public void NavigateToMenu(string topLevelMenuName, string subMenuName) { string response; //Control topLevelMenu = new Control() { controlName = topLevelMenuName, controlType = "NavigationMenu", identificationType = "xpath", identificationValue = "/span[@class='navbar-item' and text()='" + topLevelMenuName + "']/../../" }; //Control subMenu = new Control() { controlName = subMenuName, controlType = "NavigationMenu", identificationType = "xpath", identificationValue = "/a[@class='dropdown-toggle menu-top' and text()='" + subMenuName + "']" }; Control topLevelMenu = new Control() { controlName = topLevelMenuName, controlType = "NavigationMenu", identificationType = "linkText", identificationValue = topLevelMenuName }; Control subMenu = new Control() { controlName = subMenuName, controlType = "NavigationMenu", identificationType = "linkText", identificationValue = subMenuName }; NavigateMenuActionParams navigateMenuActionParam = new NavigateMenuActionParams() { topLevelMenuLocatorJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(topLevelMenu), childMenuLocatorJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subMenu) }; ProtractorConnect.command(new Action() { action = "Navigate", controlName = "Main Menu", actionParamsJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(navigateMenuActionParam) }); response = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(true); }
public DashboardPage() { ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Active Breadcrumb", controlType = "Label", identificationType = "class", identificationValue = "breadcrumb-item active" }); ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Main Menu", controlType = "NavigationMenu", identificationType = "class", identificationValue = "nav navbar-nav" }); }
public void Initiate() { ProtractorConnect.connect(); string connectResponse = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(); Assert.AreEqual("You are connected !", connectResponse); ProtractorConnect.command(new Launch() { browser = "chrome", applicationUrl = "" }); //ProtractorConnect.command(new Launch() { browser = "chrome", applicationUrl = "" }); string browsertitle = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(); Assert.AreEqual("Wfm Identity Provider Login", browsertitle); }
public void LoginToWeb(string username, string password, Boolean immediateExecution = true) { ProtractorConnect.ImmediateExecution = immediateExecution; EnterTextActionParams enterTextActionParams; string response; enterTextActionParams = new EnterTextActionParams() { text = username }; ProtractorConnect.command(new Action() { action = "EnterText", controlName = "User Name Textbox", actionParamsJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(enterTextActionParams) }); response = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(immediateExecution); enterTextActionParams = new EnterTextActionParams() { text = password }; ProtractorConnect.command(new Action() { action = "EnterText", controlName = "Password Textbox", actionParamsJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(enterTextActionParams) }); response = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(immediateExecution); ProtractorConnect.command(new Action() { action = "Click", controlName = "Login Button" }); response = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(immediateExecution); if (immediateExecution == false) { ProtractorConnect.sendCommands(); response = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(); } }
public string obtainActivePageHeading(Boolean immediateExecution = true) { string headerText = ""; ProtractorConnect.ImmediateExecution = immediateExecution; ProtractorConnect.command(new Action() { action = "Read", controlName = "Active Breadcrumb" }); headerText = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(immediateExecution); if (immediateExecution == false) { ProtractorConnect.sendCommands(); headerText = ProtractorConnect.getResponse(); } return(headerText); }
public LoginPage() { //Initiating Controls ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "User Name Textbox", controlType = "InputField", identificationType = "id", identificationValue = "UserName" }); ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Password Textbox", controlType = "InputField", identificationType = "id", identificationValue = "Password" }); ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Login Button", controlType = "Button", identificationType = "class", identificationValue = "btn-lg" }); // ProtractorConnect.command(new Control(){ controlName = "User Name Textbox", controlType = "InputField", identificationType = "id", identificationValue = "inputUserName" }); // ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Password Textbox", controlType = "InputField", identificationType = "id", identificationValue = "inputPassword" }); // ProtractorConnect.command(new Control() { controlName = "Login Button", controlType = "Button", identificationType = "class", identificationValue = "login-form__button" }); }