public void MapMeshDrawerUpdate_First() { CellRect visibleSections = this.VisibleSections; bool flag = false; CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = visibleSections.GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { IntVec3 current = iterator.Current; Section sect = this.sections[current.x, current.z]; if (this.TryUpdateSection(sect)) { flag = true; } iterator.MoveNext(); } if (!flag) { int num = 0; while (true) { int num2 = num; IntVec2 sectionCount = this.SectionCount; if (num2 < sectionCount.x) { int num3 = 0; while (true) { int num4 = num3; IntVec2 sectionCount2 = this.SectionCount; if (num4 < sectionCount2.z) { if (!this.TryUpdateSection(this.sections[num, num3])) { num3++; continue; } return; } break; } num++; continue; } break; } } }
public bool TryFindRandomInnerRect(IntVec2 size, out CellRect rect, Predicate <CellRect> predicate = null) { bool result; if (this.Width < size.x || this.Height < size.z) { rect = CellRect.Empty; result = false; } else if (size.x <= 0 || size.z <= 0 || this.IsEmpty) { rect = CellRect.Empty; result = false; } else { CellRect cellRect = this; cellRect.maxX -= size.x - 1; cellRect.maxZ -= size.z - 1; IntVec3 intVec; if (cellRect.Cells.Where(delegate(IntVec3 x) { bool result2; if (predicate == null) { result2 = true; } else { CellRect obj = new CellRect(x.x, x.z, size.x, size.z); result2 = predicate(obj); } return(result2); }).TryRandomElement(out intVec)) { rect = new CellRect(intVec.x, intVec.z, size.x, size.z); result = true; } else { rect = CellRect.Empty; result = false; } } return(result); }
private void AdjustWindowsIfResolutionChanged() { IntVec2 a = new IntVec2(UI.screenWidth, UI.screenHeight); if (a != this.prevResolution) { this.prevResolution = a; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].Notify_ResolutionChanged(); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { Find.ColonistBar.MarkColonistsDirty(); } } }
private void AdjustWindowsIfResolutionChanged() { IntVec2 a = new IntVec2(UI.screenWidth, UI.screenHeight); if (!UnityGUIBugsFixer.ResolutionsEqual(a, prevResolution)) { prevResolution = a; for (int i = 0; i < windows.Count; i++) { windows[i].Notify_ResolutionChanged(); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { Find.ColonistBar.MarkColonistsDirty(); } } }
public void RegenerateEverythingNow() { if (this.sections == null) { IntVec2 sectionCount = this.SectionCount; int x = sectionCount.x; IntVec2 sectionCount2 = this.SectionCount; this.sections = new Section[x, sectionCount2.z]; } int num = 0; while (true) { int num2 = num; IntVec2 sectionCount3 = this.SectionCount; if (num2 < sectionCount3.x) { int num3 = 0; while (true) { int num4 = num3; IntVec2 sectionCount4 = this.SectionCount; if (num4 < sectionCount4.z) { if (this.sections[num, num3] == null) { Section[,] array = this.sections; int num5 = num; int num6 = num3; Section section = new Section(new IntVec3(num, 0, num3),; array[num5, num6] = section; } this.sections[num, num3].RegenerateAllLayers(); num3++; continue; } break; } num++; continue; } break; } }
public static void AdjustForRotation(ref IntVec3 center, ref IntVec2 size, Rot4 rot) { if (size.x == 1 && size.z == 1) { return; } if (rot.IsHorizontal) { int x = size.x; size.x = size.z; size.z = x; } switch (rot.AsInt) { case 0: break; case 1: if (size.z % 2 == 0) { center.z--; } break; case 2: if (size.x % 2 == 0) { center.x--; } if (size.z % 2 == 0) { center.z--; } break; case 3: if (size.x % 2 == 0) { center.x--; } break; } }
public void RegenerateEverythingNow() { if (sections == null) { IntVec2 sectionCount = SectionCount; int x = sectionCount.x; IntVec2 sectionCount2 = SectionCount; sections = new Section[x, sectionCount2.z]; } int num = 0; while (true) { int num2 = num; IntVec2 sectionCount3 = SectionCount; if (num2 >= sectionCount3.x) { break; } int num3 = 0; while (true) { int num4 = num3; IntVec2 sectionCount4 = SectionCount; if (num4 >= sectionCount4.z) { break; } if (sections[num, num3] == null) { Section[,] array = sections; int num5 = num; int num6 = num3; Section section = new Section(new IntVec3(num, 0, num3), map); array[num5, num6] = section; } sections[num, num3].RegenerateAllLayers(); num3++; } num++; } }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> CellsAdjacent8WayAndInside(this Thing thing) { IntVec3 center = thing.Position; IntVec2 size = thing.def.size; Rot4 rotation = thing.Rotation; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rotation); int minX = center.x - (size.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int minZ = center.z - (size.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxX = minX + size.x + 1; int maxZ = minZ + size.z + 1; for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++) { for (int j = minZ; j <= maxZ; j++) { yield return(new IntVec3(i, 0, j)); } } }
public void MapMeshDirty(IntVec3 loc, MapMeshFlag dirtyFlags, bool regenAdjacentCells, bool regenAdjacentSections) { if (Current.ProgramState != ProgramState.Playing) { return; } Section section = this.SectionAt(loc); section.dirtyFlags |= dirtyFlags; if (regenAdjacentCells) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = loc + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[i]; if (intVec.InBounds( { this.SectionAt(intVec).dirtyFlags |= dirtyFlags; } } } if (regenAdjacentSections) { IntVec2 a = this.SectionCoordsAt(loc); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { IntVec3 intVec2 = GenAdj.AdjacentCells[j]; IntVec2 intVec3 = a + new IntVec2(intVec2.x, intVec2.z); IntVec2 sectionCount = this.SectionCount; if (intVec3.x >= 0 && intVec3.z >= 0 && intVec3.x <= sectionCount.x - 1 && intVec3.z <= sectionCount.z - 1) { Section section2 = this.sections[intVec3.x, intVec3.z]; section2.dirtyFlags |= dirtyFlags; } } } }
public static IntVec2 ParseIntVec2(string str) { return(IntVec2.FromString(str)); }
public static bool ResolutionsEqual(IntVec2 a, IntVec2 b) { return(a == b); }
public static Rot4 FromIntVec2(IntVec2 offset) { return(Rot4.FromIntVec3(offset.ToIntVec3)); }
public CellRect MovedBy(IntVec2 offset) { return(MovedBy(offset.ToIntVec3)); }
public Section SectionAt(IntVec3 loc) { IntVec2 intVec = this.SectionCoordsAt(loc); return(this.sections[intVec.x, intVec.z]); }
public static IntVec3 InteractionCellWhenAt(ThingDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, Map map) { if (def.hasInteractionCell) { IntVec3 b = def.interactionCellOffset.RotatedBy(rot); return(center + b); } IntVec2 size = def.Size; if (size.x == 1) { IntVec2 size2 = def.Size; if (size2.z == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = center + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[i]; if (intVec.Standable(map) && intVec.GetDoor(map) == null && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(intVec, center, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(intVec); } } for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { IntVec3 intVec2 = center + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[j]; if (intVec2.Standable(map) && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(intVec2, center, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(intVec2); } } for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { IntVec3 intVec3 = center + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[k]; if (intVec3.Walkable(map) && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(intVec3, center, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(intVec3); } } return(center); } } List <IntVec3> list = GenAdjFast.AdjacentCells8Way(center, rot, def.size); CellRect rect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(center, rot, def.size); for (int l = 0; l < list.Count; l++) { if (list[l].Standable(map) && list[l].GetDoor(map) == null && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(list[l], rect, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(list[l]); } } for (int m = 0; m < list.Count; m++) { if (list[m].Standable(map) && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(list[m], rect, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(list[m]); } } for (int n = 0; n < list.Count; n++) { if (list[n].Walkable(map) && ReachabilityImmediate.CanReachImmediate(list[n], rect, map, PathEndMode.Touch, null)) { return(list[n]); } } return(center); }
public Dialog_ResolutionConfirm(IntVec2 oldRes) : this() { this.oldFullscreen = Screen.fullScreen; this.oldRes = oldRes; this.oldUIScale = Prefs.UIScale; }
public static bool TryFindRandomAdjacentCell8WayWithRoomGroup(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size, Map map, out IntVec3 result) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); GenAdj.validCells.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 current in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(center, rot, size)) { if (current.InBounds(map) && current.GetRoomGroup(map) != null) { GenAdj.validCells.Add(current); } } return(GenAdj.validCells.TryRandomElement(out result)); }
public static bool TryFindRandomAdjacentCell8WayWithRoomGroup(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size, Map map, out IntVec3 result) { AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); validCells.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 item in CellsAdjacent8Way(center, rot, size)) { if (item.InBounds(map) && item.GetRoomGroup(map) != null) { validCells.Add(item); } } return(validCells.TryRandomElement(out result)); }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> CellsAdjacentAlongEdge(IntVec3 thingCent, Rot4 thingRot, IntVec2 thingSize, LinkDirections dir) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref thingCent, ref thingSize, thingRot); int minX = thingCent.x - (thingSize.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int minZ = thingCent.z - (thingSize.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxX = minX + thingSize.x + 1; int maxZ = minZ + thingSize.z + 1; if (dir == LinkDirections.Down) { for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { yield return(new IntVec3(x, thingCent.y, minZ - 1)); } } if (dir == LinkDirections.Up) { for (int x2 = minX; x2 <= maxX; x2++) { yield return(new IntVec3(x2, thingCent.y, maxZ + 1)); } } if (dir == LinkDirections.Left) { for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { yield return(new IntVec3(minX - 1, thingCent.y, z)); } } if (dir == LinkDirections.Right) { for (int z2 = minZ; z2 <= maxZ; z2++) { yield return(new IntVec3(maxX + 1, thingCent.y, z2)); } } }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> CellsAdjacentCardinal(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); int minX = center.x - (size.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxX = minX + size.x + 1; int minZ = center.z - (size.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxZ = minZ + size.z + 1; IntVec3 cur = new IntVec3(minX, 0, minZ); do { cur.x++; yield return(cur); }while (cur.x < maxX - 1); cur.x++; do { cur.z++; yield return(cur); }while (cur.z < maxZ - 1); cur.z++; do { cur.x--; yield return(cur); }while (cur.x > minX + 1); cur.x--; do { cur.z--; yield return(cur); }while (cur.z > minZ + 1); }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> CellsAdjacent8Way(IntVec3 thingCenter, Rot4 thingRot, IntVec2 thingSize) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref thingCenter, ref thingSize, thingRot); int minX = thingCenter.x - (thingSize.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxX = minX + thingSize.x + 1; int minZ = thingCenter.z - (thingSize.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int maxZ = minZ + thingSize.z + 1; IntVec3 cur = new IntVec3(minX - 1, 0, minZ); do { cur.x++; yield return(cur); }while (cur.x < maxX); do { cur.z++; yield return(cur); }while (cur.z < maxZ); do { cur.x--; yield return(cur); }while (cur.x > minX); do { cur.z--; yield return(cur); }while (cur.z > minZ + 1); }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> CellsOccupiedBy(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rotation, IntVec2 size) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rotation); int minX = center.x - (size.x - 1) / 2; int minZ = center.z - (size.z - 1) / 2; int maxX = minX + size.x - 1; int maxZ = minZ + size.z - 1; for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++) { for (int j = minZ; j <= maxZ; j++) { yield return(new IntVec3(i, 0, j)); } } }
public static List <IntVec3> AdjacentCells8Way(IntVec3 thingCenter, Rot4 thingRot, IntVec2 thingSize) { if (thingSize.x == 1 && thingSize.z == 1) { return(GenAdjFast.AdjacentCells8Way(thingCenter)); } if (GenAdjFast.working) { throw new InvalidOperationException("GenAdjFast is already working."); } GenAdjFast.resultList.Clear(); GenAdjFast.working = true; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref thingCenter, ref thingSize, thingRot); int num = thingCenter.x - (thingSize.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int num2 = num + thingSize.x + 1; int num3 = thingCenter.z - (thingSize.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int num4 = num3 + thingSize.z + 1; IntVec3 item = new IntVec3(num - 1, 0, num3); do { item.x++; GenAdjFast.resultList.Add(item); }while (item.x < num2); do { item.z++; GenAdjFast.resultList.Add(item); }while (item.z < num4); do { item.x--; GenAdjFast.resultList.Add(item); }while (item.x > num); do { item.z--; GenAdjFast.resultList.Add(item); }while (item.z > num3 + 1); GenAdjFast.working = false; return(GenAdjFast.resultList); }
public static bool AdjacentTo8WayOrInside(this IntVec3 root, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); int num = center.x - (size.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int num2 = center.z - (size.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int num3 = num + size.x + 1; int num4 = num2 + size.z + 1; return(root.x >= num && root.x <= num3 && root.z >= num2 && root.z <= num4); }
public Dialog_ResolutionConfirm(bool oldFullscreen) : this() { this.oldFullscreen = oldFullscreen; this.oldRes = new IntVec2(Screen.width, Screen.height); this.oldUIScale = Prefs.UIScale; }
public static CellRect OccupiedRect(IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); return(new CellRect(center.x - (size.x - 1) / 2, center.z - (size.z - 1) / 2, size.x, size.z)); }
public Dialog_ResolutionConfirm(float oldUIScale) : this() { this.oldFullscreen = Screen.fullScreen; this.oldRes = new IntVec2(Screen.width, Screen.height); this.oldUIScale = oldUIScale; }
public static object FromString(string str, Type itemType) { object result; try { itemType = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(itemType) ?? itemType); if (itemType == typeof(string)) { str = str.Replace("\\n", "\n"); result = str; } else if (itemType == typeof(int)) { result = int.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (itemType == typeof(float)) { result = float.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (itemType == typeof(bool)) { result = bool.Parse(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(long)) { result = long.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (itemType == typeof(double)) { result = double.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else if (itemType == typeof(sbyte)) { result = sbyte.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { if (itemType.IsEnum) { try { result = Enum.Parse(itemType, str); return(result); } catch (ArgumentException innerException) { string text = string.Concat(new object[] { "'", str, "' is not a valid value for ", itemType, ". Valid values are: \n" }); text += GenText.StringFromEnumerable(Enum.GetValues(itemType)); ArgumentException ex = new ArgumentException(text, innerException); throw ex; } } if (itemType == typeof(Type)) { if (str == "null" || str == "Null") { result = null; } else { Type typeInAnyAssembly = GenTypes.GetTypeInAnyAssembly(str); if (typeInAnyAssembly == null) { Log.Error("Could not find a type named " + str); } result = typeInAnyAssembly; } } else if (itemType == typeof(Action)) { string[] array = str.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string methodName = array[array.Length - 1]; string typeName = string.Empty; if (array.Length == 3) { typeName = array[0] + "." + array[1]; } else { typeName = array[0]; } Type typeInAnyAssembly2 = GenTypes.GetTypeInAnyAssembly(typeName); MethodInfo method = typeInAnyAssembly2.GetMethods().First((MethodInfo m) => m.Name == methodName); result = (Action)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), method); } else if (itemType == typeof(Vector3)) { result = ParseHelper.FromStringVector3(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(Vector2)) { result = ParseHelper.FromStringVector2(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(Rect)) { result = ParseHelper.FromStringRect(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(Color)) { str = str.TrimStart(new char[] { '(', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A' }); str = str.TrimEnd(new char[] { ')' }); string[] array2 = str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); float num = (float)ParseHelper.FromString(array2[0], typeof(float)); float num2 = (float)ParseHelper.FromString(array2[1], typeof(float)); float num3 = (float)ParseHelper.FromString(array2[2], typeof(float)); bool flag = num > 1f || num3 > 1f || num2 > 1f; float num4 = (float)((!flag) ? 1 : 255); if (array2.Length == 4) { num4 = (float)ParseHelper.FromString(array2[3], typeof(float)); } Color color; if (!flag) { color.r = num; color.g = num2; color.b = num3; color.a = num4; } else { color = GenColor.FromBytes(Mathf.RoundToInt(num), Mathf.RoundToInt(num2), Mathf.RoundToInt(num3), Mathf.RoundToInt(num4)); } result = color; } else if (itemType == typeof(PublishedFileId_t)) { result = new PublishedFileId_t(ulong.Parse(str)); } else if (itemType == typeof(IntVec2)) { result = IntVec2.FromString(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(IntVec3)) { result = IntVec3.FromString(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(Rot4)) { result = Rot4.FromString(str); } else if (itemType == typeof(CellRect)) { result = CellRect.FromString(str); } else { if (itemType != typeof(CurvePoint)) { if (itemType == typeof(NameTriple)) { NameTriple nameTriple = NameTriple.FromString(str); nameTriple.ResolveMissingPieces(null); } else { if (itemType == typeof(FloatRange)) { result = FloatRange.FromString(str); return(result); } if (itemType == typeof(IntRange)) { result = IntRange.FromString(str); return(result); } if (itemType == typeof(QualityRange)) { result = QualityRange.FromString(str); return(result); } if (itemType == typeof(ColorInt)) { str = str.TrimStart(new char[] { '(', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A' }); str = str.TrimEnd(new char[] { ')' }); string[] array3 = str.Split(new char[] { ',' }); ColorInt colorInt = new ColorInt(255, 255, 255, 255); colorInt.r = (int)ParseHelper.FromString(array3[0], typeof(int)); colorInt.g = (int)ParseHelper.FromString(array3[1], typeof(int)); colorInt.b = (int)ParseHelper.FromString(array3[2], typeof(int)); if (array3.Length == 4) { colorInt.a = (int)ParseHelper.FromString(array3[3], typeof(int)); } else { colorInt.a = 255; } result = colorInt; return(result); } } throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new string[] { "Trying to parse to unknown data type ", itemType.Name, ". Content is '", str, "'." })); } result = CurvePoint.FromString(str); } } } catch (Exception innerException2) { ArgumentException ex2 = new ArgumentException(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception parsing ", itemType, " from \"", str, "\"" }), innerException2); throw ex2; } return(result); }
public static object FromString(string str, Type itemType) { try { itemType = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(itemType) ?? itemType); if (itemType == typeof(string)) { str = str.Replace("\\n", "\n"); return(str); } if (itemType == typeof(int)) { return(ParseIntPermissive(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(float)) { return(float.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (itemType == typeof(bool)) { return(bool.Parse(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(long)) { return(long.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (itemType == typeof(double)) { return(double.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (itemType == typeof(sbyte)) { return(sbyte.Parse(str, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (itemType.IsEnum) { try { object obj = BackCompatibility.BackCompatibleEnum(itemType, str); if (obj != null) { return(obj); } return(Enum.Parse(itemType, str)); } catch (ArgumentException innerException) { string str2 = "'" + str + "' is not a valid value for " + itemType + ". Valid values are: \n"; str2 += GenText.StringFromEnumerable(Enum.GetValues(itemType)); ArgumentException ex = new ArgumentException(str2, innerException); throw ex; } } if (itemType == typeof(Type)) { if (str == "null" || str == "Null") { return(null); } Type typeInAnyAssembly = GenTypes.GetTypeInAnyAssembly(str); if (typeInAnyAssembly == null) { Log.Error("Could not find a type named " + str); } return(typeInAnyAssembly); } if (itemType == typeof(Action)) { string[] array = str.Split('.'); string methodName = array[array.Length - 1]; string empty = string.Empty; empty = ((array.Length != 3) ? array[0] : (array[0] + "." + array[1])); Type typeInAnyAssembly2 = GenTypes.GetTypeInAnyAssembly(empty); MethodInfo method = typeInAnyAssembly2.GetMethods().First((MethodInfo m) => m.Name == methodName); return((Action)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), method)); } if (itemType == typeof(Vector3)) { return(FromStringVector3(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(Vector2)) { return(FromStringVector2(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(Rect)) { return(FromStringRect(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(Color)) { str = str.TrimStart('(', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A'); str = str.TrimEnd(')'); string[] array2 = str.Split(','); float num = (float)FromString(array2[0], typeof(float)); float num2 = (float)FromString(array2[1], typeof(float)); float num3 = (float)FromString(array2[2], typeof(float)); bool flag = num > 1f || num3 > 1f || num2 > 1f; float num4 = (float)((!flag) ? 1 : 255); if (array2.Length == 4) { num4 = (float)FromString(array2[3], typeof(float)); } Color color = default(Color); if (!flag) { color.r = num; color.g = num2; color.b = num3; color.a = num4; } else { color = GenColor.FromBytes(Mathf.RoundToInt(num), Mathf.RoundToInt(num2), Mathf.RoundToInt(num3), Mathf.RoundToInt(num4)); } return(color); } if (itemType == typeof(PublishedFileId_t)) { return(new PublishedFileId_t(ulong.Parse(str))); } if (itemType == typeof(IntVec2)) { return(IntVec2.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(IntVec3)) { return(IntVec3.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(Rot4)) { return(Rot4.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(CellRect)) { return(CellRect.FromString(str)); } if (itemType != typeof(CurvePoint)) { if (itemType == typeof(NameTriple)) { NameTriple nameTriple = NameTriple.FromString(str); nameTriple.ResolveMissingPieces(); } else { if (itemType == typeof(FloatRange)) { return(FloatRange.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(IntRange)) { return(IntRange.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(QualityRange)) { return(QualityRange.FromString(str)); } if (itemType == typeof(ColorInt)) { str = str.TrimStart('(', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A'); str = str.TrimEnd(')'); string[] array3 = str.Split(','); ColorInt colorInt = new ColorInt(255, 255, 255, 255); colorInt.r = (int)FromString(array3[0], typeof(int)); colorInt.g = (int)FromString(array3[1], typeof(int)); colorInt.b = (int)FromString(array3[2], typeof(int)); if (array3.Length == 4) { colorInt.a = (int)FromString(array3[3], typeof(int)); } else { colorInt.a = 255; } return(colorInt); } } throw new ArgumentException("Trying to parse to unknown data type " + itemType.Name + ". Content is '" + str + "'."); } return(CurvePoint.FromString(str)); } catch (Exception innerException2) { ArgumentException ex2 = new ArgumentException("Exception parsing " + itemType + " from \"" + str + "\"", innerException2); throw ex2; } }
public static Vector3 TrueCenter(IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rotation, IntVec2 thingSize, float altitude) { Vector3 result = loc.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altitude); if (thingSize.x != 1 || thingSize.z != 1) { if (rotation.IsHorizontal) { int x = thingSize.x; thingSize.x = thingSize.z; thingSize.z = x; } switch (rotation.AsInt) { case 0: if (thingSize.x % 2 == 0) { result.x += 0.5f; } if (thingSize.z % 2 == 0) { result.z += 0.5f; } break; case 1: if (thingSize.x % 2 == 0) { result.x += 0.5f; } if (thingSize.z % 2 == 0) { result.z -= 0.5f; } break; case 2: if (thingSize.x % 2 == 0) { result.x -= 0.5f; } if (thingSize.z % 2 == 0) { result.z -= 0.5f; } break; case 3: if (thingSize.x % 2 == 0) { result.x -= 0.5f; } if (thingSize.z % 2 == 0) { result.z += 0.5f; } break; } } return(result); }