예제 #1
 public void OnEnable()
     this.mWordListFile           = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mWordListFile");
     this.mCustomWordListFile     = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mCustomWordListFile");
     this.mAdditionalCustomWords  = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mAdditionalCustomWords");
     this.mFilterMode             = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mFilterMode");
     this.mFilterListFile         = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mFilterListFile");
     this.mAdditionalFilterWords  = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mAdditionalFilterWords");
     this.mWordPrefabCreationMode = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mWordPrefabCreationMode");
     this.mMaximumWordInstances   = base.serializedObject.FindProperty("mMaximumWordInstances");
예제 #2
 public override void OnInspectorGUI()
     using (base.serializedObject.Edit())
         TextConfigData textConfigData = ConfigDataManager.Instance.GetTextConfigData();
         if (textConfigData.NumDictionaries > 1)
             EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The list of words the TextTracker can detect and track.\nThe word list is loaded from a binary file and can be extended by a list of custom words.", MessageType.Info);
             string[] array  = new string[textConfigData.NumDictionaries];
             string[] array2 = new string[textConfigData.NumDictionaries];
             textConfigData.CopyDictionaryNamesAndFiles(array, array2, 0);
             int num = VuforiaUtilities.GetIndexFromString(this.mWordListFile.stringValue, array2);
             if (num < 0)
                 num = 0;
             int num2 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Word List", num, array, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             this.mWordListFile.stringValue = array2[num2];
             if (num2 == 0)
                 GUI.enabled = false;
             if (GUILayout.Button("No word list available. \nPlease copy it from the TextRecognition sample app. \nPress here to go to the download page for sample apps!", new GUILayoutOption[0]))
             GUI.enabled = false;
         int      expr_D8 = textConfigData.NumWordLists;
         string[] array3  = new string[expr_D8];
         string[] array4  = new string[expr_D8];
         textConfigData.CopyWordListNamesAndFiles(array3, array4, 0);
         int num3 = VuforiaUtilities.GetIndexFromString(this.mCustomWordListFile.stringValue, array4);
         if (num3 < 0)
             num3 = 0;
         int num4 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Additional Word File", num3, array3, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         if (num4 != num3)
             if (num4 != 0)
             this.mCustomWordListFile.stringValue = array4[num4];
         EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Words:", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
         this.mAdditionalCustomWords.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(this.mAdditionalCustomWords.stringValue, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The filter list allows to specify subset of words that will be detected and tracked.", MessageType.Info);
         EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.mFilterMode, new GUIContent("Filter Mode"), new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         if (this.mFilterMode.enumValueIndex != 0)
             int num5 = VuforiaUtilities.GetIndexFromString(this.mFilterListFile.stringValue, array4);
             if (num5 < 0)
                 num5 = 0;
             int num6 = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Filter List File", num5, array3, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             if (num6 != num5)
                 if (num6 != 0)
                 this.mFilterListFile.stringValue = array4[num6];
             EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Additional Filter Words:", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Write one word per line. Open compound words can be specified using whitespaces.", MessageType.None);
             this.mAdditionalFilterWords.stringValue = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(this.mAdditionalFilterWords.stringValue, new GUILayoutOption[0]);
         EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("It is possible to use Word Prefabs to define augmentations for detected words. Each Word Prefab can be instantiated up to a maximum number.", MessageType.Info);
         if (EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Word Prefabs", this.mWordPrefabCreationMode.enumValueIndex == 1, new GUILayoutOption[0]))
             this.mWordPrefabCreationMode.enumValueIndex = 1;
             EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(this.mMaximumWordInstances, new GUIContent("Max Simultaneous Words"), new GUILayoutOption[0]);
             this.mWordPrefabCreationMode.enumValueIndex = 0;
     GUI.enabled = true;
예제 #3
        private static void TestValidityOfWordListFile(string file)
            string       text         = "Assets/StreamingAssets/" + file;
            bool         flag         = false;
            bool         flag2        = true;
            StreamReader streamReader = File.OpenText(text);
            Stream       baseStream   = streamReader.BaseStream;
            int          i            = 0;

            while (i < 7)
                int num = baseStream.ReadByte();
                if (num != (int)"UTF-8\n\n"[i])
                    if (i == 0 && num == 239 && baseStream.ReadByte() == 187 && baseStream.ReadByte() == 191)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Only UTF-8 documents without BOM are supported.");
                        flag2 = false;
                        flag  = true;
                    if (i == 5 && num == 13)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Only UTF-8 documents without CARRIAGE RETURN are supported.");
                        flag2 = false;
                        flag  = true;
                    Debug.LogWarning("Not a valid UTF-8 encoded file. It needs to start with the header \"UTF-8\" followed by an empty line.");
                    flag2 = false;
            int num2 = 0;

            while (flag2 && !streamReader.EndOfStream)
                string text2 = streamReader.ReadLine();
                if (text2.Length == 0)
                    Debug.LogWarning("There is an empty line in your word list.");
                    flag2 = false;
                else if (text2.Length < 2)
                    Debug.LogWarning("The word " + text2 + " is too short for Text-Reco.");
                    flag2 = false;
                else if (text2.Length > 45)
                    Debug.LogWarning("The word " + text2 + " is too long for Text-Reco.");
                    flag2 = false;
                    string text3 = text2;
                    for (int j = 0; j < text3.Length; j++)
                        char c = text3[j];
                        if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && c != '-' && c != '\'' && c != ' ')
                            Debug.LogWarning("The word " + text2 + " is not supported because of character " + c.ToString());
                            flag2 = false;
                if (num2 > 10000)
                    Debug.LogWarning("The maximum number of words is " + 10000 + ".");
                    flag2 = false;
            if (!flag2 & flag)