private void Voxelize() { var mesh = Mesh; // bail out if data is not properly setup if (mesh == null || _resources == null) { return; } // create resources whenever necessary if (_voxelsData == null) { _voxelsData = VoxelizationUtils.CreateVoxelData(mesh.bounds, _resolution,; } if (_indirectDrawArgs == null) { CreateIndirectDrawResources(); } if (_commandBuffer == null) { _commandBuffer = new CommandBuffer(); = VOXELIZATION; } VoxelizationUtils.VoxelizeSurface(_commandBuffer, _resources, _voxelsData, mesh); // execute voxelization at the end of the regular rendering Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer(_commandBuffer); // since we do an indirect draw call, must recuperate desired instance count StartCoroutine(CopyCounter()); }
private void DisposeAll() { if (_voxelsData != null) { _voxelsData.Dispose(); } _voxelsData = null; if (_indirectDrawArgs != null) { _indirectDrawArgs.Release(); } _indirectDrawArgs = null; DisposeCommandBuffer(); }
private static void End(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, VoxelizationResources resources, VoxelsData data, Mesh mesh) { commandBuffer.ReleaseTemporaryRT(TEMP_RT); }
private static void Begin(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, VoxelizationResources resources, VoxelsData data, Mesh mesh) { // reset command buffer // must render states are setup in the shader so no need to set everything commandBuffer.Clear(); commandBuffer.DisableScissorRect(); // for debugging purposes, bind a render target to examine shader behaviour // to be removed // TODO: find out how to set null render target // viewport is implicitly set var vp = data.ViewportSize; commandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(TEMP_RT, vp.x, vp.y, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat); commandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(TEMP_RT); }
/// <summary> /// Voxelize the surface of a mesh. Only color is constructed at the moment. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandBuffer">Command buffer receiving gpu instuctions</param> /// <param name="data">Voxelization results</param> /// <param name="mesh">Mesh to voxelize</param> public static void VoxelizeSurface(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, VoxelizationResources resources, VoxelsData data, Mesh mesh) { Begin(commandBuffer, resources, data, mesh); FillVoxels(commandBuffer, resources, data, mesh); FindFilledVoxelInstances(commandBuffer, resources, data, mesh); // generate voxels mips // TODO End(commandBuffer, resources, data, mesh); }
private static void FindFilledVoxelInstances(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, VoxelizationResources resources, VoxelsData data, Mesh mesh) { // reset number of filled voxels data.FilledVoxelInstances.SetCounterValue(0); // set compute shader parameters var cs = resources.VoxelizationPostProcessShader; var kernel = resources.FindFilledVoxelsKernel; cs.SetTexture(kernel, VoxelizationResources.VOXELS, data.Voxels); cs.SetBuffer(kernel, VoxelizationResources.FILLED_VOXELS_INSTANCES, data.FilledVoxelInstances); cs.SetInts(VoxelizationResources.VOLUME_SIZE, new int[] { data.Voxels.width, data.Voxels.height, data.Voxels.volumeDepth }); var volumeBounds = data.VolumeBounds; // transform index space to mesh local space // lhs system; matrix must be read from // last to first var indexToPosition = // finally mesh local space Matrix4x4.Translate( * // [-0.5, 0.5] space [-0.5 * volumeSize, 0.5 * volumeSize] Matrix4x4.Scale(volumeBounds.size) * // [0, 1] space to [-0.5, 0.5] space Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f)) * // voxel space to [0, 1] space Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f / data.Voxels.width, 1.0f / data.Voxels.height, 1.0f / data.Voxels.volumeDepth)) * // move by half a voxel Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); cs.SetMatrix(VoxelizationResources.INDEX_TO_POSITION, indexToPosition); (var tgX, var tgY, var tgZ) = resources.FindFilledVoxelsThreadGroupsSize; commandBuffer.BeginSample(FIND_FILLED_VOXELS); commandBuffer.ClearRandomWriteTargets(); commandBuffer.DispatchCompute(cs, kernel, NumGroup(data.Voxels.width, tgX), NumGroup(data.Voxels.height, tgY), NumGroup(data.Voxels.volumeDepth, tgZ)); commandBuffer.EndSample(FIND_FILLED_VOXELS); }
private static void FillVoxels(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, VoxelizationResources resources, VoxelsData data, Mesh mesh) { var projections = new Matrix4x4[3] { GetProjection(data, 0, 2), // project on X GetProjection(data, 1, 2), // project on Y GetProjection(data, 2, 2) // project on Z }; commandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrixArray(VoxelizationResources.PROJECTIONS, projections); // set shader parameters commandBuffer.SetGlobalVector(VoxelizationResources.VOLUME_SIZE, new Vector4(data.Voxels.width, data.Voxels.height, data.Voxels.volumeDepth, 0)); // pixel shader actual output is the 3d texture commandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, data.VoxelsRTId); // trigger rasterization to fill highest resolution voxels commandBuffer.BeginSample(FILL_VOXELS); commandBuffer.DrawMesh(mesh, Matrix4x4.identity, resources.VoxelizationMaterial); commandBuffer.EndSample(FILL_VOXELS); }
private static Matrix4x4 GetProjection(VoxelsData data, int i0, int i1) { // goal is to find a matrix that maps volume local coordinates // to voxel indices taking into account projection on a specific // face and face resolution // permute some values to deal with face projection var volumeCorner = Permute(data.VolumeBounds.min, i0, i1); var volumeSize = Permute(data.VolumeSize, i0, i1); var faceResolution = (Vector2)Permute( new Vector3(data.Voxels.width, data.Voxels.height, data.Voxels.volumeDepth), i0, i1); // permute volume coordinates for face projection var permuteAxis = PermuteRows(Matrix4x4.identity, i0, i1); // actual projection var viewProjection = // map XY to [-1, 1] // map Z to [0, 1] Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0)) * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(2, 2, 1)) * // map to normalize volume coordinates [0, 1] in all axis Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f / volumeSize.x, 1.0f / volumeSize.y, 1.0f / volumeSize.z)) * Matrix4x4.Translate(-volumeCorner); // scale to match desired face resolution var vp = (Vector2)data.ViewportSize; var scale = faceResolution / vp; var scalarScale = Mathf.Max(scale.x, scale.y); // scale to compensate for face aspect ratio // resolution of a face != resolution of viewport Vector3 aspectRatioCompensation; var aspectRatio = volumeSize.x / volumeSize.y; if (aspectRatio >= 1.0f) { aspectRatioCompensation = new Vector3(1, -1.0f / aspectRatio, 1); } else { aspectRatioCompensation = new Vector3(aspectRatio, -1, 1); } // translate to fit texture corners and not viewport center var vpCenter = vp * 0.5f; var faceCenter = faceResolution * 0.5f; var delta = faceCenter - vpCenter; // -2 in y since Unity uses opengl convention var normalizedDelta = delta * new Vector2(2, -2) / vp; var fitCornerTranslation = Matrix4x4.Translate(normalizedDelta); // composite everything together // Unity uses lhs, so compositing happens from last to first var finalProjection = fitCornerTranslation * Matrix4x4.Scale(aspectRatioCompensation * scalarScale) * viewProjection * permuteAxis; return(finalProjection); }