public void CheckIn() { string lastVersion; NewFile currentFile = GetLastFile(); int id = GetUserId(); if (currentFile.Locked != null && currentFile.Locked != id) { MessageBox.Show("This file is check out from user another and cannot check in execute!"); } else { bool isSame = this.textFile.Text != this.GetLastFile().File1; string lastFileContent = this.GetLastFile().File1; NewFile newFile = new NewFile() { File1 = (lastFileContent == null || isSame) ? textFile.Text : lastFileContent, Comment = textBoxComments.Text, SaveDirectory = savePath }; this.files.Add(newFile); this.files.SaveChanges(); try { lastVersion = this.GetLatestVersion(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { NewFile lastFile = GetLastFile(); int userId = GetUserId(); FileVersion newVersion = new FileVersion() { Creator = userId, Date = DateTime.Now, FileId = lastFile.Id }; this.versions.Add(newVersion); this.versions.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Check_In Completed!"); } if (!IsEqual(this.GetLatestVersion(), this.GetLastFile().File1)) { NewFile lastFile = GetLastFile(); int userId = GetUserId(); FileVersion newVersion = new FileVersion() { Creator = userId, Date = DateTime.Now, FileId = lastFile.Id }; this.versions.Add(newVersion); this.versions.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Check_In Completed!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Current file is already exist in database and Check_In operation is'n possible!"); } this.textBoxComments.Clear(); this.buttonCheck_In.Enabled = false; } }
public void AddFileToVCS() { this.SaveFileInDirectory(textFile.Text); try { string lastFile = this.GetLastFile().File1; } catch (NullReferenceException) { NewFile newFile = new NewFile() { File1 = textFile.Text, Comment = textBoxComments.Text, SaveDirectory = savePath }; this.files.Add(newFile); this.files.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Add file to Version Control Systems is Completed!"); } if (!IsEqual(this.GetLastFile().File1, textFile.Text)) { NewFile newFile = new NewFile() { File1 = textFile.Text, Comment = textBoxComments.Text }; this.files.Add(newFile); this.files.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Add file to Version Control Systems is Completed!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("This file already added in Version Control Systems!"); } }