static void Main() { /*This class would connect program with MySQL to: * 1:get target database schema's information * 2:save information into table classes and method classes we defined;*/ var theDB = new dataSchemer(myConnectionString); Console.WriteLine("Connecting database success!"); Console.WriteLine(); /*This class would go through all the methods in your target project to: * 1:find out all the sql statements; * 2:build call graph; * 3:generate method descriptions for methods with local sql invocations.*/ var extractor = new ExtractMethodSQL(testLoc, SrcmlLoc, theDB);; Console.WriteLine("Building callGraph and extracting SQL sequences success!"); Console.WriteLine(); /*This class would: * 1:save methods information into tables class and column class; * 2:generate methods description for methods without local sql but still in call graph.*/ var mapper = new dbMethodMapper(extractor, theDB);; Console.WriteLine("Mapping database with methods success!"); Console.WriteLine(); //This class would generate reports according to all table classes and column classes. var reporter = new infoCollector(extractor, theDB,reportLoc);; Console.WriteLine("Report has been generated! Press any key to exit.."); Console.ReadKey(true); //PS: the details about each class would be described in the manual I submit. }
public void generateDescription(dataSchemer db) { attribute += "This column belongs to Table: " + tableName +". It contains data with type <b>" + TakeSpaceOff(db.GetOneColumnInfo(tableName ,name, "DATA_TYPE"))+"</b>. "; string length = db.GetOneColumnInfo(tableName, name, "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"); if (length != " ") attribute += "The max length of data is " + TakeSpaceOff(length) + ". "; if (directMethods.Count == 0) { methodsDes = "<br><b>No method interacts with this column directly.</b>"; return; } methodsDes = "<br><b>Methods directly access this column:</b>"; foreach (var m in directMethods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(, "column", "directly"); } if (followMehtods.Count > 0) { methodsDes += "<br><br> <b>Methods might access this column:</b>"; foreach (var m in followMehtods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(, "column", "via delegation"); } } if (finalMethods.Count > 0) { methodsDes += "<br><br> <b>Methods might access this column and in the highest level:</b>"; foreach (var m in finalMethods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(, "column", "via delegation"); } } }
public infoCollector(ExtractMethodSQL ex, dataSchemer dbsche, string reportLoc) { this.AllTableSummary = new HashSet<SingleSummary>(); this.AllColumnSummary = new HashSet<SingleSummary>(); this.extractor = ex; this.db = dbsche; this.outputLoc = reportLoc; }
public ExtractMethodSQL(string localProj, string srcmlloc, dataSchemer databases) { this.LocalProj = localProj; this.SrcmlLoc = srcmlloc; this.methodsInfo = new List<desMethod>(); this.db = databases; this.allDirectMethods = new List<desMethod>(); this.sqlCount = 0; }
//This function would generate the description about this table and the description is saved in attribute. public void generateDescription(dataSchemer db) { attribute = "This table contains columns: "; foreach (var col in this.columns) { if (col.directMethods.Count == 0) continue; attribute += "<a href=\"#" + col.title + "\">" + + "</a>" + ", "; } attribute += " etc. "; attribute += " This table is created at" + TakeSpaceOff(db.GetOneTableInfo(name, "CREATE_TIME")) + ". "; attribute += "It contails " + db.GetOneTableInfo(name, "TABLE_ROWS") + " items totally. "; if (directMethods.Count==0) { methodsDes = "<br><b>No method interacts with this table directly.</b>"; return; } methodsDes = "<br><b>Methods directly access this table:</b>"; foreach (var m in directMethods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(,"table", "directly"); } if (followMehtods.Count>0) { methodsDes += "<br><br><b>Methods might access this table:</b>"; foreach (var m in followMehtods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(, "table", "via delegation"); } } if (finalMethods.Count > 0) { methodsDes += "<br><br><b>Methods might access this table and in the highest level:</b>"; foreach (var m in finalMethods) { methodsDes += m.getHtmlDescribe(getRelationships(, "table", "via delegation"); } } }
public dbMethodMapper(ExtractMethodSQL ex, dataSchemer dbsche) { this.extractor = ex; this.db = dbsche; this.tablesInfo = db.tablesInfo; }