private void calculateFunctionalAreasFigures(Excel.Workbook processed) { // Now we're going to work out the figures for each records type DataSheet <FiguresForFunctionalArea> funtionalAreas = new DataSheet <FiguresForFunctionalArea>(processed, "Functional Areas", true); foreach (TeamDetails team in AllTeams) { if (!team.LoadedOK || String.IsNullOrEmpty(team.FunctionalArea)) { continue; } FiguresForFunctionalArea figuresForFunctionalArea = funtionalAreas[team.FunctionalArea]; if (figuresForFunctionalArea == null) { figuresForFunctionalArea = new FiguresForFunctionalArea(team.FunctionalArea); funtionalAreas.Add(figuresForFunctionalArea); } figuresForFunctionalArea.Add(team); } foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in AllWorkBoxes) { if (!workBox.LoadedOK || !workBox.hasBeenOpened || String.IsNullOrEmpty(workBox.FunctionalArea)) { continue; } FiguresForFunctionalArea figuresForFunctionalArea = funtionalAreas[workBox.FunctionalArea]; if (figuresForFunctionalArea == null) { figuresForFunctionalArea = new FiguresForFunctionalArea(workBox.FunctionalArea); funtionalAreas.Add(figuresForFunctionalArea); } figuresForFunctionalArea.Add(workBox); } foreach (RecordsDetails record in AllRecords) { if (!record.LoadedOK || String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.FunctionalArea)) { continue; } FiguresForFunctionalArea figuresForFunctionalArea = funtionalAreas[record.FunctionalArea]; if (figuresForFunctionalArea == null) { figuresForFunctionalArea = new FiguresForFunctionalArea(record.FunctionalArea); funtionalAreas.Add(figuresForFunctionalArea); } figuresForFunctionalArea.Add(record); } funtionalAreas.SaveToSheet(); }
/* * private void calculateMonthlyFiguresWithFOI(Excel.Workbook processed, DataSheet<WorkBoxDetails> allWorkBoxes) * { * // Now the monthly figures with FOI included: * DataSheet<FiguresForOneMonth> monthlyFiguresWithFOI = new DataSheet<FiguresForOneMonth>(processed, "Monthly Figures w FOI"); * DateTime monthWalker = new DateTime(2012, 01, 01); * * // First add all of the months up until today: * while (monthWalker < DateTime.Now) * { * monthlyFiguresWithFOI.Add(new FiguresForOneMonth(monthWalker)); * monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); * } * * * // Now add all of the work boxes to each of the relevant months: * foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in allWorkBoxes) * { * if (!workBox.LoadedOK) * { * continue; * } * * try * { * if (workBox.hasBeenCreated) * { * monthWalker = (new DateTime(workBox.DateCreated.Year, workBox.DateCreated.Month, 1)).AddMonths(-1); * * while (monthWalker < DateTime.Now) * { * FiguresForOneMonth month = monthlyFiguresWithFOI[monthWalker.Date.Month + " " + monthWalker.Date.Year]; * * if (month != null) month.Add(workBox); * * monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); * } * * } * * } * catch (Exception exception) * { * } * } * * monthlyFiguresWithFOI.SaveToSheet(); * } */ private void calculateUsedRecordsTypesFigures(Excel.Workbook processed) { // Now we're going to work out the figures for each records type DataSheet <FiguresForOneRecordsType> recordsTypesFigures = new DataSheet <FiguresForOneRecordsType>(processed, "Used Records Types", true); foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in AllWorkBoxes) { if (!workBox.LoadedOK || !workBox.hasBeenOpened || String.IsNullOrEmpty(workBox.RecordsType)) { continue; } FiguresForOneRecordsType figuresForRecordsType = recordsTypesFigures[workBox.RecordsType]; if (figuresForRecordsType == null) { figuresForRecordsType = new FiguresForOneRecordsType(workBox.RecordsType); recordsTypesFigures.Add(figuresForRecordsType); RecordsTypesDetails details = AllRecordsTypes[workBox.RecordsType]; figuresForRecordsType.SetRecordsTypeDetails(details); } figuresForRecordsType.Add(workBox); } foreach (RecordsDetails record in AllRecords) { if (!record.LoadedOK || String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.RecordsType)) { continue; } FiguresForOneRecordsType figuresForRecordsType = recordsTypesFigures[record.RecordsType]; if (figuresForRecordsType == null) { figuresForRecordsType = new FiguresForOneRecordsType(record.RecordsType); recordsTypesFigures.Add(figuresForRecordsType); RecordsTypesDetails details = AllRecordsTypes[record.RecordsType]; figuresForRecordsType.SetRecordsTypeDetails(details); } figuresForRecordsType.Add(record); } recordsTypesFigures.SaveToSheet(); }
private void calculateTeamFigures(Excel.Workbook processed) { foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in AllWorkBoxes) { if (!workBox.LoadedOK || String.IsNullOrEmpty(workBox.OwningTeam)) { continue; } TeamDetails figuresForTeam = AllTeams[workBox.OwningTeam]; if (figuresForTeam == null) { figuresForTeam = new TeamDetails(workBox.OwningTeam); AllTeams.Add(figuresForTeam); } figuresForTeam.Add(workBox); } AllTeams.SaveToSheet(); }
private void calculateWBCFigures(Excel.Workbook processed) { // Now we're going to work out the figures for each WBC DataSheet <FiguresForWBC> wbcFigures = new DataSheet <FiguresForWBC>(processed, "WBC Figures", true); foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in AllWorkBoxes) { if (!workBox.LoadedOK) { continue; } FiguresForWBC figuresForWBC = wbcFigures[workBox.WorkBoxCollectionURL]; if (figuresForWBC == null) { figuresForWBC = new FiguresForWBC(workBox.WorkBoxCollectionURL); wbcFigures.Add(figuresForWBC); } figuresForWBC.Add(workBox); } wbcFigures.SaveToSheet(); }
private int calculateMonthlyFigures(String workSheetTitle, Excel.Workbook processed, bool excludeFOI, bool excludeIAS) { // Now we're going to work out the monthly figures: DataSheet <FiguresForOneMonth> monthlyFigures = new DataSheet <FiguresForOneMonth>(processed, workSheetTitle, true); DateTime monthWalker = new DateTime(2012, 01, 01); DateTime continueUntil = new DateTime(2020, 01, 01); // First add all of the months up until today + two years. while (monthWalker <= continueUntil) { monthlyFigures.Add(new FiguresForOneMonth(monthWalker)); monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); } int failures = 0; // Now add all of the work boxes to each of the relevant months: foreach (WorkBoxDetails workBox in AllWorkBoxes) { if (!workBox.LoadedOK) { failures++; continue; } try { if (workBox.hasBeenCreated) { if (excludeFOI) { if (workBox.WorkBoxCollectionURL.Equals("http://collection.izzi/foi")) { continue; } } if (excludeIAS) { if (workBox.WorkBoxCollectionURL.Equals("http://hass.izzi/ias")) { continue; } } monthWalker = (new DateTime(workBox.DateCreated.Year, workBox.DateCreated.Month, 1)).AddMonths(-1); while (monthWalker <= continueUntil) { FiguresForOneMonth month = monthlyFigures[monthWalker.Date.Month + " " + monthWalker.Date.Year]; if (month != null) { month.Add(workBox); } monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); } } } catch (Exception exception) { failures++; } } foreach (TeamDetails team in AllTeams) { if (team.hasBeenCreated) { monthWalker = (new DateTime(team.DateCreated.Year, team.DateCreated.Month, 1)).AddMonths(-1); while (monthWalker < DateTime.Now) { FiguresForOneMonth month = monthlyFigures[monthWalker.Date.Month + " " + monthWalker.Date.Year]; if (month != null) { month.Add(team); } monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); } } } foreach (UserDetails user in AllUsers) { if (user.VisitedAnyWB) { monthWalker = (new DateTime(user.OldestVisitDate.Year, user.OldestVisitDate.Month, 1)).AddMonths(-1); while (monthWalker < DateTime.Now) { FiguresForOneMonth month = monthlyFigures[monthWalker.Date.Month + " " + monthWalker.Date.Year]; if (month != null) { month.Add(user); } monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); } } } foreach (RecordsDetails record in AllRecords) { if (record.hasBeenCreated) { monthWalker = (new DateTime(record.DateCreated.Year, record.DateCreated.Month, 1)).AddMonths(-1); while (monthWalker < DateTime.Now) { FiguresForOneMonth month = monthlyFigures[monthWalker.Date.Month + " " + monthWalker.Date.Year]; if (month != null) { month.Add(record); } monthWalker = monthWalker.AddMonths(1); } } } monthlyFigures.SaveToSheet(); return(failures); }