예제 #1
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static byte[] CreateBlankWave(uint length_ms, WAVFormat fmt)
            uint newdatasize       = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(length_ms, new WAVFormat(fmt.NumberOfChannels, fmt.SampleRate, fmt.ByteDepth));
            uint defaultheadersize = 44;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[defaultheadersize + newdatasize];
            int    count   = 0;
            string text    = "RIFF4567WAVEfmt 67890123456789012345data0123"; // number stubs are replaced below

            foreach (char c in text)
                newdata[count] = Convert.ToByte(c);
            Serialise(ref newdata, 4, newdata.Length - 4, 4);                                            // RIFF chunk size
            Serialise(ref newdata, 16, 16, 4);                                                           // fmt chunk size - PCM i.e. no extra parameters
            Serialise(ref newdata, 20, 1, 2);                                                            // audio format - no compression
            Serialise(ref newdata, 22, (int)fmt.NumberOfChannels, 2);                                    // number of channels
            Serialise(ref newdata, 24, (int)fmt.SampleRate, 4);                                          // sample rate
            Serialise(ref newdata, 28, (int)(fmt.SampleRate * fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth), 4); // byte rate
            Serialise(ref newdata, 32, (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth), 2);                  // bytes per sample
            Serialise(ref newdata, 34, 24, 2);                                                           // bit depth
            Serialise(ref newdata, 40, (int)newdatasize, 4);                                             // data length
예제 #2
파일: GRAPH.cs 프로젝트: BrettJohn/TabCat
        public static API.Return WAV_GRAPH(string path, string start_ms, string end_ms, string timebase_ms)
            int reduction = 10; // Note this is adequate for reporting and fourier transforms

            path = API.DISK.AutoAddExt(path, ".wav");
            List <CATMessage> cm = new List <CATMessage>();

            if (File.Exists(path))
                byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
                int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
                uint      start       = 0;
                uint      end         = fmt.Length;
                uint      timebasems  = 1000;
                try { start = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(start_ms) ? 0 : ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_ms), fmt); } catch (Exception e) { cm.Add(new CATMessage(CAT.ErrorMsg(e), CAT.Status.FAIL)); }
                try { end = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(end_ms) ? fmt.Length : ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes((Convert.ToUInt32(end_ms)), fmt); } catch (Exception e) { cm.Add(new CATMessage(CAT.ErrorMsg(e), CAT.Status.FAIL)); }
                try { timebasems = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timebase_ms) ? 1000 : Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToDouble(timebase_ms)); } catch (Exception e) { cm.Add(new CATMessage(CAT.ErrorMsg(e), CAT.Status.FAIL)); }
                cm.Add(new CATMessage("Start:" + ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs(start, fmt) + "ms End:" + ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs(end, fmt) + "ms Timebase:" + timebasems, CAT.Status.INFO));
                byte[] newdata = new byte[end - start];
                Array.Copy(alldata, startofdata + start, newdata, 0, end - start);
                List <List <API.Xy> > timewaves = BytesToWave(newdata, fmt, reduction);
                List <API.ChartData>  allcharts = new List <API.ChartData> {
                    new API.ChartData(timewaves, new API.TimeData(timebasems), path)
                return(new API.Return(allcharts, cm));
            return(new Return(new CATMessage(path + " does not exist or has issues")));
예제 #3
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_MAKE(string length_ms,
                                    string tone_path,
                                    string tone_note,
                                    string new_note,
                                    string output_folder,
                                    string decay_norm,
                                    string number_of_channels,
                                    string sample_rate,
                                    string byte_depth)
            WAVFormat fmt    = new WAVFormat(number_of_channels, sample_rate, byte_depth);
            uint      length = Convert.ToUInt32(length_ms);

            byte[]   newdata        = CreateBlankWave(length, fmt);
            string[] alllines       = File.ReadAllLines(tone_path);
            double   tone_frequency = GetFrequency(tone_note); // Relative base frequency
            double   new_frequency  = GetFrequency(new_note);
            double   decay          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decay_norm) ? 0.99999 : Convert.ToDouble(decay_norm);

            foreach (string line in alllines)
                string[] split = line.Split('\t');
                AddFrequency(new_frequency * Convert.ToDouble(split[0]) / tone_frequency, ref newdata, fmt, Convert.ToDouble(split[1]), decay);
            if (!Directory.Exists(output_folder))
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_folder + @"\" + new_note + ".wav"), newdata);
예제 #4
 /// =======================================================================================================
 public static string WAV_MIN_MAX(string path)
     if (File.Exists(path))
         byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
         WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
         int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
         double    max         = 0;
         double    min         = 0;
         for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
             int    sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
             double norm   = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
             if (norm > max)
                 max = norm;
             if (norm < min)
                 min = norm;
         return(max.ToString() + " - " + min.ToString());
     return("File not found");
예제 #5
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_CUT_ALL(string path, string start_offset_ms, string cut_size_ms, string shift_length_ms)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      startoffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_offset_ms), fmt);
            uint      cutsize     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(cut_size_ms), fmt);
            uint      shiftlength = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(shift_length_ms), fmt);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
            long      newfilesize = cutsize + headersize;
            long      newdatasize = cutsize;

            while (datasize > shiftlength && datasize > cutsize) // ensure reduced alldata is larger than cutsize and shiftlength
                // Build newdata, as cutsize from startoffset
                GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
                byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
                Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, headersize); // copy header
                SetDataSize(ref newdata, headersize, (int)newdatasize);
                SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);
                Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + startoffset, newdata, headersize, newdatasize); // copy wave data

                // Reduce alldata by shift length
                byte[] bufdata = new byte[alldata.Length - shiftlength];
                Array.Copy(alldata, 0, bufdata, 0, headersize);                                                  // copy header
                Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + shiftlength, bufdata, headersize, bufdata.Length - headersize); // copy wave data from shiftlength
                alldata = bufdata;
                SetDataSize(ref alldata, headersize, bufdata.Length - headersize);
                SetRiffSize(ref newdata, bufdata.Length - 8);
                path = DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
예제 #6
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_TRIM(string path, string front_ms, string back_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata           = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt               = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite         = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      front_trim_length = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(front_ms), fmt);
            uint      back_trim_length  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(back_ms), fmt);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);

            while (front_trim_length % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            long newfilesize = alldata.Length - front_trim_length - back_trim_length;
            long newdatasize = datasize - front_trim_length - back_trim_length;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, headersize); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, headersize, (int)newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);
            Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + front_trim_length, newdata, headersize, newdatasize);
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
예제 #7
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_STRETCH(string path, string factor)
            byte[]    alldata        = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt            = ReadFormat(alldata);
            double    sampletofactor = Convert.ToDouble(factor);
            int       startofdata    = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            uint      newdatasize    = (uint)((double)alldata.Length * sampletofactor);
            long      newfilesize    = newdatasize + startofdata;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newdatasize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, startofdata, (int)newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < newdatasize; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                double newid = i / sampletofactor;
                int    ni    = (int)Math.Round(newid);
                int    newi  = ni / ((int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2);
                newi = newi * ((int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2);
                if (startofdata + newi < alldata.Length - 100)
                    int sample = Deserialise(alldata, startofdata + newi, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    Serialise(ref newdata, i + startofdata, (int)sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
예제 #8
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void GetDoubleArrayFromBytes(byte[] alldata, out double[] left, out double[] right)
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            long      sample_rate = fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.SampleRate;
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int       arraylength = (alldata.Length - startofdata) / (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);

            left  = new double[arraylength];
            right = new double[arraylength];
            int sample_count = 0;

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.NumberOfChannels * (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample      = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                left[sample_count] = norm_sample;
                if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                    sample              = Deserialise(alldata, i + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    norm_sample         = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    right[sample_count] = norm_sample;
예제 #9
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static uint ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs(uint numberbytes, WAVFormat fmt)
            // Many ulong casts required to ensure that there is no integer overflow
            ulong temp = (ulong)((ulong)numberbytes * 1000 / ((ulong)fmt.NumberOfChannels * (ulong)fmt.SampleRate * (ulong)fmt.ByteDepth));

예제 #10
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_CUT(string path, string start_offset_ms, string cut_size_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite   = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      startoffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_offset_ms), fmt);
            uint      cutsize     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(cut_size_ms), fmt);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int       newfilesize = (int)cutsize + startofdata;
            int       newdatasize = (int)cutsize;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, startofdata, newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, newfilesize - 8);
            Array.Copy(alldata, startofdata + startoffset, newdata, startofdata, newdatasize);
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
예제 #11
        // TODO unused:
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static List <API.Xy> GetWave(byte[] snippet, SterioChannel channel, WAVFormat fmt)
            long          sample_rate  = fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.SampleRate;
            List <API.Xy> wave         = new List <API.Xy>();
            int           sample_count = 0;
            int           sample       = 0;
            double        norm_sample  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < snippet.Length - (int)fmt.ByteDepth; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                    if (sample_count % 2 == 0 && channel == SterioChannel.Left)
                        sample      = Deserialise(snippet, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                        norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                        wave.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
                        sample      = Deserialise(snippet, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                        norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                        wave.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
                    sample      = Deserialise(snippet, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    wave.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
예제 #12
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static Return READ_FMT(string path)
            byte[]     header = new byte[1024];
            FileStream fs     = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

            fs.Read(header, 0, header.Length);
            WAVFormat fmt = ReadFormat(header);

            return(new Return("NumberofChannels:" + fmt.NumberOfChannels, "SampleRate:" + fmt.SampleRate, "ByteDepth:" + fmt.ByteDepth, "Length:" + ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs(fmt.Length, fmt) + "ms"));
예제 #13
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_VOL(string path, string vol_0_to_1)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double temp   = (double)sample * Convert.ToDouble(vol_0_to_1);
                Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)temp, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
예제 #14
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_LP_FILTER(string path, string cut_off_hz, string start_ms, string end_ms)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double    cutoff      = Convert.ToDouble(cut_off_hz);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);

            uint total = (uint)(alldata.Length - startofdata) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);
            uint start = 0;

            try { start = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_ms), fmt) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth); } catch { }
            uint end = total;

            try { end = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(end_ms), fmt) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth); } catch { }

            double[] left;
            double[] right;
            GetDoubleArrayFromBytes(alldata, out left, out right);

            double[] leftsection  = new double[end - start];
            double[] rightsection = new double[end - start];
            Array.Copy(left, start, leftsection, 0, leftsection.Length);
            Array.Copy(right, start, rightsection, 0, rightsection.Length);

            LPFilter.Butterworth(ref leftsection, fmt.SampleRate, cutoff);
            LPFilter.Butterworth(ref rightsection, fmt.SampleRate, cutoff);

            Array.Copy(leftsection, 0, left, start, leftsection.Length);
            Array.Copy(rightsection, 0, right, start, rightsection.Length);

            double[,] allsamples = new double[fmt.NumberOfChannels, left.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fmt.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < left.Length; j++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        allsamples[i, j] = left[j];
                        allsamples[i, j] = right[j];

            byte[] data = GetBytesFromDoubleArray(allsamples, fmt);
            Array.Copy(data, 0, alldata, startofdata, data.Length);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
예제 #15
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static byte[] GetBytesFromDoubleArray(double[,] input_data, WAVFormat fmt)
            byte[] data  = new byte[input_data.GetLength(1) * fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels];
            int    count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < input_data.GetLength(1); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < fmt.NumberOfChannels; j++)
                    Serialise(ref data, count, Denormalise(input_data[j, i], (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    count += (int)fmt.ByteDepth;
예제 #16
        // Utilities
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static List <Section> GetActivatedSections(byte[] alldata, double activation_amplitude_norm, uint activation_duration_ms, uint activation_negative_offset_ms)
            WAVFormat      fmt          = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint           duration     = WAV.ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(activation_duration_ms, fmt);
            int            startofdata  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int            newfilesize  = alldata.Length;
            List <Section> sections     = new List <Section>();
            int            activator    = 0;
            bool           activated    = false;
            double         sectionstart = 0.0;
            double         sectionpeak  = 0.0;

            for (int i = startofdata; i < newfilesize - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample      = WAV.Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double norm_sample = WAV.Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (Math.Abs(norm_sample) > activation_amplitude_norm)
                    activated = true;
                    if (activator == 0)
                        sectionstart = WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)i, fmt);
                        if (sectionstart > activation_negative_offset_ms)
                            sectionstart = sectionstart - activation_negative_offset_ms;
                    sectionpeak = norm_sample > sectionpeak ? norm_sample : sectionpeak;
                    activator   = (int)duration;
                    if (activated && activator == 0)
                        uint sectionend = WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)i, fmt);
                        sections.Add(new Section(sectionstart, sectionend, sectionpeak));
                        sectionpeak = 0.0;
                        activated   = false;
                activator = activator - (int)fmt.ByteDepth <= 0 ? 0 : activator - (int)fmt.ByteDepth;
            if (activated)
                sections.Add(new Section(sectionstart, WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)(newfilesize - startofdata), fmt), sectionpeak));
예제 #17
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_SNIP(string path, string from_start_offset_ms, string from_end_offset_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      start     = Convert.ToUInt32(from_start_offset_ms);
            uint      end       = Convert.ToUInt32(from_end_offset_ms);

            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, WavSnip(alldata, start, end));
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), WavSnip(alldata, start, end));
예제 #18
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static List <List <API.Xy> > GetWaves(byte[] alldata)
            WAVFormat     fmt          = ReadFormat(alldata);
            long          sample_rate  = fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.SampleRate;
            int           startofdata  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            List <API.Xy> left         = new List <API.Xy>();
            List <API.Xy> right        = new List <API.Xy>();
            int           sample_count = 0;

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample      = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                    if (sample_count % 2 == 0)
                        left.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
                        right.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
                    left.Add(new API.Xy((double)sample_count / (double)sample_rate, norm_sample));
            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                return(new List <List <API.Xy> >()
                    left, right
                return(new List <List <API.Xy> >()
예제 #19
파일: WAVFFT.cs 프로젝트: BrettJohn/TabCat
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static API.Return WAV_FFT(string path, string max_frequency)
            byte[]                alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            int                   max       = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(max_frequency) ? 1000 : Convert.ToInt32(max_frequency);
            WAVFormat             fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            List <List <API.Xy> > waves     = GetWaves(alldata);
            List <List <API.Xy> > frequency = null;

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                frequency = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], waves[1], max);
                frequency = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], null, max);
            return(new API.Return(new API.ChartData(frequency, new API.FrequencyData(1), path)));
예제 #20
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void AddFrequency(double frequency, ref byte[] newdata, WAVFormat fmt, double vol, double decay)
            double x           = 0.0;
            double newvol      = 1000 * vol / frequency;
            int    startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(newdata);
            double scroller    = frequency * 2.0 * Math.PI / fmt.SampleRate;
            double bitdepth    = Math.Pow(2, (8 * fmt.ByteDepth));
            int    increment   = (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);

            for (int i = startofdata; i < newdata.Length; i += increment)
                int y = Deserialise(newdata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                y += (int)(newvol * bitdepth * Math.Sin(x));
                Serialise(ref newdata, i, y, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                x     += scroller;
                newvol = newvol * decay;
예제 #21
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_FADE(string file_path, string front_ms, string back_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata           = File.ReadAllBytes(file_path);
            WAVFormat fmt               = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      front_fade_length = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(front_ms), fmt);
            uint      back_fade_length  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(back_ms), fmt);
            bool      overwrite         = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(over_write) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
            long      endoffile  = headersize + datasize;
            double    plusser    = front_fade_length == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
            uint      stepsize   = fmt.ByteDepth;

            for (int i = headersize; i < endoffile - stepsize; i += (int)stepsize)
                int sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (i < front_fade_length)
                    double temp = plusser * (double)sample;
                    plusser = plusser + ((double)stepsize / front_fade_length);
                    sample  = (int)temp;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                else if (i > endoffile - back_fade_length)
                    double temp = plusser * (double)sample;
                    plusser = plusser - ((double)stepsize / back_fade_length);
                    sample  = (int)temp;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                else if (i > front_fade_length)
                    plusser = 1.0;
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(file_path, alldata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(file_path), alldata);
예제 #22
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_VOL_STERIO(string path, string vol_left_0_to_1, string vol_right_0_to_1)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            bool      alternator  = true;
            double    volleft     = Convert.ToDouble(vol_left_0_to_1);
            double    volright    = Convert.ToDouble(vol_right_0_to_1);

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double vol    = alternator ? volleft : volright;
                alternator = !alternator;
                double temp = (double)sample * vol;
                Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)temp, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
예제 #23
파일: WAVDFT.cs 프로젝트: BrettJohn/TabCat
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_DFT(string path, string max_frequency, string activation_amplitude_norm)
            byte[]                alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            int                   max       = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(max_frequency) ? 1000 : Convert.ToInt32(max_frequency);
            double                amplitude = Convert.ToDouble(activation_amplitude_norm);
            WAVFormat             fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            List <List <API.Xy> > waves     = GetWaves(alldata);
            List <List <API.Xy> > frequency = null;

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                frequency = GetWAVDFT(waves[0], waves[1], max);
                frequency = GetWAVDFT(waves[0], null, max);
            API.Graph.Milliseconds(new API.ChartData(frequency, new API.FrequencyData(1), path), "DFT"); // TODO
예제 #24
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static List <List <API.Xy> > BytesToWave(byte[] alldata, WAVFormat fmt, int reduction_factor = 10)
            double        sample_rate  = fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.SampleRate / reduction_factor;
            List <API.Xy> left         = new List <API.Xy>();
            List <API.Xy> right        = new List <API.Xy>();
            int           sample_count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < alldata.Length - (2 * fmt.ByteDepth * reduction_factor); i += ((int)fmt.ByteDepth * reduction_factor))
                int    sample      = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double norm_sample = Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                    if (sample_count % 2 == 0)
                        left.Add(new API.Xy(sample_count / sample_rate, norm_sample));
                        right.Add(new API.Xy(sample_count / sample_rate, norm_sample));
                    left.Add(new API.Xy(sample_count / sample_rate, norm_sample));
            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                return(new List <List <API.Xy> >()
                    left, right
                return(new List <List <API.Xy> >()
예제 #25
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_STERIO_SWAP(string path)
            byte[]    alldata = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt     = ReadFormat(alldata);

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                int startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
                for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata - fmt.ByteDepth; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2)
                    int sampleleft  = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    int sampleright = Deserialise(alldata, i + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    int newleft     = sampleright;
                    int newright    = sampleleft;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)newleft, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, (int)newright, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
예제 #26
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static byte[] GetBytesFromWaves(List <List <API.Xy> > waves, WAVFormat fmt)
            byte[] data  = new byte[waves[0].Count * fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels];
            int    count = 0;

            foreach (API.Xy sample in waves[0])
                Serialise(ref data, count, Denormalise(sample.Y, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                count += (int)fmt.ByteDepth * (int)fmt.NumberOfChannels;
            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                count = (int)fmt.ByteDepth;
                foreach (API.Xy sample in waves[1])
                    Serialise(ref data, count, Denormalise(sample.Y, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    count += (int)fmt.ByteDepth * (int)fmt.NumberOfChannels;
예제 #27
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static byte[] WavSnip(byte[] alldata, uint from_start_offset_ms, uint from_end_offset_ms)
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      startoffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(from_start_offset_ms, fmt);

            while (startoffset % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            uint cutsize     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes((from_end_offset_ms - from_start_offset_ms), fmt);
            int  startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            long newfilesize = cutsize + startofdata;
            long newdatasize = cutsize;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, startofdata, (int)newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);
            Array.Copy(alldata, startofdata + startoffset, newdata, startofdata, newdatasize);
예제 #28
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_MAKE_ALL(string length_ms,
                                        string tone_path,
                                        string tone_note,
                                        string output_folder,
                                        string decay_norm,
                                        string number_of_channels,
                                        string sample_rate,
                                        string byte_depth)
            WAVFormat fmt    = new WAVFormat(number_of_channels, sample_rate, byte_depth);
            uint      length = Convert.ToUInt32(length_ms);

            string[] alltonelines   = File.ReadAllLines(tone_path);
            double   tone_frequency = GetFrequency(tone_note); // Relative base frequency
            double   decay          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decay_norm) ? 0.99999 : Convert.ToDouble(decay_norm);

            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) // Above the 7th octave, the sound becomes too high pitched for music
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> note in Notes)
                    string new_note = note.Key + i;
                    string filename = DISK.AutoAddBaseDirectory(output_folder + "\\" + new_note + ".wav");
                    if (!File.Exists(filename))
                        byte[] newdata       = CreateBlankWave(length, fmt);
                        double new_frequency = GetFrequency(new_note);
                        foreach (string line in alltonelines)
                            string[] split = line.Split('\t');
                            AddFrequency(new_frequency * Convert.ToDouble(split[0]) / tone_frequency, ref newdata, fmt, Convert.ToDouble(split[1]), decay);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(output_folder))
                        File.WriteAllBytes(filename, newdata);
예제 #29
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_SHIFT_RIGHT(string path, string offset_ms) // This adds presence by offsetting right from left
            byte[]    alldata = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt     = new WAVFormat(1, 96000, 3); // Use the highest quality possible
            uint      offset  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(offset_ms), fmt);

            while (offset % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            int startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int datasize    = (int)GetRiffSize(alldata) - startofdata;

            byte[] newdata    = CreateBlankWave(ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)datasize, fmt), fmt);
            int    newdatapos = 44;

            for (int alldatapos = startofdata; alldatapos < alldata.Length - (int)fmt.ByteDepth - (2 * offset); alldatapos += (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth))
                Serialise(ref newdata, newdatapos, Deserialise(alldata, alldatapos, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                Serialise(ref newdata, newdatapos + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, Deserialise(alldata, alldatapos + (int)fmt.ByteDepth + (int)offset, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                newdatapos += (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
예제 #30
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_TONE(string path, string output_path, string activation_amplitude_norm)
            byte[]            alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double            amplitude = Convert.ToDouble(activation_amplitude_norm) - 0.5;
            WAVFormat         fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > waves     = GetWaves(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > fft       = null;

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], waves[1], 3000);
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], null, 3000);
            string output_text = "";

            foreach (Section section in WAV.GetActivatedFrequencies(fft, amplitude))
                output_text += section.X1 + "\t" + (section.Peak + 0.5) + "\n";
            File.WriteAllText(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_path), output_text);
예제 #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a WAVFormat struct containing audio format information
        /// (# channels, sample rate, and bits per sample) for a WAV file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pFilename">The name of the file about which to retrieve format information</param>
        /// <returns>A WAVFormat struct object containing the audio format information for the open file</returns>
        public static WAVFormat GetAudioFormat(String pFilename)
            WAVFormat format = new WAVFormat();

            WAVFile audioFile = new WAVFile();
            if (audioFile.Open(pFilename, WAVFileMode.READ) == "")
                format.BitsPerSample = audioFile.mBitsPerSample;
                format.NumChannels = audioFile.mNumChannels;
                format.SampleRateHz = audioFile.mSampleRateHz;


            return (format);