/// <summary> /// Returns the Connection types list to connect to a machine /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <ConnectionTypeDTO> GetConnectionTypes() { List <ConnectionTypeDTO> retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.ConnectionType.ToString(); retVal = (from ct in entities.ConnectionType orderby ct.Name select new ConnectionTypeDTO { Id = ct.Id, Name = ct.Name, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == ct.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).ToList(); } return(retVal); }
public static bool EditMachine(int machineId, string machineName, string ipAddress, string username, string password, bool?pingResponsive, int?plantId, int?connectionType) { bool retVal = false; if (machineId != 0) { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Machine machine = (from m in entities.Machine where m.Id == machineId select m).FirstOrDefault(); if (machine != null) { machine.IdPlant = plantId.Value; machine.Name = machineName; machine.IpAddress = ipAddress; machine.Username = username; machine.Password = password; machine.IdPreferredConnectionType = connectionType.Value; machine.PingResponseEnabled = pingResponsive; retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } } return(retVal); }
public static List <MachineDTO> GetMachinesByPlant(int plantId) { List <MachineDTO> retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.Machine.ToString(); retVal = (from m in entities.Machine where m.IdPlant == plantId orderby m.Name select new MachineDTO { Id = m.Id, Name = m.Name, IPAddress = m.IpAddress, Username = m.Username, Password = m.Password, PingResponseEnabled = m.PingResponseEnabled.Value, IdLastConnectedUser = m.IdLastConnectedUser.HasValue ? m.IdLastConnectedUser.Value : 0, LastSuccessfullConnection = m.LastSuccessfulConnection.Value, IdPreferredConnectionType = m.IdPreferredConnectionType, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == m.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).ToList(); } return(retVal); }
public static VpnTypeDTO GetVpnType(int vpnTypeId) { VpnTypeDTO retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.VpnType.ToString(); retVal = (from vpnType in entities.VpnType where vpnType.Id == vpnTypeId select new VpnTypeDTO { Id = vpnType.Id, Name = vpnType.Name, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == vpnType.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(retVal); }
public static PlantDTO GetPlant(string plantName) { PlantDTO retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.Plant.ToString(); retVal = (from p in entities.Plant where p.Name.Contains(plantName) select new PlantDTO { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name, ServerAddress = p.ServerAddress, Username = p.Username, Password = p.Password, IdConnectionType = p.IdConnectionType, DisplayedName = (from x in entities.Customer where x.Id == p.Id_Customer select x.Name).FirstOrDefault(), ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == p.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Customers list /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <CustomerDTO> GetCustomers() { List <CustomerDTO> retVal = null; try { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.Customer.ToString(); retVal = (from c in entities.Customer orderby c.Name select new CustomerDTO { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == c.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(retVal); }
public static void AddLog(LogConenction obj) { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { entities.LogConenction.Add(obj); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void UpdateLog(LogConenction obj) { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { // entities.LogConenction.Add(obj); LogConenction _log = (from x in entities.LogConenction where x.Id == obj.Id select x).FirstOrDefault(); _log.ConncetionSuccesful = obj.ConncetionSuccesful; entities.SaveChanges(); } }
public static LogConenction GetLogForPlant(int IdPlant) { LogConenction RetVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { RetVal = (from x in entities.LogConenction where x.Id_ConnectionPlant == IdPlant orderby x.LastConenctionTime descending select x).FirstOrDefault(); } return(RetVal); }
/// <summary> /// Returns plants list /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <PlantDTO> GetPlants() { List <PlantDTO> retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.Plant.ToString(); retVal = (from p in entities.Plant orderby p.Name select new PlantDTO { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name, ServerAddress = p.ServerAddress, Username = p.Username, Password = p.Password, DisplayedName = (from x in entities.Customer where x.Id == p.Id_Customer select x.Name).FirstOrDefault(), IdConnectionType = p.IdConnectionType, Machines = (from m in entities.Machine where m.IdPlant == p.Id select new MachineDTO { Id = m.Id, Name = m.Name, IPAddress = m.IpAddress, Username = m.Username, Password = m.Password, PingResponseEnabled = m.PingResponseEnabled.Value, IdLastConnectedUser = m.IdLastConnectedUser.HasValue ? m.IdLastConnectedUser.Value : 0, LastSuccessfullConnection = m.LastSuccessfulConnection.Value, IdPreferredConnectionType = m.IdPreferredConnectionType, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == m.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }), //WorkOnMachines = p.VpnType.WorkOnMachine, ExtensionCollection = (from eo in entities.ExtensionObjects where eo.IdTargetElement == p.Id && eo.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Name = eo.Name, Value = eo.Value }) }).ToList(); } return(retVal); }
public static bool AddExtensionObject(int targetId, int table, string name, string value) { bool retVal = false; if (table != null) { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { var checkedTargetId = 0; var targetTable = string.Empty; switch (table) { case (int)TargetTable.VpnType: checkedTargetId = (from vpn in entities.VpnType where vpn.Id == targetId select vpn.Id).FirstOrDefault(); targetTable = TargetTable.VpnType.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.Machine: checkedTargetId = (from machine in entities.Machine where machine.Id == targetId select machine.Id).FirstOrDefault(); targetTable = TargetTable.Machine.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.Customer: checkedTargetId = (from customer in entities.Customer where customer.Id == targetId select customer.Id).FirstOrDefault(); targetTable = TargetTable.Customer.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.Plant: checkedTargetId = (from plant in entities.Plant where plant.Id == targetId select plant.Id).FirstOrDefault(); targetTable = TargetTable.Plant.ToString(); break; } if (checkedTargetId != 0) { ExtensionObjects eObj = new ExtensionObjects(); eObj.Name = name; eObj.Value = value; eObj.IdTargetElement = targetId; eObj.TargetTableName = targetTable; entities.ExtensionObjects.Add(eObj); } retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Delete the extension obj from the passe id (Id of the table Extension objects) /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool DeleteExtensionObject(int id) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { ExtensionObjects eobj = (from extObj in entities.ExtensionObjects where extObj.Id == id select extObj).FirstOrDefault(); if (eobj != null) { entities.ExtensionObjects.Remove(eobj); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }
public static bool InsertNewConnectionType(string name) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { ConnectionType conn = new ConnectionType(); conn.Name = name; entities.ConnectionType.Add(conn); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } return(retVal); }
public static bool DeleteMachine(int machineId) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Machine m = (from machines in entities.Machine where machines.Id == machineId select machines).FirstOrDefault(); if (m != null) { entities.Machine.Remove(m); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }
public static bool DeletePlant(int plantId) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Plant p = (from plants in entities.Plant where plants.Id == plantId select plants).FirstOrDefault(); if (p != null) { entities.Plant.Remove(p); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }
public static bool DeleteExtensionObject(int targetId, TargetTable table, string name) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { ExtensionObjects eobj = (from extObj in entities.ExtensionObjects where extObj.TargetTableName == table.ToString() && extObj.IdTargetElement == targetId && extObj.Name == name select extObj).FirstOrDefault(); if (eobj != null) { entities.ExtensionObjects.Remove(eobj); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Get the list of extension objects /// </summary> /// <param name="targetId">Id of the target object (the id field in the target table)</param> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <returns></returns> //public static List<ExtensionObjectDTO> GetExtensionObjects(int targetId, TargetTable table) //{ // List<ExtensionObjectDTO> retVal = null; // using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) // { // string tbName = table.ToString(); // retVal = (from eobj in entities.ExtensionObjects // where eobj.IdTargetElement == targetId && eobj.TargetTableName == tbName // select new ExtensionObjectDTO // { // Id = eobj.Id, // Name = eobj.Name, // Value = eobj.Value, // TargetTable = (int)table, //there may be a problemi in this line, need to be modified to manage an int value instead of enum // }).ToList(); // } // return retVal; //} public static List <ExtensionObjectDTO> GetExtensionObjects(int targetId, int table) { List <ExtensionObjectDTO> retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = string.Empty; switch (table) { case (int)TargetTable.Plant: tbName = TargetTable.Plant.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.Customer: tbName = TargetTable.Customer.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.Machine: tbName = TargetTable.Machine.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.ConnectionType: tbName = TargetTable.ConnectionType.ToString(); break; case (int)TargetTable.VpnType: tbName = TargetTable.VpnType.ToString(); break; } retVal = (from eobj in entities.ExtensionObjects where eobj.IdTargetElement == targetId && eobj.TargetTableName == tbName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Id = eobj.Id, Name = eobj.Name, Value = eobj.Value, TargetTable = (int)table, //there may be a problemi in this line, need to be modified to manage an int value instead of enum }).ToList(); } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Get the extension object from the passed params /// </summary> /// <param name="targetId"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ExtensionObjectDTO GetExtensionObject(int id) { ExtensionObjectDTO retVal = null; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { retVal = (from eobj in entities.ExtensionObjects where eobj.Id == id select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Id = eobj.Id, Name = eobj.Name, Value = eobj.Value, TargetTable = GetTargetTable(eobj.TargetTableName), }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new plant from the passed params /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the plant (CocaCola Femsa)</param> /// <param name="connectionType">The id of VPN connection Type</param> /// <param name="serverAddress">Ip or public address to connect with</param> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool InsertNewPlant(string name, int connectionType, string serverAddress, string username, string password) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Plant p = new Plant(); p.Id_Customer = (int)(from s in entities.Customer where s.Name.Contains(name) select s.Id).FirstOrDefault(); p.Name = name; p.IdConnectionType = connectionType; p.ServerAddress = serverAddress; p.Username = username; p.Password = password; entities.Plant.Add(p); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } return(retVal); }
public static bool EditVpnType(int connectioTypeId, string name) { bool retVal = false; if (connectioTypeId != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { VpnType conn = (from ct in entities.VpnType where ct.Id == connectioTypeId select ct).FirstOrDefault(); if (conn != null) { conn.Name = name; retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } } return(retVal); }
public static ExtensionObjectDTO GetExtensionObject(int targetId, TargetTable table, string name) { ExtensionObjectDTO retVal = null; string tabName = table.ToString(); using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { retVal = (from eobj in entities.ExtensionObjects where eobj.IdTargetElement == targetId && eobj.Name == name && eobj.TargetTableName == tabName select new ExtensionObjectDTO { Id = eobj.Id, Name = eobj.Name, Value = eobj.Value, TargetTable = (int)table, }).FirstOrDefault(); } return(retVal); }
public static List <string> GetCustomersList() { List <string> retVal = null; try { using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { string tbName = TargetTable.Customer.ToString(); retVal = (from c in entities.Customer orderby c.Name select c.Name).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new machine into the machine list to the passed plant and with the specified data /// </summary> /// <param name="plantId"></param> /// <param name="machineName"></param> /// <param name="ipAddress"></param> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <param name="pingResponsive"></param> /// <param name="connectionType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool InsertNewMachine(int plantId, string machineName, string ipAddress, string username, string password, bool?pingResponsive, int?connectionType) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Machine m = new Machine(); m.IdPlant = plantId; m.Name = machineName; m.IpAddress = ipAddress; m.Username = username; m.Password = password; m.PingResponseEnabled = pingResponsive; m.IdPreferredConnectionType = connectionType.Value; entities.Machine.Add(m); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Edit the plant with the passed params /// </summary> /// <param name="plantId"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="connectionType"></param> /// <param name="serverAddress"></param> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool EditPlant(int plantId, string name, int connectionType, string serverAddress, string username, string password) { bool retVal = false; using (VpnManagerEntities entities = new VpnManagerEntities()) { Plant p = (from plants in entities.Plant where plants.Id == plantId select plants).FirstOrDefault(); if (p != null) { p.Name = name; p.IdConnectionType = connectionType; p.ServerAddress = serverAddress; p.Username = username; p.Password = password; p.Id_Customer = (int)(from s in entities.Customer where s.Name.Contains(name) select s.Id).FirstOrDefault(); retVal = entities.SaveChanges() > 0; } } return(retVal); }