TrimEnd(); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { dtrLoadForm["cDept"].ToString() }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QDept", this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + MapTable.Table.MasterDept + " where cRowID = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrDept = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QDept"].Rows[0]; this.txtQcDept.Tag = dtrLoadForm["cDept"].ToString(); this.txtQcDept.Text = dtrDept["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtQnDept.Text = dtrDept["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); } } this.pmLoadOldVar(); } }
private void pmClrOldData() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrTemPd].Rows.Clear(); string strSQLStr = ""; string strSQLStrDel1 = ""; string strSQLStrDel2 = ""; string strSQLStrDel3 = ""; strSQLStr = "select * from EMWORKCALENDAR where CCORP = ? and CPLANT = ? and CWORKHOUR = ? and CHOLIDAY = ? and NYEAR = ?"; strSQLStrDel1 = "delete from EMWORKCALENDAR where CROWID = ? "; strSQLStrDel2 = "delete from EMWORKCALENDARIT where CWORKCALH = ? "; strSQLStrDel3 = "delete from EMWORKCALENDARIT_RANGE where CWORKCALH = ? "; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.txtQcPlant.Tag.ToString(), this.txtQcStdWorkHr.Tag.ToString(), this.txtQcHoliday.Tag.ToString(), this.txtDate.DateTime.Year }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QDel_WorkCal", "EMWORKCALENDAR", strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrWorkCal = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QDel_WorkCal"].Rows[0]; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { dtrWorkCal["cRowID"].ToString() }); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(strSQLStrDel1, ref strErrorMsg); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { dtrWorkCal["cRowID"].ToString() }); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(strSQLStrDel2, ref strErrorMsg); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { dtrWorkCal["cRowID"].ToString() }); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(strSQLStrDel3, ref strErrorMsg); } }
private static void pmSaveKeepLog(WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent inSQLHelper, Entity.KeepLogType inType, string inTaskName, string inCode, string inName, string inAppUser, string inLoginName, string inOldCode, string inOldName) { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = inSQLHelper; objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { inTaskName }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref KeepLogAgent.dtsDataEnv, "QAppObj", MapTable.Table.AppObj, "select * from " + MapTable.Table.AppObj + " where cTaskName = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrAppObj = KeepLogAgent.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QAppObj"].Rows[0]; string strMenuName = dtrAppObj["cText"].ToString(); string strUpdType = ""; switch (inType) { case Entity.KeepLogType.Insert: strUpdType = BusinessEnum.gc_KEEPLOG_TYPE_INSERT; break; case Entity.KeepLogType.Update: strUpdType = BusinessEnum.gc_KEEPLOG_TYPE_UPDATE; break; case Entity.KeepLogType.Delete: strUpdType = BusinessEnum.gc_KEEPLOG_TYPE_DELETE; break; case Entity.KeepLogType.LogIn: strUpdType = BusinessEnum.gc_KEEPLOG_TYPE_LOG_IN; break; case Entity.KeepLogType.LogOut: strUpdType = BusinessEnum.gc_KEEPLOG_TYPE_LOG_OUT; break; } DataRow dtrSaveInfo = null; objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref KeepLogAgent.dtsDataEnv, mstrRefTable, mstrRefTable, "select * from " + mstrRefTable + " where 0=1", ref strErrorMsg); dtrSaveInfo = KeepLogAgent.dtsDataEnv.Tables[mstrRefTable].NewRow(); WS.Data.Agents.cConn objConn = WS.Data.Agents.cConn.GetInStance(); dtrSaveInfo["cRowID"] = objConn.RunRowID(mstrRefTable); dtrSaveInfo["cType"] = strUpdType; dtrSaveInfo["cTaskName"] = inTaskName; dtrSaveInfo["cMenuName"] = strMenuName.TrimEnd(); dtrSaveInfo["cCode"] = inCode; dtrSaveInfo["cName"] = inName; dtrSaveInfo["cOldCode"] = inOldCode; dtrSaveInfo["cOldName"] = inOldName; dtrSaveInfo["cLoginName"] = inLoginName; dtrSaveInfo["cCreateBy"] = inAppUser; string strSQLUpdateStr = ""; object[] pAPara = null; cDBMSAgent.GenUpdateSQLString(dtrSaveInfo, "CROWID", true, ref strSQLUpdateStr, ref pAPara); objSQLHelper.SetPara(pAPara); objSQLHelper.SQLExec(strSQLUpdateStr, ref strErrorMsg); } }
private void pmUpdateProcess_S1() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLStr = "select * from Stock01 where cCorp = ? and cPdGrp = ? and dDate = ?"; foreach (DataRow dtrSaleSum in this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrTemPd].Rows) { string strRowID = ""; bool bllIsNewRow = false; DataRow dtrSaveInfo = null; DateTime dttDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtrSaleSum["dDate"]); objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp, dtrSaleSum["cPdGrp"].ToString(), dttDate.Date }); if (!objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg)) { bllIsNewRow = true; WS.Data.Agents.cConn objConn = WS.Data.Agents.cConn.GetInStance(); strRowID = objConn.RunRowID(this.mstrRefTable); dtrSaveInfo = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].NewRow(); dtrSaveInfo["cRowID"] = strRowID; } else { dtrSaveInfo = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].Rows[0]; } dtrSaveInfo["cCorp"] = App.gcCorp; dtrSaveInfo["dDate"] = dttDate; dtrSaveInfo["cYear"] = dtrSaleSum["cYear"].ToString(); dtrSaveInfo["cPdGrp"] = dtrSaleSum["cPdGrp"].ToString(); dtrSaveInfo["QcPdGrp"] = dtrSaleSum["cQcPdGrp"].ToString(); dtrSaveInfo["QnPdGrp"] = dtrSaleSum["cQnPdGrp"].ToString(); dtrSaveInfo["Qty_IN"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nQty_IN"]); dtrSaveInfo["Qty_Out"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nQty_Out"]); dtrSaveInfo["Qty_Ret"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nQty_Ret"]); dtrSaveInfo["Amt_IN"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nAmt_IN"]); dtrSaveInfo["Amt_Out"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nAmt_Out"]); dtrSaveInfo["Amt_Ret"] = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSaleSum["nAmt_Ret"]); string strSQLUpdateStr = ""; object[] pAPara = null; cDBMSAgent.GenUpdateSQLString(dtrSaveInfo, "CROWID", bllIsNewRow, ref strSQLUpdateStr, ref pAPara); objSQLHelper.SetPara(pAPara); objSQLHelper.SQLExec(strSQLUpdateStr, ref strErrorMsg); } }
private void pmLoadFormData() { DataRow dtrBrow = this.gridView1.GetDataRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (dtrBrow != null) { this.mstrEditRowID = dtrBrow["fcSkid"].ToString(); string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where fcSkid = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrLoadForm = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].Rows[0]; this.txtCode.Text = dtrLoadForm["fcCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName.Text = dtrLoadForm["FCNAME"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName2.Text = dtrLoadForm["FCNAME2"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtQcWHouse.Tag = dtrLoadForm["FCWHOUSE"].ToString(); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[1] { this.txtQcWHouse.Tag.ToString() }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QWHouse", "WHOUSE", "select FCCODE,FCNAME from WHOUSE where fcSkid = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { this.txtQcWHouse.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWHouse"].Rows[0]["fcCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtQnWHouse.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWHouse"].Rows[0]["fcName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); } int intSel = 0; string strType = dtrLoadForm["FCDOCRUNFM"].ToString().TrimEnd(); switch (strType) { case "": case "1": intSel = 0; break; case "2": intSel = 1; break; case "3": intSel = 2; break; } this.cmbRunCodeType.SelectedIndex = intSel; } this.pmLoadOldVar(); } }
private void pmSetBrowView_Prod() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strFMDBName = App.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionInfo.ERPDBMSName; string strEmplRTab = strFMDBName + ".dbo.EMPLR"; string strStat = "CSTATUS = case {0}.FCSTATUS when 'I' then 'INACTIVE' when '' then 'ACTIVE' end"; //string strSQLExec = "select {0}.FCSKID as CROWID, {0}.FCCODE as CCODE, {0}.FCSNAME as CSNAME , {0}.FCNAME as CNAME, {0}.FNPRICE as NPRICE, " + strStat + ", {0}.FDINACTIVE as DINACTIVE, {0}.FCTYPE as CTYPE , {0}.FTDATETIME as DCREATE, {0}.FTLASTUPD as DLASTUPD from {0} "; string strSQLExec = "select {0}.FCSKID as CROWID, {0}.FCCODE as CCODE, {0}.FCSNAME as CSNAME , {0}.FCNAME as CNAME, {0}.FNPRICE as NPRICE, {0}.FNSTDCOST as STDCOST, " + strStat + ", {0}.FDINACTIVE as DINACTIVE, {0}.FCTYPE as CTYPE , {0}.FTDATETIME as DCREATE, {0}.FTLASTUPD as DLASTUPD "; strSQLExec += " , UM.FCCODE as QCUM,UM.FCNAME as QNUM,UM1.FCCODE as QCUM1 ,UM1.FCNAME as QNUM1,UM2.FCCODE as QCUM2 ,UM2.FCNAME as QNUM2,{0}.FNSTUMQTY1 "; strSQLExec += " from {0} "; strSQLExec += " left join UM on PROD.FCUM = UM.FCSKID"; strSQLExec += " left join UM UM1 on PROD.FCUM1 = UM1.FCSKID"; strSQLExec += " left join UM UM2 on PROD.FCSTUM1 = UM2.FCSKID"; strSQLExec += " where {0}.FCCORP = ?"; strSQLExec = string.Format(strSQLExec, new string[] { MapTable.Table.Product, "EMPLR" }); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp }); pobjSQLUtil.NotUpperSQLExecString = true; pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "PROD", "PROD", strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private static void pmSuBeSmartMRPBeforeDate( WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent inSQLHelper , string inCorp , string inBranch , string inType , int inBGYear , string inSect , string inJob , DateTime inBeforeDate , ref decimal ioAmt) { string strErrorMsg = ""; string strSQLText = "select "; strSQLText += " sum(BGRECVIT.NAMT) as AMT "; strSQLText += " from BGRECVIT "; strSQLText += " where CCORP = ? AND CBRANCH = ? AND CREFTYPE = ? AND NBGYEAR = ? AND CSECT = ? AND CJOB = ? and CSTAT <> 'C' and CISREV <> 'Y' and DDATE < ? "; ioAmt = 0; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = inSQLHelper; objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { inCorp, inBranch, inType, inBGYear, inSect, inJob, inBeforeDate }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref BudgetHelper.dtsDataEnv, "QSumBG", QBGBalanceInfo.TableName, strSQLText, ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrBGBal = BudgetHelper.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QSumBG"].Rows[0]; ioAmt = Convert.IsDBNull(dtrBGBal["AMT"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBGBal["AMT"]); } }
private static void pmSuBeSmartMRP( WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent inSQLHelper , string inCorp , string inBranch , string inType , int inBGYear , string inSect , string inJob , ref decimal ioAmt, ref decimal ioRecvAmt, ref decimal ioUseAmt, ref decimal ioBalAmt) { string strErrorMsg = ""; string strSQLText = "select "; strSQLText += " sum(BGBALANCE.NAMT) as AMT "; strSQLText += " ,sum(BGBALANCE.NRECVAMT) as RECVAMT "; strSQLText += " ,sum(BGBALANCE.NUSEAMT) as USEAMT "; strSQLText += " ,sum(BGBALANCE.NAMT - BGBALANCE.NRECVAMT) as BALAMT "; strSQLText += " from " + QBGBalanceInfo.TableName; strSQLText += " where CCORP = ? AND CBRANCH = ? AND CTYPE = ? AND NBGYEAR = ? AND CSECT = ? AND CJOB = ? "; ioAmt = 0; ioRecvAmt = 0; ioUseAmt = 0; ioBalAmt = 0; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = inSQLHelper; objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { inCorp, inBranch, inType, inBGYear, inSect, inJob }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref BudgetHelper.dtsDataEnv, "QSumBG", QBGBalanceInfo.TableName, strSQLText, ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrBGBal = BudgetHelper.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QSumBG"].Rows[0]; ioAmt = Convert.IsDBNull(dtrBGBal["AMT"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBGBal["AMT"]); ioRecvAmt = Convert.IsDBNull(dtrBGBal["RECVAMT"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBGBal["RECVAMT"]); ioUseAmt = Convert.IsDBNull(dtrBGBal["USEAMT"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBGBal["USEAMT"]); ioBalAmt = Convert.IsDBNull(dtrBGBal["BALAMT"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBGBal["BALAMT"]); } }
private static string pmGetSectList() { WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strResult = ""; string strErrorMsg = ""; string strSQLExec = "select EMSECT.CROWID, EMSECT.CCODE, EMSECT.CNAME, EMSECT.CNAME2, EMSECT.DCREATE, EMSECT.DLASTUPDBY, EM1.CLOGIN as CLOGIN_ADD, EM2.CLOGIN as CLOGIN_UPD from EMSECT "; strSQLExec += " left join APPLOGIN EM1 ON EM1.CROWID = EMSECT.CCREATEBY "; strSQLExec += " left join APPLOGIN EM2 ON EM2.CROWID = EMSECT.CLASTUPDBY "; strSQLExec += " where EMSECT.CCORP = ? "; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[1] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID }); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref dtsDataEnv, "QBrow", "EMSECT", strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); foreach (DataRow dtrBrow in dtsDataEnv.Tables["QBrow"].Rows) { if (App.PermissionManager.CheckPermissionBySect(AuthenType.CanAccess, App.AppUserName, App.AppUserID, dtrBrow["cRowID"].ToString())) { strResult += "'" + dtrBrow[QEMSectInfo.Field.Code].ToString().TrimEnd() + "' ,"; } } if (strResult.Trim() != string.Empty) { strResult = AppUtil.StringHelper.Left(strResult, StringHelper.RAt(",", strResult) - 1); strResult = "(" + strResult + ")"; } return(strResult); }
private void pmLoadFormData() { DataRow dtrBrow = this.gridView1.GetDataRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (dtrBrow != null) { this.mstrEditRowID = dtrBrow["cRowID"].ToString(); string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where cRowID = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrLoadForm = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].Rows[0]; this.txtCode.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBGBookInfo.Field.Code].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBGBookInfo.Field.Name].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName2.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBGBookInfo.Field.Name2].ToString().TrimEnd(); //string strLevel = dtrLoadForm[QBGBookInfo.Field.Type].ToString().TrimEnd(); //int intSel = -1; //switch (strLevel) //{ // case "D": // intSel = 0; // break; // case "G": // intSel = 1; // break; //} //this.cmbType.SelectedIndex = intSel; } this.pmLoadOldVar(); } }
private void pmLoadFormData() { DataRow dtrBrow = this.gridView1.GetDataRow(this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle); if (dtrBrow != null) { this.mstrEditRowID = dtrBrow["fcSkid"].ToString(); string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where fcSkid = ?", ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrLoadForm = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrRefTable].Rows[0]; this.txtCode.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Code].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Name].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtAddr11.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Addr1].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtAddr12.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Addr2].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtName2.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Name2].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtAddr21.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Addr12].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtAddr22.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.Addr22].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtTel.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.TelNo].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtFax.Text = dtrLoadForm[QBranchInfo.Field.FaxNo].ToString().TrimEnd(); } this.pmLoadOldVar(); } }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); //strSQLExec = string.Format(strSQLExec, new string[] { this.mstrRefTable }); //object[] pAPara = new object[] { App.gcCorp }; object[] pAPara = null; string strSQLExec = "select COOR.FCSKID, COOR.FCCODE, COOR.FCNAME, COOR.FCSNAME from COOR where FCCORP = ? and " + this.mstrCoorFld + " = 'Y' "; if (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty) { strSQLExec += " and " + this.mstrSortKey + " like ? "; pAPara = new object[] { App.gcCorp, this.mstrSearchStr }; } else { strSQLExec += ""; pAPara = new object[] { App.gcCorp }; } pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strFMDBName = App.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionInfo.ERPDBMSName; string strEmplRTab = strFMDBName + ".dbo.EMPLR"; string strSQLExec = "select {0}.CROWID, {0}.CCATEG, {0}.CCODE, {0}.CNAME, {0}.DCREATE, {0}.DLASTUPD, EM1.FCLOGIN as CLOGIN_ADD, EM2.FCLOGIN as CLOGIN_UPD from {0} "; strSQLExec += " left join {1} EM1 ON EM1.FCSKID = {0}.CCREATEBY "; strSQLExec += " left join {1} EM2 ON EM2.FCSKID = {0}.CLASTUPDBY "; if (this.mFormActiveMode == FormActiveMode.PopUp || this.mFormActiveMode == FormActiveMode.Report) { strSQLExec += " where {0}.CCATEG = 'D' "; } strSQLExec = string.Format(strSQLExec, new string[] { this.mstrRefTable, strEmplRTab }); //pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.NotUpperSQLExecString = true; pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, "Master_Dept", strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private decimal pmSumCutQty2(string inOrderI) { string strErrorMsg = " "; string strSQLStr = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strFMDBName = App.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionInfo.ERPDBMSName; string strSectTab = strFMDBName + ".dbo.ORDERI"; object[] pAPara = new object[] { inOrderI }; strSQLStr = " select ORDERI.FCPROD,ORDERI.FCCOOR , REFDOC.NQTY from " + strSectTab + " ORDERI "; strSQLStr += " left join REFDOC on REFDOC.CCHILDTYPE = 'SO' and REFDOC.CCHILDI = ORDERI.FCSKID "; strSQLStr += " where ORDERI.FCSKID = ? "; decimal decSumQty = 0; pobjSQLUtil.NotUpperSQLExecString = true; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); if (pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QORDERI", "ORDERI", strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg)) { foreach (DataRow dtrSum in this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QORDERI"].Rows) { if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dtrSum["NQTY"])) { decSumQty = decSumQty + Convert.ToDecimal(dtrSum["NQTY"]); } } } return(decSumQty); }
private bool pmRunCode() { //this.txtCode.Text = this.mobjTabRefer.RunCode(new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrBranchID }, this.txtCode.MaxLength); string strErrorMsg = ""; string strLastRunCode = ""; int intCodeLen = 0; int intRunCode = 1; int inMaxLength = this.txtCode.Properties.MaxLength; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); //objSQLHelper.SetPara(inPrefixPara); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QRunCode", this.mstrRefTable, "select fcCode from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where fcCode < ':' order by fcCode desc", ref strErrorMsg)) { strLastRunCode = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QRunCode"].Rows[0]["FCCODE"].ToString().Trim(); try { intRunCode = Convert.ToInt32(strLastRunCode) + 1; } catch (Exception ex) { strErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); intRunCode++; } } intCodeLen = (strLastRunCode.Length > 0 ? strLastRunCode.Length : inMaxLength); this.txtCode.Text = intRunCode.ToString(StringHelper.Replicate("0", intCodeLen)); return(true); }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strFMDBName = App.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionInfo.ERPDBMSName; string strEmplRTab = strFMDBName + ".dbo.EMPLR"; //string strSQLExec = "select {0}.fcSkid, {0}.CCODE, {0}.CNAME, {0}.DCREATE, {0}.DLASTUPD, EM1.FCLOGIN as CLOGIN_ADD, EM2.FCLOGIN as CLOGIN_UPD from {0} "; //strSQLExec += " left join {1} EM1 ON EM1.FCSKID = {0}.CCREATEBY "; //strSQLExec += " left join {1} EM2 ON EM2.FCSKID = {0}.CLASTUPDBY "; //strSQLExec += " where {0}.CCORP = ? and {0}.CCOORTYPE = ? "; string strSQLExec = "select {0}.FCSKID as fcSkid, {0}.FCCODE as CCODE, {0}.FCNAME as CNAME , {0}.FTDATETIME as DCREATE, {0}.FTLASTUPD as DLASTUPD from {0} "; strSQLExec += " where {0}.FCCORP = ? and {0}.FCCOORTYPE = ? "; strSQLExec = string.Format(strSQLExec, new string[] { MapTable.Table.CoorGroup, "EMPLR" }); string strCoorType = (this.mCoorType == CoorType.Customer ? "C" : "S"); pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp, strCoorType }); pobjSQLUtil.NotUpperSQLExecString = true; pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, "Master_CrGrp", strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private bool pmCheckHasUsed(string inRowID, string inCode, ref string ioErrorMsg) { //TODO: Check Corp Has Used bool bllHasChild = false; string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strMsg1 = "äÁèÊÒÁÒöźä´éà¹×èͧ¨Ò¡"; string strMsg2 = ""; bool bllHasUsed = true; if (objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { this.mstrEditRowID }) && objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QHasUsed", this.mstrRefTable, "select cCode, cName from " + MapTable.Table.BudgetChart + " where cBgType = ? ", ref strErrorMsg)) { strMsg2 = "(" + this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QHasUsed"].Rows[0]["cCode"].ToString().TrimEnd() + ") " + this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QHasUsed"].Rows[0]["cName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); ioErrorMsg = strMsg1 + "Áռѧ§º»ÃÐÁÒ³ " + strMsg2 + " ÍéÒ§¶Ö§áÅéÇ"; } else { bllHasUsed = false; } return(bllHasUsed); }
private DateTime pmLoadRangeDate(string inOrder) { DateTime dttRetVal = DateTime.Now; string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLStr = "select top 1 DDATE from MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN where CWORDERH in (" + this.mstrDefaSQL_MOrderH + " ) order by " + (inOrder == "MIN" ? "DDATE asc" : "DDATE desc"); objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrBranch, this.mstrPlant, this.mstrRefType, this.mstrBook, this.mdttBegDate, this.mdttEndDate }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QGetDate", "MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN", strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg)) { DataRow dtrOPPlan = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QGetDate"].Rows[0]; DateTime dttCalDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtrOPPlan["DDATE"]); int intDay = 1; if (inOrder == "MIN") { intDay = (dttCalDate.Day < 15 ? 1 : 15); dttRetVal = new DateTime(dttCalDate.Year, dttCalDate.Month, intDay); } else { dttRetVal = new DateTime(dttCalDate.Year, dttCalDate.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); } } return(dttRetVal); }
private void pmLoadOPPlan() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLStr = "select "; strSQLStr += " MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN.* "; strSQLStr += " , MFGBOOK.CCODE as QCBOOK"; strSQLStr += " , MFWKCTRHD.CCODE as QCWORKCTR, MFWKCTRHD.CNAME as QNWORKCTR"; strSQLStr += " , MFWORDERHD.CCODE, MFWORDERHD.CREFNO, MFWORDERHD.DSTART, MFWORDERHD.DDUEDATE "; strSQLStr += " from MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN "; strSQLStr += " left join MFWORDERHD on MFWORDERHD.CROWID = MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN.CWORDERH "; strSQLStr += " left join MFGBOOK on MFGBOOK.CROWID = MFWORDERHD.CMFGBOOK "; strSQLStr += " left join MFWKCTRHD on MFWKCTRHD.CROWID = MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN.CWKCTRH "; strSQLStr += "where MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN.CWORDERH in (" + this.mstrDefaSQL_MOrderH + " ) "; objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrBranch, this.mstrPlant, this.mstrRefType, this.mstrBook, this.mdttBegDate, this.mdttEndDate }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QLoadOPPlan", "MFWORDERIT_OPPLAN", strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg)) { //Loop for Load Planning foreach (DataRow dtrWkCtr in this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QLoadOPPlan"].Rows) { this.pmAddRow_OPPlanCap(dtrWkCtr); } } }
private void pmSetBrowView() { UIBase.WaitWind("Loading รายการสินค้า..."); string strErrorMsg = " "; string strSQLStr = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); object[] pAPara = null; strSQLStr = " "; pAPara = new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrBranch, this.mstrRefType, this.mstrBook, this.mstrCoor }; strSQLStr = " "; strSQLStr += " select "; strSQLStr += " BOOK.FCCODE as QCBOOK "; strSQLStr += " , ORDERH.FCREFNO "; strSQLStr += " , ORDERH.FCCODE "; strSQLStr += " , ORDERH.FDDATE "; strSQLStr += " , COOR.FCCODE as QCCOOR "; strSQLStr += " , COOR.FCNAME as QNCOOR "; strSQLStr += " , ORDERH.FCSKID as FCORDERH , ORDERH.FCCOOR "; strSQLStr += " from ORDERH "; strSQLStr += " left join COOR on COOR.FCSKID = ORDERH.FCCOOR "; strSQLStr += " left join BOOK on BOOK.FCSKID = ORDERH.FCBOOK "; strSQLStr += " where ORDERH.FCCORP = ? "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCBRANCH = ? "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCREFTYPE = ? "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCBOOK = ? "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCSTEP <> 'P' "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCSTEP <> 'L' "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCSTAT <> 'C' "; strSQLStr += " and ORDERH.FCCOOR = ? "; strSQLStr += " order by FCREFNO,FDDATE "; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg); for (int i = 0; i < this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrBrowViewAlias].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dtrBrow = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrBrowViewAlias].Rows[i]; //decimal decCutQty = pmSumCutQty1(dtrBrow["FCCOOR"].ToString(), dtrBrow["FCPROD"].ToString()); //decimal decBackQty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrBrow["FNBACKQTY"]); //decimal decMOQty = decBackQty - decCutQty; //dtrBrow["FNBACKQTY"] = decMOQty; //if (decMOQty <= 0) //{ // this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrBrowViewAlias].Rows[i].Delete(); // //this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrBrowViewAlias].Rows.RemoveAt(i); //} } DataColumn dtcTagValue = new DataColumn("CTAGVALUE", Type.GetType("System.Boolean")); dtcTagValue.DefaultValue = false; this.dtsDataEnv.Tables[this.mstrBrowViewAlias].Columns.Add(dtcTagValue); UIBase.WaitClear(); }
private static void pmGetItemofFormula(string inFormula) { string strErrorMsg = ""; mCurrFM = inFormula; toSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { inFormula }); if (toSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref dtsTem, "QFormula", MapTable.Table.Formula, "select * from " + MapTable.Table.Formula + " where FCSKID = ? ", ref strErrorMsg)) { mCurrQcFM = dtsTem.Tables["QFormula"].Rows[0]["fcCode"].ToString(); } toSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { "C", inFormula }); if (toSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref dtsTem, "QPdStruct", MapTable.Table.PdStruct, "select * from " + MapTable.Table.PdStruct + " where FCTYPE = ? and FCFORMULAS = ? order by FCSEQ", ref strErrorMsg)) { foreach (DataRow dtrTemPdSt in dtsTem.Tables["QPdStruct"].Rows) { FormulaInfo mInfo = tmFormula.NewRow(); mInfo.PdStruct = dtrTemPdSt["fcSkid"].ToString(); mInfo.RefPdType = dtrTemPdSt["fcProdOrFo"].ToString(); mInfo.PdOrFM = dtrTemPdSt["fcCompo"].ToString(); mInfo.Qty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrTemPdSt["fnQty"]) * mRefQty; mInfo.UM = dtrTemPdSt["fcUm"].ToString(); mInfo.UMQty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrTemPdSt["fnUmQty"]); mInfo.RootFM = mRootFM; mInfo.ParentFM = mCurrFM; mInfo.ParentQcFM = mCurrQcFM; tmFormula.Add(mInfo); mRefQty = Convert.ToDecimal(dtrTemPdSt["fnQty"]); if (mInfo.RefPdType == "F") { string strSavCurr = mCurrFM; decimal decSaveQty = mRefQty; pmGetItemofFormula(mInfo.PdOrFM); mCurrFM = strSavCurr; mRefQty = decSaveQty; } // if } // foreach } //if }
private void pmSetBrowView(bool inIsInit) { UIBase.WaitWind("Loading Items..."); //dlgWaitWind dlg = new dlgWaitWind(); //dlg.WaitWind(); string strErrorMsg = ""; string strSQLStr = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string[] staPara = { this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrSortKey, "%" + this.mstrSearchStr + "%" }; string strSearchStr = ""; object[] pAPara = null; if (inIsInit) { strSQLStr = "select cRowID, cCode, cName from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where 0=1"; } else { if (this.mstrFixProd.Trim() != string.Empty) { if (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty) { pAPara = new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrFixProd, "%" + this.mstrSearchStr + "%" }; strSearchStr = (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty ? string.Format(" and {0}.CMFGPROD = ? and {0}.{1} like ?", staPara) : ""); } else { pAPara = new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, this.mstrFixProd }; strSearchStr = (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty ? string.Format(" and {0}.CMFGPROD = ?", staPara) : ""); } } else { strSearchStr = (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty ? string.Format(" and {0}.{1} like ?", staPara) : ""); if (this.mstrSearchStr != string.Empty) { pAPara = new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID, "%" + this.mstrSearchStr + "%" } } ; else { pAPara = new object[] { App.ActiveCorp.RowID } }; } strSQLStr = "select cRowID, cCode, cName from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where CCORP = ? and CACTIVE = 'A' and CISAPPROVE = 'A' " + strSearchStr + " order by " + this.mstrSortKey; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); } pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLStr, ref strErrorMsg); UIBase.WaitClear(); }
private void pmUpdateRecord() { string strErrorMsg = ""; string strPwd = ""; App.PermissionManager.CreateCipherText(this.txtPwd1.Text.TrimEnd(), ref strPwd); WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { strPwd, App.FMAppUserID }); objSQLHelper.SQLExec("update AppLogin set cPwd = ? where cRowID = ? ", ref strErrorMsg); }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLExec = "select EMPLR.FCSKID, EMPLR.FCLOGIN, EMPLR.FCRCODE from EMPLR "; //pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private void pmDefaultOption() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent objSQLHelper = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QBranch", "BRANCH", "select Branch.fcSkid, Branch.fcCode, Branch.fcName from " + MapTable.Table.Branch + " where fcCorp = ? order by fcCode", ref strErrorMsg)) { this.mstrBranch = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QBranch"].Rows[0]["fcSkid"].ToString(); this.txtQcBranch.Tag = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QBranch"].Rows[0]["fcSkid"].ToString(); this.txtQcBranch.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QBranch"].Rows[0]["fcCode"].ToString(); this.txtQnBranch.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QBranch"].Rows[0]["fcName"].ToString(); } this.pmDefaultBookCode(); this.txtBegDate.DateTime = DateTime.Now; this.txtEndDate.DateTime = DateTime.Now; objSQLHelper.SetPara(new object[] { App.gcCorp, System.Environment.MachineName }); if (objSQLHelper.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, "QWkStat", "WORKSTATION", "select * from WORKSTATION where fcCorp = ? and fcName = ? ", ref strErrorMsg)) { this.mstrWkStat = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWkStat"].Rows[0]["fcSkid"].ToString(); this.txtQcWkStat.Tag = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWkStat"].Rows[0]["fcSkid"].ToString(); this.txtQcWkStat.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWkStat"].Rows[0]["fcCode"].ToString().TrimEnd(); this.txtQnWkStat.Text = this.dtsDataEnv.Tables["QWkStat"].Rows[0]["fcName"].ToString().TrimEnd(); } else { if (this.mbllIsValidateWorkStation) { MessageBox.Show("äÁ辺à¤Ã×èͧ " + System.Environment.MachineName + " ã¹Ãкº !", "Application Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } this.txtQcWkStat.Tag = ""; this.txtQcWkStat.Text = ""; this.txtQnWkStat.Text = ""; } UIBase.SetDefaultChildAppreance(this); }
private void pmBlankFormData() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrRefTable, this.mstrRefTable, "select * from " + this.mstrRefTable + " where 0=1", ref strErrorMsg); this.mstrEditRowID = ""; this.txtCode.Text = ""; this.txtName.Text = ""; this.txtName2.Text = ""; }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLExec = "select WSBOOK.CROWID, WSBOOK.CCODE, WSBOOK.CNAME from WSBOOK where CCORP = ? and CREFTYPE = ? "; object[] pAPara = new object[] { App.gcCorp, this.mstrRefType }; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }
private void pmSetBrowView() { string strErrorMsg = ""; WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent pobjSQLUtil = new WS.Data.Agents.cDBMSAgent(App.ERPConnectionString, App.DatabaseReside); string strSQLExec = "select WHOUSE.FCSKID, WHOUSE.FCCODE, WHOUSE.FCNAME from WHOUSE where FCCORP = ? and FCBRANCH = ? " + (this.mstrFixType.Trim() != string.Empty ? "and FCTYPE in " + this.mstrFixType : ""); object[] pAPara = new object[] { App.gcCorp, this.mstrBranch }; pobjSQLUtil.SetPara(pAPara); pobjSQLUtil.SQLExec(ref this.dtsDataEnv, this.mstrBrowViewAlias, this.mstrRefTable, strSQLExec, ref strErrorMsg); }