public void SetUp() { foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles ("../../Catalog", "*.po")) { var parser = new PoParser (); parser.Add (path); var lang = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path); catalogs.Add (lang, new ParserResourceCatalog (parser) { CurrentIsoLanguageCode = lang }); } }
public void SetUp () { foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles ("../../Catalog", "*.po")) { var parser = new PoParser (); parser.Add (path); var lang = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path); catalogs.Add (new Tuple<string, ResourceCatalog> (lang, new ParserResourceCatalog (parser) { CurrentIsoLanguageCode = lang })); } (new GeneratorTests ()).TestMoGenerator (); foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles ("../../Catalog", "*.mo")) { var lang = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path); var catalog = new MoCatalog (File.Open (path, FileMode.Open)) { CurrentIsoLanguageCode = lang }; catalogs.Add(new Tuple<string, ResourceCatalog> (lang, catalog)); } }
public static void Main(string [] args) { var input_paths = new List<string> (); string output_path = "-"; string generator_name = String.Empty; string source_root_path = null; string reduce_master_path = null; string reduce_retain_path = null; string android_input_strings_xml = null; string android_output_strings_xml = null; bool analyze = false; bool log = false; bool verbose = false; bool show_help = false; Generator generator = null; var options = new OptionSet { { "i|input=", "Input directory, search pattern, or file to parse (non-recursive)", v => input_paths.Add (v) }, { "o|output=", "Output file for extracted string resources", v => output_path = v }, { "r|source-root=", "Root directory of source code", v => source_root_path = v }, { "g|generator=", String.Format ("Generator to use ({0})", String.Join ("|", Generator.GeneratorNames)), v => generator_name = v }, { "a|analyze", "Run the string analyzer after generation", v => analyze = v != null }, { "reduce-master=", "Reduce a master localized PO file, " + "keeping only strings defined by another unlocalized PO[T] file", v => reduce_master_path = v }, { "reduce-retain=", "An unlocalized PO[T] file used to " + "determine which strings from reduce-master should be retained", v => reduce_retain_path = v }, { "android-input-strings-xml=", "Input file of unlocalized Android Strings.xml " + "for preserving hand-maintained string resources", v => android_input_strings_xml = v }, { "android-output-strings-xml=", "Output file of localized Android Strings.xml " + "for preserving hand-maintained string resources", v => android_output_strings_xml = v }, { "l|log", "Display logging", v => log = v != null }, { "v|verbose", "Verbose logging", v => verbose = v != null }, { "h|help", "Show this help message and exit", v => show_help = v != null } }; try { options.Parse (args); if (show_help) { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: vernacular [OPTIONS]+"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); return; } if (source_root_path != null) { if (!Directory.Exists (source_root_path)) { throw new OptionException ("invalid source-root", "source-root"); } source_root_path = new DirectoryInfo (source_root_path).FullName; } generator = Generator.GetGeneratorForName (generator_name.ToLower ()); if (generator == null) { throw new OptionException ("invalid generator", "generator"); } if (reduce_master_path != null && reduce_retain_path == null) { throw new OptionException ("reduce-retain must be specified if reduce-master is", "reduce-retain"); } else if (reduce_master_path == null && reduce_retain_path != null) { throw new OptionException ("reduce-master must be specified if reduce-retain is", "reduce-master"); } else if (reduce_master_path != null && reduce_retain_path != null) { var reduce_master = new PoParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; var reduce_retain = new PoParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; reduce_master.Add (reduce_master_path); reduce_retain.Add (reduce_retain_path); generator.Reduce (reduce_master, reduce_retain); generator.Generate (output_path); return; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine ("vernacular: {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine ("Try `vernacular --help` for more information."); return; } var parser = new AggregateParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; if (verbose) { parser.LogLevel = 2; } else if (log) { parser.LogLevel = 1; } StringAnalyzer analyzer = null; if (analyze) { analyzer = new StringAnalyzer (); } foreach (var input_path in input_paths) { if (File.Exists (input_path)) { parser.Add (input_path); continue; } var search_pattern = "*"; var dir = input_path; if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) { search_pattern = Path.GetFileName (dir); dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir); if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) { continue; } } foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles (dir, search_pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { parser.Add (path); } } foreach (var localized_string in parser.Parse ()) { generator.Add (localized_string); if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.Add (localized_string); } } if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.Analyze (); } generator.Generate (output_path); if (generator is AndroidGenerator && android_input_strings_xml != null && android_output_strings_xml != null) { ((AndroidGenerator)generator).LocalizeManualStringsXml (android_input_strings_xml, android_output_strings_xml); } }
public static int Main (string[] args) { var input_paths = new List<string> (); string output_path = "-"; string generator_name = String.Empty; string source_root_path = null; string reduce_master_path = null; string reduce_retain_path = null; string android_input_strings_xml = null; string android_output_strings_xml = null; string analyer_config_path = null; LocalizationMetadata metadata = null; bool generate_pot = false; bool exclude_po_header = false; bool analyze = false; bool analyzer_warn_as_error = false; bool log = false; bool verbose = false; bool retain_order = false; bool show_help = false; bool count_words = false; int word_count = 0; Generator generator = null; var options = new OptionSet { { "i|input=", "Input directory, search pattern, or file to parse (non-recursive)", v => input_paths.Add (v) }, { "o|output=", "Output file for extracted string resources", v => output_path = v }, { "r|source-root=", "Root directory of source code", v => source_root_path = v }, { "g|generator=", String.Format ("Generator to use ({0})", String.Join ("|", Generator.GeneratorNames)), v => generator_name = v }, { "retain-order", "Retain the original input string order when generating. " + "Default behavior is to sort strings for better diff support.", v => retain_order = v != null }, { "a|analyze", "Run the string analyzer after generation", v => analyze = v != null }, { "analyzer-config=", "Path to a configuration file for the analyzer; use with --analyze", v => analyer_config_path = v }, { "analyzer-warnaserror", "Treat analyzer warnings as errors", v => analyzer_warn_as_error = v != null }, { "reduce-master=", "Reduce a master localized PO file, " + "keeping only strings defined by another unlocalized PO[T] file", v => reduce_master_path = v }, { "reduce-retain=", "An unlocalized PO[T] file used to " + "determine which strings from reduce-master should be retained", v => reduce_retain_path = v }, { "android-input-strings-xml=", "Input file of unlocalized Android Strings.xml " + "for preserving hand-maintained string resources", v => android_input_strings_xml = v }, { "android-output-strings-xml=", "Output file of localized Android Strings.xml " + "for preserving hand-maintained string resources", v => android_output_strings_xml = v }, { "pot", v => generate_pot = v != null }, { "exclude-po-header", v => exclude_po_header = v != null }, { "l|log", "Display logging", v => log = v != null }, { "m|meta=", "Add localization metadata (key=value)", v => { var parts = v.Split (new [] { '=' }, 2); if (parts != null && parts.Length == 2) { if (metadata == null) { metadata = new LocalizationMetadata (); } metadata.Add (parts[0].Trim (), parts[1].Trim ()); } } }, { "wc", "Count words to translate, output goes in the po header and in the console (with -v)", v => count_words = v != null}, { "v|verbose", "Verbose logging", v => verbose = v != null }, { "h|help", "Show this help message and exit", v => show_help = v != null } }; try { options.Parse (args); if (show_help) { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: vernacular [OPTIONS]+"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); return 1; } if (source_root_path != null) { if (!Directory.Exists (source_root_path)) { throw new OptionException ("invalid source-root", "source-root"); } source_root_path = new DirectoryInfo (source_root_path).FullName; } generator = Generator.GetGeneratorForName (generator_name.ToLower ()); if (generator == null) { throw new OptionException ("invalid generator", "generator"); } generator.RetainStringOrder = retain_order; if (generator is PoGenerator) { ((PoGenerator)generator).PotMode = generate_pot; ((PoGenerator)generator).ExcludeHeaderMetadata = exclude_po_header; } if (reduce_master_path != null && reduce_retain_path == null) { throw new OptionException ("reduce-retain must be specified if reduce-master is", "reduce-retain"); } else if (reduce_master_path == null && reduce_retain_path != null) { throw new OptionException ("reduce-master must be specified if reduce-retain is", "reduce-master"); } else if (reduce_master_path != null && reduce_retain_path != null) { var reduce_master = new PoParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; var reduce_retain = new PoParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; reduce_master.Add (reduce_master_path); reduce_retain.Add (reduce_retain_path); generator.Reduce (reduce_master, reduce_retain); generator.Generate (output_path); return 0; } } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine ("vernacular: {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine ("Try `vernacular --help` for more information."); return 1; } var parser = new AggregateParser { SourceRootPath = source_root_path }; if (verbose) { parser.LogLevel = 2; } else if (log) { parser.LogLevel = 1; } StringAnalyzer analyzer = null; if (analyze) { try { analyzer = new StringAnalyzer (analyer_config_path, analyzer_warn_as_error); } catch { return 1; } } foreach (var input_path in input_paths) { if (File.Exists (input_path)) { parser.Add (input_path); continue; } var search_pattern = "*"; var dir = input_path; if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) { search_pattern = Path.GetFileName (dir); dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (dir); if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) { continue; } } foreach (var path in Directory.EnumerateFiles (dir, search_pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { parser.Add (path); } } if (metadata != null) { generator.Add (metadata); } foreach (var localization_unit in parser.Parse ()) { var localized_string = localization_unit as LocalizedString; if (count_words && localized_string!=null) { var separators = new char[] {'.', '?', '!', ' ', ';', ':', ','}; if(localized_string.UntranslatedSingularValue != null) { word_count += localized_string.UntranslatedSingularValue.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries). Count(); } if (localized_string.UntranslatedPluralValue != null) { word_count += localized_string.UntranslatedPluralValue.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Count(); } } generator.Add (localization_unit); if (analyzer != null) { analyzer.Add (localized_string); } } if (analyzer != null) { var error_count = analyzer.Analyze (); if (error_count > 0) { Console.WriteLine ("The analyzer reported {0} errors. Generation skipped.", error_count); return 1; } } if (count_words) { var word_count_metadata = new LocalizationMetadata (); word_count_metadata.Add ("Word-Count", word_count.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); generator.Add (word_count_metadata); } generator.Generate (output_path); if (generator is AndroidGenerator && android_input_strings_xml != null && android_output_strings_xml != null) { ((AndroidGenerator)generator).LocalizeManualStringsXml (android_input_strings_xml, android_output_strings_xml); } if (verbose && count_words) { Console.WriteLine("Total of words in untranslated messages: {0} words.", word_count); } return 0; }
public static List<ILocalizationUnit> ParsePo (string po_file) { var po_parser = new PoParser (); po_parser.Add (po_file); return new List<ILocalizationUnit> (po_parser.Parse ()); }
public void TestParsePo() { var po_parser = new PoParser (); po_parser.Add ("../../Catalog/en_US.pot"); AssertUnits (new List<ILocalizationUnit> (po_parser.Parse ())); }