예제 #1
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            float lineHeight = EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;

            const float w  = 60f;
            const float sw = 70f;

            position.y += 6;

            float previewSize = lineHeight * 4f;
            Rect  previewRect = new Rect(position.position, new Vector2(previewSize, previewSize));

            previewRect.x += sw * 3 - 5f;
            previewRect.y += 2f;

            Rect box = new Rect(position.x - 2f, position.y - 4f, sw * 4f + 12f + previewSize, lineHeight * 3f + 14f);

            GUI.Box(box, GUIContent.none);

            position.height = lineHeight;
            position.width  = w;


            Rect prevPosition = position;

            SerializedProperty tl = property.FindPropertyRelative("tl");

            tl.boolValue = Toggle(position, tl.boolValue);
            position.x  += sw;
            SerializedProperty t = property.FindPropertyRelative("t");

            t.boolValue = Toggle(position, t.boolValue);
            position.x += sw;
            SerializedProperty tr = property.FindPropertyRelative("tr");

            tr.boolValue = Toggle(position, tr.boolValue);

            position     = prevPosition;
            position.y  += lineHeight + 2f;
            prevPosition = position;

            SerializedProperty l = property.FindPropertyRelative("l");

            l.boolValue = Toggle(position, l.boolValue);
            position.x += sw;
            SerializedProperty texture = property.FindPropertyRelative("texture");

            EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, texture, GUIContent.none);

            EditorGUI.LabelField(previewRect, new GUIContent((Texture2D)texture.objectReferenceValue));

            position.x += sw;
            SerializedProperty r = property.FindPropertyRelative("r");

            r.boolValue = Toggle(position, r.boolValue);

            position    = prevPosition;
            position.y += lineHeight + 2f;

            SerializedProperty bl = property.FindPropertyRelative("bl");

            bl.boolValue = Toggle(position, bl.boolValue);
            position.x  += sw;
            SerializedProperty b = property.FindPropertyRelative("b");

            b.boolValue = Toggle(position, b.boolValue);
            position.x += sw;
            SerializedProperty br = property.FindPropertyRelative("br");

            br.boolValue = Toggle(position, br.boolValue);

            position.x += sw * 2 + 10f;
            if (GUI.Button(position, "Delete"))
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("", "Delete this entry?", "Yes", "No"))
                    ConnectedTexture ct = (ConnectedTexture)property.serializedObject.targetObject;
                    List <ConnectedTextureConfig> od = new List <ConnectedTextureConfig> (ct.config);
                    int index = property.GetArrayIndex();
                    ct.config   = od.ToArray();
                    GUI.changed = true;

            if ((EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() || GUI.enabled) && !Application.isPlaying)
        void LoadWorldTextures()
            requireTextureArrayUpdate = false;

            // Init texture array
            if (worldTextures == null)
                worldTextures = new List <WorldTexture> ();
            if (worldTexturesDict == null)
                worldTexturesDict = new Dictionary <Texture2D, int> ();

            // Clear definitions
            if (voxelDefinitions != null)
                // Voxel Definitions no longer are added to the dictionary, clear the index field.
                for (int k = 0; k < voxelDefinitionsCount; k++)
                    if (voxelDefinitions [k] != null)
                        voxelDefinitions [k].Reset();
                voxelDefinitions = new VoxelDefinition [128];
            voxelDefinitionsCount = 0;
            if (voxelDefinitionsDict == null)
                voxelDefinitionsDict = new Dictionary <string, VoxelDefinition> ();
            if (sessionUserVoxels == null)
                sessionUserVoxels = new List <VoxelDefinition> ();

            // The null voxel definition
            VoxelDefinition nullVoxelDefinition = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <VoxelDefinition> ();

            nullVoxelDefinition.name           = "Null";
            nullVoxelDefinition.hidden         = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.canBeCollected = false;
            nullVoxelDefinition.ignoresRayCast = true;
            nullVoxelDefinition.renderType     = RenderType.Empty;

            // Check default voxel
            if (defaultVoxel == null)
                defaultVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/DefaultVoxel");

            // Add all biome textures
            if (world.biomes != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.biomes.Length; k++)
                    BiomeDefinition biome = world.biomes [k];
                    if (biome == null)
                    if (biome.voxelTop != null)
                        if (biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart == null)
                            biome.voxelTop.biomeDirtCounterpart = biome.voxelDirt;
                    if (biome.vegetation != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.vegetation.Length; v++)
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.vegetation [v].vegetation);
                    if (biome.trees != null)
                        for (int t = 0; t < biome.trees.Length; t++)
                            ModelDefinition tree = biome.trees [t].tree;
                            if (tree == null)
                            for (int b = 0; b < tree.bits.Length; b++)
                                AddVoxelTextures(tree.bits [b].voxelDefinition);
                    if (biome.ores != null)
                        for (int v = 0; v < biome.ores.Length; v++)
                            // ensure proper size
                            if (biome.ores [v].veinMinSize == biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize && biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize == 0)
                                biome.ores [v].veinMinSize   = 2;
                                biome.ores [v].veinMaxSize   = 6;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMin = 1;
                                biome.ores [v].veinsCountMax = 2;
                            AddVoxelTextures(biome.ores [v].ore);

            // Special voxels
            if (enableClouds)
                if (world.cloudVoxel == null)
                    world.cloudVoxel = Resources.Load <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults/VoxelCloud");

            // Add additional world voxels
            if (world.moreVoxels != null)
                for (int k = 0; k < world.moreVoxels.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(world.moreVoxels [k]);

            // Add all items' textures are available
            if (world.items != null)
                int itemCount = world.items.Length;
                for (int k = 0; k < itemCount; k++)
                    ItemDefinition item = world.items [k];
                    if (item != null && item.category == ItemCategory.Voxel)

            // Add any other voxel found inside Defaults
            VoxelDefinition [] vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("VoxelPlay/Defaults");
            for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside World directory
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.name))
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> ("Worlds/" + world.name);
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

                // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory with same name of world (if not placed into Worlds directory)
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (world.name);
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add any other voxel found inside a resource directory under the world definition asset
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(world.resourceLocation))
                vdd = Resources.LoadAll <VoxelDefinition> (world.resourceLocation);
                for (int k = 0; k < vdd.Length; k++)
                    AddVoxelTextures(vdd [k]);

            // Add connected textures
            ConnectedTexture [] ctt = Resources.LoadAll <ConnectedTexture> ("");
            for (int k = 0; k < ctt.Length; k++)
                ConnectedTexture ct = ctt [k];
                VoxelDefinition  vd = ctt [k].voxelDefinition;
                if (vd == null || vd.index == 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < ct.config.Length; j++)
                    ct.config [j].textureIndex = AddTexture(ct.config [j].texture, null, null, null);

            // Add user provided voxels during playtime
            int count = sessionUserVoxels.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                AddVoxelTextures(sessionUserVoxels [k]);
            sessionUserVoxelsLastIndex = voxelDefinitionsCount - 1;

            // Add transparent voxel definitions for the see-through effect
            if (seeThrough)
                int lastOne = voxelDefinitionsCount; // this loop will add voxels so end at the last regular voxel definition (don't process see-through versions)
                for (int k = 0; k < lastOne; k++)
                    VoxelDefinition vd = voxelDefinitions [k];
                    if (vd.renderType == RenderType.CutoutCross)
                        vd.seeThroughMode = SeeThroughMode.FullyInvisible;
                        if (vd.seeThroughMode == SeeThroughMode.Transparency)
                            if (vd.renderType.supportsAlphaSeeThrough())
                                vd.seeThroughVoxelTempTransp = CreateSeeThroughVoxelDefinition(vd);
                                vd.seeThroughMode = SeeThroughMode.FullyInvisible;

            // Create array texture
            int textureCount = worldTextures.Count;

            if (textureCount > 0)
                Texture2DArray pointFilterTextureArray = new Texture2DArray(textureSize, textureSize, textureCount, TextureFormat.ARGB32, hqFiltering);
                if (enableReliefMapping || !enableSmoothLighting)
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
                    pointFilterTextureArray.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
                pointFilterTextureArray.filterMode = hqFiltering ? FilterMode.Bilinear : FilterMode.Point;
                pointFilterTextureArray.mipMapBias = -mipMapBias;
                for (int k = 0; k < textureCount; k++)
                    if (worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].colorsAndEmission, k);
                    else if (worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation != null)
                        pointFilterTextureArray.SetPixels32(worldTextures [k].normalsAndElevation, k);

                pointFilterTextureArray.Apply(hqFiltering, true);

                // Assign textures to materials
                if (renderingMaterials != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < renderingMaterials.Length; k++)
                        if (renderingMaterials [k].usesTextureArray)
                            Material mat = renderingMaterials [k].material;
                            if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_MainTex"))
                                mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);
                matDynamicOpaque.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);
                matDynamicCutout.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);

                if (modelHighlightMat == null)
                    modelHighlightMat = Instantiate <Material> (Resources.Load <Material> ("VoxelPlay/Materials/VP Highlight Model")) as Material;
                modelHighlightMat.SetTexture("_MainTex", pointFilterTextureArray);