public static ICondition ReadComplexCondition(XmlReader reader) { Properties properties = Properties.ReadFromAttributes(reader); reader.Read(); ICondition condition = null; while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: switch (reader.LocalName) { case "And": condition = AndCondition.Read(reader); goto exit; case "Or": condition = OrCondition.Read(reader); goto exit; case "Not": condition = NegatedCondition.Read(reader); goto exit; default: throw new AddInLoadException("Invalid element name '" + reader.LocalName + "', the first entry in a ComplexCondition " + "must be <And>, <Or> or <Not>"); } } } exit: if (condition != null) { ConditionFailedAction action = properties.Get("action", ConditionFailedAction.Exclude); condition.Action = action; } return(condition); }
public static T Get <T>(string property, T defaultValue) { return(properties.Get(property, defaultValue)); }
public Condition(string name, Properties properties) { = name; = properties; action = properties.Get("action", ConditionFailedAction.Exclude); }