public async static Task <X509Certificate2> GetSSLCertificate(StoreName storeName, string subject) { var x509Certificates = await SSLCertificateServices.GetSSLCertificates(storeName); X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = x509Certificates.Where(c => c.HasPrivateKey && c.Subject == subject).OrderByDescending(c => c.NotAfter).FirstOrDefault(); return(x509Certificate); }
public async static Task <bool> TryFindAndBindLatestSSLCertToPort(int portNumber, string subject, StoreName storeName = StoreName.My, Action <string> OnInfoLog = null, Action <string> OnErrorLog = null, bool RemoveAnyPreviousBinding = true, string IP = "") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject)) { OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Unable to bind SSL Cert to Port as no certificate subject was specified."); return(false); } //List<X509Certificate2> x509Certificates = new List<X509Certificate2>(); var certs = await SSLCertificateServices.GetSSLCertificates(storeName); X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = certs.Where(c => c.HasPrivateKey && c.Subject == subject).OrderByDescending(c => c.NotAfter).FirstOrDefault(); if (x509Certificate == null) { OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Unable to find SSL Certificate with subject '" + subject + "' in certificte store '" + storeName.ToString() + "'"); return(false); } string applicationId = null; var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (asm == null) { applicationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { try { applicationId = ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), true)[0]).Value; } catch { } } if (applicationId == null) { applicationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } if (!SSLCertificateServices.SSLCertBinded(x509Certificate.Thumbprint, portNumber)) { //Remove any Previously Binded SSL Sert at PORT if (RemoveAnyPreviousBinding) { RemoveSSLCertFromPort(IP, portNumber, (log) => OnInfoLog?.Invoke(log)); } try { string BindCommand = "netsh http add sslcert ipport=" + IP + ":" + portNumber + " certhash=" + x509Certificate.Thumbprint + " appid={" + applicationId + "}"; OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Binding SSL Certificate '" + subject + "' to " + IP + ":" + portNumber); // + " via Command=" + BindCommand) string BindResultText = ExecuteCommand(BindCommand).RemoveAllNewLines().Trim(' '); OnInfoLog?.Invoke(BindResultText); } catch (Exception ex) { OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Unable to bind generate SSL Certificate to Port " + portNumber + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); return(false); } } return(true); }
public async Task <bool> StartAsync() { this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Starting Vlix Web Server..."); _listener = new HttpListener(); if (this.Config.EnableHTTP) { _listener.Prefixes.Add("http://*:" + this.Config.HTTPPort.ToString() + "/"); } if (this.Config.EnableHTTPS) { if (this.Config.EnableHTTP && (this.Config.HTTPPort == this.Config.HTTPSPort)) { this.OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Failed to start HTTPS Web Server (HTTPS Port cannot be the same as HTTP Port)!"); throw new Exception("Failed to start HTTPS Web Server (HTTPS Port cannot be the same as HTTP Port)!"); } if (!await SSLCertificateServices.TryFindAndBindLatestSSLCertToPort(this.Config.HTTPSPort, this.Config.SSLCertificateSubjectName, this.Config.SSLCertificateStoreName, (log) => this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke(log), (log) => this.OnErrorLog?.Invoke(log)).ConfigureAwait(false)) { this.OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Failed to Start Web Server (Unable to bind SSL Cert to Port)!"); throw new Exception("Failed to Start Web Server (Unable to bind SSL Cert to Port)!"); } ; _listener.Prefixes.Add("https://*:" + this.Config.HTTPSPort.ToString() + "/"); _ = Task.Run(async() => { while (true) { await Task.Delay(60000 * 5).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!await SSLCertificateServices.TryFindAndBindLatestSSLCertToPort(this.Config.HTTPSPort, this.Config.SSLCertificateSubjectName, this.Config.SSLCertificateStoreName, (log) => this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke(log), (log) => this.OnErrorLog?.Invoke(log)).ConfigureAwait(false)) { this.OnErrorLog?.Invoke("Failed to Start Web Server (Unable to bind SSL Cert to Port)!"); throw new Exception("Failed to Start Web Server (Unable to bind SSL Cert to Port)!"); } ; } }); } if (!this.Config.EnableHTTP && !this.Config.EnableHTTPS) { this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Unable to start as both HTTP (Port " + this.Config.HTTPPort + ") and HTTPS (Port " + this.Config.HTTPSPort + ") is disabled"); return(false); } if (this.Config.EnableHTTP && !this.Config.EnableHTTPS) { this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Listening to port " + this.Config.HTTPPort + "(HTTP), Directory = '" + this.Config.WWWDirectoryParsed() + "'"); } if (!this.Config.EnableHTTP && this.Config.EnableHTTPS) { this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Listening to port " + this.Config.HTTPSPort + "(HTTPS), Directory = '" + this.Config.WWWDirectoryParsed() + "'"); } if (this.Config.EnableHTTP && this.Config.EnableHTTPS) { this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Listening to port " + this.Config.HTTPPort + "(HTTP) and " + this.Config.HTTPSPort + "(HTTPS), Directory = '" + this.Config.WWWDirectoryParsed() + "'"); } _listener.Start(); _listener.BeginGetContext(OnContext, null); //The thread stops here waiting for content to come this.OnInfoLog?.Invoke("Vlix HTTP Server Started!"); return(true); }