예제 #1
        private void Generate(int width, int height)
            int numPoints = width * height;

            if (Algorithms.IsNumberOdd(numPoints))
                numPoints += 1;

            line = new VectorLine("Tile Map Grid", new Vector3[numPoints], null, GridWidth);

            int index = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < width + 1; x++)
                line.points3[index++] = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                line.points3[index++] = new Vector3(x, height, 0.0f);
            for (int y = 0; y < height + 1; y++)
                line.points3[index++] = new Vector3(0.0f, y, 0.0f);
                line.points3[index++] = new Vector3(width, y, 0.0f);

            VectorLine.canvas3D.pixelPerfect = true;
            VectorLine.canvas3D.sortingLayerName = "Pathfinding";
            VectorLine.canvas3D.sortingOrder = 1;

            line.SetColor(new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, GridOpacity));
예제 #2
        void Start()
            pathfindingLine = new VectorLine("Pathfinding Line", new Vector3[0], null, 3.0f, LineType.Continuous);

            VectorLine.canvas3D.pixelPerfect = true;
            VectorLine.canvas3D.sortingLayerName = "Pathfinding";
            VectorLine.canvas3D.sortingOrder = 2;
예제 #3
		private void Init (CelestialBody body, float mass, float diameter, Vector3 barycenter)
			Body = body;
			Mass = mass;
			EquatorialDiameter = diameter;
			Barycenter = barycenter;
			CalculateBaseProperties ();
			CalculateOrbitProperties ();		
			debugLine = new VectorLine ("Debug_Orbit_" + Body.Name, new Vector3[90], null, 1.0f);
예제 #4
        protected override void Initialize() {
            _line.MakeCube(Vector3.zero, Size.x, Size.y, Size.z);
            List<Vector3> centerPoint = new List<Vector3>() { Vector3.zero };

            _centerPoint = new VectorLine("CenterPoint", centerPoint, texture, 2F, LineType.Points);
            _centerPoint.color = Color.ToUnityColor();    // color removed from constructor in Vectrosity 4.0

            _centerPoint.drawTransform = _target; // _line.Draw3D(_target);  removed by Vectrosity 3.0
            _centerPoint.active = false;
예제 #5
		public Fleet (List<ActorShip> Ships = null, ActorShip FlagShip =null, Colony HomeColony =null)
			name = "Fleet " + (Finder.fleetDatabase.Count + 1);
			ships = new List<ActorShip> ();
			AddMultipleShips (Ships);
			SetDefaultFlagShip ();
			homeColony = HomeColony;
			Interval = 5;
			selectedLine = new VectorLine ("Selected_" + name, new Vector3[8], null, 3.0f);
			selectedLine.color = Color.magenta;
			Finder.fleetDatabase.Add (this);
        public void CreateLine()
            // set line
            string name = "line";
            Color color = Color.red;
            Material material = null;
            //            Texture texture =
            //            material.shader = Shader.Find("Diffuse");
            //            material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture);

            float width = 5.0f;
            if (line == null)
                line = new VectorLine(name, pointsOfLine, color, material, width);
예제 #7
		public override Entity Init (string defID)
			base.Init (defID);
			AddBrain ();
			Interval = brain.Interval;
			AddAnatomy ();
			SetLateAttributes ();
			constructionPointsRequired += anatomy.GetConstructionCost ();
			worker = new Worker (this);
			Finder.actorDatabase.Add (this);
			displayDepth = 10;
			targetPosLine = new VectorLine ("TargetPos_" + this.Name, new Vector3[2], null, 1.0f);
			targetPosLine.color = Color.red;
			return this;
예제 #8
 public void Show(bool toShow) {
     if (!toShow && _line == null) {
     if (_line == null) {
         _line = new VectorLine(LineName, new Vector3[24], Color.ToUnityColor(), null, LineWidth, LineType.Discrete);
         if (Parent != null) { OnParentChanged(); }
         VectorManager.useDraw3D = true;
         _line.MakeCube(Vector3.zero, Size.x, Size.y, Size.z);
         VectorManager.ObjectSetup(_target.gameObject, _line, _visibility, Brightness.None, makeBounds: false);
         // NOTE: Using makeBounds: false means this CubeWireframe object does not automatically gain a renderer and invisible mesh. This renderer 
         // and mesh enables OnBecameVisible/Invisible which overrides the line.active on/off commands I use to show/not show the line. There is another
         // alternative to retain control: destroy this SectorWireframe gameobject each time I turn the line off (and then rebuild it of course). Destroying 
         // the VectorLine itself when using VectorManager.ObjectSetup will result in an error.
     _line.active = toShow;
     D.Log("{0} line.active = {1}.", this.GetType().Name, toShow);
예제 #9

		public PlanetarySystem (Coord position=null)
			if (GameManager.currentGame.currentSystem == null) {
				GameManager.currentGame.currentSystem = this;
			GameManager.currentGame.planetarySystems.Add (this);
			entities = new List<Entity> ();
			name = "system" + UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, 100);
			debugLine = new VectorLine ("Debug_" + name, new List<Vector3> (), null, 2.0f, LineType.Discrete, Joins.None);
			if (position == null) {
				RandomizeSystemCoord ();
			} else {
				coord = position;
			GenerateSystem ();
			Interval = 30;
			isVisible = false;
			SetVisiblity (false);
예제 #10
        public void Show(bool toShow) {
            if (!toShow && _line == null) {
            if (_line == null) {
                _line = new VectorLine(LineName, new List<Vector3>(_points), null, LineWidth);
                _line.color = Color.ToUnityColor(); // color removed from constructor by Vectrosity 4.0

                VectorManager.useDraw3D = true;
                VectorManager.ObjectSetup(_target.gameObject, _line, _visibility, Brightness.Fog);
                VectorManager.SetBrightnessParameters(5000F, 250F, 32, .2F, GameColor.Clear.ToUnityColor());
                // NOTE: Using makeBounds: false means this CubeWireframe object does not automatically gain a renderer and invisible mesh. This renderer 
                // and mesh enables OnBecameVisible/Invisible which overrides the line.active on/off commands I use to show/not show the line. There is another
                // alternative to retain control: destroy this SectorWireframe gameobject each time I turn the line off (and then rebuild it of course). Destroying 
                // the VectorLine itself when using VectorManager.ObjectSetup will result in an error.
            _line.active = toShow;
            D.Log("{0} line.active = {1}.", this.GetType().Name, toShow);
예제 #11
 public static void CheckDistanceSetup(Transform thisTransform, VectorLine line, Color color, RefInt objectNum)
     if (vectorLines3 == null)
         vectorLines3   = new List <VectorLine>();
         transforms3    = new List <Transform>();
         oldDistances   = new List <int>();
         colors         = new List <Color>();
         objectNumbers3 = new List <RefInt>();
     objectNum.i = _arrayCount3++;
예제 #12
        public void AddLine(VectorLine vectorLine, Transform thisTransform, float time)
            if (time > 0.0f)            // Needs to be before the line check, to accommodate re-added lines
                StartCoroutine(DisableLine(vectorLine, time, false));
            for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++)
                if (vectorLine == lines[i])

            if (++lineCount == 1)
                enabled = true;
        public void Setup(VectorLine line, bool makeBounds)
            if (makeBounds)
                VectorManager.SetupBoundsMesh(gameObject, line);
            // Adjust points to this position, so the line doesn't have to be updated with the transform of this object
            // Also make sure the points are unique by creating a new list and copying the points over
            m_originalMatrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            var thisPoints = new List <Vector3>(line.points3);

            for (int i = 0; i < thisPoints.Count; i++)
                thisPoints[i] = m_originalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(thisPoints[i]);
            line.points3 = thisPoints;
            m_vectorLine = line;

            VectorManager.VisibilityStaticSetup(line, out m_objectNumber);
예제 #14
 public void DisableLine(VectorLine vectorLine, float time)
     StartCoroutine(DisableLine(vectorLine, time, false));
예제 #15
    void PolyDataToMesh()
        // mesh.MarkDynamic();

        Kitware.VTK.vtkPolyData pd = triangleFilter.GetOutput();

        // Points / Vertices
        int numVertices = pd.GetNumberOfPoints();

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[numVertices];
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
            double[] pnt = pd.GetPoint(i);
            // Flip z-up to y-up
            vertices[i] = new Vector3(-(float)pnt[0], (float)pnt[2], (float)pnt[1]);
        mesh.vertices = vertices;

        // Triangles / Cells
        int numTriangles = pd.GetNumberOfPolys();

        int[] triangles = new int[numTriangles * 3];
        Kitware.VTK.vtkCellArray polys = pd.GetPolys();
        if (polys.GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
            int prim = 0;
            Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList pts = Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList.New();
            while (polys.GetNextCell(pts) != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < pts.GetNumberOfIds(); ++i)
                    triangles[prim * 3 + i] = pts.GetId(i);

        mesh.triangles = triangles;

        // Lines
        Kitware.VTK.vtkCellArray lines = pd.GetLines();
        if (lines.GetNumberOfCells() > 0)
            Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList pts = Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList.New();
            int prim = 0;
            while (lines.GetNextCell(pts) != 0)
                Color lineColor = solidColor;
                if (colorArray != null)
                    if (colorDataType == VtkColorType.CELL_DATA)
                        lineColor = GetColorAtIndex(prim);
                    else if (colorDataType == VtkColorType.POINT_DATA)
                        lineColor = GetColorAtIndex(pts.GetId(0));

                Vector3[] linePoints = new Vector3[2];
                linePoints[0] = vertices[pts.GetId(0)];
                linePoints[1] = vertices[pts.GetId(1)];
                Vectrosity.VectorLine line = new Vectrosity.VectorLine(name + "-Line", linePoints, lineColor, null, 1.0f);

        // Points
        Kitware.VTK.vtkCellArray points = pd.GetVerts();
        int numPointCells = points.GetNumberOfCells();

        if (numPointCells > 0)
            ArrayList             list      = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList             colorList = new ArrayList();
            Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList pts       = Kitware.VTK.vtkIdList.New();
            while (points.GetNextCell(pts) != 0)
                ArrayList pointsList = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList colorsList = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < pts.GetNumberOfIds(); ++i)
                    Color pointColor = solidColor;
                    if (colorArray != null && colorDataType == VtkColorType.POINT_DATA)
                        pointColor = GetColorAtIndex(pts.GetId(i));
            Vectrosity.VectorPoints pnt =
                new Vectrosity.VectorPoints(name + "-Point " + list.Count,
                                            list.ToArray(typeof(Vector3)) as Vector3[],
                                            colorList.ToArray(typeof(Color)) as Color[], null, 1f);

        // Texture coordinates
        Vector2[] uvs;
        int       numCoords = 0;

        Kitware.VTK.vtkDataArray vtkTexCoords = pd.GetPointData().GetTCoords();
        if (vtkTexCoords != null)
            numCoords = vtkTexCoords.GetNumberOfTuples();
            uvs       = new Vector2[numCoords];
            for (int i = 0; i < numCoords; ++i)
                double[] texCoords = vtkTexCoords.GetTuple2(i);
                uvs[i] = new Vector2((float)texCoords[0], (float)texCoords[1]);
            mesh.uv = uvs;

        // Vertex colors
        if (numTriangles > 0 && colorArray != null)
            Color32[] colors = new Color32[numVertices];

            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
                colors[i] = GetColor32AtIndex(i);

            mesh.colors32 = colors;

        //Debug.Log("Number of point data arrays: " + pd.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays());
        //Debug.Log("  - " + pd.GetPointData().GetArrayName(0));
        //Debug.Log("Number of cell data arrays: " + pd.GetCellData().GetNumberOfArrays());
        //Debug.Log("  - " + pd.GetCellData().GetArrayName(0));
        //Debug.Log(name + " - Vertices: " + numPoints + ", triangle: " + numTriangles + ", UVs: " + numCoords);

예제 #16
파일: Brain.cs 프로젝트: threeup/threefish
        void Awake()
            int dirCount = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Direction)).Length;
            for(int i=0; i<dirCount; ++i)
                choice.Add(new DirectionalData());

            worstLine = new VectorLine ("BrainAvoid", new Vector3[6], lineMaterial, 2f);
            worstLine.color = Color.red;
            bestLine = new VectorLine ("BrainTarget", new Vector3[6], lineMaterial, 2f);
            bestLine.color = Color.green;
            badSpiderLine = new VectorLine ("BadSpider", new Vector3[32], lineMaterial, 2f);
            badSpiderLine.color = Color.red;
            goodSpiderLine = new VectorLine ("GoodSpider", new Vector3[32], lineMaterial, 2f);
            goodSpiderLine.color = Color.blue;
예제 #17
	public static VectorLine SetLine (Color color, float time, params Vector3[] points) {
		if (points.Length < 2) {
			Debug.LogError ("VectorLine.SetLine needs at least two points");
			return null;
		var line = new VectorLine("SetLine", points, null, 1.0f, LineType.Continuous, Joins.None);
		line.color = color;
		if (time > 0.0f) {
			lineManager.DisableLine(line, time);
		return line;
예제 #18
파일: Map.cs 프로젝트: kidsang/ProjectJ
        public void ToggleShowPath(int index, bool show, bool update = true)
            GameObject pathObjectRoot = PathObjectRoots[index];
            if (pathObjectRoot && (!show || update))
                PathObjectRoots[index] = null;
                pathObjectRoot = null;

            if (show && pathObjectRoot == null)
                Color color = PathColors[index];
                MapPath path = Paths[index];

                pathObjectRoot = new GameObject("PathObjectRoot");
                pathObjectRoot.transform.SetParent(PathRoot.transform, false);
                PathObjectRoots[index] = pathObjectRoot;

                GameObject obj = Loader.LoadPrefab("Map/StartMark").Instantiate();
                obj.transform.SetParent(pathObjectRoot.transform, false);
                obj.transform.position = path.StartPosition;
                obj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = color;

                obj = Loader.LoadPrefab("Map/EndMark").Instantiate();
                obj.transform.SetParent(pathObjectRoot.transform, false);
                obj.transform.position = path.EndPosition;
                obj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = color;

                int count = path.WaypointCount;
                for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i)
                    List<Vector3> positions = path.FindPathPosition(i);
                    if (positions.Count >= 2)
                        VectorLine line = new VectorLine("PathLine", positions, null, 2, LineType.Continuous);
                        line.color = color;
                        obj = new GameObject("PathLine");
                        obj.transform.SetParent(pathObjectRoot.transform, false);
                        VectorManager.useDraw3D = true;
                        VectorManager.ObjectSetup(obj, line, Visibility.Dynamic, Brightness.None);

                    if (i < count - 1)
                        obj = Loader.LoadPrefab("Map/StartMark").Instantiate();
                        obj.transform.SetParent(pathObjectRoot.transform, false);
                        obj.transform.position = path.GetPosition(i);
                        obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                        obj.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = color;
예제 #19
 public static void ObjectSetup(GameObject go, VectorLine line, Visibility visibility, Brightness brightness)
     ObjectSetup(go, line, visibility, brightness, true);
예제 #20
        private void InitializeLine() {
            int pointsCount = MaxCircles * _segmentsPerCircle * 2;   // 2 points per segment for a discrete line
            _line = new VectorLine(LineName, new List<Vector2>(pointsCount), texture, 1F, LineType.Discrete);
            _line.active = false;

            _circlesToShow = new bool[MaxCircles];
예제 #21
 void Start()
     line = new VectorLine("PathLine", new Vector3[numPoints], null, 2, LineType.Continuous);
     line.SetColor(new Color(1, 0, 0));
     VectorManager.useDraw3D = true;
     VectorManager.ObjectSetup(gameObject, line, Visibility.Dynamic, Brightness.None);
예제 #22
		public static void Init ()
			mainCam = Camera.main;
			selectLine = new VectorLine ("SelectBox", new Vector3[8], null, 1.0f);
예제 #23
        public static void ObjectSetup(GameObject go, VectorLine line, Visibility visibility, Brightness brightness, bool makeBounds)
            var vc  = go.GetComponent(typeof(VisibilityControl)) as VisibilityControl;
            var vcs = go.GetComponent(typeof(VisibilityControlStatic)) as VisibilityControlStatic;
            var vca = go.GetComponent(typeof(VisibilityControlAlways)) as VisibilityControlAlways;
            var bc  = go.GetComponent(typeof(BrightnessControl)) as BrightnessControl;

            if (visibility == Visibility.None)
                if (vc)
                if (vcs)
                if (vca)
            if (visibility == Visibility.Dynamic)
                if (vc == null)
                    vc = go.AddComponent(typeof(VisibilityControl)) as VisibilityControl;
                    vc.Setup(line, makeBounds);
                    if (bc != null)
            else if (visibility == Visibility.Static)
                if (vcs == null)
                    vcs = go.AddComponent(typeof(VisibilityControlStatic)) as VisibilityControlStatic;
                    vcs.Setup(line, makeBounds);
                    if (bc != null)
            else if (visibility == Visibility.Always)
                if (vca == null)
                    vca = go.AddComponent(typeof(VisibilityControlAlways)) as VisibilityControlAlways;
                    if (bc != null)
            if (brightness == Brightness.Fog)
                if (bc == null)
                    bc = go.AddComponent(typeof(BrightnessControl)) as BrightnessControl;
                    if (vc == null && vcs == null && vca == null)
                        bc.Setup(line, true);
                        bc.Setup(line, false);
                if (bc)
예제 #24
 public void Setup(VectorLine line)
     VectorManager.VisibilitySetup(transform, line, out m_objectNumber);
     m_vectorLine = line;
예제 #25
	public static VectorLine MakeLine (string name, Vector2[] points) {
		if (!defaultsSet) {
			return null;
		var line = new VectorLine(name, points, defaultLineColor, defaultLineMaterial, defaultLineWidth, defaultLineType, defaultJoins);
		line.capLength = defaultCapLength;
		line.depth = defaultLineDepth;
		return line;
예제 #26
	public static VectorLine SetRay (Color color, float time, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction) {
		var line = new VectorLine("SetRay", new Vector3[] {origin, new Ray(origin, direction).GetPoint (direction.magnitude)}, null, 1.0f, LineType.Continuous, Joins.None);
		line.color = color;
		if (time > 0.0f) {
			lineManager.DisableLine(line, time);
		return line;
예제 #27
        public static void GetAsterismLines(ref StarData[] starData)
            for(int i=0; i<AsterismParser.AsterismData.Length; i++) {
            Asterism asterism = AsterismParser.AsterismData[i];
            Vector3[] positionArray = new Vector3[asterism.HD_ids.Length];
            for(int j=0; j<asterism.HD_ids.Length;j++) {
              uint hdid = asterism.HD_ids[j];
              if(StarParser.HD_idToIndex != null && StarParser.HD_idToIndex.ContainsKey(hdid)) {
            StarData star = starData[StarParser.HD_idToIndex[hdid]];
            GameObject starObj = star.GameObjectRepresentation;
            if ( starObj != null ) {
              positionArray[j] = starObj.transform.position;
            else {
              Debug.LogError("Ummm...this star is missing a game object. Skipping the asterism: " + asterism.name);
              else {
            Debug.LogError("Ummm...this star is missing. Skipping the asterism: " + asterism.name);

            if ( asterism.lineArt == null ) {
              if ( m_lineMat == null ) {
            m_lineMat = Resources.Load("Lines/LineMat") as Material;

              VectorLine asterismLines = new VectorLine(asterism.name + "_line", positionArray, m_lineMat, 1.0f, LineType.Discrete);
              asterism.lineArt = asterismLines;
            else {
              asterism.lineArt.points3 = positionArray;
            AsterismParser.AsterismData[i] = asterism;

예제 #28
	public static void Destroy (ref VectorLine line) {
		DestroyLine (ref line);
예제 #29
	public static VectorLine SetLine3D (Color color, float time, params Vector3[] points) {
		if (points.Length < 2) {
			Debug.LogError ("VectorLine.SetLine3D needs at least two points");
			return null;
		var line = new VectorLine("SetLine3D", points, null, 1.0f, LineType.Continuous, Joins.None);
		line.color = color;
		line.Draw3DAuto (time);
		return line;
예제 #30
	private static void DestroyLine (ref VectorLine line) {
		if (line != null) {
			Object.Destroy (line.m_vectorObject);
			if (line.isAutoDrawing) {
			line = null;
예제 #31
	public static VectorLine SetRay3D (Color color, float time, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction) {
		var line = new VectorLine("SetRay3D", new Vector3[] {origin, new Ray(origin, direction).GetPoint (direction.magnitude)}, null, 1.0f, LineType.Continuous, Joins.None);
		line.color = color;
		line.Draw3DAuto (time);
		return line;
예제 #32
 protected override void Initialize() {
     _line = new VectorLine(LineName, _points, Color.ToUnityColor(), material, LineWidth);
     if (Parent != null) { OnParentChanged(); }
예제 #33
	public static void Destroy (VectorLine[] lines) {
		for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
			DestroyLine (ref lines[i]);
예제 #34
 public void SetVectorLine(VectorLine vectorLine, Texture tex, Material mat)
     this.vectorLine = vectorLine;
예제 #35
	public static void Destroy (ref VectorLine line, GameObject go) {
		Destroy (ref line);
		if (go != null) {
			Object.Destroy (go);
예제 #36
        protected virtual void Initialize() {

             * GOTCHA! The new VectorLine 5.0 constructor relies on the capacity of the list when Points.Count is 0. 
             * If Points.Count is 0, new List(Points) creates an empty list with ZERO capacity, it DOES NOT copy the capacity of the Points list!

            var points = new List<Vector3>(Points.Capacity);
            //D.Log("List being used for Line creation: Capacity = {0}, Count = {1}.", points.Capacity, points.Count);
            _line = new VectorLine(LineName, points, texture, LineWidth, _lineType);
            _line.color = Color.ToUnityColor(); // color removed from constructor in Vectrosity 4.0
            _line.layer = (int)Layers.TransparentFX;    // make the line visible to the mainCamera. line.layer added in Vectrosity 5.0

            if (_target != null) { _line.drawTransform = _target; } // added as Vectrosity 3.0 removed Draw3D(Transform)
            _line.active = false;
            //RelocateLineManager();    // see Relocate LineManager Archive