internal MeshSlice(ShapeBatch batch, int shapeIdx) { ShapeMeshData[] array = batch.shapeList.Array; MeshRange meshRange = array[shapeIdx].meshRange; this.batch = batch; this.bounds = array[shapeIdx].bounds; this.type = array[shapeIdx].shapeType; this.vertexCount = meshRange.vertexRange.length; this.triangleCount = meshRange.triangleRange.length; this.vertexStart = meshRange.vertexRange.start; this.triangleStart = meshRange.triangleRange.start; }
public void Render(Camera camera, RenderTexture targetTexture = null, bool clear = true) { for (int i = 0; i < issuedDrawCalls.Count; i++) { issuedDrawCalls[i].effect.ReleaseMaterial(issuedDrawCalls[i].drawCallId, issuedDrawCalls[i].material); } issuedDrawCalls.Clear(); int drawCallId = instanceId; shapeBatchPool.ReleaseAll(); ShapeBatch shapeBatch = shapeBatchPool.Get(parameterTexture); Vector3 offset = camera.transform.position; offset.z = -2; Matrix4x4 rootMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(offset, Quaternion.identity,; int drawCallCount = this.pendingDrawCalls.Count; PendingDrawCall[] pendingCalls = pendingDrawCalls.Array; VertigoEffect currentEffect = VertigoEffect.Default; IssuedDrawCall issuedDrawCall = default; issuedDrawCalls.EnsureCapacity(drawCallCount); for (int i = 0; i < drawCallCount; i++) { PendingDrawCall pendingDrawCall = pendingCalls[i]; // do culling unless current effect wants to do culling itself (for things like shadow which render outside shape's bounds) // should maybe handle culling for masking if using aligned rect mask w/o texture // Cull(drawCall) if (pendingDrawCall.isStroke) { Geometry.CreateStrokeGeometry(shapeBatch, pendingDrawCall.shapeRange, shapes, shapeData); } else { Geometry.CreateFillGeometry(shapeBatch, pendingDrawCall.shapeRange, shapes, shapeData); } // draw current effect now if we need to // change this to a vertex check if (currentEffect != pendingDrawCall.effect && shapeBatch.finalPositionList.Count > 0) { issuedDrawCall = new IssuedDrawCall(); issuedDrawCall.drawCallId = drawCallId++; issuedDrawCall.effect = currentEffect; issuedDrawCall.batch = shapeBatch; issuedDrawCall.state = state; issuedDrawCalls.AddUnsafe(issuedDrawCall); shapeBatch = shapeBatchPool.Get(parameterTexture); } currentEffect = pendingDrawCall.effect; int start = pendingDrawCall.shapeRange.start; int end = pendingDrawCall.shapeRange.end; for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { MeshSlice slice = new MeshSlice(shapeBatch, j); pendingDrawCall.effect.Apply(shapeBatch, slice, state, pendingDrawCall.effectDataIndex); slice.batch = null; } } issuedDrawCall = new IssuedDrawCall(); issuedDrawCall.drawCallId = drawCallId++; issuedDrawCall.effect = currentEffect; issuedDrawCall.batch = shapeBatch; issuedDrawCall.state = state; issuedDrawCalls.AddUnsafe(issuedDrawCall); shapeBatchPool.Release(shapeBatch); shapeBatch = null; IssuedDrawCall[] issuedCalls = issuedDrawCalls.array; int issuedCount = issuedDrawCalls.size; parameterTexture.Upload(); for (int i = 0; i < issuedCount; i++) { drawCallId = issuedCalls[i].drawCallId; Mesh mesh = issuedCalls[i].batch.GetBakedMesh(); Material material = issuedCalls[i].effect.GetMaterialToDraw(drawCallId, issuedCalls[i].state, issuedCalls[i].batch, block); Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, rootMatrix, material, 0, camera, 0, block, ShadowCastingMode.Off, false, null, LightProbeUsage.Off); } }