예제 #1
		// Computes the angle to rotate the game object based on the change in the transform
		private void ComputeAngle( Hand hand )
			Vector3 toHandProjected = ComputeToTransformProjected( hand.hoverSphereTransform );

			if ( !toHandProjected.Equals( lastHandProjected ) )
				float absAngleDelta = Vector3.Angle( lastHandProjected, toHandProjected );

				if ( absAngleDelta > 0.0f )
					if ( frozen )
						float frozenSqDist = ( hand.hoverSphereTransform.position - frozenHandWorldPos ).sqrMagnitude;
						if ( frozenSqDist > frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x )
							outAngle = frozenAngle + Random.Range( -1.0f, 1.0f );

							float magnitude = Util.RemapNumberClamped( frozenSqDist, frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.x, frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y, 0.0f, 1.0f );
							if ( magnitude > 0 )
								StartCoroutine( HapticPulses( hand.controller, magnitude, 10 ) );
								StartCoroutine( HapticPulses( hand.controller, 0.5f, 10 ) );

							if ( frozenSqDist >= frozenSqDistanceMinMaxThreshold.y )
						Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross( lastHandProjected, toHandProjected ).normalized;
						float dot = Vector3.Dot( worldPlaneNormal, cross );

						float signedAngleDelta = absAngleDelta;

						if ( dot < 0.0f )
							signedAngleDelta = -signedAngleDelta;

						if ( limited )
							float angleTmp = Mathf.Clamp( outAngle + signedAngleDelta, minAngle, maxAngle );

							if ( outAngle == minAngle )
								if ( angleTmp > minAngle && absAngleDelta < minMaxAngularThreshold )
									outAngle = angleTmp;
									lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;
							else if ( outAngle == maxAngle )
								if ( angleTmp < maxAngle && absAngleDelta < minMaxAngularThreshold )
									outAngle = angleTmp;
									lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;
							else if ( angleTmp == minAngle )
								outAngle = angleTmp;
								lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;
								if ( freezeOnMin )
									Freeze( hand );
							else if ( angleTmp == maxAngle )
								outAngle = angleTmp;
								lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;
								if ( freezeOnMax )
									Freeze( hand );
								outAngle = angleTmp;
								lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;
							outAngle += signedAngleDelta;
							lastHandProjected = toHandProjected;