예제 #1
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            this.data = req.graphicData;
            if (req.path.NullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("folderPath");
            if (req.shader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shader");
            this.path     = req.path;
            this.color    = req.color;
            this.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            List <Texture2D> list = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder(req.path)
                                     where !x.name.EndsWith(Graphic_Single.MaskSuffix)
                                     orderby x.name
                                     select x).ToList <Texture2D>();

            if (list.NullOrEmpty <Texture2D>())
                Log.Error("Collection cannot init: No textures found at path " + req.path);
                this.subGraphics = new Graphic[]
            this.subGraphics = new Graphic[list.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                string path = req.path + "/" + list[i].name;
                this.subGraphics[i] = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Single>(path, req.shader, this.drawSize, this.color);
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            base.data     = req.graphicData;
            base.path     = req.path;
            base.color    = req.color;
            base.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            List <StuffAppearanceDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <StuffAppearanceDef> .AllDefsListForReading;

            this.subGraphics = new Graphic[allDefsListForReading.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.subGraphics.Length; i++)
                StuffAppearanceDef stuffAppearance = allDefsListForReading[i];
                string             text            = req.path;
                if (!stuffAppearance.pathPrefix.NullOrEmpty())
                    text = stuffAppearance.pathPrefix + "/" + text.Split('/').Last();
                Texture2D texture2D = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder(text)
                                       where x.name.EndsWith(stuffAppearance.defName)
                                       select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if ((Object)texture2D != (Object)null)
                    this.subGraphics[i] = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Single>(text + "/" + texture2D.name, req.shader, base.drawSize, base.color);
            for (int j = 0; j < this.subGraphics.Length; j++)
                if (this.subGraphics[j] == null)
                    this.subGraphics[j] = this.subGraphics[StuffAppearanceDefOf.Smooth.index];
예제 #3
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            this.data     = req.graphicData;
            this.path     = req.path;
            this.color    = req.color;
            this.colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            this.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            Texture2D[] array = new Texture2D[3];
            array[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_back", false);

            if (array[0] == null)
                Log.Error("Failed to find any texture while constructing " + this.ToString());
            array[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_side", false);

            if (array[1] == null)
                array[1] = array[0];
            array[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_front", false);

            if (array[2] == null)
                array[2] = array[0];
            Texture2D[] array2 = new Texture2D[3];
            if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                array2[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_backm", false);

                if (array2[0] != null)
                    array2[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_sidem", false);

                    if (array2[1] == null)
                        array2[1] = array2[0];
                    array2[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_frontm", false);

                    if (array2[2] == null)
                        array2[2] = array2[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest);
                req2.mainTex  = array[i];
                req2.shader   = req.shader;
                req2.color    = this.color;
                req2.colorTwo = this.colorTwo;
                req2.maskTex  = array2[i];
                this.mats[i]  = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);
예제 #4
        public static Graphic Get(Type graphicClass, string path, Shader shader, Vector2 drawSize, Color color, Color colorTwo, GraphicData data)
            GraphicRequest graphicRequest = new GraphicRequest(graphicClass, path, shader, drawSize, color, colorTwo, data, 0);

            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Single))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Single>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Terrain))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Terrain>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Multi))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Multi>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Mote))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Mote>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Random))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Random>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Flicker))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Flicker>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_Appearances))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_Appearances>(graphicRequest));
            if (graphicRequest.graphicClass == typeof(Graphic_StackCount))
                return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <Graphic_StackCount>(graphicRequest));
                return((Graphic)GenGeneric.InvokeStaticGenericMethod(typeof(GraphicDatabase), graphicRequest.graphicClass, "GetInner", new object[]
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[]
                    "Exception getting ",
                    " at ",
                    ": ",
예제 #5
 private static T GetInner <T>(GraphicRequest req) where T : Graphic, new()
     if (!allGraphics.TryGetValue(req, out Graphic value))
         value = new T();
         allGraphics.Add(req, value);
예제 #6
 private static T GetInner <T>(GraphicRequest req) where T : Graphic, new()
     req.color    = (Color32)req.color;
     req.colorTwo = (Color32)req.colorTwo;
     if (!allGraphics.TryGetValue(req, out var value))
         value = new T();
         allGraphics.Add(req, value);
예제 #7
        private static T GetInner <T>(GraphicRequest req) where T : Graphic, new()
            Graphic graphic = default(Graphic);

            if (!GraphicDatabase.allGraphics.TryGetValue(req, out graphic))
                graphic = (Graphic)(object)new T();
                GraphicDatabase.allGraphics.Add(req, graphic);
예제 #8
        private static T GetInner <T>(GraphicRequest req) where T : Graphic, new()
            Graphic graphic;

            if (!GraphicDatabase.allGraphics.TryGetValue(req, out graphic))
                graphic = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();
                GraphicDatabase.allGraphics.Add(req, graphic);
예제 #9
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            this.data     = req.graphicData;
            this.path     = req.path;
            this.color    = req.color;
            this.colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            this.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest);

            req2.mainTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path, true);

            req2.shader      = req.shader;
            req2.color       = this.color;
            req2.colorTwo    = this.colorTwo;
            req2.renderQueue = req.renderQueue;
            if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                req2.maskTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + Graphic_Single.MaskSuffix, false);
            this.mat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);
예제 #10
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            data = req.graphicData;
            if (req.path.NullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("folderPath");
            if (req.shader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shader");
            base.path = req.path;
            color     = req.color;
            colorTwo  = req.colorTwo;
            drawSize  = req.drawSize;
            List <Texture2D> list = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder(req.path)
                                     where !x.name.EndsWith(Graphic_Single.MaskSuffix)
                                     orderby x.name
                                     select x).ToList();

            if (list.NullOrEmpty())
                list = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder("World/Hills") orderby x.name select x).ToList();
                //.Error("Collection cannot init: No textures found at path " + req.path);
                //Log.Message("Use Default Texure");

                subGraphics = new Graphic[1]
            subGraphics = new Graphic[list.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                string path = req.path + "/" + list[i].name;
                subGraphics[i] = GraphicDatabase.Get(typeof(Graphic_Single), path, req.shader, drawSize, color, colorTwo, null, req.shaderParameters);
예제 #11
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            data     = req.graphicData;
            path     = req.path;
            color    = req.color;
            drawSize = req.drawSize;
            List <StuffAppearanceDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <StuffAppearanceDef> .AllDefsListForReading;

            subGraphics = new Graphic[allDefsListForReading.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < subGraphics.Length; i++)
                StuffAppearanceDef stuffAppearance = allDefsListForReading[i];
                string             text            = req.path;
                if (!stuffAppearance.pathPrefix.NullOrEmpty())
                    text = stuffAppearance.pathPrefix + "/" + text.Split('/').Last();

                Texture2D texture2D = (from x in ContentFinder <Texture2D> .GetAllInFolder(text)
                                       where x.name.EndsWith(stuffAppearance.defName)
                                       select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (texture2D != null)
                    subGraphics[i] = GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Single>(text + "/" + texture2D.name, req.shader, drawSize, color);
                    texture2D = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/World/MouseTile");
                    // Debug.Log(">>>>>>" + text + ">>>>>>" + stuffAppearance.defName);
            for (int j = 0; j < subGraphics.Length; j++)
                if (subGraphics[j] == null)
                    subGraphics[j] = subGraphics[StuffAppearanceDefOf.Smooth.index];
예제 #12
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            data     = req.graphicData;
            path     = req.path;
            color    = req.color;
            colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            drawSize = req.drawSize;
            MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest);

            req2.mainTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path);

            req2.shader           = req.shader;
            req2.color            = color;
            req2.colorTwo         = colorTwo;
            req2.renderQueue      = req.renderQueue;
            req2.shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters;
            if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                req2.maskTex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + MaskSuffix, reportFailure : false);
            mat = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);
예제 #13
        public static Graphic Get <T>(string path, Shader shader, Vector2 drawSize, Color color, Color colorTwo) where T : Graphic, new()
            GraphicRequest req = new GraphicRequest(typeof(T), path, shader, drawSize, color, colorTwo, null, 0, null);

            return(GetInner <T>(req));
예제 #14
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            this.data     = req.graphicData;
            this.path     = req.path;
            this.color    = req.color;
            this.colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            this.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            Texture2D[] array = new Texture2D[this.mats.Length];
            array[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_north", false);

            if (array[0] == null)
                Log.Error("Failed to find any texture while constructing " + this.ToString() + ". Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.", false);
                array[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_east", false);

                if (array[1] == null)
                    array[1] = array[0];
                array[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_south", false);

                if (array[2] == null)
                    array[2] = array[0];
                array[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_west", false);

                if (array[3] == null)
                    array[3]         = array[1];
                    this.westFlipped = base.WestFlipped;
                Texture2D[] array2 = new Texture2D[this.mats.Length];
                if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                    array2[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_northm", false);

                    if (array2[0] != null)
                        array2[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_eastm", false);

                        if (array2[1] == null)
                            array2[1] = array2[0];
                        array2[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_southm", false);

                        if (array2[2] == null)
                            array2[2] = array2[0];
                        array2[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_westm", false);

                        if (array2[3] == null)
                            array2[3] = array2[1];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.mats.Length; i++)
                    MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest);
                    req2.mainTex          = array[i];
                    req2.shader           = req.shader;
                    req2.color            = this.color;
                    req2.colorTwo         = this.colorTwo;
                    req2.maskTex          = array2[i];
                    req2.shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters;
                    this.mats[i]          = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);
예제 #15
 public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
예제 #16
 public virtual void Init(GraphicRequest req)
     Log.ErrorOnce("Cannot init Graphic of class " + base.GetType().ToString(), 658928);
예제 #17
        public static Graphic Get <T>(string path, Shader shader) where T : Graphic, new()
            GraphicRequest req = new GraphicRequest(typeof(T), path, shader, Vector2.one, Color.white, Color.white, null, 0);

            return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <T>(req));
예제 #18
        public static Graphic Get <T>(string path, Shader shader, Vector2 drawSize, Color color, Color colorTwo, GraphicData data) where T : Graphic, new()
            GraphicRequest req = new GraphicRequest(typeof(T), path, shader, drawSize, color, colorTwo, data, 0);

            return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <T>(req));
예제 #19
        public static Graphic Get <T>(string path, Shader shader, Vector2 drawSize, Color color, int renderQueue) where T : Graphic, new()
            GraphicRequest req = new GraphicRequest(typeof(T), path, shader, drawSize, color, Color.white, null, renderQueue);

            return(GraphicDatabase.GetInner <T>(req));
예제 #20
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            data     = req.graphicData;
            path     = req.path;
            color    = req.color;
            colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            drawSize = req.drawSize;
            Texture2D[] array = new Texture2D[mats.Length];
            array[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_north", reportFailure : false);

            array[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_east", reportFailure : false);

            array[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_south", reportFailure : false);

            array[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_west", reportFailure : false);

            if (array[0] == null)
                if (array[2] != null)
                    array[0] = array[2];
                    drawRotatedExtraAngleOffset = 180f;
                else if (array[1] != null)
                    array[0] = array[1];
                    drawRotatedExtraAngleOffset = -90f;
                else if (array[3] != null)
                    array[0] = array[3];
                    drawRotatedExtraAngleOffset = 90f;
                    array[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path, reportFailure : false);
            if (array[0] == null)
                Log.Error("Failed to find any textures at " + req.path + " while constructing " + this.ToStringSafe());
            if (array[2] == null)
                array[2] = array[0];
            if (array[1] == null)
                if (array[3] != null)
                    array[1]    = array[3];
                    eastFlipped = base.DataAllowsFlip;
                    array[1] = array[0];
            if (array[3] == null)
                if (array[1] != null)
                    array[3]    = array[1];
                    westFlipped = base.DataAllowsFlip;
                    array[3] = array[0];
            Texture2D[] array2 = new Texture2D[mats.Length];
            if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                array2[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_northm", reportFailure : false);

                array2[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_eastm", reportFailure : false);

                array2[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_southm", reportFailure : false);

                array2[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_westm", reportFailure : false);

                if (array2[0] == null)
                    if (array2[2] != null)
                        array2[0] = array2[2];
                    else if (array2[1] != null)
                        array2[0] = array2[1];
                    else if (array2[3] != null)
                        array2[0] = array2[3];
                if (array2[2] == null)
                    array2[2] = array2[0];
                if (array2[1] == null)
                    if (array2[3] != null)
                        array2[1] = array2[3];
                        array2[1] = array2[0];
                if (array2[3] == null)
                    if (array2[1] != null)
                        array2[3] = array2[1];
                        array2[3] = array2[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++)
                MaterialRequest req2 = default(MaterialRequest);
                req2.mainTex          = array[i];
                req2.shader           = req.shader;
                req2.color            = color;
                req2.colorTwo         = colorTwo;
                req2.maskTex          = array2[i];
                req2.shaderParameters = req.shaderParameters;
                mats[i] = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);
예제 #21
        public override void Init(GraphicRequest req)
            this.data     = req.graphicData;
            this.path     = req.path;
            this.color    = req.color;
            this.colorTwo = req.colorTwo;
            this.drawSize = req.drawSize;
            Texture2D[] array = new Texture2D[4];
            array[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_north", false);

            if (array[0] == null)
                Log.Error("Failed to find any texture while constructing " + this);
            array[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_east", false);

            if (array[1] == null)
                array[1] = array[0];
            array[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_south", false);

            if (array[2] == null)
                array[2] = array[0];
            array[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_west", false);

            if (array[3] == null)
                array[3] = array[1];

            Texture2D[] array2 = new Texture2D[4];
            if (req.shader.SupportsMaskTex())
                array2[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_northm", false);

                if (array2[0] == null)
                    array2[0] = FaceTextures.RedTexture;
                array2[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_eastm", false);

                if (array2[1] == null)
                    array2[1] = FaceTextures.RedTexture;
                array2[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_southm", false);

                if (array2[2] == null)
                    array2[2] = FaceTextures.RedTexture;
                array2[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(req.path + "_westm", false);

                if (array2[3] == null)
                    array2[3] = FaceTextures.RedTexture;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                MaterialRequest req2 = default;
                req2.mainTex  = array[i];
                req2.shader   = req.shader;
                req2.color    = this.color;
                req2.colorTwo = this.colorTwo;
                req2.maskTex  = array2[i];
                this.mats[i]  = MaterialPool.MatFrom(req2);