private static void CheckGlobalInit() { if (!Root.globalInitDone) { UnityDataInitializer.CopyUnityData(); SteamManager.InitIfNeeded(); string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (commandLineArgs != null && commandLineArgs.Length > 1) { Log.Message("Command line arguments: " + GenText.ToSpaceList(commandLineArgs.Skip(1)), false); } VersionControl.LogVersionNumber(); Application.targetFrameRate = 60; Prefs.Init(); if (Prefs.DevMode) { StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.ReportProbablyMissingAttributes(); } if (Root.< > f__mg$cache0 == null) { Root.< > f__mg$cache0 = new Action(StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll); } LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(Root.< > f__mg$cache0, null, false, null); Root.globalInitDone = true; } }
private static void GiveShortHash(Def def, Type defType) { if (def.shortHash != 0) { Log.Error(string.Concat(def, " already has short hash.")); return; } if (!takenHashesPerDeftype.TryGetValue(defType, out var value)) { value = new HashSet <ushort>(); takenHashesPerDeftype.Add(defType, value); } ushort num = (ushort)(GenText.StableStringHash(def.defName) % 65535); int num2 = 0; while (num == 0 || value.Contains(num)) { num = (ushort)(num + 1); num2++; if (num2 > 5000) { Log.Message("Short hashes are saturated. There are probably too many Defs."); } } def.shortHash = num; value.Add(num); }
private static void CheckGlobalInit() { if (!Root.globalInitDone) { CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; if (currentCulture.Name != "en-US") { Log.Warning("Unexpected culture: " + currentCulture + ". Resetting to en-US."); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); } SteamManager.InitIfNeeded(); string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (commandLineArgs != null && commandLineArgs.Length > 1) { Log.Message("Command line arguments: " + GenText.ToSpaceList(commandLineArgs.Skip(1))); } UnityData.CopyUnityData(); VersionControl.LogVersionNumber(); Application.targetFrameRate = 60; Prefs.Init(); if (Prefs.DevMode) { StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.ReportProbablyMissingAttributes(); } LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll, null, false, null); Root.globalInitDone = true; } }
public Dialog_DebugOutputMenu() { forcePause = true; foreach (Type item in GenTypes.AllTypesWithAttribute <HasDebugOutputAttribute>()) { MethodInfo[] methods = item.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { if (mi.TryGetAttribute(out DebugOutputAttribute _)) { string label = GenText.SplitCamelCase(mi.Name); Action action = delegate { mi.Invoke(null, null); }; CategoryAttribute customAttribute2 = null; string category = (!mi.TryGetAttribute(out customAttribute2)) ? "General" :; debugOutputs.Add(new DebugOutputOption { label = label, category = category, action = action }); } } } debugOutputs = (from r in debugOutputs orderby r.category, r.label select r).ToList(); }
public static string SanitizeFilename(string str) { return(string.Join("_", str.Split(GenText.GetInvalidFilenameCharacters().ToArray <char>(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).TrimEnd(new char[] { '.' })); }
private static void DoTableInternalApparel(ThingDef stuff) { IEnumerable <ThingDef> arg_1D1_0 = from d in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs where d.IsApparel && (stuff == null || (d.MadeFromStuff && stuff.stuffProps.CanMake(d))) select d; TableDataGetter <ThingDef>[] expr_2A = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef> [14]; expr_2A[0] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("defName", (ThingDef d) => d.defName); expr_2A[1] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("bodyParts", (ThingDef d) => GenText.ToSpaceList(from bp in d.apparel.bodyPartGroups select bp.defName)); expr_2A[2] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("layers", (ThingDef d) => GenText.ToSpaceList(from l in d.apparel.layers select l.ToString())); expr_2A[3] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("tags", (ThingDef d) => GenText.ToSpaceList(from t in d.apparel.tags select t.ToString())); expr_2A[4] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("work", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.WorkToMake, stuff).ToString("F0")); expr_2A[5] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("mktval", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MarketValue, stuff).ToString("F0")); expr_2A[6] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("insCold", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Insulation_Cold, stuff).ToString("F1")); expr_2A[7] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("insHeat", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Insulation_Heat, stuff).ToString("F1")); expr_2A[8] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("blunt", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Blunt, stuff).ToString("F2")); expr_2A[9] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("sharp", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.ArmorRating_Sharp, stuff).ToString("F2")); expr_2A[10] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("SEMultArmor", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.StuffEffectMultiplierArmor, stuff).ToString("F2")); expr_2A[11] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("SEMultInsuCold", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Cold, stuff).ToString("F2")); expr_2A[12] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("SEMultInsuHeat", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Heat, stuff).ToString("F2")); expr_2A[13] = new TableDataGetter <ThingDef>("equipTime", (ThingDef d) => d.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.EquipDelay, stuff).ToString("F1")); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog <ThingDef>(arg_1D1_0, expr_2A); }
private static void GiveShortHash(Def def, Type defType) { if (def.shortHash != 0) { Log.Error(def + " already has short hash."); return; } HashSet <ushort> hashSet; if (!ShortHashGiver.takenHashesPerDeftype.TryGetValue(defType, out hashSet)) { hashSet = new HashSet <ushort>(); ShortHashGiver.takenHashesPerDeftype.Add(defType, hashSet); } ushort num = (ushort)(GenText.StableStringHash(def.defName) % 65535); int num2 = 0; while (num == 0 || hashSet.Contains(num)) { num += 1; num2++; if (num2 > 5000) { Log.Message("Short hashes are saturated. There are probably too many Defs."); } } def.shortHash = num; hashSet.Add(num); }
public static void LoadGameFromSaveFile(string fileName) { string str = GenText.ToCommaList(from mod in LoadedModManager.RunningMods select mod.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Loading game from file " + fileName + " with mods " + str); DeepProfiler.Start("Loading game from file " + fileName); Current.Game = new Game(); DeepProfiler.Start("InitLoading (read file)"); Scribe.loader.InitLoading(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(fileName)); DeepProfiler.End(); ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.LoadGameDataHeader(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Map, true); if (Scribe.EnterNode("game")) { Current.Game = new Game(); Current.Game.LoadGame(); PermadeathModeUtility.CheckUpdatePermadeathModeUniqueNameOnGameLoad(fileName); DeepProfiler.End(); } else { Log.Error("Could not find game XML node."); Scribe.ForceStop(); } }
private void GenerateCacheForMethod(MethodInfo method, DebugActionAttribute attribute) { if (attribute.IsAllowedInCurrentGameState) { string text = string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? GenText.SplitCamelCase(method.Name) :; if (attribute.actionType == DebugActionType.ToolMap || attribute.actionType == DebugActionType.ToolMapForPawns || attribute.actionType == DebugActionType.ToolWorld) { text = "T: " + text; } string category = attribute.category; DebugActionOption debugActionOption = default(DebugActionOption); debugActionOption.label = text; debugActionOption.category = category; debugActionOption.actionType = attribute.actionType; DebugActionOption item = debugActionOption; if (attribute.actionType == DebugActionType.ToolMapForPawns) { item.pawnAction = (Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <Pawn>), method) as Action <Pawn>); } else { item.action = (Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), method) as Action); } debugActions.Add(item); } }
public Dialog_DebugLogMenu() { base.forcePause = true; MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(DataAnalysisLogger).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing || !mi.HasAttribute <ModeRestrictionPlay>()) { string name = mi.Name; if (name.StartsWith("DoLog_")) { string title = GenText.SplitCamelCase(name.Substring(6)); Action action = delegate { mi.Invoke(null, null); }; string text = "Logs"; Category category = null; if (((MemberInfo)mi).TryGetAttribute <Category>(out category)) { text = text + " - " +; } this.dataAnalyzerLogs.Add(new ListItem { title = title, category = text, action = action }); } } } this.dataAnalyzerLogs.Sort((ListItem lhs, ListItem rhs) => lhs.category.CompareTo(rhs.category)); }
public static string WithoutVowelsIfLong(string s) { if (s.NullOrEmpty() || s.Length <= 5) { return(s); } return(s.Substring(0, 2) + GenText.WithoutVowels(s.Substring(2))); }
public override string ToString() { string text = GenText.ToCommaList(from r in this.regions where r != null select, true); string text2 = "span=" + this.span.ToString() + " hash=" + this.UniqueHashCode(); return("(" + text2 + ", regions=" + text + ")"); }
public static IEnumerable <string> LinesFromFile(string filePath) { string rawText = GenFile.TextFromResourceFile(filePath); foreach (string line in GenText.LinesFromString(rawText)) { yield return(line); } }
public static IEnumerable <string> LinesFromFile(string filePath) { string text = TextFromResourceFile(filePath); foreach (string item in GenText.LinesFromString(text)) { yield return(item); } }
public static bool IsValidFilename(string str) { if (str.Length > 40) { return(false); } Regex regex = new Regex("[" + Regex.Escape(GenText.GetInvalidFilenameCharacters()) + "]"); return(!regex.IsMatch(str)); }
public override void ResolveReferences() { this.thinkRoot.ResolveSubnodesAndRecur(); foreach (ThinkNode current in this.thinkRoot.ThisAndChildrenRecursive) { current.ResolveReferences(); } ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.AssignKeys(this.thinkRoot, GenText.StableStringHash(this.defName)); this.ResolveParentNodes(this.thinkRoot); }
private static void SetupForQuickTestPlay() { Current.ProgramState = ProgramState.Entry; Current.Game = new Game(); Current.Game.InitData = new GameInitData(); Current.Game.Scenario = ScenarioDefOf.Crashlanded.scenario; Find.Scenario.PreConfigure(); Current.Game.storyteller = new Storyteller(StorytellerDefOf.Cassandra, DifficultyDefOf.Rough); Current.Game.World = WorldGenerator.GenerateWorld(0.05f, GenText.RandomSeedString(), OverallRainfall.Normal, OverallTemperature.Normal, OverallPopulation.Normal); Find.GameInitData.ChooseRandomStartingTile(); Find.GameInitData.mapSize = 150; Find.GameInitData.PrepForMapGen(); Find.Scenario.PreMapGenerate(); }
private void DoField(FieldInfo fi) { if (!fi.IsLiteral) { string label = GenText.SplitCamelCase(fi.Name).CapitalizeFirst(); bool checkOn = (bool)fi.GetValue(null); bool flag = checkOn; CheckboxLabeledDebug(label, ref checkOn); if (checkOn != flag) { fi.SetValue(null, checkOn); fi.DeclaringType.GetMethod(fi.Name + "Toggled", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)?.Invoke(null, null); } } }
private static int NextUnusedKeyFor(ThinkNode node) { int num = 0; while (node != null) { num = Gen.HashCombineInt(num, GenText.StableStringHash(node.GetType().Name)); node = node.parent; } while (ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.assignedKeys.Contains(num)) { num ^= Rand.Int; } ThinkTreeKeyAssigner.assignedKeys.Add(num); return(num); }
private void LoadFromFile_Strings(FileInfo file, DirectoryInfo stringsTopDir) { string text; try { text = GenFile.TextFromRawFile(file.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { this.loadErrors.Add(string.Concat(new object[] { "Exception loading from strings file ", file, ": ", ex })); return; } string text2 = file.FullName; if (stringsTopDir != null) { text2 = text2.Substring(stringsTopDir.FullName.Length + 1); } text2 = text2.Substring(0, text2.Length - Path.GetExtension(text2).Length); text2 = text2.Replace('\\', '/'); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (string current in GenText.LinesFromString(text)) { list.Add(current); } List <string> list2; if (this.stringFiles.TryGetValue(text2, out list2)) { foreach (string current2 in list) { list2.Add(current2); } } else { this.stringFiles.Add(text2, list); } }
protected override void DoListingItems() { string b = null; foreach (ListItem dataAnalyzerLog in this.dataAnalyzerLogs) { ListItem current = dataAnalyzerLog; if (current.category != b) { base.DoLabel(current.category); b = current.category; } base.DebugAction(current.title, current.action); } base.DoGap(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; base.DoLabel("Tables"); MethodInfo[] methods = typeof(DataAnalysisTableMaker).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods) { string name = mi.Name; if (name.StartsWith("DoTable_")) { base.DebugAction(GenText.SplitCamelCase(name.Substring(8)), delegate { mi.Invoke(null, null); }); } } base.DoGap(); base.DoLabel("UI"); base.DebugAction("Pawn column", delegate { List <DebugMenuOption> list = new List <DebugMenuOption>(); List <PawnColumnDef> allDefsListForReading = DefDatabase <PawnColumnDef> .AllDefsListForReading; for (int j = 0; j < allDefsListForReading.Count; j++) { PawnColumnDef localDef = allDefsListForReading[j]; list.Add(new DebugMenuOption(localDef.defName, DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_PawnTableTest(localDef)); })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(list)); }); }
private static void DrawLongEventWindowContents(Rect rect) { if (LongEventHandler.currentEvent != null) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { LongEventHandler.currentEvent.alreadyDisplayed = true; } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; float num = 0f; if (LongEventHandler.levelLoadOp != null) { float f = 1f; if (!LongEventHandler.levelLoadOp.isDone) { f = LongEventHandler.levelLoadOp.progress; } string text = "LoadingAssets".Translate() + " " + f.ToStringPercent(); Vector2 vector = Text.CalcSize(text); num = vector.x; Widgets.Label(rect, text); } else { object currentEventTextLock = LongEventHandler.CurrentEventTextLock; Monitor.Enter(currentEventTextLock); try { Vector2 vector2 = Text.CalcSize(LongEventHandler.currentEvent.eventText); num = vector2.x; Widgets.Label(rect, LongEventHandler.currentEvent.eventText); } finally { Monitor.Exit(currentEventTextLock); } } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Vector2 center =; rect.xMin = (float)(center.x + num / 2.0); Widgets.Label(rect, LongEventHandler.currentEvent.UseAnimatedDots ? GenText.MarchingEllipsis(0f) : "..."); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } }
public static IEnumerable <string> LinesFromFile(string filePath) { string rawText = GenFile.TextFromResourceFile(filePath); using (IEnumerator <string> enumerator = GenText.LinesFromString(rawText).GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { string line = enumerator.Current; yield return(line); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } yield break; IL_00ca: /*Error near IL_00cb: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
private void DoField(FieldInfo fi) { if (!fi.IsLiteral) { string label = GenText.SplitCamelCase(fi.Name).CapitalizeFirst(); bool flag = (bool)fi.GetValue(null); bool flag2 = flag; base.CheckboxLabeledDebug(label, ref flag); if (flag != flag2) { fi.SetValue(null, flag); MethodInfo method = fi.DeclaringType.GetMethod(fi.Name + "Toggled", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); if (method != null) { method.Invoke(null, null); } } } }
private void GenerateCacheForMethod(MethodInfo method, DebugOutputAttribute attribute) { if (!attribute.onlyWhenPlaying || Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { string label = ?? GenText.SplitCamelCase(method.Name); Action action = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), method) as Action; string text = attribute.category; if (text == null) { text = "General"; } debugOutputs.Add(new DebugOutputOption { label = label, category = text, action = action }); } }
private void LoadFromFile_Strings(FileInfo file, DirectoryInfo stringsTopDir) { string text; try { text = GenFile.TextFromRawFile(file.FullName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Warning("Exception loading from strings file " + file + ": " + ex); return; } string text2 = file.FullName; if (stringsTopDir != null) { text2 = text2.Substring(stringsTopDir.FullName.Length + 1); } text2 = text2.Substring(0, text2.Length - Path.GetExtension(text2).Length); text2 = text2.Replace('\\', '/'); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (string item in GenText.LinesFromString(text)) { list.Add(item); } List <string> list2 = default(List <string>); if (this.stringFiles.TryGetValue(text2, out list2)) { foreach (string item2 in list) { list2.Add(item2); } } else { this.stringFiles.Add(text2, list); } }
private void DoField_NewTmp(FieldInfo fi, bool highlight) { if (fi.IsLiteral) { return; } string label = GenText.SplitCamelCase(fi.Name).CapitalizeFirst(); bool checkOn = (bool)fi.GetValue(null); bool flag = checkOn; CheckboxLabeledDebug_NewTmp(label, ref checkOn, highlight); if (checkOn != flag) { fi.SetValue(null, checkOn); MethodInfo method = fi.DeclaringType.GetMethod(fi.Name + "Toggled", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public); if (method != null) { method.Invoke(null, null); } } }
public Dialog_DebugOutputMenu() { this.forcePause = true; foreach (Type current in GenTypes.AllTypesWithAttribute <HasDebugOutputAttribute>()) { MethodInfo[] methods = current.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo mi = methods[i]; DebugOutputAttribute debugOutputAttribute; if (mi.TryGetAttribute(out debugOutputAttribute)) { string label = GenText.SplitCamelCase(mi.Name); Action action = delegate { mi.Invoke(null, null); }; CategoryAttribute categoryAttribute = null; string category; if (mi.TryGetAttribute(out categoryAttribute)) { category =; } else { category = "General"; } this.debugOutputs.Add(new Dialog_DebugOutputMenu.DebugOutputOption { label = label, category = category, action = action }); } } } this.debugOutputs = (from r in this.debugOutputs orderby r.category, r.label select r).ToList <Dialog_DebugOutputMenu.DebugOutputOption>(); }
private static void DrawLongEventWindowContents(Rect rect) { if (currentEvent != null) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { currentEvent.alreadyDisplayed = true; } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; float num = 0f; if (levelLoadOp != null) { float f = 1f; if (!levelLoadOp.isDone) { f = levelLoadOp.progress; } string text = "LoadingAssets".Translate() + " " + f.ToStringPercent(); Vector2 vector = Text.CalcSize(text); num = vector.x; Widgets.Label(rect, text); } else { lock (CurrentEventTextLock) { Vector2 vector2 = Text.CalcSize(currentEvent.eventText); num = vector2.x; Widgets.Label(rect, currentEvent.eventText); } } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Vector2 center =; rect.xMin = center.x + num / 2f; Widgets.Label(rect, currentEvent.UseAnimatedDots ? GenText.MarchingEllipsis() : "..."); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } }
private void LoadFromFile_Strings(VirtualFile file, VirtualDirectory stringsTopDir) { string text; try { text = file.ReadAllText(); } catch (Exception ex) { loadErrors.Add(string.Concat("Exception loading from strings file ", file, ": ", ex)); return; } string text2 = file.FullPath; if (stringsTopDir != null) { text2 = text2.Substring(stringsTopDir.FullPath.Length + 1); } text2 = text2.Substring(0, text2.Length - Path.GetExtension(text2).Length); text2 = text2.Replace('\\', '/'); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (string item in GenText.LinesFromString(text)) { list.Add(item); } if (stringFiles.TryGetValue(text2, out var value)) { foreach (string item2 in list) { value.Add(item2); } } else { stringFiles.Add(text2, list); } }