public void Solve(ref TimeStep step, ref Vector2 gravity) { float h = step.dt; // Integrate velocities and apply damping. Initialize the body state. for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Body b = Bodies[i]; Vector2 c = b._sweep.C; float a = b._sweep.A; Vector2 v = b._linearVelocity; float w = b._angularVelocity; // Store positions for continuous collision. b._sweep.C0 = b._sweep.C; b._sweep.A0 = b._sweep.A; if (b.BodyType == BodyType.Dynamic) { // Integrate velocities. // FPE: Only apply gravity if the body wants it. if (b.IgnoreGravity) { v += h * (b._invMass * b._force); } else { v += h * (b.GravityScale * gravity + b._invMass * b._force); } w += h * b._invI * b._torque; // Apply damping. // ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0 // Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t) // Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt) // v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1 // Taylor expansion: // v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1 v *= MathUtils.Clamp(1.0f - h * b.LinearDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f); w *= MathUtils.Clamp(1.0f - h * b.AngularDamping, 0.0f, 1.0f); } _positions[i].c = c; _positions[i].a = a; _velocities[i].v = v; _velocities[i].w = w; } // Solver data SolverData solverData = new SolverData(); solverData.step = step; solverData.positions = _positions; solverData.velocities = _velocities; _contactSolver.Reset(step, ContactCount, _contacts, _positions, _velocities); _contactSolver.InitializeVelocityConstraints(); if (Settings.EnableWarmstarting) { _contactSolver.WarmStart(); } if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Start(); } for (int i = 0; i < JointCount; ++i) { if (_joints[i].Enabled) { _joints[i].InitVelocityConstraints(ref solverData); } } if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Stop(); } // Solve velocity constraints. for (int i = 0; i < Settings.VelocityIterations; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < JointCount; ++j) { Joint joint = _joints[j]; if (!joint.Enabled) { continue; } if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Start(); } joint.SolveVelocityConstraints(ref solverData); joint.Validate(step.inv_dt); if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Stop(); } } _contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints(); } // Store impulses for warm starting. _contactSolver.StoreImpulses(); // Integrate positions for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Vector2 c = _positions[i].c; float a = _positions[i].a; Vector2 v = _velocities[i].v; float w = _velocities[i].w; // Check for large velocities Vector2 translation = h * v; if (Vector2.Dot(translation, translation) > Settings.MaxTranslationSquared) { float ratio = Settings.MaxTranslation / translation.Length(); v *= ratio; } float rotation = h * w; if (rotation * rotation > Settings.MaxRotationSquared) { float ratio = Settings.MaxRotation / Math.Abs(rotation); w *= ratio; } // Integrate c += h * v; a += h * w; _positions[i].c = c; _positions[i].a = a; _velocities[i].v = v; _velocities[i].w = w; } // Solve position constraints bool positionSolved = false; for (int i = 0; i < Settings.PositionIterations; ++i) { bool contactsOkay = _contactSolver.SolvePositionConstraints(); bool jointsOkay = true; for (int j = 0; j < JointCount; ++j) { Joint joint = _joints[j]; if (!joint.Enabled) { continue; } if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Start(); } bool jointOkay = joint.SolvePositionConstraints(ref solverData); if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { _watch.Stop(); } jointsOkay = jointsOkay && jointOkay; } if (contactsOkay && jointsOkay) { // Exit early if the position errors are small. positionSolved = true; break; } } if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) { JointUpdateTime = _watch.ElapsedTicks; _watch.Reset(); } // Copy state buffers back to the bodies for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Body body = Bodies[i]; body._sweep.C = _positions[i].c; body._sweep.A = _positions[i].a; body._linearVelocity = _velocities[i].v; body._angularVelocity = _velocities[i].w; body.SynchronizeTransform(); } Report(_contactSolver._velocityConstraints); if (Settings.AllowSleep) { float minSleepTime = Settings.MaxFloat; for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Body b = Bodies[i]; if (b.BodyType == BodyType.Static) { continue; } if (!b.SleepingAllowed || b._angularVelocity * b._angularVelocity > AngTolSqr || Vector2.Dot(b._linearVelocity, b._linearVelocity) > LinTolSqr) { b._sleepTime = 0.0f; minSleepTime = 0.0f; } else { b._sleepTime += h; minSleepTime = Math.Min(minSleepTime, b._sleepTime); } } if (minSleepTime >= Settings.TimeToSleep && positionSolved) { for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Body b = Bodies[i]; b.Awake = false; } } } }
private void SolveTOI(ref TimeStep step) { Island.Reset(2 * Settings.MaxTOIContacts, Settings.MaxTOIContacts, 0, ContactManager); if (_stepComplete) { for (int i = 0; i < BodyList.Count; i++) { BodyList[i]._flags &= ~BodyFlags.IslandFlag; BodyList[i]._sweep.Alpha0 = 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < ContactManager.ContactList.Count; i++) { Contact c = ContactManager.ContactList[i]; // Invalidate TOI c._flags &= ~ContactFlags.IslandFlag; c._flags &= ~ContactFlags.TOIFlag; c._toiCount = 0; c._toi = 1.0f; } } // Find TOI events and solve them. for (;;) { // Find the first TOI. Contact minContact = null; float minAlpha = 1.0f; for (int i = 0; i < ContactManager.ContactList.Count; i++) { Contact c = ContactManager.ContactList[i]; // Is this contact disabled? if (c.Enabled == false) { continue; } // Prevent excessive sub-stepping. if (c._toiCount > Settings.MaxSubSteps) { continue; } float alpha; if (c.TOIFlag) { // This contact has a valid cached TOI. alpha = c._toi; } else { Fixture fA = c.FixtureA; Fixture fB = c.FixtureB; // Is there a sensor? if (fA.IsSensor || fB.IsSensor) { continue; } Body bA = fA.Body; Body bB = fB.Body; BodyType typeA = bA.BodyType; BodyType typeB = bB.BodyType; Debug.Assert(typeA == BodyType.Dynamic || typeB == BodyType.Dynamic); bool activeA = bA.Awake && typeA != BodyType.Static; bool activeB = bB.Awake && typeB != BodyType.Static; // Is at least one body active (awake and dynamic or kinematic)? if (activeA == false && activeB == false) { continue; } bool collideA = (bA.IsBullet || typeA != BodyType.Dynamic) && (fA.IgnoreCCDWith & fB.CollisionCategories) == 0 && !bA.IgnoreCCD; bool collideB = (bB.IsBullet || typeB != BodyType.Dynamic) && (fB.IgnoreCCDWith & fA.CollisionCategories) == 0 && !bB.IgnoreCCD; // Are these two non-bullet dynamic bodies? if (collideA == false && collideB == false) { continue; } // Compute the TOI for this contact. // Put the sweeps onto the same time interval. float alpha0 = bA._sweep.Alpha0; if (bA._sweep.Alpha0 < bB._sweep.Alpha0) { alpha0 = bB._sweep.Alpha0; bA._sweep.Advance(alpha0); } else if (bB._sweep.Alpha0 < bA._sweep.Alpha0) { alpha0 = bA._sweep.Alpha0; bB._sweep.Advance(alpha0); } Debug.Assert(alpha0 < 1.0f); // Compute the time of impact in interval [0, minTOI] TOIInput input = new TOIInput(); input.ProxyA = new DistanceProxy(fA.Shape, c.ChildIndexA); input.ProxyB = new DistanceProxy(fB.Shape, c.ChildIndexB); input.SweepA = bA._sweep; input.SweepB = bB._sweep; input.TMax = 1.0f; TOIOutput output; TimeOfImpact.CalculateTimeOfImpact(ref input, out output); // Beta is the fraction of the remaining portion of the . float beta = output.T; if (output.State == TOIOutputState.Touching) { alpha = Math.Min(alpha0 + (1.0f - alpha0) * beta, 1.0f); } else { alpha = 1.0f; } c._toi = alpha; c._flags &= ~ContactFlags.TOIFlag; } if (alpha < minAlpha) { // This is the minimum TOI found so far. minContact = c; minAlpha = alpha; } } if (minContact == null || 1.0f - 10.0f * Settings.Epsilon < minAlpha) { // No more TOI events. Done! _stepComplete = true; break; } // Advance the bodies to the TOI. Fixture fA1 = minContact.FixtureA; Fixture fB1 = minContact.FixtureB; Body bA0 = fA1.Body; Body bB0 = fB1.Body; Sweep backup1 = bA0._sweep; Sweep backup2 = bB0._sweep; bA0.Advance(minAlpha); bB0.Advance(minAlpha); // The TOI contact likely has some new contact points. minContact.Update(ContactManager); minContact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.TOIFlag; ++minContact._toiCount; // Is the contact solid? if (minContact.Enabled == false || minContact.IsTouching == false) { // Restore the sweeps. minContact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.EnabledFlag; bA0._sweep = backup1; bB0._sweep = backup2; bA0.SynchronizeTransform(); bB0.SynchronizeTransform(); continue; } bA0.Awake = true; bB0.Awake = true; // Build the island Island.Clear(); Island.Add(bA0); Island.Add(bB0); Island.Add(minContact); bA0._flags |= BodyFlags.IslandFlag; bB0._flags |= BodyFlags.IslandFlag; minContact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.IslandFlag; // Get contacts on bodyA and bodyB. Body[] bodies = { bA0, bB0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Body body = bodies[i]; if (body.BodyType == BodyType.Dynamic) { for (ContactEdge ce = body.ContactList; ce != null; ce = ce.Next) { Contact contact = ce.Contact; if (Island.BodyCount == Island.BodyCapacity) { break; } if (Island.ContactCount == Island.ContactCapacity) { break; } // Has this contact already been added to the island? if (contact.IslandFlag) { continue; } // Only add static, kinematic, or bullet bodies. Body other = ce.Other; if (other.BodyType == BodyType.Dynamic && body.IsBullet == false && other.IsBullet == false) { continue; } // Skip sensors. if (contact.FixtureA.IsSensor || contact.FixtureB.IsSensor) { continue; } // Tentatively advance the body to the TOI. Sweep backup = other._sweep; if (!other.IsIsland) { other.Advance(minAlpha); } // Update the contact points contact.Update(ContactManager); // Was the contact disabled by the user? if (contact.Enabled == false) { other._sweep = backup; other.SynchronizeTransform(); continue; } // Are there contact points? if (contact.IsTouching == false) { other._sweep = backup; other.SynchronizeTransform(); continue; } // Add the contact to the island minContact._flags |= ContactFlags.IslandFlag; Island.Add(contact); // Has the other body already been added to the island? if (other.IsIsland) { continue; } // Add the other body to the island. other._flags |= BodyFlags.IslandFlag; if (other.BodyType != BodyType.Static) { other.Awake = true; } Island.Add(other); } } } TimeStep subStep; subStep.dt = (1.0f - minAlpha) * step.dt; subStep.inv_dt = 1.0f / subStep.dt; subStep.dtRatio = 1.0f; Island.SolveTOI(ref subStep, bA0.IslandIndex, bB0.IslandIndex); // Reset island flags and synchronize broad-phase proxies. for (int i = 0; i < Island.BodyCount; ++i) { Body body = Island.Bodies[i]; body._flags &= ~BodyFlags.IslandFlag; if (body.BodyType != BodyType.Dynamic) { continue; } body.SynchronizeFixtures(); // Invalidate all contact TOIs on this displaced body. for (ContactEdge ce = body.ContactList; ce != null; ce = ce.Next) { ce.Contact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.TOIFlag; ce.Contact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.IslandFlag; } } // Commit fixture proxy movements to the broad-phase so that new contacts are created. // Also, some contacts can be destroyed. ContactManager.FindNewContacts(); if (Settings.EnableSubStepping) { _stepComplete = false; break; } } }
internal void SolveTOI(ref TimeStep subStep, int toiIndexA, int toiIndexB, bool warmstarting) { Debug.Assert(toiIndexA < BodyCount); Debug.Assert(toiIndexB < BodyCount); // Initialize the body state. for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Body b = Bodies[i]; _positions[i].c = b._sweep.C; _positions[i].a = b._sweep.A; _velocities[i].v = b._linearVelocity; _velocities[i].w = b._angularVelocity; } _contactSolver.Reset(subStep, ContactCount, _contacts, _positions, _velocities, warmstarting); // Solve position constraints. for (int i = 0; i < Settings.TOIPositionIterations; ++i) { bool contactsOkay = _contactSolver.SolveTOIPositionConstraints(toiIndexA, toiIndexB); if (contactsOkay) { break; } } // Leap of faith to new safe state. Bodies[toiIndexA]._sweep.C0 = _positions[toiIndexA].c; Bodies[toiIndexA]._sweep.A0 = _positions[toiIndexA].a; Bodies[toiIndexB]._sweep.C0 = _positions[toiIndexB].c; Bodies[toiIndexB]._sweep.A0 = _positions[toiIndexB].a; // No warm starting is needed for TOI events because warm // starting impulses were applied in the discrete solver. _contactSolver.InitializeVelocityConstraints(); // Solve velocity constraints. for (int i = 0; i < Settings.TOIVelocityIterations; ++i) { _contactSolver.SolveVelocityConstraints(); } // Don't store the TOI contact forces for warm starting // because they can be quite large. float h = subStep.dt; // Integrate positions. for (int i = 0; i < BodyCount; ++i) { Vector2 c = _positions[i].c; float a = _positions[i].a; Vector2 v = _velocities[i].v; float w = _velocities[i].w; // Check for large velocities Vector2 translation = h * v; if (Vector2.Dot(translation, translation) > Settings.MaxTranslationSquared) { float ratio = Settings.MaxTranslation / translation.Length(); v *= ratio; } float rotation = h * w; if (rotation * rotation > Settings.MaxRotationSquared) { float ratio = Settings.MaxRotation / Math.Abs(rotation); w *= ratio; } // Integrate c += h * v; a += h * w; _positions[i].c = c; _positions[i].a = a; _velocities[i].v = v; _velocities[i].w = w; // Sync bodies Body body = Bodies[i]; body._sweep.C = c; body._sweep.A = a; body._linearVelocity = v; body._angularVelocity = w; body.SynchronizeTransform(); } Report(_contactSolver._velocityConstraints); }