static void ReadMODN(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { wmo.DoodadFiles = new Dictionary<int, string>(); long endPos = br.BaseStream.Position + size; while (br.BaseStream.Position < endPos) { if (br.PeekByte() == 0) { br.BaseStream.Position++; } else { //doodadNames.Add(size - (endPos - br.BaseStream.Position), br.ReadCString()); wmo.DoodadFiles.Add((int)(size - (endPos - br.BaseStream.Position)), br.ReadCString()); } } }
static void ReadMOLT(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { // TODO: }
static void ReadMODS(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.DoodadSets = new DoodadSet[wmo.Header.DoodadSetCount]; for (var i = 0; i < wmo.Header.DoodadSetCount; i++) { var d = new DoodadSet { SetName = br.ReadFixedString(20), FirstInstanceIndex = br.ReadUInt32(), InstanceCount = br.ReadUInt32() }; br.ReadInt32(); // padding wmo.DoodadSets[i] = d; } }
static void ReadMOVV(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { wmo.VisibleVertices = new Vector3[size / 12]; // 12 = sizeof(Vector3), but we can't use sizeof with Vector3 for (int i = 0; i < wmo.VisibleVertices.Length; i++) { wmo.VisibleVertices[i] = br.ReadVector3(); } }
static void ReadMOVB(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { uint blockCount = size / 4; wmo.VisibleBlocks = new VertexSpan[blockCount]; for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) { wmo.VisibleBlocks[i] = new VertexSpan { StartVertex = br.ReadInt16(), VertexCount = br.ReadInt16() }; } }
static void ReadMCVP(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { // TODO: wmo.ConvexVolumePlanes = new Plane[size / (4 * sizeof(float))]; for (int i = 0; i < wmo.ConvexVolumePlanes.Length; i++) { wmo.ConvexVolumePlanes[i] = br.ReadPlane(); } }
public static WMORoot Process(MpqManager manager, string filePath) { if (!manager.FileExists(filePath)) return null; var root = new WMORoot(filePath); using (var fileReader = new BinaryReader(manager.OpenFile(filePath))) { uint type = 0; uint size = 0; var curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, 0, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MVER) { // Version ReadMVER(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MVER"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOHD) { // Root Header ReadMOHD(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOHD"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOTX) { // Texture Names ReadMOTX(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOTX"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOMT) { // Materials ReadMOMT(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOMT"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOGN) { ReadMOGN(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOGN"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOGI) { // Group Information ReadMOGI(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOGI"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOSB) { // Skybox (always 0 now, its no longer handled in WMO) ReadMOSB(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOSB"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOPV) { // Portal Vertices ReadMOPV(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOPV"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOPT) { // Portal Information ReadMOPT(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOPT"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOPR) { // Portal Relations ReadMOPR(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOPR"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOVV) { // Visible Vertices ReadMOVV(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOVV"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOVB) { // Visible Blocks ReadMOVB(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOVB"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MOLT) { // Lights ReadMOLT(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MOLT"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MODS) { // Doodad Set ReadMODS(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MODS"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MODN) { // Doodad Names ReadMODN(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MODN"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MODD) { // Doodad Definitions ReadMODD(fileReader, root, size); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MODD"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); if (type == Signatures.MFOG) { // Fog info ReadMFOG(fileReader, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("WMO Root missing required chunk MFOG"); } curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); // Theres only 1 optional chunk in a WMO root if (fileReader.BaseStream.Position < fileReader.BaseStream.Length) { if (type == Signatures.MCVP) { ReadMCVP(fileReader, root, size); } //curPos = AdvanceToNextChunk(fileReader, curPos, ref type, ref size); } } return root; }
static void ReadMOSB(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { // skyboxes moved to light.dbc }
static void ReadMOPV(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { // PortalCount of 4 x Vector3 to form a rectangle for the doorway uint vertexCount = wmo.Header.PortalCount * 4; wmo.PortalVertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { wmo.PortalVertices[i] = br.ReadVector3(); } }
static void ReadMOMT(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { // }
static void ReadMOGI(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.GroupInformation = new GroupInformation[wmo.Header.GroupCount]; for (int i = 0; i < wmo.GroupInformation.Length; i++) { var g = new GroupInformation { Flags = (WMOGroupFlags)br.ReadUInt32(), BoundingBox = br.ReadBoundingBox(), NameIndex = br.ReadInt32() }; wmo.GroupInformation[i] = g; } }
static void ReadMOTX(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { wmo.Textures = new Dictionary<int, string>(); long endPos = br.BaseStream.Position + size; while (br.BaseStream.Position < endPos) { if (br.PeekByte() == 0) { br.BaseStream.Position++; } else { wmo.Textures.Add((int)(size - (endPos - br.BaseStream.Position)), br.ReadCString()); } } if (wmo.Header.TextureCount != wmo.Textures.Count) { //Console.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads the header for the root file /// </summary> static void ReadMOHD(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.Header.TextureCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.GroupCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.PortalCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.LightCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.ModelCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.DoodadCount = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.DoodadSetCount = br.ReadUInt32(); //wmo.AmbientColor = new ImVector(br.ReadBytes(4)); wmo.Header.AmbientColor = br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Header.WMOId = br.ReadUInt32(); Vector3 min; min.X = br.ReadSingle() * -1; min.Z = br.ReadSingle(); min.Y = br.ReadSingle(); Vector3 max; max.X = br.ReadSingle() * -1; max.Z = br.ReadSingle(); max.Y = br.ReadSingle(); wmo.Header.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(min, max); wmo.Header.Flags = (WMORootHeaderFlags)br.ReadUInt32(); wmo.Groups = new WMOGroup[wmo.Header.GroupCount]; }
static void ReadMVER(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.Version = br.ReadInt32(); }
static void ReadMODD(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo, uint size) { // Why oh why is wmo.Header.DoodadCount wrong sometimes uint count = size / 40; // 40 is the size of DoodadDefinition wmo.DoodadDefinitions = new DoodadDefinition[count]; for (int i = 0; i < wmo.DoodadDefinitions.Length; i++) { var dd = new DoodadDefinition { NameIndex = br.ReadInt32(), Position = br.ReadVector3(), Rotation = br.ReadQuaternion(), Scale = br.ReadSingle(), Color = br.ReadUInt32() }; if (dd.NameIndex != -1) { if (!wmo.DoodadFiles.TryGetValue(dd.NameIndex, out dd.FilePath)) { Console.WriteLine("Erroneous dd.NameIndex in WmoRoot: {0}", wmo.FilePath); } } wmo.DoodadDefinitions[i] = dd; } }
static void ReadMOPT(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.PortalInformation = new PortalInformation[wmo.Header.PortalCount]; for (int i = 0; i < wmo.Header.PortalCount; i++) { var p = new PortalInformation { Vertices = new VertexSpan { StartVertex = br.ReadInt16(), VertexCount = br.ReadInt16(), }, Plane = br.ReadPlane() }; wmo.PortalInformation[i] = p; } }
static void ReadMFOG(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { // TODO: }
static void ReadMOPR(BinaryReader br, WMORoot wmo) { wmo.PortalRelations = new PortalRelation[wmo.Header.PortalCount]; for (int i = 0; i < wmo.PortalRelations.Length; i++) { var r = new PortalRelation { PortalIndex = br.ReadUInt16(), GroupIndex = br.ReadUInt16(), Side = br.ReadInt16() }; br.ReadInt16(); // filler wmo.PortalRelations[i] = r; } }
private static void ExtractWMOM2s(MapObjectDefinition wmo, WMORoot root, TileModels tileModels) { var setIndices = new List<int> { 0 }; if (wmo.DoodadSet != 0) setIndices.Add(wmo.DoodadSet); foreach (var index in setIndices) { var set = root.DoodadSets[index]; for (var k = 0; k < set.InstanceCount; k++) { var dd = root.DoodadDefinitions[(int)set.FirstInstanceIndex + k]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dd.FilePath)) continue; var model = ExtractModel(wmo, dd); if (model.Vertices.Length < 1) continue; tileModels.Models.Add(model); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="root"></param> /// <param name="index">The index into the WMOs GroupList that refers to this WMOGroup.</param> public WMOGroup(WMORoot root, int index) { Root = root; Index = index; }