public void LoadServerData(bool WebServer = false, bool PHP = false, bool DataBase = false) { Globals.Servers = new ServerType(); // Load/Update WebServer data. WebServerConfig LoadVH = new WebServerConfig(); LoadVH.LoadVirtualHosts(); // Load active modules of the selected servers. Globals.Servers.WebServer.ActiveModules = LoadVH.LoadActiveModules(Globals.Servers.WebServer.Type.ToString()); Globals.Servers.PHP.ActiveModules = LoadVH.LoadActiveModules("PHP"); LoadVH.LoadModulesSettings(); LoadVH.LoadCustomSettings(Globals.Servers.WebServer.Type.ToString()); // Load/Update PHP data. PHPConfig LoadPHP = new PHPConfig(); // Load/Update DataBase data. DataBaseConfig LoadDB = new DataBaseConfig(); }
private void StartConfiguringServers() { if (this.CheckboxWS.Checked && this.RadiobuttonWSConfigTrue.Checked) { Step++; this.p7label3.Text = "Step " + Step + " of " + Steps + "..."; this.p7label4.Text = "Configuring WebServer..."; WebServerConfig WSConfig = new WebServerConfig(); if (this.CheckboxPHP.Checked && this.CheckboxDB.Checked) { // With phpMyAdmin. WSConfig.SetDefaultConfig(this.wwwFolder.Text, true); } else { // Without it. WSConfig.SetDefaultConfig(this.wwwFolder.Text, false); } } if (this.CheckboxPHP.Checked && this.RadiobuttonPHPConfigTrue.Checked) { Step++; this.p7label3.Text = "Step " + Step + " of " + Steps + "..."; this.p7label4.Text = "Configuring PHP Module..."; PHPConfig PHPConfig = new PHPConfig(); PHPConfig.SetDefaultConfig(); } if (this.CheckboxDB.Checked && this.RadiobuttonDBConfigTrue.Checked) { Step++; this.p7label3.Text = "Step " + Step + " of " + Steps + "..."; this.p7label4.Text = "Configuring Database..."; DataBaseConfig DBConfig = new DataBaseConfig(); DBConfig.SetDefaultConfig(this.DBPasswd.Text); } this.Tab++; Next_Back(); }