예제 #1
        // GET: /AttProcessors/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User;
            QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
            String query = qb.QueryForCompanyViewLinq(LoggedInUser);
            ViewBag.PeriodTag = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Daily", Value = "D"},
                new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Monthly", Value = "M"},
                new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Summary", Value = "S"},

            }, "Value" , "Text",1);
            ViewBag.CriteriaID = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Company", Value = "C"},
                new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "Location", Value = "L"},

            }, "Value", "Text", 1);
            ViewBag.ProcessCats = new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>
                new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = "Yes", Value = "1"},
                new SelectListItem { Selected = false, Text = "No", Value = "0"},

            }, "Value", "Text", 1);
            ViewBag.CompanyID = new SelectList(db.Companies.Where(query).OrderBy(s=>s.CompName), "CompID", "CompName");
            query = qb.QueryForLocationTableSegerationForLinq(LoggedInUser);
            ViewBag.LocationID = new SelectList(db.Locations.Where(query).OrderBy(s=>s.LocName), "LocID", "LocName");

            ViewBag.CatID = new SelectList(db.Categories.OrderBy(s=>s.CatName), "CatID", "CatName");
             return View();
예제 #2
        public string CheckForUserRole(User user)
            string val = "";
            using (var ctx = new TAS2013Entities())
                string criteria = ctx.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == user.UserID).FirstOrDefault().Criteria;
                switch (criteria.Trim())
                    case "Z":
                        val = "Zone";

                    case "R":
                    case "C":
                        val = "City";
                    case "L":
                        val = "Location";
                        case "S":
                        val = "SuperUser";
            return val;
예제 #3
 public ActionResult Create()
     var _wings = new List<Division>();
     using (TAS2013Entities context = new TAS2013Entities())
         _wings = context.Divisions.ToList();
     ViewBag.CompanyID = new SelectList(db.Companies.OrderBy(aa=>aa.CompName), "CompID", "CompName");
     ViewBag.CrewID = new SelectList(db.Crews.OrderBy(aa => aa.CrewName), "CrewID", "CrewName");
     ViewBag.DesigID = new SelectList(db.Designations.OrderBy(aa => aa.DesignationName), "DesignationID", "DesignationName");
     ViewBag.GradeID = new SelectList(db.Grades.OrderBy(aa => aa.GradeName), "GradeID", "GradeName");
     ViewBag.JobID = new SelectList(db.JobTitles.OrderBy(aa => aa.JobTitle1), "JobID", "JobTitle1");
     //ViewBag.LocID = new SelectList(db.Locations, "LocID", "LocName");
     ViewBag.SecID = new SelectList(db.Sections.OrderBy(aa => aa.SectionName), "SectionID", "SectionName");
     ViewBag.ShiftID = new SelectList(db.Shifts.OrderBy(aa => aa.ShiftName), "ShiftID", "ShiftName");
     ViewBag.TypeID = new SelectList(db.EmpTypes.OrderBy(aa => aa.TypeName), "TypeID", "TypeName");
     ViewBag.EmpID = new SelectList(db.EmpFaces, "EmpID", "Face1");
     ViewBag.EmpID = new SelectList(db.EmpFps.OrderBy(aa => aa.Fp1), "EmpID", "Fp1");
     ViewBag.CatID = new SelectList(db.Categories.OrderBy(aa => aa.CatName), "CatID", "CatName");
     ViewBag.DeptID = new SelectList(db.Departments.OrderBy(aa => aa.DeptName), "DeptID", "DeptName");
     ViewBag.CityID = new SelectList(db.Cities.OrderBy(aa => aa.CityName), "CityID", "CityName");
     ViewBag.ZoneID = new SelectList(db.Zones.OrderBy(aa => aa.ZoneName), "ZoneID", "ZoneName");
     ViewBag.RegionID = new SelectList(db.Regions.OrderBy(aa => aa.RegionName), "RegionID", "RegionName");
     ViewBag.PostedAsID = new SelectList(db.Designations.OrderBy(aa => aa.DesignationName), "DesignationID", "DesignationName");
     return View();
예제 #4
        public void AddHalfLeaveToLeaveData(LvApplication lvappl)
            DateTime datetime = new DateTime();
            datetime = lvappl.FromDate;
            string _EmpDate = lvappl.EmpID + datetime.Date.ToString("yyMMdd");
            LvData _LVData = new LvData();
            _LVData.EmpID = lvappl.EmpID;
            _LVData.EmpDate = _EmpDate;
            _LVData.Remarks = lvappl.LvReason;
            _LVData.HalfLeave = true;
            _LVData.LvID = lvappl.LvID;
            _LVData.AttDate = datetime.Date;
            _LVData.LvCode = lvappl.LvType;
            _LVData.FirstHalf = lvappl.FirstHalf;
                using (var db = new TAS2013Entities())
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Balance Leaves from Emp Table
예제 #5
 public int UploadImageInDataBase(HttpPostedFileBase file, string _empNo)
     using (var context = new TAS2013Entities())
         List<EmpPhoto> _empPhotoList = new List<EmpPhoto>();
         EmpPhoto _EmpPhoto = new EmpPhoto();
         Emp _Emp = new Emp();
         int empPhotoID = 0;
         _Emp = context.Emps.First(aa => aa.EmpNo == _empNo);
         _empPhotoList = context.EmpPhotoes.Where(aa => aa.EmpID == _Emp.EmpID).ToList();
         _EmpPhoto.EmpPic = ConvertToBytes(file);
         if (_empPhotoList.Count > 0)
             //Update Existing Image
             _EmpPhoto.EmpID = _empPhotoList.FirstOrDefault().EmpID;
             _EmpPhoto.PhotoID = _empPhotoList.FirstOrDefault().PhotoID;
             //Add New Image
             _EmpPhoto.EmpID = _Emp.EmpID;
             empPhotoID = _EmpPhoto.PhotoID;
             return empPhotoID;
         catch (Exception ex)
             return empPhotoID;
예제 #6
        public ActionResult GetBestCriteria(string CriteriaValue)
            List<DailySummary> BestCriteria = new List<DailySummary>();
            using (TAS2013Entities dc = new TAS2013Entities())
                DateTime To = (DateTime)dc.DailySummaries.Max(x => x.Date);
                DateTime From = To.AddDays(-20);
                var GetSummaries = dc.DailySummaries.Where(aa => aa.Criteria == CriteriaValue && (aa.Date >= From && aa.Date <= To)).ToList();
                var DistinctCriterias = GetSummaries.Select(aa => new { aa.CriteriaValue }).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (var distinctcriteria in DistinctCriterias)
                    DailySummary gatherinfo = new DailySummary();

                    List<DailySummary> intermediate = GetSummaries.Where(aa => aa.CriteriaValue == distinctcriteria.CriteriaValue).ToList();
                    gatherinfo = InitializeDailySummaryValues(intermediate);

                    foreach (DailySummary inter in intermediate)
                        gatherinfo = AddValues(gatherinfo, inter);


            return Json(BestCriteria, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
예제 #7
        private void LoadSession()
            using (TAS2013Entities dc = new TAS2013Entities())
               var v = dc.Users.Where(aa => aa.UserName == "wms.ffl").FirstOrDefault();
                if (v != null)
                    Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                    Session["MHR"] = "0";
                    Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                    Session["MLeave"] = "0";
                    Session["MEditAtt"] = "0";
                    Session["MUser"] = "******";
                    Session["LogedUserFullname"] = "";
                    Session["UserCompany"] = "";
                    Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "0";
                    Session["MRLeave"] = "0";
                    Session["MRMonthly"] = "0";
                    Session["MRAudit"] = "0";
                    Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "0";
                    Session["MREmployee"] = "0";
                    Session["MRDetail"] = "0";
                    Session["MRSummary"] = "0";
                    Session["LogedUserID"] = v.UserID.ToString();
                    Session["LogedUserFullname"] = v.UserName;
                    Session["LoggedUser"] = v;
                    Session["UserCompany"] = v.CompanyID.ToString();
                    if (v.MHR == true)
                        Session["MHR"] = "1";
                    if (v.MDevice == true)
                        Session["MDevice"] = "1";
                    if (v.MLeave == true)
                        Session["MLeave"] = "1";
                    if (v.MEditAtt == true)
                        Session["MEditAtt"] = "1";
                    if (v.MUser == true)
                        Session["MUser"] = "******";
                    if (v.MRDailyAtt == true)
                        Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRLeave == true)
                        Session["MRLeave"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRMonthly == true)
                        Session["MRMonthly"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRAudit == true)
                        Session["MRAudit"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRManualEditAtt == true)
                        Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "1";
                    if (v.MREmployee == true)
                        Session["MREmployee"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRDetail == true)
                        Session["MRDetail"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRSummary == true)
                        Session["MRSummary"] = "1";
                    if (v.MRoster == true)
                        Session["MRoster"] = "1";

예제 #8
        public string MakeCustomizeQuery(User _user)
            string query = " where ";
            string subQuery = "";
            string subQueryLoc = "";
            List<string> _Criteria = new List<string>();
            List<string> _CriteriaForOr = new List<string>();
            List<string> _CriteriaForOrLoc = new List<string>();
               TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserAccess> ulocs = new List<UserAccess>();
            ulocs = db.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == _user.UserID).ToList();
            foreach (var uloc in ulocs)
                if(uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "Z")
                _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" ZoneID = " + uloc.CriteriaData + " ");
                if (uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "R")
                    _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" RegionID = " + uloc.CriteriaData + " ");
                if (uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "C")
                    _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" CityID = " + uloc.CriteriaData + " ");
                if (uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "L")
                    _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" LocID = " + uloc.CriteriaData + " ");
                if (uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "S")
                    query = "";
                if (uloc.Criteria.Trim() == "")

                    query = "";
                return query;


            for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1; i++)
                subQueryLoc = subQueryLoc + _CriteriaForOrLoc[i] + " or ";
            subQueryLoc = " ( " + subQueryLoc + _CriteriaForOrLoc[_CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1] + " ) ";

            //subQuery = " ( ";
            //for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOr.Count - 1; i++)
            //    subQuery = subQuery + _CriteriaForOr[i] + " or ";
            //} if (_CriteriaForOr.Count > 0)
            //subQuery = subQuery + _CriteriaForOr[_CriteriaForOr.Count - 1];
            //subQuery = subQuery + " ) ";
            query = query + subQueryLoc;
            return query;
예제 #9
        protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TAS2013Entities context = new TAS2013Entities();
            //lbError.Text = "";
            List<User> _User = context.Users.ToList();

            if (tbUserName.Text != "" && tbPassword.Text != "")
             foreach (var item in _User)
                    if (item.UserName.ToUpper() == tbUserName.Text.ToUpper())
                        if (item.Password.ToUpper() == tbPassword.Text.ToUpper())
                            if (item.RoleID == 2 || item.RoleID == 3)
                                Session["RoleID"] = "Rpt";
                                //SaveAuditLogEntry(item.UserID, item.UserName);
                                if (item.RoleID == 4)
                                    Session["RoleID"] = "Entry";
                                //SaveAuditLogEntry(item.UserID, item.UserName);
                            if (item.RoleID == 5)
                                Session["RoleID"] = "Admin";
                            //lbError.Text = "*Password doesnot match";
                        //lbError.Text = "*Username is not valid";
예제 #10
        public void AddHalfLeaveToAttData(LvApplication lvappl)
            DateTime datetime = new DateTime();
            datetime = lvappl.FromDate;
            string _EmpDate = lvappl.EmpID + datetime.Date.ToString("yyMMdd");
            using (var db = new TAS2013Entities())
                if (db.AttProcesses.Where(aa => aa.ProcessDate == datetime).Count() > 0)
                    AttData _EmpAttData = new AttData();
                    _EmpAttData = db.AttDatas.First(aa => aa.EmpDate == _EmpDate);
                    if (lvappl.LvType == "A")//Casual Leave
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks = _EmpAttData.Remarks+"[H-CL]";
                    if (lvappl.LvType == "B")//Anual Leave
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks = _EmpAttData.Remarks+"[H-AL]";
                    if (lvappl.LvType == "C")//Sick Leave
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks = _EmpAttData.Remarks+"[H-SL]";

                    if (_EmpAttData.Remarks.Contains("[Absent]"))
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks.Replace("[Abesnt]", "");
                    if (_EmpAttData.Remarks.Contains("[EO]"))
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks.Replace("[EO]", "-");
                    if (_EmpAttData.Remarks.Contains("[LI]"))
                        _EmpAttData.Remarks.Replace("[LI]", "");
                    _EmpAttData.StatusLeave = true;
                    if (lvappl.FirstHalf == true)
                        _EmpAttData.LateIn = 0;
                        _EmpAttData.StatusLI = false;
                        _EmpAttData.StatusEO = false;
                        _EmpAttData.EarlyOut = 0;

예제 #11
        public ActionResult Create()
            var _wings = new List<Division>();
            using (TAS2013Entities context = new TAS2013Entities())
                _wings = context.Divisions.ToList();

            ViewBag.CrewID = new SelectList(db.Crews.OrderBy(s => s.CrewName), "CrewID", "CrewName");
            ViewBag.DesigID = new SelectList(db.Designations.OrderBy(s => s.DesignationName), "DesignationID", "DesignationName");
            ViewBag.GradeID = new SelectList(db.Grades.OrderBy(s=>s.GradeName), "GradeID", "GradeName");
            ViewBag.JobID = new SelectList(db.JobTitles.OrderBy(s=>s.JobTitle1), "JobID", "JobTitle1");
            ViewBag.LocID = new SelectList(db.Locations.OrderBy(s=>s.LocName), "LocID", "LocName");
            ViewBag.SecID = new SelectList(db.Sections.OrderBy(s=>s.SectionName), "SectionID", "SectionName");
            ViewBag.ShiftID = new SelectList(db.Shifts.OrderBy(s=>s.ShiftName), "ShiftID", "ShiftName");
            ViewBag.TypeID = new SelectList(db.EmpTypes.OrderBy(s=>s.TypeName), "TypeID", "TypeName");
            ViewBag.EmpID = new SelectList(db.EmpFaces.OrderBy(s=>s.Face1), "EmpID", "Face1");
            ViewBag.EmpID = new SelectList(db.EmpFps.OrderBy(s=>s.Fp1), "EmpID", "Fp1");
            ViewBag.CatID = new SelectList(db.Categories.OrderBy(s=>s.CatName), "CatID", "CatName");
            ViewBag.DeptID = new SelectList(db.Departments.OrderBy(s=>s.DeptName), "DeptID", "DeptName");
            return View();
예제 #12
        public ActionResult GetCriteriaNames(string Criteria)
            List<CriteriaFoAngular> GetValueNames = new List<CriteriaFoAngular>();
            using (TAS2013Entities dc = new TAS2013Entities())
                FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel;
                if (Criteria == "C")
                    foreach (var company in fm.CompanyFilter)
                        GetValueNames.Add(new CriteriaFoAngular("" + company.ID, company.FilterName));

                if (Criteria == "L")
                    foreach (var location in fm.LocationFilter)
                        GetValueNames.Add(new CriteriaFoAngular("" + location.ID, location.FilterName));
                if (Criteria == "S")
                    foreach (var shift in fm.ShiftFilter)
                        GetValueNames.Add(new CriteriaFoAngular("" + shift.ID, shift.FilterName));
                if (Criteria == "E")
                    foreach (var section in fm.SectionFilter)
                        GetValueNames.Add(new CriteriaFoAngular("" + section.ID, section.FilterName));
                if (Criteria == "D")
                    foreach (var department in fm.DepartmentFilter)
                        GetValueNames.Add(new CriteriaFoAngular("" + department.ID, department.FilterName));
                //var getSummaries = dc.DailySummaries.Where(aa => aa.Criteria == Criteria).Select(aa => new { aa.CriteriaValue, aa.CriteriaName }).Distinct().ToList();
                return Json(

                         , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
예제 #13
        public int UploadImageInDataBase(HttpPostedFileBase file, Emp _Emp)
            using (var context = new TAS2013Entities())
                List<EmpPhoto> _empPhotoList = new List<EmpPhoto>();
                EmpPhoto _EmpPhoto = new EmpPhoto();
                int empPhotoID = 0;

                _empPhotoList = context.EmpPhotoes.Where(aa => aa.EmpID == _Emp.EmpID).ToList();
                _EmpPhoto.EmpPic = ConvertToBytes(file);
                if (_empPhotoList.Count > 0)
                    _EmpPhoto.PhotoID = _empPhotoList.FirstOrDefault().PhotoID;
                    _empPhotoList.FirstOrDefault().EmpPic = _EmpPhoto.EmpPic;
                    context.Entry(_empPhotoList.FirstOrDefault()).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    //Add New Image
                    _EmpPhoto.EmpID = _Emp.EmpID;

                    empPhotoID = _EmpPhoto.PhotoID;
                    return empPhotoID;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return empPhotoID;
예제 #14
 internal string QueryForShiftForLinq(User LoggedInUser)
     TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
     List<UserLocation> ulocs = new List<UserLocation>();
     List<string> _CriteriaForOrLoc = new List<string>();
     ulocs = db.UserLocations.Where(aa => aa.UserID == LoggedInUser.UserID).ToList();
     string query = "";
     foreach (var uloc in ulocs)
         _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" LocationID = " + uloc.LocationID + " ");
     for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1; i++)
         query = query + _CriteriaForOrLoc[i] + " or ";
     query = query + _CriteriaForOrLoc[_CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1];
     return query;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///  This function takes FiltersModel and an empty list of AttDeptSummary as input and 
        ///  gives a populated AttDeptSummary as output. If there is any dept selected in the filter
        ///  it will iterate through all the departments if there is no dept selected it will try to
        ///  find all the depts of the company.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fm"> FiltersModel </param>
        /// <param name="attDeptList">Empty List of AttDeptSummary</param>
        /// <returns>Populated List of AttDeptSummary</returns>
        public List<AttDeptSummary> GetListForAttDepartmentsSummary(FiltersModel fm, string _dateFrom,string _dateTo)
            List<AttDeptSummary> attDeptList = new List<AttDeptSummary>();
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
               //To get the query from the db
            QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
            //Get the Department filters
            List<FiltersAttributes> departments = new List<FiltersAttributes>();

            departments = fm.DepartmentFilter;
            //if more then 0 it means some departments are selected now we iterate over them and see
            //how many employee does one dept has. The table empView is the most suitable db for this case.
            if (departments.Count > 0)
            //do nothing still cater for it in future there might be a need
            //if there is no department list in the filter then first get the company's department and then do the same as above.
            foreach (var comp in fm.CompanyFilter)
            int compID = Convert.ToInt16(comp.ID);
            List<Department> depts = db.Departments.Where(aa => aa.CompanyID == compID).ToList();
            foreach (var dept in depts)
                departments.Add(new FiltersAttributes() { ID=dept.DeptID + "", FilterName=dept.DeptName });

            //NOw run the departments if they are from the department filter or from the company itself

            foreach (var dept in departments)

            DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from EmpView where DeptID=" + dept.ID);
            List<EmpView> EmView = dt.ToList<EmpView>();


            foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(Convert.ToDateTime(_dateFrom), Convert.ToDateTime(_dateTo)))
                AttDeptSummary singleInstance = new AttDeptSummary();
                singleInstance.Department = dept.FilterName;
                singleInstance.TotalStrength = EmView.Count();
                singleInstance.Total = singleInstance.TotalStrength;
                singleInstance.Location = EmView.FirstOrDefault().LocName;
                singleInstance.Section = EmView.FirstOrDefault().SectionName;
                singleInstance.Company = EmView.FirstOrDefault().CompName;
                singleInstance.CardSwapped = 0;
                singleInstance.Absent = 0;
                singleInstance.OnLeave = 0;
                string dynamicQueryForEmps = GetDynamicQueryForEmps(EmView);
                string queryForCardSwapped = "select * from AttData where (TimeIn is not null AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                string queryForAbsent = "select * from AttData where (StatusAB = 1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";
                string queryOnLeave = "select * from AttData where (StatusHL = 1 OR StatusLeave =1  AND StatusSL=1 AND AttDate = '" + day + "') AND ";

                queryForCardSwapped = queryForCardSwapped + dynamicQueryForEmps;

                singleInstance.CardSwapped = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForCardSwapped).ToList<AttData>().Count();
                queryForAbsent = queryForAbsent + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                singleInstance.Absent = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryForAbsent).ToList<AttData>().Count(); queryOnLeave = queryOnLeave + dynamicQueryForEmps;
                singleInstance.OnLeave = qb.GetValuesfromDB(queryOnLeave).ToList<AttData>().Count();

                //foreach (var emp in EmView)

                //s= singleInstance.CardSwapped + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.TimeIn != null && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                //singleInstance.Absent = singleInstance.Absent+ db.AttDatas.Where(aa => aa.StatusAB == true && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();
                //singleInstance.OnLeave = singleInstance.OnLeave + db.AttDatas.Where(aa => (aa.StatusHL == true || aa.StatusLeave == true || aa.StatusSL == true) && aa.AttDate == day && aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).Count();

                singleInstance.date = day;

            return attDeptList;
예제 #16
        internal string QueryForEmployeeReports(User LoggedInUser)
            string query = " where ";
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserAccess> uAcc = new List<UserAccess>();
            uAcc = db.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == LoggedInUser.UserID).ToList();
            List<Region> regions = db.Regions.ToList();
            List<City> cities = db.Cities.ToList();
            List<Location> locs = db.Locations.ToList();
            List<string> queryList = new List<string>();
            foreach (var access in uAcc)
                switch (LoggedInUser.RoleID)
                    case 1://Super ADmin
                        query = "";
                    case 4://Zone
                        queryList.Add(" ZoneID =" + access.CriteriaData.ToString());
                    case 5://REgion
                        queryList.Add(" RegionID =" + access.CriteriaData.ToString());
                    case 6://City

                        queryList.Add(" CityID =" + access.CriteriaData.ToString());
                    case 7://Location
                        queryList.Add(" LocID =" + access.CriteriaData.ToString());
            if (queryList.Count == 1)
                query = query + queryList[0];
            else if (queryList.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < queryList.Count - 1; i++)
                    query = query + queryList[i] + " or ";
                query = query + queryList[queryList.Count - 1];

            return query;
예제 #17
        internal string QueryForReportsCity(User LoggedInUser, string p)
            string query = " where ";
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserAccess> uAcc = new List<UserAccess>();
            uAcc = db.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == LoggedInUser.UserID).ToList();
            List<Region> regions = db.Regions.ToList();
            List<City> cities = db.Cities.ToList();
            List<Location> locs = db.Locations.ToList();
            List<string> queryList = new List<string>();
            foreach (var access in uAcc)
                switch (LoggedInUser.RoleID)
                    case 1://Super ADmin
                        query = "";
                    case 4://Zone
                        List<City> city = db.Cities.Where(aa => aa.Region.ZoneID== access.CriteriaData).ToList();
                        foreach (var c in city)
                            queryList.Add(" CityID =" + c.CityID);

                    case 5://REgion
                        city = db.Cities.Where(aa => aa.RegionID == access.CriteriaData).ToList();
                        foreach (var c in city)
                            queryList.Add(" CityID =" + c.CityID);
                    case 6://City
                        string cityID = cities.Where(aa => aa.CityID == access.CriteriaData).FirstOrDefault().CityID.ToString();
                        queryList.Add(" CityID =" + cityID);
                    case 7://Location
                        string cityIDForLoc = locs.Where(aa => aa.LocID == access.CriteriaData).FirstOrDefault().CityID.ToString();
                        queryList.Add(" CityID =" + cityIDForLoc);
            if (queryList.Count == 1)
                query = query + queryList[0];
            else if (queryList.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < queryList.Count - 1; i++)
                    query = query + queryList[i] + " or ";
                query = query + queryList[queryList.Count - 1];

            return query;
예제 #18
 public string QueryForLocationTableSegeration(User _user)
     TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
     List<UserLocation> ulocs = new List<UserLocation>();
     List<string> _CriteriaForOrLoc = new List<string>();
     ulocs = db.UserLocations.Where(aa => aa.UserID == _user.UserID).ToList();
     string query = " where ";
     foreach (var uloc in ulocs)
         _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" LocID = " + uloc.LocationID + " ");
     for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1; i++)
         query = query + _CriteriaForOrLoc[i] + " or ";
     query = query + _CriteriaForOrLoc[_CriteriaForOrLoc.Count - 1];
     return query;
예제 #19
        public string QueryForUserAccess(User _User, string view)
            string role="";
             string  query = "";
            using (var context = new TAS2013Entities())
                        role = context.UserRoles.Where(aa => aa.RoleID == _User.RoleID).FirstOrDefault().RoleName;

            switch (view)
                case "Region":  query= UserAcccessGetRegion(_User,role);
                    return query;
                case "Zone": query = UserAcccessGetZone(_User, role);
                    return query;
                case "Location": query = UserAcccessGetLocation(_User, role);
                    return query;
                case "City": query = UserAccessGetCity(_User, role);
                    return query;
                case "SuperUser": query = "CompanyID >0";
                    return query;

            return query;
예제 #20
        public string MakeCustomizeQueryForUserAccess(User _user)
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            string query = "where";
            List<UserAccess> uAcc = new List<UserAccess>();
            uAcc = db.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == _user.UserID).ToList();
            foreach (var access in uAcc)
                if (access.Criteria.Contains("L"))
                    query = query + " LocID = " + access.CriteriaData + " ";
                 if (access.Criteria.Contains("S"))
                       query = query + " LocID>0";

            return query;
예제 #21
        public string MakeCustomizeQuery(User _user)
            string RoleQuery = "";
            string CatQuery = "";
            TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserRoleData> userRoleData = new List<UserRoleData>();
            List<string> UserRoleString = new List<string>();
            List<string> CategoryUser = new List<string>();
            CategoryUser.Add(" where (CatID=1 ");
            if (_user.ViewContractual == true)
                CategoryUser.Add(" CatID = 4 ");
            if (_user.ViewPermanentMgm == true)
                CategoryUser.Add(" CatID = 2  ");
            if (_user.ViewPermanentStaff == true)
                CategoryUser.Add(" CatID = 3  ");
            userRoleData = db.UserRoleDatas.Where(aa => aa.RoleUserID == _user.UserID).ToList();
            switch (_user.UserRoleD)
                case "A"://Admin

                case "C"://City
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" CityID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "D"://Department
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" DeptID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "E"://Single Employee
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" EmpID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "L"://Location
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" LocID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "R"://Region
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" RegionID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "S"://Section
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" SecID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "V"://Division
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" DivID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
                case "W"://Crew
                    foreach (var urd in userRoleData)
                        UserRoleString.Add(" CrewID = " + urd.RoleDataValue + " ");
            if (UserRoleString.Count == 1)
                RoleQuery = " and (" + RoleQuery + UserRoleString[0] + " ) ";
            else if(UserRoleString.Count>1)
                RoleQuery = RoleQuery + " and ( ";
                for (int i = 0; i < UserRoleString.Count - 1; i++)
                    RoleQuery = RoleQuery + UserRoleString[i] + " or ";
                RoleQuery = RoleQuery + UserRoleString[UserRoleString.Count - 1] + " ) ";
            if (CategoryUser.Count == 1)
                CatQuery = CatQuery + CategoryUser[0]+" ) ";
            else if(CategoryUser.Count>1)
                for (int i = 0; i < CategoryUser.Count-1; i++)
                    CatQuery = CatQuery + CategoryUser[i] + " or ";
                CatQuery = CatQuery + CategoryUser[CategoryUser.Count - 1] + " ) ";

            return CatQuery + RoleQuery;
예제 #22
        public ActionResult Login(User u)
                      if (ModelState.IsValid) // this is check validity
                          using (TAS2013Entities dc = new TAS2013Entities())
                              var v = dc.Users.Where(a => a.UserName.Equals(u.UserName) && a.Password==u.Password && a.Status == true).FirstOrDefault();
                              if (v != null)
                                  Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                                  Session["MHR"] = "0";
                                  Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                                  Session["MLeave"] = "0";
                                  Session["MEditAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MUser"] = "******";
                                  Session["LogedUserFullname"] = "";
                                  Session["UserCompany"] = "";
                                  Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRLeave"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRMonthly"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRAudit"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MREmployee"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRDetail"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRSummary"] = "0";
                                  Session["LogedUserID"] = v.UserID.ToString();
                                  Session["LogedUserFullname"] = v.UserName;
                                  Session["LoggedUser"] = v;
                                  Session["UserCompany"] = v.CompanyID.ToString();
                                  if (v.MHR == true)
                                      Session["MHR"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MDevice == true)
                                      Session["MDevice"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MLeave == true)
                                      Session["MLeave"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MEditAtt == true)
                                      Session["MEditAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MUser == true)
                                      Session["MUser"] = "******";
                                  if (v.MRDailyAtt == true)
                                      Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRLeave == true)
                                      Session["MRLeave"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRMonthly == true)
                                      Session["MRMonthly"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRAudit == true)
                                      Session["MRAudit"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRManualEditAtt == true)
                                      Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MProcess == true)
                                      Session["MProcess"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MREmployee == true)
                                      Session["MREmployee"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRDetail == true)
                                      Session["MRDetail"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRSummary == true)
                                      Session["MRSummary"] = "1";
                                      Session["MRSummary"] = "0";
                                  if (v.MRoster == true)
                                      Session["MRoster"] = "1";
                                      Session["MGraph"] = "1";
                                      Session["MGraph"] = "0";
                                  HelperClass.MyHelper.SaveAuditLog(v.UserID, (byte)MyEnums.FormName.LogIn, (byte)MyEnums.Operation.LogIn, DateTime.Now);

                                  return RedirectToAction("AfterLogin");
                                  int LoginCount = 0;
                                  bool successOnConversion = int.TryParse(Session["LoginCount"] as string, out LoginCount);
                                  if (successOnConversion == true)
                                      Session["LoginCount"] = LoginCount + "";
                                      Session["LoginCount"] = "1";

                  return RedirectToAction("index");

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "There seems to be a problem with the network. Please contact your network administrator";
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
예제 #23
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include="EmpID,EmpNo,EmpName,DesigID,JobID,Gender,ShiftID,LocID,TypeID,GradeID,SecID,CardNo,FpID,PinCode,NicNo,FatherName,BloodGroup,BirthDate,MarStatus,JoinDate,ValidDate,IssueDate,ResignDate,HomeAdd,ProcessAtt,ProcessIn,Status,PhoneNo,Remarks,Email,CellNo,CrewID,FlagFP,FlagFace,FlagCard,EmpImageID,HasOT")] Emp emp)
            string empNo = "";
            int cardno = Convert.ToInt32(emp.CardNo);
            emp.CardNo = cardno.ToString("0000000000");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.EmpNo))
                ModelState.AddModelError("EmpNo", "Emp No is required!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.EmpName))
                ModelState.AddModelError("EmpName", "Name is required!");
            if (emp.EmpNo != null)
                if (emp.EmpNo.Length > 15)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("EmpNo", "String length exceeds!");
                if (db.Emps.Where(aa => aa.EmpNo.ToUpper() == emp.EmpNo.ToUpper()).Count() > 0 )
                    ModelState.AddModelError("EmpNo", "Emp No should be unique!");
            if (emp.CardNo != null)
                if (db.Emps.Where(aa => aa.CardNo == emp.CardNo).Count() > 0)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("CardNo", "Card No should be unique!");
                if (emp.CardNo.Length > 10)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("CardNo", "String length exceeds!");
            if (emp.EmpName != null)
                if (emp.EmpName.Length > 40)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("EmpName", "String length exceeds!");
            if(emp.SecID== null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("SecID", "Please Specify section!");
            if (emp.TypeID == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("TypeID", "Please Specify Type!");
            if (emp.GradeID == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("GradeID", "Please Specify Grade!");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                emp.ProcessAtt = true;
                emp.ProcessIn = true;
                emp.EmpNo = emp.EmpNo.ToUpper();
                empNo = emp.EmpNo;
                emp.FpID = emp.EmpID;
                int _userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LogedUserID"].ToString());
                HelperClass.MyHelper.SaveAuditLog(_userID, (byte)MyEnums.FormName.Employee, (byte)MyEnums.Operation.Add, DateTime.Now);
                HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["ImageData"];
                if (file != null)
                    ImageConversion _Image = new ImageConversion();
                    int imageID = _Image.UploadImageInDataBase(file, emp.EmpNo);
                    if (imageID!=0)
                        using (var ctx = new TAS2013Entities())
                            var _emp = ctx.Emps.Where(aa => aa.EmpNo == empNo).ToList();
                            if (_emp.Count > 0)
                                _emp.FirstOrDefault().EmpImageID = imageID;

                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            var _wings = new List<Division>();
            using (TAS2013Entities context = new TAS2013Entities())
                _wings = context.Divisions.ToList();
            ViewBag.Wing = new SelectList(_wings.OrderBy(s=>s.DivisionName), "WingID", "WingName");
            User LoggedInUser = Session["LoggedUser"] as User;
            ViewBag.CrewID = new SelectList(db.Crews.OrderBy(s=>s.CrewName), "CrewID", "CrewName");
            ViewBag.DesigID = new SelectList(db.Designations.OrderBy(s=>s.DesignationName), "DesignationID", "DesignationName");
            ViewBag.GradeID = new SelectList(db.Grades.OrderBy(s=>s.GradeName), "GradeID", "GradeName");
            ViewBag.JobID = new SelectList(db.JobTitles.OrderBy(s=>s.JobTitle1), "JobID", "JobTitle1");
            ViewBag.LocID = new SelectList(db.Locations.OrderBy(s=>s.LocName), "LocID", "LocName");
            ViewBag.SecID = new SelectList(db.Sections.OrderBy(s=>s.SectionName), "SectionID", "SectionName");
            ViewBag.ShiftID = new SelectList(db.Shifts.OrderBy(s=>s.ShiftName), "ShiftID", "ShiftName");
            ViewBag.TypeID = new SelectList(db.EmpTypes.OrderBy(s=>s.TypeName), "TypeID", "TypeName");
            ViewBag.CatID = new SelectList(db.Categories.OrderBy(s=>s.CatName), "CatID", "CatName");
            ViewBag.DeptID = new SelectList(db.Departments.OrderBy(s=>s.DeptName), "DeptID", "DeptName");
            return View(emp);
예제 #24
        public ActionResult Login(User u)
                //using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "fatima-group.com"))
                //  //validate the credentials
                // //bool isValid = pc.ValidateCredentials("ffl.ithelpdesk", "fatima@0202");
                //  bool isValid = pc.ValidateCredentials(u.UserName, u.Password);
                //  if (isValid)
                //  {
                      if (ModelState.IsValid) // this is check validity
                          using (TAS2013Entities dc = new TAS2013Entities())
                              var v = dc.Users.Where(a => a.UserName.Equals(u.UserName) && a.Status == true).FirstOrDefault();
                              if (v != null)
                                  Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                                  Session["MHR"] = "0";
                                  Session["MDevice"] = "0";
                                  Session["MLeave"] = "0";
                                  Session["MEditAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MUser"] = "******";
                                  Session["LogedUserFullname"] = "";
                                  Session["UserCompany"] = "";
                                  Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRLeave"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRMonthly"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRAudit"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "0";
                                  Session["MREmployee"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRDetail"] = "0";
                                  Session["MRSummary"] = "0";
                                  Session["LogedUserID"] = v.UserID.ToString();
                                  Session["LogedUserFullname"] = v.UserName;
                                  Session["LoggedUser"] = v;
                                  Session["UserCompany"] = v.CompanyID.ToString();
                                  if (v.MHR == true)
                                      Session["MHR"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MDevice == true)
                                      Session["MDevice"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MLeave == true)
                                      Session["MLeave"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MEditAtt == true)
                                      Session["MEditAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MUser == true)
                                      Session["MUser"] = "******";
                                  if (v.MRDailyAtt == true)
                                      Session["MRDailyAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRLeave == true)
                                      Session["MRLeave"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRMonthly == true)
                                      Session["MRMonthly"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRAudit == true)
                                      Session["MRAudit"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRManualEditAtt == true)
                                      Session["MRManualEditAtt"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MProcess == true)
                                      Session["MProcess"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MREmployee == true)
                                      Session["MREmployee"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRDetail == true)
                                      Session["MRDetail"] = "1";
                                  if (v.MRSummary == true)
                                      Session["MRSummary"] = "1";
                                      Session["MRSummary"] = "0";
                                  if (v.MRoster == true)
                                      Session["MRoster"] = "1";
                                      Session["MGraph"] = "1";
                                      Session["MGraph"] = "0";
                                  HelperClass.MyHelper.SaveAuditLog(v.UserID, (byte)MyEnums.FormName.LogIn, (byte)MyEnums.Operation.LogIn, DateTime.Now);

                                  return RedirectToAction("AfterLogin");
                                  int LoginCount = 0;
                                  bool successOnConversion = int.TryParse(Session["LoginCount"] as string, out LoginCount);
                                  if (successOnConversion == true)
                                      Session["LoginCount"] = LoginCount + "";
                                      Session["LoginCount"] = "1";

                      int LoginCount = 0;
                      bool successOnConversion = int.TryParse(Session["LoginCount"] as string, out LoginCount);
                      if (successOnConversion == true)
                          Session["LoginCount"] = LoginCount + "";
                          Session["LoginCount"] = "1";

                  return RedirectToAction("index");


                //using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "fatima-group.com", "*****@*****.**", "fatima@0202"))
                //    using (var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(new UserPrincipal(context)))
                //    {
                //        foreach (var result in searcher.FindAll())
                //        {
                //            DirectoryEntry de = result.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;
                //            string name = result.Name;
                //            //label1.Text += "Name:    " + result.Name;
                //            //label1.Text += "      account name   :    " + result.UserPrincipalName;
                //            //label1.Text += "      Server:    " + result.Context.ConnectedServer + "\r";

                //        }
                //    }
                // this action is for handle post (login)

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "There seems to be a problem with the network. Please contact your network administrator";
                return RedirectToAction("Index");
예제 #25
 private DataTable GYL(List<EmpView> _Emp)
     TAS2013Entities context = new TAS2013Entities();
     List<LvConsumed> leaveQuota = new List<LvConsumed>();
     List<LvConsumed> tempLeaveQuota = new List<LvConsumed>();
     leaveQuota = context.LvConsumeds.ToList();
     foreach (var emp in _Emp)
         int EmpID;
         string EmpNo = ""; string EmpName = "";
         float TotalAL = 0; float BalAL = 0; float TotalCL = 0; float BalCL = 0; float TotalSL = 0; float BalSL = 0;
         float JanAL = 0; float JanCL = 0; float JanSL = 0; float FebAL = 0; float FebCL = 0; float FebSL = 0;
         float MarchAL = 0; float MarchCL = 0; float MarchSL = 0;
         float AprilAL = 0; float AprilCL = 0; float AprilSL = 0;
         float MayAL = 0; float MayCL = 0; float MaySL = 0;
         float JunAL = 0; float JunCL = 0; float JunSL = 0;
         float JullyAL = 0; float JullyCL = 0; float JullySL = 0;
         float AugAL = 0; float AugCL = 0; float AugSL = 0;
         float SepAL = 0; float SepCL = 0; float SepSL = 0;
         float OctAL = 0; float OctCL = 0; float OctSL = 0;
         float NovAL = 0; float NovCL = 0; float NovSL = 0;
         float DecAL = 0; float DecCL = 0; float DecSL = 0;
         string Remarks = ""; string DeptName; short DeptID; string LocationName; short LocationID; string SecName; short SecID; string DesgName; short DesigID; string CrewName; short CrewID; string CompanyName; short CompanyID;
         tempLeaveQuota = leaveQuota.Where(aa => aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).ToList();
         foreach (var leave in tempLeaveQuota)
             EmpID = emp.EmpID;
             EmpNo = emp.EmpNo;
             EmpName = emp.EmpName;
             DeptID = (short)emp.DeptID;
             DeptName = emp.DeptName;
             LocationName = emp.LocName;
             LocationID = (short)emp.LocID;
             SecName = emp.SectionName;
             SecID = (short)emp.SecID;
             DesgName = emp.DesignationName;
             DesigID = (short)emp.DesigID;
             CrewName = emp.CrewName;
             CrewID = (short)emp.CrewID;
             CompanyName = emp.CompName;
             CompanyID = (short)emp.CompanyID;
             switch (leave.LeaveType)
                 case "A"://Casual
                     JanCL = (float)leave.JanConsumed;
                     FebCL = (float)leave.FebConsumed;
                     MarchCL = (float)leave.MarchConsumed;
                     AprilCL = (float)leave.AprConsumed;
                     MayCL = (float)leave.MayConsumed;
                     JunCL = (float)leave.JuneConsumed;
                     JullyCL = (float)leave.JulyConsumed;
                     AugCL = (float)leave.AugustConsumed;
                     SepCL = (float)leave.SepConsumed;
                     OctCL = (float)leave.OctConsumed;
                     NovCL = (float)leave.NovConsumed;
                     DecCL = (float)leave.DecConsumed;
                     TotalCL = (float)leave.TotalForYear;
                     BalCL = (float)leave.YearRemaining;
                 case "B"://Anual
                     JanAL = (float)leave.JanConsumed;
                     FebAL = (float)leave.FebConsumed;
                     MarchAL = (float)leave.MarchConsumed;
                     AprilAL = (float)leave.AprConsumed;
                     MayAL = (float)leave.MayConsumed;
                     JunAL = (float)leave.JuneConsumed;
                     JullyAL = (float)leave.JulyConsumed;
                     AugAL = (float)leave.AugustConsumed;
                     SepAL = (float)leave.SepConsumed;
                     OctAL = (float)leave.OctConsumed;
                     NovAL = (float)leave.NovConsumed;
                     DecAL = (float)leave.DecConsumed;
                     TotalAL = (float)leave.TotalForYear;
                     BalAL = (float)leave.YearRemaining;
                 case "C"://Sick
                     JanSL = (float)leave.JanConsumed;
                     FebSL = (float)leave.FebConsumed;
                     MarchSL = (float)leave.MarchConsumed;
                     AprilSL = (float)leave.AprConsumed;
                     MaySL = (float)leave.MayConsumed;
                     JunSL = (float)leave.JuneConsumed;
                     JullySL = (float)leave.JulyConsumed;
                     AugSL = (float)leave.AugustConsumed;
                     SepSL = (float)leave.SepConsumed;
                     OctSL = (float)leave.OctConsumed;
                     NovSL = (float)leave.NovConsumed;
                     DecSL = (float)leave.DecConsumed;
                     TotalSL = (float)leave.TotalForYear;
                     BalSL = (float)leave.YearRemaining;
             AddDataToDT(EmpID, EmpNo, EmpName, TotalAL, BalAL, TotalCL, BalCL, TotalSL, BalSL, JanAL, JanCL, JanSL, FebAL, FebCL, FebSL, MarchAL, MarchCL, MarchSL, AprilAL, AprilCL, AprilSL, MayAL, MayCL, MaySL, JunAL, JunCL, JunSL, JullyAL, JullyCL, JullySL, AugAL, AugCL, AugSL, SepAL, SepCL, SepSL, OctAL, OctCL, OctSL, NovAL, NovCL, NovSL, DecAL, DecCL, DecSL, Remarks, DeptName, (short)DeptID, LocationName, (short)LocationID, SecName, (short)SecID, DesgName, DesigID, CrewName, CrewID, CompanyName, (short)CompanyID);
     return MYLeaveSummaryDT;
예제 #26
        public string MakeCustomizeQuery(User _user)
            string query = " where ";
            string subQuery = "";
            string subQueryLoc = "";
            List<string> _Criteria = new List<string>();
            List<string> _CriteriaForOr = new List<string>();
            List<string> _CriteriaForOrLoc = new List<string>();
               //if (_user.ViewLocation == true)
               // {
               //     _Criteria.Add(" LocID = " + _user.LocationID.ToString());
               // }
            TAS2013Entities db=  new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserLocation> ulocs = new List<UserLocation>();
               ulocs = db.UserLocations.Where(aa => aa.UserID == _user.UserID).ToList();
            foreach (var uloc in ulocs)
                _CriteriaForOrLoc.Add(" LocID = " + uloc.LocationID + " ");
            if (_user.ViewContractual == true)
                _CriteriaForOr.Add(" CatID = 3 ");
            if (_user.ViewPermanentMgm == true)
                _CriteriaForOr.Add(" CatID = 2  ");
            if (_user.ViewPermanentStaff == true)
                _CriteriaForOr.Add(" CatID = 4  ");
            _CriteriaForOr.Add(" CatID=1 ");

            switch (_user.RoleID)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    _Criteria.Add(" CompanyID= 1 or CompanyID = 2 ");
                case 3:
                    _Criteria.Add(" CompanyID>= 3");
                case 4:
                    _Criteria.Add(" CompanyID = "+_user.CompanyID.ToString());
                case 5:
            for (int i = 0; i < _Criteria.Count; i++ )
                query = query + _Criteria[i] + " and ";
            for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOrLoc.Count-1; i++)
                subQueryLoc = subQueryLoc + _CriteriaForOrLoc[i] + " or ";
            if(_CriteriaForOrLoc.Count !=0)
            subQueryLoc = " and  ( " + subQueryLoc + _CriteriaForOrLoc[_CriteriaForOrLoc.Count-1] + " ) ";
            //query = query + " ) and (";
            //query = query + _Criteria[_Criteria.Count-1];

            subQuery = " ( ";
            for (int i = 0; i < _CriteriaForOr.Count - 1; i++)
                subQuery = subQuery + _CriteriaForOr[i] + " or ";
            subQuery = subQuery + _CriteriaForOr[_CriteriaForOr.Count - 1];
            subQuery = subQuery + " ) ";
            query = query + subQuery + subQueryLoc;
            return query;
예제 #27
        private string UserAccessGetCity(User _User, string role)
            string query = "";
            TAS2013Entities ctx = new TAS2013Entities();
            List<UserAccess> uAcc = new List<UserAccess>();
            uAcc = ctx.UserAccesses.Where(aa => aa.UserID == _User.UserID).ToList();
            switch (role)
                case "Region":
                    foreach (var uaccess in uAcc)
                        Region region = ctx.Regions.Where(aa => aa.RegionID == uaccess.CriteriaData).FirstOrDefault();
                        List<City> cities = ctx.Cities.Where(aa => aa.CityID == region.RegionID).ToList();

                        foreach (var city in cities)
                            query = query + "CityID=" + city.CityID + " or ";


                    query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 4);
                    return query;
                case "City": foreach (var uaccess in uAcc)

                        query = query + "CityID=" + uaccess.CriteriaData + " or ";

                    query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 4);
                    return query;
                case "Zone": foreach (var uaccess in uAcc)
                        Zone zone = ctx.Zones.Where(aa => aa.ZoneID == uaccess.CriteriaData).FirstOrDefault();
                        List<Region> region = ctx.Regions.Where(aa => aa.ZoneID == zone.ZoneID).ToList();
                        foreach (var re in region)
                            List<City> cities = ctx.Cities.Where(aa => aa.RegionID == re.RegionID).ToList();
                            foreach (var city in cities)
                                query = query + "CityID=" + city.CityID + " or ";



                    query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 4);
                    return query;
                case "Location": foreach (var uaccess in uAcc)
                        Location loc = ctx.Locations.Where(aa => aa.LocID == uaccess.CriteriaData).FirstOrDefault();
                        City city = ctx.Cities.Where(aa => aa.CityID == loc.CityID).FirstOrDefault();
                        query = query + "CityID=" + city.CityID + " or ";

                    } query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 4);
                    return query;
                case "SuperUser": query = "CityID>0";
                    return query;

            } return query;
        public List<EmpPhoto> GetCompanyImages(FiltersModel fm)
            TAS2013Entities ctx = new TAS2013Entities();
            companyimage = new List<EmpPhoto>();

                    companyimage.Add(ctx.EmpPhotoes.Where(aa => aa.PhotoID == 4785).First());

            return companyimage;
예제 #29
 private void BindGridViewLocation(string search)
     FiltersModel fm = Session["FiltersModel"] as FiltersModel;
     List<Location> _View = new List<Location>();
     List<Location> _TempView = new List<Location>();
     TAS2013Entities db = new TAS2013Entities();
     User LoggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.Session["LoggedUser"] as User;
     QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
     string query = qb.QueryForLocReport(LoggedInUser);
     List<City> city = db.Cities.ToList();
     DataTable dt = qb.GetValuesfromDB("select * from Location " + query+" order by LocName asc");
     _View = dt.ToList<Location>();
     if (fm.RegionFilter.Count > 0)
         foreach (var region in fm.RegionFilter)
             short regionID = Convert.ToInt16(region.ID);
             foreach (var c in city.Where(aa => aa.RegionID == regionID))
                 _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CityID == c.CityID).ToList());
         _View = _TempView.ToList();
     if (fm.CityFilter.Count > 0)
         foreach (var citi in fm.CityFilter)
             short _compID = Convert.ToInt16(citi.ID);
             _TempView.AddRange(_View.Where(aa => aa.CityID == _compID).ToList());
         _View = _TempView.ToList();
     GridViewLocation.DataSource = _View.Where(aa => aa.LocName.ToUpper().Contains(search.ToUpper())).ToList();
예제 #30
        private DataTable GetLV(List<EmpView> _Emp, int month)
            using (var ctx = new TAS2013Entities())

                List<LvConsumed> _lvConsumed = new List<LvConsumed>();
                LvConsumed _lvTemp = new LvConsumed();
                _lvConsumed = ctx.LvConsumeds.ToList();
                List<LvType> _lvTypes = ctx.LvTypes.ToList();
                foreach (var emp in _Emp)
                    float BeforeCL = 0, UsedCL = 0, BalCL = 0;
                    float BeforeSL = 0, UsedSL = 0, BalSL = 0;
                    float BeforeAL = 0, UsedAL = 0, BalAL = 0;
                    string _month = "";
                    List<LvConsumed> entries = ctx.LvConsumeds.Where(aa => aa.EmpID == emp.EmpID).ToList();
                    LvConsumed eCL = entries.FirstOrDefault(lv => lv.LeaveType == "A");
                    LvConsumed eSL = entries.FirstOrDefault(lv => lv.LeaveType == "C");
                    LvConsumed eAL = entries.FirstOrDefault(lv => lv.LeaveType == "B");
                    if (entries.Count > 0)
                        switch (month)
                            case 1:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear;
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.JanConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear;
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.JanConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear;
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.JanConsumed;
                                _month = "January";
                            case 2:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - (float)eCL.JanConsumed;
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.FebConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - (float)eSL.JanConsumed;
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.FebConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - (float)eAL.JanConsumed;
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.FebConsumed;
                                _month = "Febu";
                            case 3:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.MarchConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.MarchConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.MarchConsumed;
                            case 4:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.AprConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.AprConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.AprConsumed;
                            case 5:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.MayConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.MayConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.MayConsumed;
                            case 6:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.JuneConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.JuneConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.JuneConsumed;
                            case 7:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.JulyConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.JulyConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.JulyConsumed;
                            case 8:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed + (float)eCL.JulyConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.AugustConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed + (float)eSL.JulyConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.AugustConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed + (float)eAL.JulyConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.AugustConsumed;
                            case 9:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed + (float)eCL.JulyConsumed + (float)eCL.AugustConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.SepConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed + (float)eSL.JulyConsumed + (float)eSL.AugustConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.SepConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed + (float)eAL.JulyConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.SepConsumed;
                            case 10:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed + (float)eCL.JulyConsumed + (float)eCL.AugustConsumed + (float)eCL.SepConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.OctConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed + (float)eSL.JulyConsumed + (float)eSL.AugustConsumed + (float)eSL.SepConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.OctConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed + (float)eAL.JulyConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.SepConsumed;
                            case 11:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed + (float)eCL.JulyConsumed + (float)eCL.AugustConsumed + (float)eCL.SepConsumed + (float)eCL.OctConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.NovConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed + (float)eSL.JulyConsumed + (float)eSL.AugustConsumed + (float)eSL.SepConsumed + (float)eSL.OctConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.NovConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed + (float)eAL.JulyConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed + (float)eAL.OctConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.NovConsumed;
                            case 12:
                                // casual
                                BeforeCL = (float)eCL.TotalForYear - ((float)eCL.JanConsumed + (float)eCL.FebConsumed + (float)eCL.MarchConsumed + (float)eCL.AprConsumed + (float)eCL.MayConsumed + (float)eCL.JuneConsumed + (float)eCL.JulyConsumed + (float)eCL.AugustConsumed + (float)eCL.SepConsumed + (float)eCL.OctConsumed + (float)eCL.NovConsumed);
                                UsedCL = (float)eCL.DecConsumed;
                                BeforeSL = (float)eSL.TotalForYear - ((float)eSL.JanConsumed + (float)eSL.FebConsumed + (float)eSL.MarchConsumed + (float)eSL.AprConsumed + (float)eSL.MayConsumed + (float)eSL.JuneConsumed + (float)eSL.JulyConsumed + (float)eSL.AugustConsumed + (float)eSL.SepConsumed + (float)eSL.OctConsumed + (float)eSL.NovConsumed);
                                UsedSL = (float)eSL.DecConsumed;
                                BeforeAL = (float)eAL.TotalForYear - ((float)eAL.JanConsumed + (float)eAL.FebConsumed + (float)eAL.MarchConsumed + (float)eAL.AprConsumed + (float)eAL.MayConsumed + (float)eAL.JuneConsumed + (float)eAL.JulyConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed + (float)eAL.AugustConsumed + (float)eAL.OctConsumed + (float)eAL.NovConsumed);
                                UsedAL = (float)eAL.DecConsumed;

                        BalCL = (float)(BeforeCL - UsedCL);
                        BalSL = (float)(BeforeSL - UsedSL);
                        BalAL = (float)(BeforeAL - UsedAL);
                        AddDataToDT(emp.EmpNo, emp.EmpName, emp.DesignationName, emp.SectionName, emp.DeptName, emp.TypeName, emp.CatName, emp.LocName, BeforeCL, BeforeSL, BeforeAL, UsedCL, UsedSL, UsedAL, BalCL, BalSL, BalAL, _month);

            return LvSummaryMonth;