void Awake() { spheres = new List <GameObject>(); wSlice = 0f; all4Dcoords = new List <Vector4>(); CalculateCoordinates(); //locatons = new List<Vector3> { Vector3.one, Vector3.one * 2f, Vector3.one * 3f }; if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } triggeredL = false; triggeredR = false; //id mat used in rotation formula between vectors identityMatrix = createIdentityMatrix(numberOfDimensions); //float[,] test1 = new float[4, 2] { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; ////float[,] test1 = new float[2, 4] { { 1, 0, 0,0 }, { 0, 1, 0,0 }}; //float[,] output = Aguilera_Perez(test1, PI / 4); //Debug.Log("size" + output.GetLength(0) + " "+ output.GetLength(1)); //Debug.Log("output from Aguilera-Perez = " + output[0,0]+" "+ output[0, 1]+" " + output[0, 2]+" " + output[0, 3]); //Debug.Log("output from Aguilera-Perez = " + output[1, 0] + " " + output[1, 1] + " " + output[1, 2] + " " + output[1, 3]); //Debug.Log("output from Aguilera-Perez = " + output[2, 0] + " " + output[2, 1] + " " + output[2, 2] + " " + output[2, 3]); //Debug.Log("output from Aguilera-Perez = " + output[3, 0] + " " + output[3, 1] + " " + output[3, 2] + " " + output[3, 3]); }
//------------------------------------------------- void Awake() { if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
//------------------------------------------------- void Start() { initialPosition = transform.localPosition; if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
void Start() { state = playerObject.GetComponent <GameState>(); driveMapping = linearMapping.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); turnMapping = turnLinearMapping.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); lightMapping = lightSpeedMapping.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); body = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); speedOfLightTarget = (int)state.SpeedOfLight; }
void UpdateLightSpeedControl() { if (lightMapping != null) { speedOfLightTarget = (int)(state.totalC * (1.0f - lightMapping.value)); } else { lightMapping = lightSpeedMapping.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); } }
void UpdateForwardDrive() { if (driveMapping != null) { targetSpeed = driveMapping.value * (float)state.maxPlayerSpeed; } else { driveMapping = linearMapping.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); } }
//------------------------------------------------- private void Awake() { if (skinnedMesh == null) { skinnedMesh = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
// Token: 0x060020BD RID: 8381 RVA: 0x000A18F8 File Offset: 0x0009FAF8 private void Awake() { if (this.animator == null) { this.animator = base.GetComponent<Animator>(); } this.animator.speed = 0f; if (this.linearMapping == null) { this.linearMapping = base.GetComponent<LinearMapping>(); } }
//------------------------------------------------- private void Awake() { if (audioSource == null) { audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
//------------------------------------------------- private void Start() { if (childCollider == null) { childCollider = GetComponentInChildren <Collider>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent <LinearMapping>(); } worldPlaneNormal = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); worldPlaneNormal[(int)axisOfRotation] = 1.0f; localPlaneNormal = worldPlaneNormal; if (transform.parent) { worldPlaneNormal = transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(worldPlaneNormal).normalized; } if (limited) { start = Quaternion.identity; outAngle = transform.localEulerAngles[(int)axisOfRotation]; if (forceStart) { outAngle = Mathf.Clamp(startAngle, minAngle, maxAngle); } } else { start = Quaternion.AngleAxis(transform.localEulerAngles[(int)axisOfRotation], localPlaneNormal); outAngle = 0.0f; } if (debugText) { debugText.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; debugText.anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } UpdateAll(); }
void Awake() { spheres = new List <GameObject>(); wSlice = 0f; all4Dcoords = new List <Vector4>(); CalculateCoordinates(); //locatons = new List<Vector3> { Vector3.one, Vector3.one * 2f, Vector3.one * 3f }; if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
//------------------------------------------------- void Awake() { if (animator == null) { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); } animator.speed = 0.0f; if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } }
protected virtual void Start() { if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent <LinearMapping>(); } initialMappingOffset = linearMapping.value; // Update drive on startup to reflect initial mapping value. RepositionGameObject(); }
//------------------------------------------------- void Start() { if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (repositionGameObject) { UpdateLinearMapping(transform); } }
protected virtual void Start() { if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent <LinearMapping>(); } initialMappingOffset = linearMapping.value; if (repositionGameObject) { UpdateLinearMapping(transform); } }
void Awake() { spheres = new List <GameObject>(); //wSlice = 0f; all4Dcoords = new List <Vector4>(); CalculateCoordinates(); //locatons = new List<Vector3> { Vector3.one, Vector3.one * 2f, Vector3.one * 3f }; if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } //id mat used in rotation formula between vectors identityMatrix = createIdentityMatrix(numberOfDimensions); slicesOfD = new float[numberOfDSlices]; closestD = -2; // = d; dIncrememt = (furthestD - closestD) / numberOfDSlices; }
//------------------------------------------------- private void Awake() { if (animation == null) { animation = GetComponent <Animation>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } //We're assuming the animation has a single clip, and that's the one we're //going to scrub with the linear mapping. animation.playAutomatically = true; animState = animation[animation.clip.name]; //If the anim state's (i.e. clip's) wrap mode is Once (the default) or ClampForever, //Unity will automatically stop playing the anim, regardless of subsequent changes //to animState.time. Thus, we set the wrap mode to PingPong. animState.wrapMode = WrapMode.PingPong; animState.speed = 0; animLength = animState.length; }
//------------------------------------------------- void Start() { if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = GetComponent <LinearMapping>(); } if (linearMapping == null) { linearMapping = gameObject.AddComponent <LinearMapping>(); } initialMappingOffset = linearMapping.value; if (repositionGameObject) { UpdateLinearMapping(transform); } if (startPosition != null) { transform.localPosition = startPosition.localPosition; } }
void Awake() { lm = this.GetComponent <LinearMapping> (); sb = this.GetComponentInParent <Scrollbar> (); }