예제 #1
        // url: "/comments/" + submission + "/" + parentId + "/" + command + "/" + startingIndex + "/" + count + "/" + nestingLevel + "/" + sort + "/",
        // GET: comments for a given submission
        public ActionResult BucketOfComments(int submissionId, int? parentId, string command, int startingIndex, string sort)
            #region Validation

            if (submissionId <= 0)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error.cshtml");

            var submission = DataCache.Submission.Retrieve(submissionId);

            if (submission == null)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error_404.cshtml");

            var subverse = DataCache.Subverse.Retrieve(submission.Subverse);
            //var subverse = _db.Subverse.Find(subversetoshow);

            if (subverse == null)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error_404.cshtml");

            //HACK: Disable subverse
            if (subverse.IsAdminDisabled.HasValue && subverse.IsAdminDisabled.Value)
                ViewBag.Subverse = subverse.Name;
                return View("~/Views/Errors/SubverseDisabled.cshtml");

            ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = subverse.Name;
            ViewBag.SubverseAnonymized = subverse.IsAnonymized;

            //Temp cache user votes for this thread
            ViewBag.VoteCache = UserCommentVotesBySubmission(submissionId);
            ViewBag.SavedCommentCache = UserSavedCommentsBySubmission(submissionId);
            ViewBag.CCP = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name);

            var SortingMode = (sort == null ? "top" : sort).ToLower();
            ViewBag.SortingMode = SortingMode;

            var commentTree = DataCache.CommentTree.Retrieve<usp_CommentTree_Result>(submission.ID, null, null);
            var model = new CommentBucketViewModel()
                StartingIndex = startingIndex,
                //NestingThreshold = nestingLevel,
                Subverse = subverse,
                Submission = submission,
                CommentTree = commentTree,
                ParentID = parentId,
                Sort = (CommentSort)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommentSort), SortingMode, true)
            model.CollapseSiblingThreshold = 5;
            IQueryable<usp_CommentTree_Result> displayTree = commentTree.AsQueryable();
            displayTree = displayTree.Where(x => x.ParentID == parentId);
            model.TotalInDisplayBranch = displayTree.Count();

            //calculate offsets
            model.EndingIndex = Math.Min(model.StartingIndex + model.CollapseSiblingThreshold, model.TotalInDisplayBranch);

            if (model.Sort == CommentSort.Top){
                displayTree = displayTree.OrderByDescending(x => x.UpCount - x.DownCount);
            } else {
                displayTree = displayTree.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreationDate);

            displayTree = displayTree.Skip(model.StartingIndex).Take(model.Count); 

            model.DisplayTree = displayTree;

            return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/Comments/_CommentBucket.cshtml", model);
예제 #2
        public async Task<ActionResult> SubmitComment([Bind(Include = "ID, Content, SubmissionID, ParentID")] Comment commentModel)
            commentModel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
            commentModel.UserName = User.Identity.Name;
            commentModel.Votes = 0;
            commentModel.UpCount = 0;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // flag the comment as anonymized if it was submitted to a sub which has active anonymized_mode
                var submission = DataCache.Submission.Retrieve(commentModel.SubmissionID.Value);
                var subverse = DataCache.Subverse.Retrieve(submission.Subverse);
                commentModel.IsAnonymized = submission.IsAnonymized || subverse.IsAnonymized;

                // if user CCP is < 50, allow only X comment submissions per 24 hours
                var userCcp = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name);
                if (userCcp <= -50)
                    var quotaUsed = UserHelper.UserDailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScoreUsed(User.Identity.Name);
                    if (quotaUsed)
                        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is " + Settings.DailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScore.ToString() + " comment(s) per 24 hours.");
                        //ModelState.AddModelError("", "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is " + Settings.DailyCommentPostingQuotaForNegativeScore + " comment(s) per 24 hours.");
                        //return View();

                // check if author is banned, don't save the comment or send notifications if true
                if (!UserHelper.IsUserGloballyBanned(User.Identity.Name) && !UserHelper.IsUserBannedFromSubverse(User.Identity.Name, submission.Subverse))
                    bool containsBannedDomain = BanningUtility.ContentContainsBannedDomain(subverse.Name, commentModel.Content);
                    if (containsBannedDomain)
                        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Comment contains links to banned domain(s).");

                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave))
                        commentModel.Content = ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(commentModel.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPreSave, commentModel);

                    //save fully formatted content 
                    var formattedComment = Formatting.FormatMessage(commentModel.Content);
                    commentModel.FormattedContent = formattedComment;

                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();


                    if (ContentProcessor.Instance.HasStage(ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave))
                        ContentProcessor.Instance.Process(commentModel.Content, ProcessingStage.InboundPostSave, commentModel);

                    // send comment reply notification to parent comment author if the comment is not a new root comment
                    await NotificationManager.SendCommentNotification(commentModel, 
                        new Action<string>(recipient => {
                            //get count of unread notifications
                            int unreadNotifications = UserHelper.UnreadTotalNotificationsCount(recipient);
                            // send SignalR realtime notification to recipient
                            var hubContext = Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MessagingHub>();
                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) 
                    var comment = commentModel;

                    ViewBag.CommentId = comment.ID; //why?
                    ViewBag.rootComment = comment.ParentID == null; //why?

                    if (submission.IsAnonymized || subverse.IsAnonymized)
                        comment.UserName = comment.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    var model = new CommentBucketViewModel(comment);

                    return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/Submissions/_SubmissionComment.cshtml", model);
                    //return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                    var url = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath;
                    return Redirect(url);
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

            ModelState.AddModelError(String.Empty, "Sorry, you are either banned from this sub or doing that too fast. Please try again in 2 minutes.");
            return View("~/Views/Help/SpeedyGonzales.cshtml");
예제 #3
        // GET: comments for a given submission
        public ActionResult Comments(int? id, string subversetoshow, int? startingcommentid, string sort, int? commentToHighLight)
            #region Validation 
            if (id == null)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error.cshtml");

            var submission = _db.Submissions.Find(id.Value);

            if (submission == null)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error_404.cshtml");

            // make sure that the combination of selected subverse and submission subverse are linked
            if (!submission.Subverse.Equals(subversetoshow, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error_404.cshtml");

            var subverse = DataCache.Subverse.Retrieve(subversetoshow);
            //var subverse = _db.Subverse.Find(subversetoshow);

            if (subverse == null)
                return View("~/Views/Errors/Error_404.cshtml");

            //HACK: Disable subverse
            if (subverse.IsAdminDisabled.HasValue && subverse.IsAdminDisabled.Value)
                ViewBag.Subverse = subverse.Name;
                return View("~/Views/Errors/SubverseDisabled.cshtml");


            ViewBag.SelectedSubverse = subverse.Name;
            ViewBag.SubverseAnonymized = subverse.IsAnonymized;

            //Temp cache user votes for this thread
            ViewBag.VoteCache = UserCommentVotesBySubmission(id.Value);
            ViewBag.SavedCommentCache = UserSavedCommentsBySubmission(id.Value);
            ViewBag.CCP = Karma.CommentKarma(User.Identity.Name);

            if (startingcommentid != null)
                ViewBag.StartingCommentId = startingcommentid;

            if (commentToHighLight != null)
                ViewBag.CommentToHighLight = commentToHighLight;

            var SortingMode = (sort == null ? "top" : sort).ToLower();
            ViewBag.SortingMode = SortingMode;


            // experimental: register a new session for this subverse
            string clientIpAddress = String.Empty;

            if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] != null)
                clientIpAddress = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
            else if (Request.UserHostAddress.Length != 0)
                clientIpAddress = Request.UserHostAddress;

            if (clientIpAddress != String.Empty)
                // generate salted hash of client IP address
                string ipHash = IpHash.CreateHash(clientIpAddress);

                var currentSubverse = (string)RouteData.Values["subversetoshow"];

                // register a new session for this subverse
                SessionHelper.Add(currentSubverse, ipHash);

                // register a new view for this thread
                // check if this hash is present for this submission id in viewstatistics table
                var existingView = _db.ViewStatistics.Find(submission.ID, ipHash);

                // this IP has already viwed this thread, skip registering a new view
                if (existingView == null)
                    // this is a new view, register it for this submission
                    var view = new ViewStatistic { SubmissionID = submission.ID, ViewerID = ipHash };



            var commentTree = DataCache.CommentTree.Retrieve<usp_CommentTree_Result>(submission.ID, null, null);

            var model = new CommentBucketViewModel()
                StartingIndex = 0,
                EndingIndex = 5,
                Subverse = subverse,
                Submission = submission,
                CommentTree = commentTree,
                //DisplayTree = displayTree,
                ParentID = null,
                Sort = (CommentSort)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommentSort), SortingMode, true)

            IQueryable<usp_CommentTree_Result> displayTree = commentTree.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.ParentID == null);
            model.TotalInDisplayBranch = displayTree.Count();

            if (model.Sort == CommentSort.Top) {
                displayTree = displayTree.OrderByDescending(x => x.UpCount - x.DownCount).Take(model.EndingIndex);
            } else {
                displayTree = displayTree.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreationDate).Take(model.EndingIndex);
            model.DisplayTree = displayTree;

            return View("~/Views/Home/Comments.cshtml", model);