private void FillBuffer() { int inx = 0; String frameFile; int delay = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("FrameCaptureDelay", 33); while (true) { try { frameFile = "captureFrame" + inx.ToString() + ".jpg"; image = ((CaptureDevice)cboDevices.SelectedItem).GrabFrame(frameFile); Thread.Sleep(delay); imgDataStream = new MemoryStream(); image.Save(imgDataStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg); image.Dispose(); sendBuffer = imgDataStream.ToArray(); try { saveToBuffer(sendBuffer); } catch { } imgDataStream.Close(); } catch { } } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); InitializeDevicesList(); imgDataStream = null; sendingSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); sendToAddress = IPAddress.Parse(AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("sendToAddress", "")); sendingEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(sendToAddress, AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("sendToPort", 11000)); sendingSocketDB = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); sendToAddressDB = IPAddress.Parse(AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("sendToAddressDB", "")); sendingEndPointDB = new IPEndPoint(sendToAddressDB, AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("sendToPortDB", 11001)); transmission = new Thread(this.sendFromBuffer); buffering = new Thread(this.FillBuffer); //buffering.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //this is reqd as this thread gets data from clipboard receiver = new Thread(this.receiveData); receiver.Start(); CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; saveByteArray = new List <byte[]>(); saveFrameSize = new List <int>(); int maxFiles = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferFilesLimit", 10); for (int oldFileCount = 0; oldFileCount <= maxFiles; oldFileCount++) { String oldvidFilename = "Video" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; String oldsizeFilename = "Siz" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; if (File.Exists(oldsizeFilename)) { File.Delete(oldvidFilename); File.Delete(oldsizeFilename); } } }
private void receiveData() { Console.WriteLine("Listening..."); byte[] receiveByteArray; UdpClient listener; IPEndPoint groupEP; int listenPort = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("ListenPort", 11002); IPAddress receiveAddress; listener = new UdpClient(listenPort); receiveAddress = IPAddress.Parse(AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("receiveFromAddress", "")); groupEP = new IPEndPoint(receiveAddress, listenPort); String sender = ""; String date = ""; String hour = ""; String min = ""; String status = ""; while (true) { try { receiveByteArray = listener.Receive(ref groupEP); UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding(); String data = enc.GetString(receiveByteArray); if (data.Contains("sender")) { int index = data.IndexOf(">"); sender = data.Substring(index + 1, data.Length - index - 1); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { receiveByteArray = listener.Receive(ref groupEP); data = enc.GetString(receiveByteArray); index = data.IndexOf(">"); Console.WriteLine(data); if (data.Contains("date")) { date = data.Substring(index + 1, data.Length - index - 1); } else if (data.Contains("hour")) { hour = data.Substring(index + 1, data.Length - index - 1); } else if (data.Contains("min")) { min = data.Substring(index + 1, data.Length - index - 1); } else if (data.Contains("status")) { status = data.Substring(index + 1, data.Length - index - 1); } Console.WriteLine("status" + status); } if (sender != "" && date != "" && hour != "" && min != "" && status.Equals("send")) { int year, month, day; month = Convert.ToInt16(date.Substring(0, date.IndexOf("/"))); date = date.Substring(date.IndexOf("/") + 1, date.Length - date.IndexOf("/") - 1); Console.WriteLine(date); day = Convert.ToInt16(date.Substring(0, date.IndexOf("/"))); date = date.Substring(date.IndexOf("/") + 1, date.Length - date.IndexOf("/") - 1); Console.WriteLine(date); year = Convert.ToInt16(date.Substring(0, date.IndexOf(" "))); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, Convert.ToInt16(hour), Convert.ToInt16(min), 0); Console.WriteLine(dateTime); //sendingSocket.EndSend(); Console.WriteLine(transmission.ThreadState.ToString()); /*if (transmission.ThreadState.ToString().Equals("Running")) * { * Console.WriteLine("Running"); * transmission.Abort(); * } * sendFromDB = true;*/ sendToTime = dateTime; sendToIP = sender; txfromDB = new Thread(this.readandsendFromDB); txfromDB.Start(); //readandsendFromDB(sender, dateTime); //transmission.Resume(); sender = ""; date = ""; hour = ""; min = ""; } else if (status.Equals("sendlive")) { Console.WriteLine(transmission.ThreadState.ToString()); /*if (transmission.ThreadState.ToString().Equals("Aborted") || transmission.ThreadState.ToString().Equals("Stopped")) * { * transmission = new Thread(this.sendFromBuffer); * transmission.Start(); * }*/ } else if (status.Equals("stop")) { /*if (transmission.ThreadState.ToString().Equals("Running")) * { * Console.WriteLine("Running"); * transmission.Abort(); * }*/ txfromDB.Abort(); sendFromDB = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
private void sendFromBuffer() { String vidFilename; String sizeFilename; FileStream vidFileStream; StreamReader sizeReader; String s; int size; byte[] frameData; int fileCount = 1; int maxFiles = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferFilesLimit", 10); int fileTransmissionLimit = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferLimitForTransmission", 1); int delay = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferTransmissionDelay", 100); int waitForFile = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("WaitForFileDelay", 200); while (true) { try { if (filesBuffered > fileTransmissionLimit) { vidFilename = "Video" + fileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; sizeFilename = "Siz" + fileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; vidFileStream = new FileStream(vidFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); sizeReader = new StreamReader(sizeFilename); s = sizeReader.ReadLine(); size = int.Parse(s); /*int oldFileCount = fileCount > 5 ? fileCount - 5 : (10 + fileCount - 5); * String oldvidFilename = "Video" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; * String oldsizeFilename = "Siz" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; * * if (File.Exists(oldsizeFilename)) * { * File.Delete(oldvidFilename); * File.Delete(oldsizeFilename); * }*/ fileCount++; if (fileCount > maxFiles) { fileCount = 1; } Console.WriteLine("Sending from buffer"); while (s != null) { Thread.Sleep(delay); frameData = new byte[size]; vidFileStream.Read(frameData, 0, size); sendingSocket.SendTo(frameData, sendingEndPoint); s = sizeReader.ReadLine(); try { size = int.Parse(s); } catch {; } } sizeReader.Close(); vidFileStream.Close(); try { File.Delete(vidFilename); File.Delete(sizeFilename); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("File Delete Error: " + ex.Message); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Thread.Sleep(waitForFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Transmission: " + ex.Message); } } }
private void readandsendFromDB() { int maxFiles = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferFilesLimit", 10); for (int oldFileCount = 0; oldFileCount <= maxFiles; oldFileCount++) { String oldvidFilename = "dbVideo" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; String oldsizeFilename = "dbSiz" + oldFileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; if (File.Exists(oldsizeFilename)) { File.Delete(oldvidFilename); File.Delete(oldsizeFilename); } } //Read from database MySqlConnection readconnection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); readconnection.Open(); string query = "select video_id,size_id from video_time_division where timestamp between @time and @time + interval 10 minute"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, readconnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@time", sendToTime); MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int delay = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("DbTransmissionDelay", 100); while (dataReader.Read()) { double sizeID = dataReader.GetDouble(1); double videoID = dataReader.GetDouble(0); MySqlConnection sizeconnection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); sizeconnection.Open(); query = "select * from video_size_detail where file_id=@id"; MySqlCommand sizecmd = new MySqlCommand(query, sizeconnection); sizecmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", sizeID); //get query results in dataset MySqlDataReader sizedataReader = sizecmd.ExecuteReader(); //Read the data and store them in the list FileStream fs; BinaryWriter bw; int bufferSize = 100; byte[] outbyte = new byte[bufferSize]; long startIndex = 0; long retval = 0; double fileID; while (sizedataReader.Read()) { fileID = (double)sizedataReader["file_id"]; String fileName = (String)sizedataReader["file_name"]; Console.WriteLine(fileName); startIndex = 0; fs = new FileStream("db" + fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); retval = sizedataReader.GetBytes(2, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize); while (retval == bufferSize) { bw.Write(outbyte); bw.Flush(); // Reposition the start index to the end of the last buffer and fill the buffer. startIndex += bufferSize; retval = sizedataReader.GetBytes(2, startIndex, outbyte, 0, bufferSize); } bw.Write(outbyte, 0, (int)retval); bw.Flush(); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); //Read the data and store them in the list MySqlConnection connection1 = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); connection1.Open(); query = "select * from video_detail where file_id=@id"; MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(query, connection1); cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", videoID); MySqlDataReader dataReader1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess); //get query results in dataset while (dataReader1.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(dataReader1["file_name"]); StreamReader sizeReader = new StreamReader("db" + fileName); String s = sizeReader.ReadLine(); int size = int.Parse(s); try { startIndex = 0; while (s != null) { Thread.Sleep(delay); byte[] frameData = new byte[size]; dataReader1.GetBytes(2, startIndex, frameData, 0, size); startIndex += size; sendingSocket.SendTo(frameData, sendingEndPointDB); s = sizeReader.ReadLine(); try { size = int.Parse(s); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Sending error in readFromDB" + ex.Message);; ; } } } finally{ sizeReader.Close(); } } dataReader1.Close(); connection1.Close(); } sizeconnection.Close(); sizedataReader.Close(); } dataReader.Close(); readconnection.Close(); }
private void saveToBuffer(byte[] sendBuffer) { try { DateTime currenttime = System.DateTime.Now; if (saveByteArray.Count == 0) { currenttime = System.DateTime.Now; } saveByteArray.Add(sendBuffer); saveFrameSize.Add(sendBuffer.Length); int maxFiles = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("BufferFilesLimit", 10); int maxFrames = AppSettingsController.GetAppSetting("FramesInFileLimit", 40); if (saveByteArray.Count >= maxFrames) { fileCount++; if (fileCount > maxFiles) { fileCount = 1; } String vidFilename = "Video" + fileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; String sizeFilename = "Siz" + fileCount.ToString() + ".dat"; FileStream vidFileStream = new FileStream(vidFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sizeFileStream = new StreamWriter(sizeFilename); foreach (byte[] byteArrayElement in saveByteArray) { vidFileStream.Write(byteArrayElement, 0, byteArrayElement.Length); } vidFileStream.Close(); foreach (int sizeArrayElement in saveFrameSize) { sizeFileStream.WriteLine(sizeArrayElement); } sizeFileStream.Close(); //Save to database connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); connection.Open(); try { byte[] content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(vidFilename); Console.WriteLine(content.Length); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("", connection); command.CommandText = "insert into video_detail(file_name, file_content, size, file_order, timestamp, sender_ip) values (@name, @content, @size, @order, @time, @ip);"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", vidFilename); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@content", content); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@size", 1024); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@order", 2); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@time", currenttime); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ip", ""); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlCommand idcmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT last_insert_id()", connection); MySqlDataReader dataReader = idcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess); dataReader.Read(); double videoID = dataReader.GetDouble(0); Console.WriteLine(videoID); dataReader.Close(); MySqlCommand sizecommand = new MySqlCommand("", connection); sizecommand.CommandText = "insert into video_size_detail(file_name, file_content, size, timestamp, sender_ip) values (@name, @content, @order, @time, @ip);"; sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", sizeFilename); sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@content", System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(sizeFilename)); sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@size", 1024); sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@order", 2); sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@time", currenttime); sizecommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ip", ""); sizecommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlCommand sizeidcmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT last_insert_id()", connection); MySqlDataReader sizedataReader = sizeidcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess); sizedataReader.Read(); double sizeID = sizedataReader.GetDouble(0); Console.WriteLine(sizeID); sizedataReader.Close(); MySqlCommand timedivcommand = new MySqlCommand("", connection); timedivcommand.CommandText = "insert into video_time_division(timestamp, video_id, size_id) values (@time, @videoid, @sizeid);"; timedivcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@time", currenttime); timedivcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@videoid", videoID); timedivcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sizeid", sizeID); timedivcommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error in database" + ex.Message); } saveByteArray.Clear(); saveFrameSize.Clear(); filesBuffered = filesBuffered > 5 ? 5 : filesBuffered + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Buffering: " + ex.Message); } }