/********* Reporting ***********/
        public void ReportTest(String browserName)
            string reportPath = ReadExcel.GetCurrentPath() + "Reports\\TestRunReport.html";

            htmlReporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(reportPath);

            htmlReporter.Config.Theme         = Theme.Dark;
            htmlReporter.Config.DocumentTitle = "Vodafone POC - Test Report";
            htmlReporter.Config.ReportName    = "Vodafone POC - Test Report";
            extent.AddSystemInfo("System Under Test", "Vodafone Website");
            extent.AddSystemInfo("Environment", "Windows 10 - " + browserName);
            extent.AddSystemInfo("Owner", "Integrant inc - Mahmoud Yasser");
            test = extent.CreateTest("Test searching and sorting", "This test contains 3 test cases 1)Launching Vodafone website and assert its URL " +
                                     " 2)Navigate to Eshop page and search for a query(Data Driven) then assert that items count" +
                                     " 3)Sort items by price and assert the sorting");
        /********* Take screenshot *****/
        public void TakeScreenShout(string screenShotName, string browserName)
            Screenshot image = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot();

            image.SaveAsFile(ReadExcel.GetCurrentPath() + "\\Screen Shots\\" + browserName + "\\" + screenShotName + ".png");