private void CollectProperties(object instance, PropertyDescriptor descriptor, List<Property> propertyCollection, bool automaticlyExpandObjects, string filter) { Asterics.ACS.IniFile langFile = null; Asterics.ACS.IniFile ini = null; // read lang from lini-file, then try to find a file, named like the file // loading the asterics.ini file, containing some basic settings // UNCOMMENT to activate language support in the property editor. Currentyl in Beta if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "asterics.ini")) { ini = new Asterics.ACS.IniFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "asterics.ini"); } if ((ini != null) && (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "lang\\" + ini.IniReadValue("Options", "language") + ".txt"))) { langFile = new Asterics.ACS.IniFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "lang\\" + ini.IniReadValue("Options", "language") + ".txt"); } if (descriptor.Attributes[typeof(FlatAttribute)] == null) { Property property = new Property(instance, descriptor); if (descriptor.IsBrowsable) { // new with lang-support // replace the internal properties if (langFile != null) { if (property.Value != null && langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Value.ToString()) != "") { if (property.Value.GetType() == typeof(string)) { property.Value = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Value.ToString()); } } if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Name) != "") { property.Name = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Name); } } //Add a property with Name: AutomaticlyExpandObjects Type propertyType = descriptor.PropertyType; if (automaticlyExpandObjects && propertyType.IsClass && !propertyType.IsArray && propertyType != typeof(string)) { propertyCollection.Add(new ExpandableProperty(instance, descriptor, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter)); } else if (descriptor.Converter.GetType() == typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)) { propertyCollection.Add(new ExpandableProperty(instance, descriptor, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter)); } else if (descriptor.Name.Equals("PropertyArrayList")) { // NEW CODE for AsTeRICS // Beside changes here, also Properties.cs has beed edited ArrayList propList = (ArrayList)property.Value; foreach (Asterics.ACS.propertyType propFromList in propList) { // Sets an PropertyDescriptor to the specific property. propertyType pT = new propertyType(); PropertyDescriptorCollection innerProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(pT); System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor myProperty = null; Type propType = typeof(string); object objectValue = null; switch (propFromList.DataType) { case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.boolean: propType = typeof(bool); myProperty = properties.Find("boolType", true); try { pT.BoolType = Boolean.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.BoolType = false; } objectValue = pT.BoolType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.integer: propType = typeof(int); myProperty = properties.Find("intType", true); try { pT.IntType = int.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.IntType = 0; } objectValue = pT.IntType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@byte: propType = typeof(byte); myProperty = properties.Find("byteType", true); try { pT.ByteType = byte.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.ByteType = 0; } objectValue = pT.ByteType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@char: propType = typeof(char); myProperty = properties.Find("charType", true); try { pT.CharType = char.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.CharType = ' '; } objectValue = pT.CharType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@double: propType = typeof(double); myProperty = properties.Find("doubleType", true); try { pT.DoubleType = double.Parse(propFromList.value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception) { pT.DoubleType = 0; } objectValue = pT.DoubleType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@string: propType = typeof(string); myProperty = properties.Find("stringType", true); objectValue = propFromList.value; break; } if ((propType == typeof(string)) && propFromList.ComboBoxStrings != null) { // text propType = typeof(IList); List<string> stringList = new List<string>(propFromList.ComboBoxStrings.Length); foreach (string s in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringList.Add(s); } myProperty = properties.Find("listType", true); objectValue = stringList; } else if ((propType == typeof(int)) && propFromList.ComboBoxStrings != null) { // text // new with lang-support //compProperty.ComboBoxStrings = sourceProperties[outPortIndex].combobox.Split(new String[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string stringToCompare = ""; foreach (string comboString in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringToCompare += comboString + "//"; } stringToCompare = stringToCompare.Substring(0, stringToCompare.Length - 2); if (langFile != null) { if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, stringToCompare) != "") { stringToCompare = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, stringToCompare); } } propFromList.ComboBoxStrings = stringToCompare.Split(new String[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None); propType = typeof(IList); List<string> stringList = new List<string>(propFromList.ComboBoxStrings.Length); foreach (string s in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringList.Add(s); } myProperty = properties.Find("listType", true); objectValue = stringList; } Property innerProperty = new Property(objectValue, myProperty,, propFromList.Description, propType, propFromList); // new with lang-support // replace the properties if (langFile != null) { if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Name) != "") { innerProperty.Name = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Name); } if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Description) != "") { innerProperty.Description = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Description); } } propertyCollection.Add(innerProperty); } } else propertyCollection.Add(property); } } else { instance = descriptor.GetValue(instance); PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance); foreach (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in properties) { CollectProperties(instance, propertyDescriptor, propertyCollection, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter); } } }
private void CollectProperties(object instance, PropertyDescriptor descriptor, List <Property> propertyCollection, bool automaticlyExpandObjects, string filter) { Asterics.ACS.IniFile langFile = null; Asterics.ACS.IniFile ini = null; // read lang from lini-file, then try to find a file, named like the file // loading the asterics.ini file, containing some basic settings // UNCOMMENT to activate language support in the property editor. Currentyl in Beta if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "asterics.ini")) { ini = new Asterics.ACS.IniFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "asterics.ini"); } if ((ini != null) && (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "lang\\" + ini.IniReadValue("Options", "language") + ".txt"))) { langFile = new Asterics.ACS.IniFile(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "lang\\" + ini.IniReadValue("Options", "language") + ".txt"); } if (descriptor.Attributes[typeof(FlatAttribute)] == null) { Property property = new Property(instance, descriptor); if (descriptor.IsBrowsable) { // new with lang-support // replace the internal properties if (langFile != null) { if (property.Value != null && langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Value.ToString()) != "") { if (property.Value.GetType() == typeof(string)) { property.Value = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Value.ToString()); } } if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Name) != "") { property.Name = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, property.Name); } } //Add a property with Name: AutomaticlyExpandObjects Type propertyType = descriptor.PropertyType; if (automaticlyExpandObjects && propertyType.IsClass && !propertyType.IsArray && propertyType != typeof(string)) { propertyCollection.Add(new ExpandableProperty(instance, descriptor, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter)); } else if (descriptor.Converter.GetType() == typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter)) { propertyCollection.Add(new ExpandableProperty(instance, descriptor, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter)); } else if (descriptor.Name.Equals("PropertyArrayList")) { // NEW CODE for AsTeRICS // Beside changes here, also Properties.cs has beed edited ArrayList propList = (ArrayList)property.Value; foreach (Asterics.ACS.propertyType propFromList in propList) { // Sets an PropertyDescriptor to the specific property. propertyType pT = new propertyType(); PropertyDescriptorCollection innerProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(pT); System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor myProperty = null; Type propType = typeof(string); object objectValue = null; switch (propFromList.DataType) { case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.boolean: propType = typeof(bool); myProperty = properties.Find("boolType", true); try { pT.BoolType = Boolean.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.BoolType = false; } objectValue = pT.BoolType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.integer: propType = typeof(int); myProperty = properties.Find("intType", true); try { pT.IntType = int.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.IntType = 0; } objectValue = pT.IntType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@byte: propType = typeof(byte); myProperty = properties.Find("byteType", true); try { pT.ByteType = byte.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.ByteType = 0; } objectValue = pT.ByteType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@char: propType = typeof(char); myProperty = properties.Find("charType", true); try { pT.CharType = char.Parse(propFromList.value); } catch (Exception) { pT.CharType = ' '; } objectValue = pT.CharType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@double: propType = typeof(double); myProperty = properties.Find("doubleType", true); try { pT.DoubleType = double.Parse(propFromList.value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception) { pT.DoubleType = 0; } objectValue = pT.DoubleType; break; case Asterics.ACS2.dataType.@string: propType = typeof(string); myProperty = properties.Find("stringType", true); objectValue = propFromList.value; break; } if ((propType == typeof(string)) && propFromList.ComboBoxStrings != null) { // text propType = typeof(IList); List <string> stringList = new List <string>(propFromList.ComboBoxStrings.Length); foreach (string s in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringList.Add(s); } myProperty = properties.Find("listType", true); objectValue = stringList; } else if ((propType == typeof(int)) && propFromList.ComboBoxStrings != null) { // text // new with lang-support //compProperty.ComboBoxStrings = sourceProperties[outPortIndex].combobox.Split(new String[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string stringToCompare = ""; foreach (string comboString in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringToCompare += comboString + "//"; } stringToCompare = stringToCompare.Substring(0, stringToCompare.Length - 2); if (langFile != null) { if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, stringToCompare) != "") { stringToCompare = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, stringToCompare); } } propFromList.ComboBoxStrings = stringToCompare.Split(new String[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None); propType = typeof(IList); List <string> stringList = new List <string>(propFromList.ComboBoxStrings.Length); foreach (string s in propFromList.ComboBoxStrings) { stringList.Add(s); } myProperty = properties.Find("listType", true); objectValue = stringList; } Property innerProperty = new Property(objectValue, myProperty,, propFromList.Description, propType, propFromList); // new with lang-support // replace the properties if (langFile != null) { if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Name) != "") { innerProperty.Name = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Name); } if (langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Description) != "") { innerProperty.Description = langFile.IniReadValue(componentID, innerProperty.Description); } } propertyCollection.Add(innerProperty); } } else { propertyCollection.Add(property); } } } else { instance = descriptor.GetValue(instance); PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance); foreach (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in properties) { CollectProperties(instance, propertyDescriptor, propertyCollection, automaticlyExpandObjects, filter); } } }