예제 #1
        public ActionResult CreateBlog(BlogConfig config)
            var result = AssertConfigurationIsNeeded();
            if (result != null)
                return result;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return View("Index");

            // Create the blog by storing the config
            config.Id = "Blog/Config";

            // Create default sections
            RavenSession.Store(new Section { Title = "Archive", IsActive = true, Position = 1, ControllerName = "Section", ActionName = "ArchivesList" });
            RavenSession.Store(new Section { Title = "Tags", IsActive = true, Position = 2, ControllerName = "Section", ActionName = "TagsList" });
            RavenSession.Store(new Section { Title = "Statistics", IsActive = true, Position = 3, ControllerName = "Section", ActionName = "PostsStatistics" });

            var user = new User
                    FullName = "Default User",
                    Email = config.OwnerEmail,
                    Enabled = true,

            return RedirectToAction("Success", config);
예제 #2
        private void SendNewCommentEmail(Post post, PostComments.Comment comment, User postAuthor)
            if (requestValues.IsAuthenticated)
                return; // we don't send email for authenticated users

            var viewModel = comment.MapTo<NewCommentEmailViewModel>();
            viewModel.PostId = RavenIdResolver.Resolve(post.Id);
            viewModel.PostTitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(post.Title);
            viewModel.PostSlug = SlugConverter.TitleToSlug(post.Title);
            viewModel.BlogName = DocumentSession.Load<BlogConfig>("Blog/Config").Title;
            viewModel.Key = post.ShowPostEvenIfPrivate.MapTo<string>();

            var subject = string.Format("{2}Comment on: {0} from {1}", viewModel.PostTitle, viewModel.BlogName, comment.IsSpam ? "[Spam] " : string.Empty);

            TaskExecutor.ExcuteLater(new SendEmailTask(viewModel.Email, subject, "NewComment", postAuthor.Email, viewModel));