public Page2(LifetimeEconomicValueViewModel parent, AppMode mode)
                Mode = mode;
                _parent = parent;


                // Check for valid inputs
                    p => p.AnnualIncome,
                    p => p.RetirementAge,
                    p => p.Age,
                    (income, retAge, curAge) => // Check that we have values for the inputs and tha they make sense
                        income.HasValue &&
                        income.Value >= 1000 &&
                        curAge.HasValue &&
                        curAge.Value >= 18 &&
                        retAge.HasValue &&
                        retAge.Value >= curAge
                    .ToProperty(this, p => p.HasValidInputs, out _hasValidInputs);

                this.WhenAnyValue(p => p.HasValidInputs, p => !p).ToProperty(this, p => p.HasInvalidInputs, out _hasInvalidInputs);
            public Page2(LifetimeEconomicValueViewModel parent, AppMode mode)
                Mode    = mode;
                _parent = parent;

                // Check for valid inputs
                    p => p.AnnualIncome,
                    p => p.RetirementAge,
                    p => p.Age,
                    (income, retAge, curAge) => // Check that we have values for the inputs and tha they make sense
                    income.HasValue &&
                    income.Value >= 1000 &&
                    curAge.HasValue &&
                    curAge.Value >= 18 &&
                    retAge.HasValue &&
                    retAge.Value >= curAge
                .ToProperty(this, p => p.HasValidInputs, out _hasValidInputs);

                this.WhenAnyValue(p => p.HasValidInputs, p => !p).ToProperty(this, p => p.HasInvalidInputs, out _hasInvalidInputs);