예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Given a node object, calculate the node Minimum Bounding Rectangle from it's entries. Used in consistency checking
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>  
 internal Rectangle calculateMinimumBoundingRectangle()
   minimumBoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(true);
   for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
     if (entries[i].Value.MinX < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
       minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX = entries[i].Value.MinX;
     if (entries[i].Value.MinY < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
       minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY = entries[i].Value.MinY;
     if (entries[i].Value.MaxX > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
       minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
     if (entries[i].Value.MaxY > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
       minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY = entries[i].Value.MaxY;
   return minimumBoundingRectangle;
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Start at the Root Node
    /// Select the child that needs the least enlargement in order to fit the new geometry.
    /// Repeat until at a leaf node.
    /// If leaf node has available space insert Else split the entry into two nodes
    /// Update parent nodes
    /// Update the entry that pointed to the node with a new minimum bounding rectangle
    /// Add a new entry for the second new node
    /// If there is no space in the parent node, split and repeat
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r">the rectangle being added</param>
    public void Add(Rectangle r)
#if RtreeCheck
예제 #3
 internal void addEntry(ref Rectangle r)
   entries[entryCount++] = r;
   if (r.MinX < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
     minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX = r.MinX;
   if (r.MinY < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
     minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY = r.MinY;
   if (r.MaxX > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
     minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX = r.MaxX;
   if (r.MaxY > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
     minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY = r.MaxY;
예제 #4
    internal Rectangle calculateMBR()
      Rectangle mbr = new Rectangle(true);

      for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
        if (entries[i].Value.MinX < mbr.MinX)
          mbr.MinX = entries[i].Value.MinX;
        if (entries[i].Value.MinY < mbr.MinY)
          mbr.MinY = entries[i].Value.MinY;
        if (entries[i].Value.MaxX > mbr.MaxX)
          mbr.MaxX = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
        if (entries[i].Value.MaxY > mbr.MaxY)
          mbr.MaxY = entries[i].Value.MaxY;
      return mbr;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the union of this rectangle and the passed rectangle, storing the result in this rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">Rectangle to add to this rectangle</param> 
 public void Add(Rectangle r)
   if (r.minX < minX)
     minX = r.minX;
   if (r.maxX > maxX)
     maxX = r.maxX;
   if (r.minY < minY)
     minY = r.minY;
   if (r.maxY > maxY)
     maxY = r.maxY;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the area by which this rectangle would be enlarged if added to the passed rectangle. Neither rectangle is altered.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r">Rectangle to union with this rectangle, in order to compute the difference in area of the union and the original rectangle</param>
    /// <returns>enlargement</returns> 
    public double Enlargement(ref Rectangle r)
      double enlargedArea = (Math.Max(maxX, r.maxX) - Math.Min(minX, r.minX)) * (Math.Max(maxY, r.maxY) - Math.Min(minY, r.minY));

      return enlargedArea - Area;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether this rectangle is contained by the passed rectangle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">The rectangle that might contain this rectangle</param>
 /// <returns>return true if the passed rectangle contains this rectangle, false if it does not</returns> 
 public bool containedBy(Rectangle r)
   return r.maxX >= maxX && r.minX <= minX && r.maxY >= maxY && r.minY <= minY;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether this rectangle intersects the passed rectangle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">The rectangle that might intersect this rectangle</param>
 /// <returns>return true if the rectangles intersect, false if they do not intersect</returns>
 public bool Intersects(ref Rectangle? r)
   return maxX >= r.Value.minX && minX <= r.Value.maxX && maxY >= r.Value.minY && minY <= r.Value.maxY;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether an edge of this rectangle overlies the equivalent edge of the passed rectangle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool edgeOverlaps(Rectangle r)
   return minX == r.minX || maxX == r.maxX || minY == r.minY || maxY == r.maxY;
예제 #10
    internal NodeLeaf splitNode(RTree rTree, Rectangle r)
      // [Pick first entry for each group] Apply algorithm pickSeeds to 
      // choose two entries to be the first elements of the groups. Assign
      // each to a group.

      // debug code
      /*double initialArea = 0;
           if (log.isDebugEnabled())
             double unionMinX = Math.Min(n.mbrMinX, newRectMinX);
             double unionMinY = Math.Min(n.mbrMinY, newRectMinY);
             double unionMaxX = Math.Max(n.mbrMaxX, newRectMaxX);
             double unionMaxY = Math.Max(n.mbrMaxY, newRectMaxY);

             initialArea = (unionMaxX - unionMinX) * (unionMaxY - unionMinY);

      System.Array.Copy(rTree.initialEntryStatus, 0, rTree.entryStatus, 0, rTree.maxNodeEntries);
      NodeLeaf newNode = null;
      newNode = new NodeLeaf(level, rTree.maxNodeEntries);

      pickSeeds(rTree, ref r, newNode); // this also sets the entryCount to 1

      // [Check if done] If all entries have been assigned, stop. If one group has so few entries that all the rest must be assigned to it in 
      // order for it to have the minimum number m, assign them and stop. 
      while (entryCount + newNode.entryCount < rTree.maxNodeEntries + 1)
        if (rTree.maxNodeEntries + 1 - newNode.entryCount == rTree.minNodeEntries)
          // assign all remaining entries to original node
          for (int i = 0; i < rTree.maxNodeEntries; i++)
            if (rTree.entryStatus[i] == ((byte)RTree.EntryStatus.unassigned))
              rTree.entryStatus[i] = ((byte)RTree.EntryStatus.assigned);

              if (entries[i].Value.MinX < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
                minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX = entries[i].Value.MinX;
              if (entries[i].Value.MinY < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
                minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY = entries[i].Value.MinY;
              if (entries[i].Value.MaxX > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
                minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
              if (entries[i].Value.MaxY > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
                minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY = entries[i].Value.MaxY;
        if (rTree.maxNodeEntries + 1 - entryCount == rTree.minNodeEntries)
          // assign all remaining entries to new node
          for (int i = 0; i < rTree.maxNodeEntries; i++)
            if (rTree.entryStatus[i] == ((byte)RTree.EntryStatus.unassigned))
              rTree.entryStatus[i] = ((byte)RTree.EntryStatus.assigned);
              Rectangle entryR = entries[i].Value;
              newNode.addEntry(ref entryR);
              entries[i] = null;

        // [Select entry to assign] Invoke algorithm pickNext to choose the next entry to assign. Add it to the group whose covering rectangle 
        // will have to be enlarged least to accommodate it. Resolve ties by adding the entry to the group with smaller area, then to the 
        // the one with fewer entries, then to either. Repeat from S2
        pickNext(rTree, newNode);


      // check that the MBR stored for each node is correct.
#if RtreeCheck
        if (!this.minimumBoundingRectangle.Equals(calculateMBR()))
          throw new UnexpectedException("Error: splitNode old node MBR wrong");
        if (!newNode.minimumBoundingRectangle.Equals(newNode.calculateMBR()))
          throw new UnexpectedException("Error: splitNode new node MBR wrong");

#if RtreeCheck
        double newArea = minimumBoundingRectangle.Area + newNode.minimumBoundingRectangle.Area;
        double percentageIncrease = (100 * (newArea - initialArea)) / initialArea;
        Console.WriteLine("Node " + this + " split. New area increased by " + percentageIncrease + "%");

      return newNode;
예제 #11
 // Return the index of the found entry, or -1 if not found
 internal virtual int findEntry(ref Rectangle r)
   for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
     if (entries[i].Value.Equals(r))
       return i;
   return -1;
예제 #12
    private void pickSeeds(RTree rTree, ref Rectangle r, NodeLeaf newNode)
      // Find extreme rectangles along all dimension. Along each dimension, find the entry whose rectangle has the highest low side, and the one 
      // with the lowest high side. Record the separation.
      double maxNormalizedSeparation = -1; // initialize to -1 so that even overlapping rectangles will be considered for the seeds
      int highestLowIndex = -1;
      int lowestHighIndex = -1;
      // for the purposes of picking seeds, take the MBR of the node to include the new rectangle aswell.
      if (r.MinX < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
        minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX = r.MinX;
      if (r.MinY < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
        minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY = r.MinY;
      if (r.MaxX > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
        minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX = r.MaxX;
      if (r.MaxY > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
        minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY = r.MaxY;

      double mbrLenX = minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX - minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX;
      double mbrLenY = minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY - minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY;

#if RtreeCheck
        Console.WriteLine("pickSeeds(): Node = " + this);

      double tempHighestLow = r.MinX;
      int tempHighestLowIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed

      double tempLowestHigh = r.MaxX;
      int tempLowestHighIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed

      for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
        double tempLow = entries[i].Value.MinX;
        if (tempLow >= tempHighestLow)
          tempHighestLow = tempLow;
          tempHighestLowIndex = i;
        } // ensure that the same index cannot be both lowestHigh and highestLow
          double tempHigh = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
          if (tempHigh <= tempLowestHigh)
            tempLowestHigh = tempHigh;
            tempLowestHighIndex = i;

        // PS2 [Adjust for shape of the rectangle cluster] Normalize the separations by dividing by the widths of the entire set along the corresponding dimension
        double normalizedSeparation = mbrLenX == 0 ? 1 : (tempHighestLow - tempLowestHigh) / mbrLenX;
        if (normalizedSeparation > 1 || normalizedSeparation < -1)
          Console.WriteLine("Invalid normalized separation X");

#if RtreeCheck
          Console.WriteLine("Entry " + i + ", dimension X: HighestLow = " + tempHighestLow + " (index " + tempHighestLowIndex + ")" + ", LowestHigh = " + tempLowestHigh + " (index " + tempLowestHighIndex + ", NormalizedSeparation = " + normalizedSeparation);
        // PS3 [Select the most extreme pair] Choose the pair with the greatest normalized separation along any dimension.
        // Note that if negative it means the rectangles overlapped. However still include overlapping rectangles if that is the only choice available.
        if (normalizedSeparation >= maxNormalizedSeparation)
          highestLowIndex = tempHighestLowIndex;
          lowestHighIndex = tempLowestHighIndex;
          maxNormalizedSeparation = normalizedSeparation;

      // Repeat for the Y dimension
      tempHighestLow = r.MinY;
      tempHighestLowIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed

      tempLowestHigh = r.MaxY;
      tempLowestHighIndex = -1; // -1 indicates the new rectangle is the seed

      for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
        double tempLow = entries[i].Value.MinY;
        if (tempLow >= tempHighestLow)
          tempHighestLow = tempLow;
          tempHighestLowIndex = i;
        } // ensure that the same index cannot be both lowestHigh and highestLow
          double tempHigh = entries[i].Value.MaxY;
          if (tempHigh <= tempLowestHigh)
            tempLowestHigh = tempHigh;
            tempLowestHighIndex = i;

        // PS2 [Adjust for shape of the rectangle cluster] Normalize the separations by dividing by the widths of the entire set along the corresponding dimension
        double normalizedSeparation = mbrLenY == 0 ? 1 : (tempHighestLow - tempLowestHigh) / mbrLenY;
        if (normalizedSeparation > 1 || normalizedSeparation < -1)
          throw new UnexpectedException("Invalid normalized separation Y");
#if RtreeCheck
          Console.WriteLine("Entry " + i + ", dimension Y: HighestLow = " + tempHighestLow + " (index " + tempHighestLowIndex + ")" + ", LowestHigh = " + tempLowestHigh + " (index " + tempLowestHighIndex + ", NormalizedSeparation = " + normalizedSeparation);
        // PS3 [Select the most extreme pair] Choose the pair with the greatest normalized separation along any dimension.
        // Note that if negative it means the rectangles overlapped. However still include overlapping rectangles if that is the only choice available.
        if (normalizedSeparation >= maxNormalizedSeparation)
          highestLowIndex = tempHighestLowIndex;
          lowestHighIndex = tempLowestHighIndex;
          maxNormalizedSeparation = normalizedSeparation;

      // At this point it is possible that the new rectangle is both highestLow and lowestHigh. This can happen if all rectangles in the node overlap the new rectangle.
      // Resolve this by declaring that the highestLowIndex is the lowest Y and, the lowestHighIndex is the largest X (but always a different rectangle)
      if (highestLowIndex == lowestHighIndex)
        highestLowIndex = -1;
        double tempMinY = r.MinY;
        lowestHighIndex = 0;
        double tempMaxX = entries[0].Value.MaxX;

        for (int i = 1; i < entryCount; i++)
          if (entries[i].Value.MinY < tempMinY)
            tempMinY = entries[i].Value.MinY;
            highestLowIndex = i;
          else if (entries[i].Value.MaxX > tempMaxX)
            tempMaxX = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
            lowestHighIndex = i;

      // highestLowIndex is the seed for the new node.
      if (highestLowIndex == -1)
        newNode.addEntry(ref r);
        Rectangle entryRectangle = entries[highestLowIndex].Value;
        newNode.addEntry(ref entryRectangle);
        entries[highestLowIndex] = r;  // move the new rectangle into the space vacated by the seed for the new node

      // lowestHighIndex is the seed for the original node. 
      if (lowestHighIndex == -1)
        lowestHighIndex = highestLowIndex;

      rTree.entryStatus[lowestHighIndex] = ((byte)RTree.EntryStatus.assigned);
      entryCount = 1;
      minimumBoundingRectangle = entries[lowestHighIndex].Value;
예제 #13
    internal virtual void recalculateMBR()
      minimumBoundingRectangle = entries[0].Value;

      for (int i = 1; i < entryCount; i++)
        if (entries[i].Value.MinX < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
          minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX = entries[i].Value.MinX;
        if (entries[i].Value.MinY < minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
          minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY = entries[i].Value.MinY;
        if (entries[i].Value.MaxX > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
          minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX = entries[i].Value.MaxX;
        if (entries[i].Value.MaxY > minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
          minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY = entries[i].Value.MaxY;
예제 #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a new entry at a specified level in the tree
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r">the rectangle added</param>
    internal void AddInternal(Rectangle r)
      // I1 [Find position for new record] Invoke ChooseLeaf to select a leaf node L in which to place r
      NodeLeaf n = (NodeLeaf) chooseNode(r, 1);
      NodeLeaf newLeaf = null;

      // I2 [Add record to leaf node] If L has room for another entry, install E. Otherwise invoke SplitNode to obtain L and LL containing E and all the old entries of L
      if (n.entryCount < maxNodeEntries)
        n.addEntry(ref r);
        newLeaf = n.splitNode(this, r);

      // I3 [Propagate changes upwards] Invoke AdjustTree on L, also passing LL if a split was performed
      NodeBase newNode = n.adjustTree(this, newLeaf);

      // I4 [Grow tree taller] If node split propagation caused the root to split, create a new root whose children are the two resulting nodes.
      if (newNode != null)
        NodeBase oldRoot = rootNode;
        NodeInternal root = new NodeInternal(++treeHeight, maxNodeEntries);
        rootNode = root;
        root.addEntry(ref newNode.minimumBoundingRectangle, newNode);
        root.addEntry(ref oldRoot.minimumBoundingRectangle, oldRoot);
예제 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes a rectangle from the Rtree
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r">the rectangle to delete</param>
    /// <returns>true if rectangle deleted otherwise false</returns>
    public bool Remove(Rectangle r)
      // FindLeaf algorithm inlined here. Note the "official" algorithm searches all overlapping entries. This seems inefficient, 
      // as an entry is only worth searching if it contains (NOT overlaps) the rectangle we are searching for.

      // FL1 [Search subtrees] If root is not a leaf, check each entry to determine if it contains r. For each entry found, invoke
      // findLeaf on the node pointed to by the entry, until r is found or all entries have been checked.

      NodeBase n = null;
      int foundIndex = -1; // index of entry to be deleted in leaf

      while (foundIndex == -1 && parents.Count > 0)
        n = parents.Peek();
        int startIndex = parentsEntry.Peek() + 1;

        if (!n.IsLeaf)
          NodeInternal internalNode = n as NodeInternal;
          bool Contains = false;
          for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++)
            if (n.entries[i].Value.Contains(r))
              parentsEntry.Push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
              Contains = true;
              break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
          if (Contains)
          NodeLeaf leaf = n as NodeLeaf;
          foundIndex = leaf.findEntry(ref r);

      } // while not found

      if (foundIndex != -1)
        NodeLeaf leaf = n as NodeLeaf;

      // shrink the tree if possible (i.e. if root node has exactly one entry, and that entry is not a leaf node, delete the root (it's entry becomes the new root)
      NodeBase root = rootNode;
      while (root.entryCount == 1 && treeHeight > 1)
        NodeInternal rootInternal = root as NodeInternal;
        root.entryCount = 0;
        rootNode = rootInternal.childNodes[0];

      // if the tree is now empty, then set the MBR of the root node back to it's original state (this is only needed when the tree is empty,
      // as this is the only state where an empty node is not eliminated)
      if (size == 0)
        rootNode.minimumBoundingRectangle = new Rectangle(true);

#if RtreeCheck

      return (foundIndex != -1);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the size of this rectangle to equal the passed rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r"></param>  
 public void set(Rectangle r)
   minX = r.minX;
   minY = r.minY;
   maxX = r.maxX;
   maxY = r.maxY;
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds all rectangles that intersect the passed rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">the rectangle we are intersecting with</param>
 /// <param name="v">if returns true, search containues else search is ended</param>
 /// <returns>true if at least one intersection was found and v returns true</returns>
 public bool Intersects(Rectangle r, Func<Rectangle, bool> v)
   return intersects(r, v, rootNode);
예제 #18
 public bool Equals(Rectangle r)
   return minX == r.minX && minY == r.minY && maxX == r.maxX && maxY == r.maxY;
예제 #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds all rectangles contained by the passed rectangle
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r">The rectangle for which this method finds contained rectangles.</param>
    /// <param name="v">if return true, continue seach</param>
    public void Contains(Rectangle r, Func<Rectangle, bool> v)
      // find all rectangles in the tree that are contained by the passed rectangle written to be non-recursive (should model other searches on this?)


      // TODO: possible shortcut here - could test for intersection with the MBR of the root node. If no intersection, return immediately.
      while (parents.Count > 0)
        NodeBase n = parents.Peek();
        int startIndex = parentsEntry.Peek() + 1;

        if (!n.IsLeaf)
          NodeInternal nodeInternal = n as NodeInternal;
          // go through every entry in the index node to check if it intersects the passed rectangle. If so, it could contain entries that are contained.
          bool intersects = false;
          for (int i = startIndex; i < n.entryCount; i++)
            if (r.Intersects(ref n.entries[i]))
              parentsEntry.Push(i); // this becomes the start index when the child has been searched
              intersects = true;
              break; // ie go to next iteration of while()
          if (intersects)
          // go through every entry in the leaf to check if it is contained by the passed rectangle
          for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++)
            if (r.Contains(n.entries[i].Value))
              if (!v(n.entries[i].Value))
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether this rectangle contains the passed rectangle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">The rectangle that might be contained by this rectangle</param>
 /// <returns>return true if this rectangle contains the passed rectangle, false if it does not</returns>
 public bool Contains(Rectangle r)
   return maxX >= r.maxX && minX <= r.minX && maxY >= r.maxY && minY <= r.minY;
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Recursively searches the tree for all intersecting entries.
 /// Calls the passed function when a matching entry is found. Return if the passed function returns false;
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r"></param>
 /// <param name="v"></param>
 /// <param name="n"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 // TODO rewrite this to be non-recursive.
 private bool intersects(Rectangle r, Func<Rectangle, bool> v, NodeBase n)
   for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++)
     if (r.Intersects(ref n.entries[i]))
       if (n.IsLeaf)
         if (!v(n.entries[i].Value))
           return false;
         NodeInternal nodeInternal = n as NodeInternal;
         NodeInternal childNode = nodeInternal.childNodes[i] as NodeInternal;
         if (!intersects(r, v, childNode))
           return false;
   return true;
예제 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Return the distance between this rectangle and the passed rectangle. If the rectangles overlap, the distance is zero.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">Rectangle to find the distance to</param>
 /// <returns>return distance between this rectangle and the passed rectangle</returns>
 public double Distance(Rectangle r)
   double distanceSquared = 0;
   double greatestMin = Math.Max(minX, r.minX);
   double leastMax = Math.Min(maxX, r.maxX);
   if (greatestMin > leastMax)
     distanceSquared += ((greatestMin - leastMax) * (greatestMin - leastMax));
   greatestMin = Math.Max(minY, r.minY);
   leastMax = Math.Min(maxY, r.maxY);
   if (greatestMin > leastMax)
     distanceSquared += ((greatestMin - leastMax) * (greatestMin - leastMax));
   return (double)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);
예제 #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Used by add(). Chooses a leaf to add the rectangle to.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r"></param>
    /// <param name="level"></param>
    /// <returns></returns> 
    private NodeBase chooseNode(Rectangle r, int level)
      // CL1 [Initialize] Set N to be the root node
      NodeBase n = rootNode;

      // CL2 [Leaf check] If N is a leaf, return N
      while (true)
        if (n == null)
          throw new UnexpectedException("Could not get root node (" + rootNode + ")");

        if (n.level == level)
          return n;

        NodeInternal nodeInternal = n as NodeInternal;
        // CL3 [Choose subtree] If N is not at the desired level, let F be the entry in N whose rectangle FI needs least enlargement to include EI. Resolve
        // ties by choosing the entry with the rectangle of smaller area.
        double leastEnlargement = n.entries[0].Value.Enlargement(ref r);
        int index = 0; // index of rectangle in subtree
        for (int i = 1; i < n.entryCount; i++)
          double tempEnlargement = n.entries[i].Value.Enlargement(ref r);
          if (tempEnlargement < leastEnlargement || (tempEnlargement == leastEnlargement && n.entries[i].Value.Area < n.entries[index].Value.Area))
            index = i;
            leastEnlargement = tempEnlargement;


        // CL4 [Descend until a leaf is reached] Set N to be the child node pointed to by Fp and repeat from CL2
        n = nodeInternal.childNodes[index];
예제 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the area by which a rectangle would be enlarged if added to the passed rectangle
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r1">minimum X coordinate of rectangle 1</param>
    /// <param name="r2">minimum X coordinate of rectangle 2</param>
    /// <returns>return enlargement</returns> 
    public static double enlargement(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
      double r1Area = (r1.maxX - r1.minX) * (r1.maxY - r1.minY);

      if (r1Area == double.PositiveInfinity)
        return 0; // cannot enlarge an infinite rectangle...

      double r1r2UnionArea = Math.Max(r1.maxX, r2.maxX) - Math.Min(r1.minX, r2.minX) * (Math.Max(r1.maxY, r2.maxY) - Math.Min(r1.minY, r2.minY));

      if (r1r2UnionArea == double.PositiveInfinity)        
        return double.PositiveInfinity;  // if a finite rectangle is enlarged and becomes infinite, then the enlargement must be infinite.
      return r1r2UnionArea - r1Area;
예제 #25
    private bool checkConsistency(NodeBase n, int expectedLevel, Rectangle? expectedMBR)
      // go through the tree, and check that the internal data structures of the tree are not corrupted.        

      if (n == null)
        throw new UnexpectedException("Error: Could not read node " + this);

      // if tree is empty, then there should be exactly one node, at level 1
      // TODO: also check the MBR is as for a new node
      if (n == rootNode && Count == 0)
        if (n.level != 1)
          throw new UnexpectedException("Error: tree is empty but root node is not at level 1");

      if (n.level != expectedLevel)
        throw new UnexpectedException("Error: Node " + this + ", expected level " + expectedLevel + ", actual level " + n.level);

      Rectangle calculatedMBR = n.calculateMinimumBoundingRectangle();
      Rectangle actualMBR = n.minimumBoundingRectangle;
      if (!actualMBR.Equals(calculatedMBR))
        if (actualMBR.MinX != n.minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX)
          throw new UnexpectedException("  actualMinX=" + actualMBR.MinX + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.MinX);
        if (actualMBR.MinY != n.minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY)
          throw new UnexpectedException("  actualMinY=" + actualMBR.MinY + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.MinY);
        if (actualMBR.MaxX != n.minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX)
          throw new UnexpectedException("  actualMaxX=" + actualMBR.MaxX + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.MaxX);
        if (actualMBR.MaxY != n.minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY)
          throw new UnexpectedException("  actualMaxY=" + actualMBR.MaxY + ", calc=" + calculatedMBR.MaxY);
        throw new UnexpectedException("Error: Node " + this + ", calculated MBR does not equal stored MBR");

      if (expectedMBR != null && !actualMBR.Equals(expectedMBR))
        throw new UnexpectedException("Error: Node " + this + ", expected MBR (from parent) does not equal stored MBR");

      for (int i = 0; i < n.entryCount; i++)
        if (n.level > 1) // if not a leaf
          NodeInternal nodeInternal = n as NodeInternal;
          if (nodeInternal.childNodes[i] == null)
            throw new UnexpectedException("Error: Node " + this + ", Entry " + i + " is null");
          if (!checkConsistency(nodeInternal.childNodes[i], n.level - 1, n.entries[i]))
            return false;
      return true;
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the the union of this rectangle and the passed rectangle.Neither rectangle is altered
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">The rectangle to union with this rectangle</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Rectangle union(Rectangle r)
   Rectangle union = this;
   return union;
예제 #27
 // deletedMin/MaxX/Y is a rectangle that has just been deleted or made smaller. Thus, the MBR is only recalculated if the deleted rectangle influenced the old MBR
 internal virtual void recalculateMBRIfInfluencedBy(ref Rectangle r)
   if (minimumBoundingRectangle.MinX == r.MinX || minimumBoundingRectangle.MinY == r.MinY || minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxX == r.MaxX || minimumBoundingRectangle.MaxY == r.MaxY)