public static bool IsInsideConvexPolygon(PointFr point, PolygonFr polygon)
            var vertices = polygon.Vertices.ToList(); // wierzchołki posortowane przeciwnie do wskazówek zegara względem wnętrza wielokąta
            var edges    = polygon.Edges().ToList();

            if (vertices.Count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Polygon can't have less than 3 vertices");
            if (ConvexHullJarvis(vertices).Count != vertices.Count) // Powinno wystarczyć Count
                throw new ArgumentException("Polygon must be convex");

            if (vertices.Count == 3)

            var polyCenter = polygon.Center;

            if (polyCenter == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't calculate center of the Polygon");
            var mid = (PointFr)polyCenter;

            while (edges.Count > 1)
                var testSegment = new LineSegmentFr(mid, edges[edges.Count / 2].StartPoint);
                if (point.IsRightOf(testSegment))
                    edges = edges.Take(edges.Count / 2).ToList();
                else if (point.IsLeftOf(testSegment))
                    edges = edges.Skip(edges.Count / 2).ToList();
                else if (testSegment.Contains(point))
                    throw new Exception("Invalid calculations performed, it should never happen");

            return(!point.IsRightOf(edges.Single())); // czyli IsLeftOf + Contains, jeżeli jest we wierzchołku to będzie spełniony ostatni warunek z while'a
        public static bool IsInsidePolygon(PointFr point, PolygonFr polygon)
            if (polygon.Edges(true).Any(edge => edge.Contains(point)))

            var vertices = polygon.Vertices.ToList();
            int i, j = vertices.Count - 1;
            var contains = false;

            for (i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                if ((vertices[i].Y < point.Y && vertices[j].Y >= point.Y || vertices[j].Y < point.Y && vertices[i].Y >= point.Y) && (vertices[i].X <= point.X || vertices[j].X <= point.X))
                    contains ^= (vertices[i].X + (point.Y - vertices[i].Y) / (vertices[j].Y - vertices[i].Y) * (vertices[j].X - vertices[i].X) < point.X);
                j = i;
